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发布时间:2017-02-07  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  1. You’d better ______ in the room.

  A. not to smoke

  B. not smoke

  C. don’t smoke

  D. not smoking

  答:B。 had better do / not do 接省去to的不定式。

  2. I’d rather _______ there alone.

  A. to go

  B. going

  C. go

  D. went

  答:C。 would rather后接省去to的不定式。

  3. He would rather die than ________.

  A. giving in

  B. give in

  C. to give in

  D. gave in

  答:B。 would rather...than...表示“宁愿……而不……”,后接省去to的不定式。

  4. —Would you like to go with us?

  — _______, but I’m busy now.

  A. I’d love

  B. I’d love to

  C. I love

  D. I’d like

  答:B。不定式的省略分两类;1. 省去to的用法。①在would rather, had better, would rather...than等句式中省去to。②在why的问句中省去to。③情态动词(ought除外)接省去to的不定式。④不定式在感观动词和使役动词后做宾补时省去to。2. 保留to,to后的动词省略,如I’d love to/I’d like to/I’m going to/try to/mean to/plan to/hope to/wish to.

  5. —Do you think it’s going to rain over the weekend?


  A. I don’t believe

  B. I don’t believe it

  C. I believe not so

  D. I believe not

  答:D。Do you think (believe, suppose, expect) ...?等句式的肯定回答是 I think (believe, expect, suppose) so。其否定回答形式是 I think (believe, expect, suppose) not. 或 I don’t (think, expect, suppose) so。

  6. —1’11 be away on a business trip. Would you mind looking after my garden?

  —Not at all. _________.

  A. I’ve no time

  B. I’d rather not

  C. I’d like it

  D. I’d be happy to


  7. Why_________ go with us?

  A. not to

  B. don’t

  C. not

  D. not you

  答:C。不定式在why引导的问句中省去to。why not go 相当于 why don’t you go.

  8. The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street, but his mother told him _________

  A. not to

  B. not to do

  C. not do it

  D. do not to


  9. —Are you a student?

  —No, but I________.

  A. used to

  B. used

  C. used to be

  D. used to was

  答:C。 used to 也是不定式省略的一种形式,如Do you often go there? No, but I used to.但动词be一般不省。

  10. —Do you think you’ll get a pay rise next year?


  A. I hope so

  B. I’m afraid so

  C. I believe not so

  D. Who says it

  答:A。I hope so. 我希望如此。

  11. —Did your team lose the game?

  —_____. Our players didn’t play so well as they could.

  A. I’m afraid so

  B. 1 don’t think so

  C. I believe not

  D. I hope so


  12. —I’m sorry, but were you speaking to me?

  —Yes. Would you please _____ in this room?

  A. don’t smoke

  B. not to smoke

  C. not smoke

  D. not smoking

  答:C。Would you please后接省去to的不定式。

  13. —Do you think we’ll tell him the bad news?

  — ________.

  A. I don’t hope so

  B. I hope not

  C. I think it not so

  D. I think it not

  答:B。hope和guess等词在肯定答语中常说I hope (guess)so。否定答语常说I hope (guess) not。但不能说 I don’t hope (guess) so。

  14. —Have you got the book?

  —No, ________, but I didn’t get it.

  A. I tried

  B. I tried to

  C. I tried to get D. I tried it


  15. —Don’t you have lunch at school?

  — ________, but I used to.

  A. Yes, I have

  B. Yes, I do

  C. No, 1 haven’t

  D. No, I don’t

  答:D。but I used to相当于 I used to have lunch at school的省略式,由此可判断D项。我现在不在学校吃午饭,但我过去是这样,have当“吃”讲。

  16. I’m not into classical music, ________they.

  A. Neither are

  B. Nor are

  C. So are

  D. Either are


  17. If he doesn’t want to go there,_________.

  A. neither do I

  B. nor do I

  C. neither shall 1

  D. so I


  18. _________, I’ll go there myself~

  A. If necessary

  B. Being necessary

  C. Being possible

  D. Uless it is necessary

  答:A.D项与句童不符.A项是常见的省略形式,if possible (necessary) 等,相当于 if it is necessary (possible) 如果必要(可能)的情况下。

  19. He wears the same coat ________. They look similar.

  A. as you

  B. than you

  C. that you

  D. like you

  答:A.as you相当于 as you wear。引导的是定语从句。the same...that 一般指同一件东西。D项与the same不符。

  20. He doesn’t speak English as often_____.

  A. like others

  B. than others

  C. as others

  D. that others

  答:C.as...as...句型可用于肯定和否定句,否定句中还可用... as ...。

  21. ________, you should keep it a secret.

  A. If asking

  B. If asked

  C. If to ask

  D. If being asking

  答:B。连词接分词相当于状语从句,此句相当于If you were asked ....。

  22. —_______are they staying here?

  —Two weeks.

  A. How long

  B. How soon

  C. How often

  D. How far

  答:A.Two weeks是简略答语,相当于They are staying here for two weeks。How long多久;How soon过多久能完成,多快(指时间);How often提问频率;How far多远。

  23. I’ll do all I can________you.

  A. help

  B. to help

  C. helping

  D. to helping


  24. Who is the man teacher_______?

  A. you spoke to

  B. spoke to you

  C. you spoke

  D. whom you spoke


  25. China has a larger population than_____.

  A. that of Japan

  B. Japan

  C. in Japan

  D. population of Japan

  答:B.在比较状语从句中常省去和前边相同的部分.B项相当于than Japan has。


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