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发布时间:2017-02-07  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  1. hear from sb. = receive a letter from sb.


  注意:hear from后面只能接表示人的名词或代词,不可接letter作为它的宾语。

  hear about 听说……的事

  Have you heard about the new anticancer drug?____________________________

  hear of 听说

  他是谁?──我从没听说过他。Who‘s he?--I’ve never heard of


  hear that从句

  hear sb. do/ doing/ done


  2. be dying for/ to do sth.

  渴望, 极想, 渴望做某事

  I am dying to know where you are from.

  (1)我极想出国______________________ I am dying to go abroad.

  (2)他很渴望喝点酒He was dying for a little wine


  be dying to 渴望做某事;迫切想要

  “渴望”的类似说法 1 have a strong desire for sth.

  2 be eager to do

  3 be thirsty for sth.

  4 desire to do sth.

  5 long to do sth. / for sth.

  3. …have walked a long way, sometimes up to two hours, to get to the school.

  up to = as many as/ as much as

  He can earn up to $50,000 a year.

  up to 还可以表示

  (1)up until 一直

  She lived at home up to / until she got married.

  (2)good enough for sth. 胜任

  I am not sure if she is really up to that job.


  It’s up to her to decide whether or not to go on the course.

  4. However, one thing is for sure, I’ve become more imaginative in my teaching.

  ① for sure =certainly so 肯定如此,毫无疑问

  She won't lend you any money,and that's for sure.


  Sure 用法: be sure of/about确信,对…有把握

  be sure of oneself有自信

  make sure确信,查明,核实

  to be sure的确,诚然(作插入语用)

  He works slowly,to be sure,but he does a good job.

  ② imaginative

  adj. 富有想象力的,爱想象的

  an imaginative child/writer


  5. The other day I was showing the boys the weekly chemistry experiment when, before I knew it, the mixture was bubbling over everywhere.

  ① the other day 不久前的一天

  (★ 与一般过去式连用)

  ② be doing …when…“正在做…就在这时(突然)….”

  When是并列连词,意为“就在这时(突然)”相当于and then或and at that time。



  6. The boys had never come across anything like this and started jumping out of the windows.

  come across 偶然遇见/发现(无被动语态)


  She came across some old letters

  in the course of her search.


  come along


  come back 回来,折回

  come from

  来自, 从……来

  come off从……离开, 脱落

  come out出来, 出版

  come up走过来, 走近

  come over 过来

  come to 来到, 结果是

  This situation should never have _______. d

  A came over

  B came up

  C came back

  D came about

  7. Sometimes I wonder how relevant chemistry is to these children…..

  ① wonder用法归纳:

  wonder wh-词+to do


  wonder wh-/if+从句


  我不知道这周末去哪渡过。I was wondering where to spend the weekend.

  我想知道今天下午你是否有空? I wonder if you are free this afternoon.

  (It is) no/little/some wonder+ (that) 从句

  : 难怪,怪不得,不足为奇

  怪不得他通过了这次考试。No wonder that he has passed the examination.

  ② relevant (adj.) ---- relevantly (adv.) ---- relevance (n.)


  be relevant to

  “与……有关” = be connected with/have sth. to do with

  have (no) relevance to … 与……(无/有)关

  这种工作与性别无关 。The work of this kind

  is not relevant to sex.

  8. Everyone seemed to be a relative of Tombe’s.


  seem 似乎, 看来



  I seemed __to hear__(hear)a voice in the distance.

  2) 跟形容词或分词

  He seems quite happy.

  3) 后接(to sb.) that从句, 但主语是it。


  It seems that you are lying.

  9. Tomber’s father, Mukap, led us to his house, a low bamboo hut with grass sticking out of the roof--- this shows it’s a man’s house.汤贝的父亲, 莫卡普, 把我们带到他的家里。那是一个低矮的竹屋, 屋顶上伸出一簇茅草。

  ① with的复合结构(with+ 宾语+ 宾补)

  1)with + n. + doing (doing表示 with 后名词发生的动作, 此名词为动作的执行者)

  2) with + n. + done (done和with后面的宾语构成动宾关系, 此宾语是动作的承受者。

  3) with + n. + to do 动词不定式表示目的, 或将发生, 未发生的事。

  The thief was brought in with his hands _tied_

  (tie) back.

  ② stick out 伸出, 突出

  stick out for sth 坚持要求某事物

  stick to sth 不放弃

  She stuck out her foot

  (伸出脚) and tripped him over.

  stick 的相关短语

  stick out


  stick out for sth.


  stick to sth.


  stick at sth.


  stick with sb.


  stick up


  be/get stuck (in) 卡住;陷在……中间

  10. The hut was dark inside so it took time for our eyes to adjust.

  adjust vi. 适应

  adjust (oneself) to

  他很快适应了印度的热。He adjusted quickly to the heat of India.

  ★ adapt(oneself) to 的to是介词,后跟名词或动词-ing形式。类似的词组有:

  be related to与……相关

  devote oneself to献身于

  contribute to为……作贡献


  vt. 调整→adjustment n.调整→adjustable adj.可调整的

  →adjustor n.调停者;调节器

  make an adjustment


  11. Fresh grass had been laid on the floor and there was a newly made platform for Jenny and me to sleep on. 新鲜的草被铺在地面上, 而且那儿有一个新搭的平台以便珍妮和我睡在上面。


  放置; 产蛋,下蛋

  lie—lied—lied—lying 说谎



  与lay相关的短语:lay eggs


  lay sth. aside 把......放在一边

  lay sth. down


  lay sb. off 解雇某人

  lay the table


  If only he ___ quietly as the doctor instructed, he would not suffer so much now.

  A. lies

  B. lay

  C. had lain

  D. should lie


  12. . …even though I could not participate in the conversation.

  participate vi.参加



  n. 参加

  参与participant 参加者,共享者

  ★ participate in sth with sb 同某人参与某事

  他没有和我们一起参加讨论。He didn’t participate in the discussion with us.


  attend 侧重参加或出席会议或学术活动等。

  join 普通用词,指加入党派、团体或游戏活动等。

  join the party / club / league

  join sb. in (doing) sth.

  join in sth.

  participate (in)正式用词,特指参加团体活动,暗示以一个积极的角色参加。

  =take part in

  take part in 侧重参加某项群众性、集体性的事业、工作或活动,突出参加者在其中发挥一定的作用。后接“竞赛” “比赛” 等


  He told me that the can was heated to _______________________

  dry out (使)变干;干透


  (2) Water the plant regularly, never letting________________(让土壤干枯)

  14 .dry up (河流,湖泊等)干枯;弄干、晒干、变干; (供应、思路) 枯竭

  太阳很快就会把马路晒干的。The sun will soon dry up the roads.

  dry out & dry up

  1). Your clothes will take ages to dry out.

  2). The doctor asked the drinker to dry out.

  3). The river dried up

  during the drought.

  4). Will his powers of invention ever dry up


  15. otherwise

  (adv. & conj.)

  “用别的方法,其他方面; 否则,不然 (or)”(P30)


  Work hard, otherwise you’ll be sorry



  祈使句 , and (or ,otherwise ) + 简单句


  Hurry up , ________ you will be late.

  A. and

  B. otherwise

  C. if

  D. unless

  16. It was such a privilege to have spent a day with Tombe’s family.

  enjoy privileges


  have the privilege of … 有…的特权

   as a special privilege


  by special privilege



  Only members can have the privilege of using

  these the sports facilities.


  1. As a teacher I often a_djust___ my teaching methods to suit the needs of slower children.

  2. My mother stood in the doorway

  (门口) and watched me anxiously

  3. It is hoped that education should be relevant

  (有关的) to children’s needs.

  4. The train for Beijing that you are taking will depart from Platform


  5. I will go to the store to buy some grills

  (烤架) for the picnic next week.

  6. Some old workers enjoy certain privileges

  , such as company cars and private health care in our company.


  1. 自从我表弟出国后,我一直没有收到他的信。(hear from)

  I haven’t heard from my cousin since he went abroad

  2. 回家的路上我们碰见一位老妇人躺在路上。(come across) On the way home we came across an old woman lying on the road.

  3. 她的红头发在人群中非常显眼。(stick out)

  She has red hair that sticks out in a crowd.

  4. 离家很久了, 这个女孩很想见到自己的妈妈, 特别是在她生病的时候。(be dying to)Being away from home for a long time, the girl is dying to see her mother especially when she’s ill.

  完成句子1. 我昨天收到了纽约的姐姐的来信。 I ________ _________ my sister in New York yeaterday.

  2. 她渴望出国。 She ____ _______ ________ go abroad.

  3. 她在抽屉里偶然发现一些旧照片。 She _________ _________ some old photos in a drawer.

  4. 不要把头伸出汽车窗外。 Don’t _______ your head _______ ______ the car window.

  5. 最近非洲许多河流都干涸了。 Many rivers in Africa ________ ________ ______ recently.

  6. 你的衣服要很长时间才能干透。 Your clothes will take ages _______ ________ _______.

  完成句子 1. heard from 2. is dying to 3. came across 4. stick out of 5. have dried up6. to dry out


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