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发布时间:2017-02-08  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  一、Listen carfully and choose one word from each group that you hear on the tape ( )1. A. grandma B. grammar C. grandparent D. granny ( )2. A. village B. value C. very D. visit ( )3. A. neither B. number C. later D. neighbour ( )4. A. sky B. stay C. star D. student ( )5. A. appear B. near C. dear D. fail 二、Listen carefully and write down the time you hear on the tape 1. Be quick ! It‘s 2. We are going to meet at the school gate at 3. They arrived at the airport at a.m. 4. My watch stopped at 5. The train hasn’t arrived yet. 三、Listen carefully and write "T"or "F"for each statement you hear ( )1. Mr Wilson did not go work on Saturdays. ( )2. Mrs Wilson bought the things and paid for them and Mr Wilson carried them home. ( )3. After Mr Wilson came out of the last shop , he had a nice drink. ( )4. Mr Wilson was not really interested in shopping. ( ) 5. The story tells us mainly that Mr Wilson is always ready to plead his wife. 四、Read and find a word whose pronunciation is the same as the given word ( )1. appear A. heard B. heart C. year D. wear ( )2. example A. exam B. explain C. experiment D. exercise ( )3. guitar A. dollar B. popular C. star D. grammar ( )4. special A. pacific B. Greece C. correct D. fresh ( )5. watched A. asked B. arrived C. wanted D. enjoyed 五、Choose the best answer ( )1. I have american country music , but I have never it. A. heard of ; heard of B. heard ; heard C. heard; heard of D. heard of ; heard ( )2. I don‘t think he’ll pass the exam , ? A. will he B. do I C. won‘t he D. don’t I ( )3. After the accident, he what he used to be. A. is no longer B. no longer is C. is not any longer D. is not longer ( )4. The song he sang at the party the most popular of all. A. was thouht of to be B. was thought as C. was thoght to be D. thought to be ( )5. I went to the cinema watching TV. A. instead B. instead of C. in stead of D. instead for ( )6. When you meet with difficulty , please your teacher for help. A. come for B. ask for C. talk to D. turn to ( )7. Lincoln was by th eAmerican people . A. well thought of B. thought well of C. thought well D. ghought about well ( )8. On arriving at the station , he found that the train had gone. A. but B. and C. however D. or ( )9. cars the factory produces, crowded the road will be. A. The many ; much B. The more ; more C. More ; more D. The more ; the more ( )10. It looks like . Why not a raincoat? A. rain ; taking B. rain ; take C. raining ; to take D. to rain take ( )11. He come last night , but you were out. A. did B. does C. has D. had ( )12. necessar to listen to BBC English programmes on the radio now ? A. Are you B. Do you C. Is it D. Does it ( )13. My friend often comes to me advice reading. A. on ; on B. for ; on C. about ; with D. for ; in ( )14. Lots of good English language programmes were broadcast . A. by TV & radio B. on TV &the radio C. from the TV&radio D. in the TV&the radio ( )15. She bought a new skirt to her new shoes. A. come with B. come for C. go by D. go with [答案] 一、1. A 2.B 3. D 4. C 5. D 二、1. 7:50 2. 9:20 3. 8:25 4. 1:58 5. 11:10 三、 1. T 2. F 3.F 4. T 5. T 四、 1. C 2. A 3. C 4.D 5.A 五、 1. D 2.A 3.A 4.C 5.B 6. D 7. A 8. C 9. D 10. B 11. A 12. C 13. B 14. B 15. D


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