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发布时间:2017-02-05  编辑:查字典英语网小编

   选修6 Unit 5 The power of nature



  —It’s been a wonderful evening.That’s very kind of you.


  A.It’s my pleasureB.With pleasure

  C.Go aheadD.Not really

  2.(2017·山西高三年级第三次四校联考)No matter how much money you possess,it can’t________a healthy body.



  3.(2017·河南豫北三校高三下学期联合考试)—Amy,please tell the people seated and________for their turns to come to my office five minutes later.



  C.waitedD.to wait

  4.(2017·湖南十二校第二次联考)—Don’t throw the waste on the ground.

  —Oh,I’m very sorry.I________the dustbin there.

  A.didn’t seeB.am not seeing

  C.don’t seeD.haven’t seen

  5.(2017·安徽江南十校联考)Why waste time going to the bank________you can do it all over the Internet at home?It is really convenient.



  6.(2017·江西赣州适应性考试)He arrived in the US in 1988,________,five years later,he became a successful businessman.



  7.(2017·兰州质检)There are________approaches to English teaching.But not all of them are equally efficient for our Chinese students.



  8.The games are designed to make maths fun and________children’s confidence.

  A.bring upB.take up

  C.build upD.break up

  9.(2017·北京东城期末)Last Monday,I was asked to give the new students a test________their English level.

  A.evaluatingB.to have evaluated

  C.to evaluateD.having evaluated

  10.(2017·浙江卷)The research lacks________evidence,and therefore,its conclusions are doubtful.



  11.Nowadays food safety is a big problem and

  nobody can guarantee all foods are secure to us,but food produced in the normal companies is________better.



  12.He had a talent for music and was________conductor of Shanghai Symphony Orchestra at the age of 30.



  13.(2017·江苏泰州检测)—Will you be able to finish the report before Friday?

  —I can’t________anything,but I’ll try my best.


  C.prepareD.say网14.(2017·吉林长春外国语学校月考)In the botanical garden we can find a(n)________of plants that range from tall trees to small flowers.



  15.(2017·湖南省六校联考)________the blind wandering through the traffic,motorists would have to step on their brakes at once.

  A.SeeingB.Having seen

  C.SeenD.To have seen



  When I was growing up in the suburbs of New York,our first local Earth Day was organized around a drive to a town field where families were urged to dump items from their basements for recycling rather than tossing them in the trash.It was an eye­opening concept for a kid in 1970.

  But as an environmental reporter,I have come to dread (非常害怕) the large amount of deals and promotions that arrive via e­mail or in my office or home mailbox on Earth Day.Like Valentine’s Day,Earth Day has become a huge marketing opportunity—a paradoxical (矛盾的) way to promote consumption and sell stuff.

  In fact,Earth Day is such a good sales hook that some shops,like Target,have expanded Earth Day into Earth Month.

  There isn’t time to give you a full rundown of the Earth Day shopping opportunities I was alerted to this past week.They included deals on buying bottled water and earth­friendly diaper wipes.

  My award for the silliest promotion:a plan to gift 25 of the most environmentally




  and fabulous “green” products and services,including skin care products,cat litter,cheesecake and artwork.My guess is most of the stuff will end up in celebrities’ garbage.

  Is buying and selling a good way to celebrate and protect the environment?I would argue that Earth Day might be an occasion to consider giving up purchases or habits that are environmentally questionable or that we could happily do without.How about not buying bottled water,but refilling a water bottle?How about not buying foods—even “organic” foods—that are packed in non­recyclable plastic?

  Don’t get me wrong.Bridgestone is celebrating Earth Day by promising to repurpose a spent tire for every tire that it sells.Verizon will plant a tree for each cellphone you trade in.Some coffee stores will even refill reusable mugs at no charge.Target is giving out free reusable carrier bags without requiring a purchase.

  But few retailers are taking the next step—charging a fee at the cash register for disposable plastic bags,a common practice in Europe—to motivate customers to use those new reusable carriers.

  Earth Day is transient (短暂的).If you only showed love on Valentine’s Day,would that really mean anything at all?

  1.The author’s first local Earth Day was celebrated by________.

  A.driving to a town field for fun

  B.dumping unused items for recycling

  C.looking for good ideas for reuse

  D.clearing items from their basement

  2.Why do some shops expand Earth Day into Earth Month?

  A.Because too many activities are organized for the day.

  B.Because they intend to make more sales strategies.

  C.Because they want to have more selling opportunities.

  D.Because they have to deal with too much waste.

  3.What’s the author’s attitude towards the deals and promotions on Earth Day?



  4.According to the author,it’s environmentally friendly to________.

  A.buy packed organic foods

  B.offer stars green products

  C.refill water bottles

  D.ask for disposable plastic bags

  5.It could be inferred from the text that Bridgestone and Verizon________.

  A.are likely to misunderstand the author

  B.have a good way to celebrate Earth Day

  C.are devoted to making money on Earth Day

  D.make wrong promotion plans on Earth Day



  [1]A great number of people spend a lot of time earning money because they believe the money itself will make them happy,or will guard them against things that will make them unhappy.They make great efforts to achieve the perfect relationship,the


  house,the beautiful

  body,the approval of others,all in an attempt to be happy.

  [2]Sometimes these things make people happy;other times,people stress over not having reached the goals,or reach them and find they’re still unhappy.Other times,people focus on just one goal and don’t have time for other things that will make them truly happy.

  [3]Some experts studying human happiness and the factors that contribute to it have identified several key areas of life that seem to be more related to personal happiness.Some of them are the things like money,friends,health and living conditions;others are things you may not think of in your daily life,such as your neighborhood and sense of meaning in life.

  [4]So while setting your goals,remember all of the areas of life that are important to you and find a balanced lifestyle including



  development,physical health and meaningful pursuits besides career success and financial security.______________,your attitude about life and the things that happen to you each day can also have a great effect on your level of happiness and life satisfaction.In addition to being optimistic,happy people tend to believe they are the masters of their fate,rather than the victims of circumstance.

  [5]Explore the state of your life,assess how truly happy you are,and find a direction to work toward what will likely bring more happiness.Reach your goals,set new ones and live a life that truly makes you happy.

  1.What’s the main idea of the passage?(no more than 5 words)

  ________________________________________________________________________网2.What will happen to those who focus on just one goal and don’t have time for other things?(no more than 6 words)


  3.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 4 with proper words.(no more than 5 words)


  4.List three other factors that can make people happy except money.(no more than 13 words)




  5.What does the word “it” (Line 2,Paragraph 3) probably refer to?(2 words)



  1.解析: 考查交际用语。此处是对“That’s very kind of you”的回答,因此选It’s my pleasure,表示“不客气,很荣幸”。With pleasure愿意效劳;Go ahead可以,干吧;Not really不,不是。

  答案: A

  2.解析: 考查动词辨析。句意为:无论你有多少钱,它都比不上一个健康的身体。compare比较,对比;suit适合;defeat打败,战胜。match与……相匹敌,和……不相上下,符合句意。

  答案: D

  3.解析: 考查非谓语动词。句意为:——艾米,请告诉坐在那里排队等着的人们,五分钟后到我的办公室。——好的,先生。分析句子结构可知,“seated and________for their turns”是定语,修饰the people,the people与wait是逻辑上的主谓关系,故选waiting。

  答案: B

  4.解析: 考查时态。句意为:——不要往地上扔垃圾。——哦,很抱歉。我没有看到那边的垃圾箱。此处表示答话者刚才没有看到垃圾箱,故用一般过去时。

  答案: A

  5.解析: 考查状语从句。句意为:既然在家里通过计算机能做所有的事情,为什么非要浪费时间去银行呢?那样真的很方便。when此处表示“既然”,用于引出使某人的行为看似出人意料的情景,引导原因状语从句。

  答案: A

  6.解析: 考查定语从句。分析题干可知,本句是一个定语从句,the US是先行词,逗号后为非限制性定语从句,且关系词在定语从句中作地点状语,因此应用where作为引导词。

  答案: C

  7.解析: 句意为:有许多英语教学方法,但它们不一定都对中国学生同样有效。A项应说成a variety of;B项意为“准确的,精确的”;C项意为“原始的”;D项意为“不同的,多种多样的”。由句意可知选D。

  答案: D

  8.解析: build up one’s confidence树立某人的信心。bring up抚养;take up从事;break up打碎,分裂,解体。

  答案: C

  9.解析: 句意为:上周一我应邀给新生进行了一次测试来评估一下他们的英语水平。此处用动词不定式作后置定语,表示目的。

  答案: C

  10.解析: 考查形容词辨析。句意为:该研究缺乏可靠的证据,因此它的结论值得怀疑。由句意可知,solid符合语境,意为“可靠的,可信赖的”。fierce激烈的,severe严重的,potential潜在的,均不符合句意。

  答案: A

  11.解析: 句意为:现在食品安全是一个大的问题,没有人能够保证所有的食物对我们来说都是安全的,但是正规公司生产的食物相对来说要好一些。strictly严格地;absolutely完全地;relatively相对地;exactly正好地。

  答案: C

  12.解析: 句意为:他对音乐很有天赋,在30岁的时候被任命为上海交响乐团的指挥。assign布置;name命名;honor给……荣誉。

  答案: B

  13.解析: 句意为:——周五前你能完成报告吗?——我不能保证什么,但是我会尽最大努力的。guarantee保证,担保;transform改变,转换;prepare准备;say说。此处表达不能向对方保证会做到某事,故选A项。

  答案: A

  14.解析: 句意为:在植物园,我们会发现从大树到小花等各种各样的植物。a variety of各种的;a species of一种;B项变成group才正确;an amount of修饰不可数名词。

  答案: D

  15.解析: 考查非谓语动词。句意为:看到盲人过马路时,汽车驾驶员不得不马上踩刹车。motorists与see之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,并且see与step的动作几乎同时发生,故用Seeing。

  答案: A


  语篇解读 本文作者对一些商家在世界地球日的做法发表了自己的观点。

  1.解析: 考查细节理解。根据第一段中的“our first local Earth Day was organized around a drive to a town field where families were urged to dump items from their basements for recycling”可知答案。

  答案: B

  2.解析: 考查细节理解。根据第三段内容可知,一些商家将世界地球日扩展为世界地球月是为了销售更多的商品。

  答案: C网3.解析: 考查观点态度。根据第二段中的“I have come to dread

  the large amount of deals and promotions”以及第五段中的“My award for the silliest promotion”可知,作者对商家的促销活动持批评态度。

  答案: D

  4.解析: 考查细节理解。根据倒数第四段中的“How about not buying bottled water,but refilling a water bottle?”可知,C项正确,其他项均与文章不符。

  答案: C

  5.解析: 考查推理判断。根据倒数第三段的描述可知,作者认同这两个商家庆祝世界地球日的方法。

  答案: B


  1.How to be happy?/How to stay happy?

  2.They will lose/miss true happiness.

  3.Moreover/What’s more/ In addition

  4.①friends,health and living conditions;②your neighborhood;

  ③sense of meaning in life.

  5.human happiness


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