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发布时间:2017-02-08  编辑:查字典英语网小编






  1.When did Tom set the world record?

  A.1982 B.1985 C.1999

  2.Why can’t the man give the woman a hand ?

  A.He is preparing for the get-together.

  B.He is too busy to help her .

  C.He doesn’t know how to help her .

  3.What does the man believe ?

  A.He lost his case . B.Somebody took his case . C.His table was stolen.

  4.Where are the two speakers ?

  A.They are at a hospital.

  B.They are in the classroom.

  C.They are in an office .

  5.What is the woman going to do ?

  A.Take the man’s photo. B.See the man smile . C.Take out the film.




  6.How many nights will the man stay in the hotel ?


  B.Two C.Three

  7.How much do you think the man will pay when he checks out ?

  A.30 dollars. B.13 dollars. C.90 dollars.

  8.Who will show him to the room ?

  A.Mr Bell. B.A waitress. C.A boy servant .


  9.Who loves watching the football programme?

  A.The husband. B.The wife. C.The children .

  10.What is the topic of the dialogue ?

  A.A football match .

  B.TV programmes.

  C.Something about wife and children .

  11.When do the children watch TV ?

  A.On the morning of Saturday.

  B.On the evening of Saturday .

  C.In the evening every day.


  12.What is the woman doing ?

  A.She is learning spoken English .

  B.She is looking for a bank.

  C.She is teaching spoken English .

  13.Where does the conversation take place ?

  A.At the university. B.In the street . C.In front of a bank .

  14.Which of the following is most likely to be true ?

  A.The woman is a foreign teacher .

  B.The man is Englishman .

  C.The woman is on holiday in a foreign country .


  15.Where is the man working now ?

  A.He is working as an engineer in Maryland .

  B.He is teaching in Harvard University .

  C.He is working in the National Motors Factory .

  16.Who is Helen ?

  A.The man’s friend who works in a car factory .

  B.The man’s wife who works in a factory .

  C.The man’s assistant who works for him .

  17.Where did the man grow up ?

  A.In Maryland . B.In New York. C.In Harvard University .


  18.Why did Mrs Smith buy a lot of Christmas cards ?

  A.To send to her friends .

  B.To send to her and her husband’s relatives.

  C.To send to her and her husband’s friends.

  19.What were in the box Mr Smith brought out ?

  A.Some stamps and a book of address.

  B.Many Christmas cards with addresses and stamps on them .

  C.Many letters he forgot to post .

  20.How do you infer Mrs Smith felt when she knew her husband forgot to post last year’s Christmas cards ?

  A.Very surprised. B.Very angry. C.Very disappointed.




  21.—Would you please show me how to use this software ?

  —Sorry ,I’m busy right now .Just

  and practise.

  A.keep up B.come along C.give in D.go ahead

  22.Although he has taken a lot of medicine ,his health


  A.proves B.remains C.keeps D.continues

  23.—Jack has fallen into the habit of smoking .

  —His wife tried to


  ,but he didn’t listen to her .

  A.advise ;give it up

  B.advise ;to give it up

  C.persuade ;to give it up

  D.persuade ;to give up it

  24.—Can you tell me how many students will go to colleges ?

  —Oh ,the chane is

  about go graduates

  one hundred will go to colleges or universities.

  A.is;of B.whether;in C.that ;in D.不填;of

  25.—Would you mind passing me the pen ?



  A.Of course not

  B.No ,do it ,please

  C.Never mind

  D.Yes ,I don’t mind

  26.The number of smokers has fallen

  30% this year ,

  with last year .

  A.by ;comparing

  B.at ;compared

  C.by ;compared

  D.at ;comparing

  27.Let Harry play with your toys as well ,clare you must learn to


  A.support B.care C.spare D.share

  28.The new car is smaller and

  cheaper .

  A.therefore B.so C.however D.thus

  29.About 85% of the smokers

  men .Over 25% of their income

  spent in smoking .

  A.are ;are B.is;is C.are ;is D.is ;are


  fashion differs from country to country may refect the cultural differences from one aspect .


  B.That C.This D.Which

  31.Fred is second to none in maths in our class ,but believe it or not ,he

  passed the last exam.


  B.hardly C.actually D.successfully

  32.Many people are still in

  habit of writing silly things in

  public places .

  A.the;the B.不填;不填 C.the;不填 D.不填;the

  33.The project

  close attention and careful thought .

  A.calls at B.calls in C.calls off D.calls for


  is the population of Canada ? It has

  population of about 29 million .

  A.How much ;a B.what ;a C.How many ;the D.Which ;the

  35.Every possible means

  .However ,nothing can

  him from dying of lung cancer .

  A.has tried ;stop

  B.have been tried ;keep

  C.has been tried ;prevent

  D.have been tried ;stop



  After her husband has gone to work ,Mrs Richards sent her children to school and went upstairs to her bedroom .She was too


  to do any housework that morning , 37

  in the evening

  she would be going to an interesting fancy dress party (化妆舞会)with her husband .What she wanted to play was a terrible genie(妖怪)and as she


  that special dress of hers the night before ,she was


  to try it on . 40

  the dress was nothing but a big piece of old cloth which was red ,green ,black and white ,it would be very effective(有效)to make her look like a real


  .After putting it on Mrs Richards went


  happily .She wanted to find out


  it would be comfortable(舒适)to



  Just as Mrs Richards was entering the dining-room there was a


  at the door .She thought that it


  be the baker(面包师) .She had told him to come straight in if she


  to open the door and leave the bread on the kitchen table .Now not wanting to


  the poor man ,Mrs Richards quickly hid in the small storeroom under the


  .She heard the front door open and a man enter .When Mrs Richards realized that it was the man from the electricity board (供电局) who had come to


  the meter(电表),she stepped out of the hiding-place in a


  and tried to explain the matter ,saying with a smile ,“It’s only 52

  ! It is not


  for you to be


  !”But it was too late .The man let out a sharp


  and jumped back steps .Then he ran away ,shutting the door behind him with great force and noise .

  36.A.angry B.ready C.frightened D.excited

  37.A.for B.but C.as D.and

  38.A.had liked B.put on C.wore D.had made

  39.A.expected B.worried C.anxious D.nervous

  40.A.Though B.But C.And D.If

  41.A.baker B.genie C.man D.woman

  42.A.downstairs B.upstairs C.away D.home

  43.A.that B.how C.whether D.when

  44.A.feel B.look C.dance D.wear

  45.A.knock B.voice C.man D.baker

  46.A.may B.must C.wouldn’t D.couldn’t

  47.A.managed B.had C.tried D.failed

  48.A.see B.frighten C.help D.scold(责备)

  49.A.kitchen B.dining-room C.door D.stairs

  50.A.read B.watch C.see D.write

  51.A.way B.quick C.minute D.hurry

  52.A.me B.you C.a game D.a play

  53.A.good B.necessary C.late D.early

  54.A.off B.here C.afraid D.sorry

  55.A.cry B.laugh C.sound D.call




  In some parts of the United States ,farming is easy .But farming has always been difficult in the northeastern corner of the country ,which is called New England .

  New England has many trees and thin ,rocky soil .Anyone who has wanted to start a new farm has to work very hard .The first job has been cutting down trees .The next job has been digging the stumps(树桩)of the trees out of the soil.Then the farmer has had the difficult job of moving stones from his land .

  The work of removing stones never really ends ,because every winter more stones appear .They come up through the thin soil from the rocks below .Farmers have to keep moving stones from the fields .Even today ,farms which have been worked on for 2,000 years keep producing more stones .

  That is why stone walls are used instead of fences(围栏)around New England fields .The stone walls are not high ;a man can easily climb over them .But they keep the farmer’s cows from joining his neighbour’s cows .

  52.The passage compares(比较) farming


  A.in England and in New England B.in different parts of the U.S.

  C.in England and in the U.S. D.in different parts of England .

  53.In what order does a farmer in New England do the following things to start a new farm ?

  a.removing the stones from the soil

  b.building a stone wall round his fields

  c.digging out the tree stumps d.cutting down the trees

  A.a,b,d,c B.b,c,d,a C.d,b,c,a D.d,c,a,b

  54.What is the greatest difficulty New England farmers have in their farming ?

  A.The soil is hard as rock B.There are too many stones

  C.Plants hardly grow D.The soil is too poor

  55.New England farmers build stone walls around their fields


  A.to save the trouble of taking away the stones

  B.to keep their neighbours from entering

  C.because stone walls are stronger than fences

  D.because stone walls are easier to build

  No air means death .Although we can’t see it ,there is air around us. So air is everything and it gaves life to every living thing .Bad air makes people ill .We must have fresh air to keep us in good health.

  In the city there are a great many people and there are too many cars running on the roads .The gas which the cars spread out is full of poison .Every day we breathe it in again and again .This makes us feel sick .

  Besides so many cars ,there are many factories too .From the chimneys (烟囱)of these factories ,we get the smoke usually in black and grey colour .This kind of smoke ,when it mixes the air ,is dangerous to our health .It is because smoke contains many poisonous solids and gases .So in order to keep us healthy we have to go out to the countryside to breathe more fresh air .Or we can go up hills to get more fresh air .

  60.Which of the following best explains that no air means death?

  A.Air gives life to every living thing

  B.Air can’t be seen anywhere around us

  C.Bad air makes people sick

  D.Fresh air keeps people healthy

  61.According to the passage ,we know that


  A.going up hills is very good to our health

  B.smoke from chimneys is more serious than gas from cars

  C.we shouldn’t go out of doors as much as possible

  D.a great many people have to breathe air in again and again

  62.The best title for the passage is


  A.Fresh Air B.The Use of Air C.Breathing Air D.Bad Air


  For years ,many people would not believe that one thing smoke could attack so many parts of the body in so many ways .Study shows ,however ,that tobacco isn’t one single thing .At least 60% of it is gas —20 different kinds of gas .And one of these is the deadly carbon monoxide(CO)(一氧化碳)

  In factories ,the amount of this gas in the air is measured ,and it must be kept under fixed ,safe levels .But there is 640 times this safe amount in cigarette smoke .

  Oxygen is carried through your body by the red blood cells .But this poison gas ,CO,will get to the blood cells before the oxygen can .So ,if you smoke your blood carries five to ten times more of this deadly gas than is normal .To make up for this ,your body must make more red cells .

  The oxygen in your blood passes into your tissues(组织).But here again CO makes trouble .It keeps the oxygen from passing into your tissues as fast as it should .Because of this ,cigarette country is always about 8 000 feet above sea level .Someone who smokes and lives at sea level gets as little oxygen as a nonsmoker at an altitude (高度)of nearly two miles .

  This happens to everyone who smokes ,no matter how old or how young .Anyone who competes in sports can tell you that those who smoke run out of breath more quickly than those who do not .

  63.Which of the following statements is true according to the passage ?

  A.Many people used to believe that smoke could not attack many parts of the body in many ways.

  B.It’s known for years that smoke could attack many parts of the body in many ways .

  C.Many people would believe that smoke could attack one part of the body in a certain way .

  D.Smoke could attack many parts of the body in many ways but many people wouldn’t think so .

  64.The gas amount in cigarette smoke is


  A.640 times higher than the gas safe levels in factories .

  B.640 times lower than the gas safe levels in factories

  C.640 times as much as that in factories

  D.as dangerous as that in factories

  65.If you smoke,


  A.your blood carries more oxygen than is normal

  B.your blood carries much more carbon monxide than is normal

  C.you can have five to ten times of blood than usual

  D.your blood will be poisonous

  66.Those who smoke


  A.all live at sea level

  B.don’t live at an altitude of two miles

  C.breathe as much oxygen as non-smokers

  D.only get the same amount of oxygen at the sea level as non-smokers at an altitude of nearly 2 miles

  67.Smokers are


  A.easily hurt

  B.easily excited

  C.easily worn out



  American doctors say that mothers who smoke before their babies are born may slow the growth of their babies’ lungs .They say reduced lung growth could cause the babies to suffer breathing problems and lung disease later in life .Doctors in Boston ,Massachusetts studies 11 000 children .The mothers of some of the children smoked ;the other mothers smoked did not .Fdoctora found that the lungs of the children whose mothers were 8% .less developed than the lungs of the children whose mothers did not smoke ,and that the children whose mothers smoked developed 20% more cold and breathing diseases than other children later in life .

  Another recent study found that children had a greater chance of developing lung cancer if their mothers smoked .The study also showed that the danger of lung cancer increased only for sons and not for daughters ,and that the father’s smoking did not affect a child’s chance of developing lung cancer .

  68.Doctors in Boston studied 1100 children to


  A.make sure that these children were healthy

  B.find out whether their mother had smoked

  C.find why these children suffered breathing problem

  D.look into the effect mother’s smoking had on their children

  69.According to the text ,which of the following is true ?

  A.The lungs of the children whose mothers smoked were 8% less developed than those of other children

  B.Mothers who smoked did not reduce the growth of their children’s lungs .

  C.The children whose mothers hadn’t smoked developed 20% more cold and breathing diseases than other children .

  D.The lungs of the children whose mothers didn’t smoke were 8% less developed than others.

  70.Suppose John’s father was a heavy smoker ,so was Mary’s mother According to the

  passage ,


  A.John is more likely to develop lung cancer

  B.Mary is more likely to develop lung cancer

  C.Both John and Mary may have the same chance to develop lung cancer

  D.Neither John nor Mary may have the chance develop lung cancer

  71.The passage is to


  A.warn us of the danger of smoking before children

  B.warn people with breathing problems not to smoke

  C.warn us that mothers who smoke may affect their children’s health

  D.warn us that fathers who smoke may affect their children as mothers


  After a very successful beginning of three months ,Yan Xia decided to leave the high pay and her satisfactory boss behind for her dream-to travel around the country —alone and by bicycle .From Kunming to Beijing .“If I don’t do it right now ,I may lose the chance forever ,”I know what she meant .Most Chinese women get married and have babies in their mid20s .

  Yan has cycled through the western and northwestern half of China over the past five months .She told me that her experiences were like a book she never had a chance to read in school .On her way Yan braved deserts and mountains and the bad weather of Northern China .When asked what was most difficult ,Yan said she was not afraid of any hardships .The most difficult things to deal with were an occasional lack of understanding by people and their cold eyes that went with it .

  72.“If I don’t do it right now ,I may lose the chance forever .”This sentence probably means


  A.Time waits no man ;she will grow old

  B.Everyone has only one chance to finish his dream

  C.If she is married ,she will be busy with her housework and work

  D.Her baby and her husband won’t let her travel alone

  73.The writer is probably


  A.a sports person

  B.a news reporter

  C.Yan Xia’s friend

  D.a government official

  74.Which of the following if NOT true ?

  A.On her trip Yan has learned what wasn’t learned in school

  B.She met with many difficulties unexpected on her way

  C.She was a strong-minded girl

  D.All people sang high praise for her travel around the country

  75.In which direction did Yan Xia probably travel ?

  第二卷 (共35分)








  Sandy is busy .Like any other girls about her age , 76.

  she spends hours in the telephone ,talking to her


  friends .She often goes out on weekend ,she looks


  after children for other families get some money .


  And ,of course ,during the school years she herself


  has many homework to do .During the football season , 81.

  she and other pretty girls were leaders for school


  football games .They lead the crowd up in cheering


  for the school team .The cheers are usually not short , 84.

  but it takes a long time to practise shout together .


  第二节 :书面表达(满分25分)

  以Smoking is harmful为题,写一篇100~130个词的短文,内容包括以下要点:


  分析原因(乐趣,提神 refresh oneself)





  Text 1

  W:Tom began to swim in 1982 and he joined a swimming club in 1985.

  M:Yes ,I know .He set a new world record in 1999.

  Text 2

  W:There are still so many things to prepare before the get—together .

  M:I’d like to help .But I’m sorry I’ve got too much to do .

  Text 3

  W:Do you have any reason to believe that your case was stolen?

  M:Yes .I left it beside this table half an hour ago ,but when I came back ,it was gone .

  Text 4

  W:Come to the blackboard and write down your answers.

  M:I’m sorry I haven’t worked out the problems .

  Text 5

  W:What are you doing with that camera ?

  M:Smile .I want a picture of you .

  Text 6

  M:I’d like to get a room ,please .Just for the weekend .

  W:Friday ,Saturday and Sunday nights ?

  M:That’s right .I’ll be leaving early Monday morning .

  W:We have some single rooms with bath .They are on the third floor ,facing the sea .

  M:What’s the price ?

  W:Thirty dollars a day .And every room has a telephone and TV.

  M:Here you are .Do I have to pay now ?

  W:No.Pay when you check out .Here is your key.The bellboy will take your bags and show you to your room .

  M:Thank you .

  W:You are welcome.

  Text 7

  W:Do you like sports programmes ?

  M:Yes I do ,eapecially the footaball.

  W:Does your wife watch the football programme with you ?

  W:No ,she doesn’t .She hates sports.

  M:Now ,your children .Do they watch TV on Saturday ?

  W:Yes ,they do.They watch children’s television in the morning .

  W:Do they watch in the evening ?

  M:No ,they don’t .They go to bed at 8 o’clock.

  Text 8

  W:Excuse me ,do you speak English ?

  M:Yes ,a little .

  W:I’m looking for a bank .

  M:I’m sorry,could you say that again ,please ?

  W:I’m looking for a bank .

  M:There’s a bank just around the corner .I can show you where it is .

  W:Thank you very much .That’s very kind of you .

  M:That’s all right .

  W:Your Englsih is very good .

  M:I’m learnig English at evening classes .Are you here on holiday ?

  W:No ,I’m giving some lectures at the university .

  M:Well,I hope you enjoy yourself here .

  Text 9

  W:Before we finish ,tell me a little more about yourself .

  M:All right ,After I left Harvard University in 1990 ,I went to work as an engineer in Maryland first ,After that I have been working in the National Motors Factory .I am married .My wife ,is a worker at the same factory .We have one child .

  W:Yeah…er,…where are you from ?

  M:I’m from New York .

  W:Do you have any special interests ?

  M:Yes ,I played the gutitar and I take dance lessons .

  W:I see .Tell me ,do you have any questions for me or for my company ?

  M:No ,I don’t think so .I enjoy the time you’ve taken to talk with me .

  W:My pleasure .You will hear from us soon .And good luck !

  M:Thank you very much .

  Text 10

  It was two weeks before Christmas ,and Mrs Smith was very busy .She bought a lot of Christmas cards to send her and her husband’s friends ,and put them on the table in the living room .Then, when her husband came home from work,she said to him ,“Here are the Christmas cards for our friends ,and here are some stamps ,a pen and our book of address.Will you please with the cards while I am cooking the dinner ?”

  Mr Smith did not say anything ,but walked out of the living-room and went to his reading-room .Mrs Smith was very angry with him ,but didn’t say anything .

  In a minute Mr Smith came back with a box full of Christmas cards .All of them had addressed and stamps on them .Mrs Smith was surprised .

  “There are from last year .”he said to her ,“I forgot to post them all.”




  CBBBA 6—10

  CCCAB 11—15

  ABBAC 16—20



  DBCCA 26—30

  CDACB 31—35

  BCDBC 36—40



  BACDA 46—50

  BDBDA 51—55

  DABCA 56—60



  AADCB 66—70

  DCDAD 71—75

  CBDA 76.any→many

  77.in→on 78.weekend→weekends


  80. √ 81.many→much 82.were→are 83.去掉up

  84.short→long 85.shout →shouting

  Done possible version :

  Smoking is harmful

  When you are in public places ,you will see many smokers .And most of them are young people and even middle school students .It is said that in China smokers cover about 45percent.

  Why do so many people enjoy smoking ?Some think that it is a pleasure ,some believe that it can refresh themselves .In fact ,smoking is a bad habit .It does great harm to our health ,not only to the smoker himself ,but also to others .For smokers ,it is a great waste of money ,and causes all kinds of diseases .Besides ,many fires are caused by careless smokers .

  Today ,more and more people are beginning to realize the harm of smoking and decide to give it up .If you are not a smoker ,don’t start .


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