Acknowledge the situation and understand how your internalized thoughts are sabotaging your chances of living a fulfilled and happy life. Once you are aware of how your mind misleads you into feelings of insecurity, it’s easier to control and redirect your feelings.
Look around you and assess what kind of people you have in your life. Are they the right people Do they make you feel good Remember you’re the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with. Cease contact with anyone in your life who reinforces your feelings of insecurity.
Whip out a flip chart and try to map out where in your life these feelings started coming up. Try to get to the origin of the feelings. Was it something in your childhood A bad relationship An overbearing boss at work
Make a plan to confront the origin of the thoughts. If it was a parent or friend, sit down and have a talk with them about how their behavior damaged you for instance. Of course, this isn’t always possible and sometimes in life, you simply cannot retrace your steps. In this case, write it down in a journal instead.
On another flip chart, write down all the things you’ve succeeded at. Your accomplishments and where you’ve made a difference. The more you note down, the more your level of confidence soars. Put this flip chart in a place where you can see it every day, and remind yourself you’re an awesome and amazing person. Every time you achieve something, add it to the list.
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