2017高考英语听力素材VOA:Go English(word文档)ge012a-查字典英语网
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2017高考英语听力素材VOA:Go English(word文档)ge012a

发布时间:2017-02-05  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  标题:美语三级跳 Go English:012A 开车: 初级课程


  Professor: Winnie, have you ever gone to Las Vegas?

  去过一次。Professor Bowman, 如果我是租车公司老板,一定不愿意把车租给去赌城的人,因为他们可能会连车一起输掉!

  Phil: Hello, I'd like to rent a car please.

  Employee: OK, how long do you need it for?

  Phil: I just need it for the weekend.

  Employee: Alright, how far will you drive the car?

  Phil: Umm ... I'm not sure. How far away is Las Vegas?


  Professor: Winnie, sometimes if you drive a long distance, it will cost you more money to rent the car.


  Professor: Well, Phil doesn't know how far he has to drive, so he asks the attendant how far away Las Vegas is.

  Employee: Las Vegas is about 260 miles from here. Is that where you're going?

  Phil: Yes, so I need a nice car so that I look really cool.

  Employee: I see .... well would you like a car with a sunroof?

  Phil: A sunroof? That's not cool enough. I need a convertible.

  Professor: So Winnie, what kind of car does Phil want to drive to Las Vegas.


  Professor: Yes, and what kind of car does the rental company employee say he might like?

  店员建议Phil租一辆有sunroof - 天窗的车,可他觉得这还不够酷,他要一辆convertible - 敞篷车! 真希望他能把我也带上!

  Employee: Yes, we have a nice red convertible for an extra 40 dollars per day.

  Phil: Alright, are there any other taxes or fees?

  Employee: Not if you remember to fill the car with gas before you return it.

  Phil: Hmm ... well, this sounds like a pretty good deal.

  看来扮酷也是有代价的! 敞篷车每天的租金比普通车高出40美元...不过,想到开着敞篷车,在风中驰骋的感觉,这笔钱,咬咬牙,值了!

  Professor: Maybe ... but then you wouldn't look very cool if your hair is all messed up by the wind and all the bugs splattered on your face.

  Professor Bowman,你怎么总要破坏气氛!

  Professor: Okay, Winnie. So, what does Phil have to do before he returns the car?

  店员说,他在还车前要把油加满。除此之外,就没有其它的taxes or fees--税和费用了。Phil觉得这是个good deal,很值,看来他就打算租这辆敞篷车了!

  Professor: Well, not so fast. Let's see what happens.

  Phil: Actually, I have one more question. Is the car a manual or an automatic?

  Employee: It's a manual. Is that alright?

  Phil: No, I can only drive an automatic.

  Employee: Well I'm sorry, but all of our convertibles are manuals.

  Professor: Well Winnie, do you know what the difference between a manual and an automatic car is?

  当然知道,manual transmission就是手动换档,人工换档,相反的,an automatic transmission是自动换档的车。可惜,这里所有的敞篷车都是manual的,而Phil只会开automatic。

  Phil: Oh no ... all your convertibles are manuals? Well, do you have any other cool cars?

  Employee: Not really. Our cars are economical, not cool.

  Phil: Well too bad ... Maybe my friend Tom will let me borrow his convertible.

  Employee: I'm sorry we couldn't help you.

  Professor: Winnie, do you know what an economical car is?

  Economical, e-c-o-n-o-m-i-c-a-l是“经济实惠”的意思,所以economical car就是经济型轿车喽!

  Professor: That's right! So Phil wants to borrow his friend Tom's convertible. That will be very "economical" for him, and he will look cool.


  Professor: Well, we will have to listen next time to find out!



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