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发布时间:2017-02-07  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  1.On yesterday interview, he didn’t make a(n)

  at all; what’s the matter with him?

  A. apology

  B. appearance

  C. difference

  D. change

  选B。 make an apology“道歉”;make in an appearance“露面,在场”;make a difference“有变化,有作为”;make a change “有所改动”。题意为“昨天的面试,他根本没露面”。

  2. —How much farther shall we have to go?

  —Another five miles until we reach the mountain

  A. at a distance

  B. in a distance

  C. at distance

  D. in the distance

  选D。考查词组。无B、C结构,at a distance “从某一距离,在某一距离”;in the distance“在远处”。

  3. The discovery of new evidence led to

  A. the thief having caught

  B. catch the thief

  C. the thief being caught

  D. the thief to be caught

  选C。这句话的意思是:新证据的发现使得小偷束手就擒。to是介词,后面接了动名词的复合结构,the thief是动名词的逻辑主语。

  4. Smallpox, a kind of disease, has now died

  A. out

  B. away

  C. off

  D. down

  选A。die out “灭绝,消失”。die away“渐息”;die down“平息”;die off “(花、草)枯死”。

  5. — Why were you not at the concert last night?

  — I ______ a close game between Seattle Sonnies and Miami Bucks.

  A. watched

  B. was watching

  C. have watched

  D. had watched


  6. —No wonder you caught a cold. You

  out last night without a coat.

  —I know how silly I was.

  A. shouldn’t have gone

  B. mustn’t have gone

  C. couldn’t have gone

  D. mightn’t have gone

  选A。本题考查“情态动词+have done ”结构的用。mustn’t have gone 是错误的表达,couldn’t have gone 和mightn’t have gone 虽然也有“本不应该做却做了”含义,但其语气远shouldn’t have gone 弱,且它们主要用来表示对过去是否发生某一行为进行推测。


  you don’t like him is none of my business.

  A. What

  B. Who

  C. That

  D. Whether

  选C。本句的谓语动词是is,前面是一个主语从句; “you don’t like him”是一个意思完整的句子,从句不需要任何有词义的连词引导,that只起连接作用,无词义,所以选C。

  8. As

  rule, apples are sold by

  weight and eggs by


  A. a; 不填;the

  B. a; the; the

  C. a; a; the

  D. the; 不填;不填

  选A。as a rule(通常地)是固定词组;在度量名词前,表示付工资、卖、租等方式时,用the, 如paid by the hour (day, moth, piece…), sold by the yard (dozen, ton…),比较by weight (按重量)。

  9. I was so familiar with her that I recognized her voice

  I picked up the phone.

  A. the moment

  B. after

  C. before

  D. while

  选A。名词短语the moment用作连词,相当于as soon as,引导时间状语从句,意为“一……就”。类似用法的短语或词还有the minute, the instance, directly, immediately等。

  10.Which do you enjoy _____ your weekend, swimming or fishing?

  A. spending

  B. being spent

  C. spend

  D. to spend

  选D。to spend作状语,而which是句子enjoy的宾语。

  11. I don’t have a job. I would find one but I

  no time.

  A. had

  B. didn’t have

  C. had had

  D. have

  选D。解此类题时,必须从题干中的暗示入手。I don’t have a job 告诉我们现在的状况,再由I would find one 可知是对现在的虚拟,因此,but后的句子应该是现在的事实。故用一般现在时。

  12. In the power plant more than

  of the workers are out


  选A。twelve 的序数词形式为twelfth;分数表达法中的分子大于1时,分母用复数,on strike = 在罢工。

  13. The traveler didn’t know

  which direction to go.

  A. in

  B. at

  C. to

  D. /

  选A。表示“朝……方向去”,用介词in 而不用to。

  14. The pen I


  is on my desk, right under my nose.

  A. think; lost

  B. thought; had lost

  C. think; had lost

  D. thought; have lost

  选B。句意为:我以为已丢了的钢笔却在我的桌子上,就在眼皮底下。thought 是过去时,“笔丢失了”是在“thought”之前,所以用过去完成时。

  15. The customer didn’t choose

  of the coats and went away without looking at a third one.

  A. both

  B. all

  C. any

  D. either

  选D。not与both, all 连用为部分否定,与any either 连用为完全否定。且两个coats 不可用all,故据题意,应用完全否定。

  16. Mr Smith,

  of the

  speech, started to read a novel.

  A. tired; boring

  B. tiring; bored

  C. tired; bored

  D. tiring; boring

  选A。tired of…是过去分词短语作状语,boring 是现在分词作定语。

  17. ---Is anything _____?

  ---I can’t decide which dress I should wear at my friend’s wedding party.

  ---I don’t think it ____.

  A. the matter; the matter

  B. matter; matters

  C. the matter; matters

  D. matter; the matter

  选C。 当matter作表语时前应有冠词; “ don’t think it matters” 意为“我认为那不重要”。

  18. Playing football and watching TV _____ both interesting.

  A. were

  B. was

  C. are

  D. is

  选C 。不定式短语或动词短语作主语时,谓语动词应用单数,然而此题中and 连接了两个动名词短语, 因此谓语动词要用单数,故答案为C.

  19. It must be he that has stolen Mr. Smith’s purse, _____?

  A. hasn’t he

  B. isn’t he

  C. mustn’t it

  D. isn’t it

  选D。强调句型的反意疑问句,现在或将来用isn’t it?过去用wasn’t it?

  20. In which play is _____ your brother appear?

  A. that where

  B. this when

  C. it that

  D. it where

  选C 。It is … that是用强调句中,被强调部分是in which play。


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