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发布时间:2017-02-08  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  TERNANG, Mon - More than 10, 000 people were made homeless in Ternang when the Sungai Mas overflowed its banks yesterday after six days of continuous heavy rain.

  Flooding first appeared at mid - afternoon yesterday along the river banks. People straggling higher ground were just in time to get away from the destroy of the flood. Most of the flood victims had to leave their possessions behind.

  The flood victims are now housed in various make - shift relief center in the nearby town of Tulang.

  “Everything possible is being done to help the unfortunate people. ”A government spokesman said. “In fact, money, food and clothing have begun to come in from public - spirited organizations and generous persons.”

  According to latest reports it is still raining heavily at Ternang. The whole town is expected to be totally covered by water. So far no casualty has been reported.

  56.According to the latest report________.

  A. it has been raining for six days

  B. more than 10, 000 people had no place to live

  C. the town had already been totally flooded

  D. the government tried its best to help the homeless people

  57.With the help of the government, the flood victims________.

  A. were safe at higher place

  B. got everything they needed

  C. lived comfortably in the relief centers

  D. were brought to Tulang within three hours

  58.The word “casualty”in the last sentence means________.

  A. the house that is being built

  B. the money that is given to the victims

  C. the person killed or injured in an accident

  D. the things lost in the flood


  HUNTSVILLE — The body of a 19 - year - old Oakville man who lost his own lift to save his friend was pulled from the muddy waters of Clarke Lake near here yesterday.

  Sannjeev Michael Watson was last seen Sunday morning when he pushed his 17 - year - old companion back into their overturned canoe, then disappeared after swimming off to get back the paddles (桨).

  “His friend couldn’t swim that well, so my son saved him first and ended up giving his life, ” said his mother Mona Watson.

  Her son, a strong swimmer, and his friend were heading out in the canoe to watch the sun rise over the lake about 12 kilomenters west of Huntsville when the canoe turned over.

  “It was still dark and foggy, ” said Constable Harry Rawluk of the Huntsville edtachment of the Provincial Police.

  “Neither man was wearing a life jacket and there were none in the canoe”, said Rawluk.

  Each ship or boat is required to be equipped with a life jacket for each occupant but they do not have to be worn at all times.

  When Watson disappeared, the friend used his hands to paddle 300 meters to the shore to get help.

  “His friend is extremely upset in mind. He keeps saying over and over, He gave his life to save me, ”said Watson.

  “The incident helped to show the importance of life jackets, ” said Rawluk, “ We can’t emphasize enough how important it is for all boaters to wear life jackets even on a small lake like this one, ”he said.

  Yesterday, the family. including his father and Michael’s two brothers, helped each other on the dock until OPP divers found the body about 2: 30p. m.

  There were other tragedies (悲剧)as two men drowned and two boaters went missing, Mike Walsh, 27, of Tweed, drowned about 6 a. m. Sunday while canoing with a man and a woman on Stoco Lake, just north of Billeville, when the boat tipped over.

  “None of the occupants were wearing life jackets at the time and there was only one paddle aboard, ” said Belleville OPP sergeant Paul Murray.

  Mattherw Salei, 22 of Toronto, is believed to have drowned after falling out of an outboard motor boat on Lake Huron near Port Franks the day before yesterday. A friend swam to shore.

  This afternoon Kyle Johnson, 19, drowned while camping near Kenora. The talented junior hockey player from Winnipeg was by himself when he slipped on some rocks, hit his head and drowned, police said.

  Meanwhile, an underwater search of Lake Scugog nesr Caesarea failed to find the body of a 17 - year - old Stouffville youth who drowned early Saturday while canoing with a friend.


  59.Which of the following is the best title for the news story?





  60.According to Rowluk, if Michael________, he would’t have drowned.

  A. had not tried to get back the paddles

  B. had not tried to save his friend

  C. had been a weaker swimmer

  D. had worn a life jacket

  61.Which of the following shows the right order of what happened in the story?

  a.Michael pushed his friend back into the canoe and swam to get back the paddles.

  b.Michael and his friend set off to the west of Huntsville.

  c.Michael’s body was found in the waters of Lake Clarke.

  d.The friend mandated to paddle to the shore.

  e.The canoe turned upside down.

  A. b, e, a, c, d el, Restaurants and entertainment

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  67.What kind of people will probably answer this advertisement?

  A. College students preparing to work in some big companies.

  B. College students preparing to study for a degree.

  C. High school graduates preparing to have at - home training.

  D. Hight school graduates preparing for college entrance examinations.

  68.People can get a Specialized Associate Degree by________.

  A. doing full - time learning at school

  B. working in some big famous companies

  C. studying on their spare time

  D. studying abroad for two years

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  A. By sending an E - mail

  B. By visiting the office on weekdays

  C. By making a call on weekdays only.

  D. By sending a letter not later than today.

  70.You are likely to find the passage in________.

  A. a novel 


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