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发布时间:2017-02-07  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  1. L.ook !__________.

  A. Here the bus comes

  B. Here is the bus coming

  C. Here comes the bus

  D. Here is coming the bus

  答:C.here,there,now,then在句首时,使用全倒装句式。如:There goes the bell.钤响了.Now comes your turn.轮到你了。这种倒装一般不用进行时.当主语是人称代词时,不倒装。如: Here he comes. Here it is. Here you are.

  2. When the bell rang. Out_________.

  A. they rushed

  B. rushed they

  C. did they rush

  D. where they rushing

  答:A.表示方向性的副词,如out,in,up,down,away等用在句首时使用全倒装句式.如: In came the teacher. Away went the students. On went his hat但当主语为人称代词时不倒装.如:In hecame.

  3. In front of the house_______.

  A. a boy sat

  B. did a boy sit

  C. sat a boy

  D. was sitting a boy


  4. —Where is Kate?

  —Look, _______. She is at the school gate.

  A. there she is

  B. there is she

  C. here you are

  D. here it is


  5. ________, he is honest.

  A. As he is poor

  B. Poor is he

  C. Poor as he is

  D. Poor as is he

  答:C。让步状语从句的倒装:可将表语放在句首使用倒装结构,若表语是名词时,名词前省去冠词,如Child as (though) he is, he knows a lot. 虽然他是个孩子,可他懂得很多。此种倒装中可用as,也可用though,但不能用although.

  6. So carelessly _______ that he almost killed himself.

  A. he drives

  B. he drove

  C. does

  D. did he drive he drive

  答:D.so+adj. / adv. 在句首时用倒装结构。如:

  So good is the book that we all like to read it.

  So tired was he.

  So heavily was it raining!

  7. Only when you realize the importance of foreign languages ________ them well.

  A. you can learn

  B. can you learn

  C. you learned

  D. did you learn


  8. Only after liberation_____to be treated as human beings.

  A. did they begin

  B. they had begun

  C. they did begin

  D. had they begun


  9. Not only________ English, but also he can speak Japanese.

  A. can he speak

  B. he can speak

  C. he speaks

  D. he does speak

  答:A. not only.., but also... 句式中,当not only放在句首时,not only分句倒装,but also不倒装。

  10. Not until the rain stopped_________ home.

  A. he went

  B. he had gone

  C. did he go

  D. he did go

  答:C.not until接状语从句放在句首时,主句用倒装结构。

  11. Never before___ seen such a wonderful film.

  A. am 1

  B. was I

  C. have I

  D. shall 1

  答:C。否定词never,rarely,scarcely,hardly,seldom,nowhere,in no way,by加means,in加case等用在句首时,用倒装结构。

  12. Little_______about his own safety.

  A. he cared

  B. cared he

  C. does he care

  D. he cares


  13. Hardly_______ home when it began to rain.

  A. did he get

  B. he got

  C. had he got

  D. he had got

  答:C。 Co hardly (scarcely) ...when (before) .... no sooner.., than .... 当 hardly (scarcely), no sooner 用在句首时用倒装句式。另外,此类句型应与过去完成时连用。

  14. She’s passed the test. ________.

  A. Soaml

  B. Sohavel

  C. Solhave

  D. Sodol


  15. I don’t like classical music. _______ do they.

  A. Either

  B. Neither

  C. Nor

  D. So


  16. Tom is a student and studies hard. ________ John.

  A. So does

  B. So is

  C. So it is with

  D. So do

  答:C。so it is with .. 或it is the same with ...表示某人也(或也不)。如:

  He is a student. So am I (或 So it is with me. /It is the same with me. )

  He isn’t a student. Neither (Nor) am I. (也可说 So it is with me. /It is the same with me. )

  若含不同形式的谓语,只能用So it is with ...这样的句式来表达。

  17. Not only_________ polluted but_________ crowded.

  A. was the city, were the streets

  B. the city was, were the streets

  C. was the city, the streets were

  D. the city was, the streets were


  l8. So ___________ that no fish can live in it.

  A. the lake is shallow

  B. shallow the lake is

  C. shallow is the lake

  D. is the lake shallow


  19. ______ for the free tickets, I would not have gone to the films so often.

  A. If it is not

  B. Were it not

  C. Had it not been

  D. If they were not

  答:C。此题为虚拟语气的倒装形式。在虚拟语气中if it weren’t for(与现在事实相反):if it had not been for(与过去事实相反)意为·多亏,要不是’。其倒装时,not总在“后。这一句式也可用but for来表示。

  20. —David has made great progress recently.

  —_________, and

  A. So he has, so you have

  B. So he has, so have you

  C. So has he, so have you

  D. So has he, so you have


  21. Not until the early years of the 19th century ________ what heat is.

  A. man did know

  B. man knew

  C. didn’t man know

  D. did man know

  答:D。“not until+状语”故在句首时,用倒装句式。

  22. Not until I began to work_________ how much time I had wasted.

  A. didn’t I realize

  B. did I realize

  C. I didn’t realize

  D. I realize

  答:B。“not until+状语从句’放在句首时,从句不倒装,主句用倒装句式。

  23. ________ he comes to school late.

  A. Always

  B. Seldom

  C. Never

  D. Sometimes

  答:D。否定词放在句首应用倒装句式,故排除B项和C项。频度状语如always,often,usually,once in a while等用于句首时应用倒装句式,但当some times放在句首时,不用倒装句式。

  24. —It was careless of you to have left your clothes outside all night.

  —May God! ________.

  A. So did I

  B. So I did

  C. So were you

  D. So did you


  25. At no place _______.

  A. smoking is allowed

  B. smoking allows

  C. is smoking allowed

  D. allows smoking

  答:C。at no place属于否定词放在句首,应用倒装句式。见第1l题解析。

  26. Not a single song _____ at yesterday’s party.

  A. she sang

  B. sang she

  C. did she sing

  D. she did sing



  finally got the job I dreamed about. Never in all my life_________ so happy.

  A. did I feel

  B. I felt

  C. I had felt

  D. had I felt

  答:D。见第1l题解析。根据in all my life时间状语可判断用完成时。

  28. Not until all the fish died in the river, _______ how serious the pollution was.

  A. did the villagers realize

  B. the villagers realized

  C. the villagers did realize

  D. didn’t the villagers realize



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