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发布时间:2017-02-05  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  必修4 Unit 1 Women of achievement


  1.(2017·四川巴蜀名校联考)—I’m worrying about the coming examination.I’m afraid I cannot pass it.

  —________!I’m sure you’ll make it.

  A.Go aheadB.Good luck

  C.No problemD.Don’t lose heart

  2.(2017·湖南省部分重点中学3月联考)Many a student________selected to take part in the English competition,and more than one teacher________them on speaking and writing.

  A.was;has coachedB.were;have coached

  C.was;have coachedD.were;has coached

  3.(2017·咸阳二模)We should keep in mind that the earth is our only home and only by saving the environment________ourselves.

  A.we can saveB.can we save

  C.we must saveD.must we save

  4.(2017·北京四中月考)For more information about the job employment ad.,please________our website on the Internet at www.state.gov or telephone 619-5886.

  A.pass awayB.call up

  C.refer toD.put up

  5.Last night Bruce was observed________the building with two young men and take a taxi away.


  C.having leftD.to leave

  6.The English teacher tells the students to have________for different races and appreciate the diversity of other cultures.



  7.(2017·皖南八校第三次联考)A recent survey shows the number of people who shop in stores________,while far more are shopping online.

  A.decrease B.decreases

  C.is decreasingD.are decreasing

  8.(2017·安徽省淮北五校第四次联考)—You look tired,Mike.

  —Oh,I stayed up last night,________the final of the Voice of China on TV.


  B.having watched



  9.(2017·长春市第一次调研)According to the arrangement,the athletes of our school________at the gym for two hours every day.

  A.work out

  B.carry out

  C.take inD.set aside

  10.(2017·江苏省三校4月阶段性考试)To their disappointment,Dr Wang gave a speech about the economy without even a passing________to the problem of unemployment.



  11.Each time I________a good essay when reading newspapers,I cut it out and keep it.

  A.work outB.come across

  C.care aboutD.put down

  12.(2017·淮南高三质检)When you stand on the top of the mountain and overlook the surrounding scenery,you’ll find it is________to climb it up with effort.



  13.We should not________and laugh at those who have no homes to shelter from the rain and wind.Instead,we should be sympathetic of them.

  A.look forward toB.think highly of

  C.pay attention toD.look down upon

  14.________they decide which college to go to,students should research the admission procedures.

  A.As B.While


  15.(2017·皖南八校联考)________ Yao Ming has retired from the NBA,the pleasure we have got by watching him play basketball at home and abroad will last long.





  If you want to stand out,there is no alternative but hard work.

  Once a boy in__1__clothes full of patches ran to ask a successful building contractor (承包商) in a construction site,“How could I become as __2__as you when I grow up?”

  With a__3__at the boy,the contractor replied,“There is a story about three diggers.The first digger liked holding a spade without doing anything but saying that he wanted to be a(n) __4__in the future.The second always liked__5__about the work and his low__6__.The third digger liked__7__devoting himself to digging.Later,the first was still holding his spade in the__8__place and the second took an excuse for early__9__.Only the third became a boss.Do you understand the

  __10__of this story?Just go to buy a__11__shirt and work hard.”

  The little boy was__12__.So he asked the contractor to explain further.__13__the working builders,the contractor replied,“Look at my

  workers!I can’t remember all their names,and even I have no__14__of some of them.Most of

  them wear blue shirts.But if you look__15__,you will notice a sunburned man in red.He seems to be working harder than others.He is always the first one to work while the last one to leave.It is exactly his red shirt that makes him__16__.Soon he will be__17__to my assistant.You know,that is also how

  I got__18___I am now.I worked hard and wore a striped

  shirt.My boss __19__me.I also became a boss eventually.”

  Success can only__20__action.Working hard is all

  winners’ shared experience for achieving their dreams. 1.A.spotted B.ragged


  2.A.creative B.strong

  C.rich D.responsible

  3.A.glance B.laugh

  C.wave D.shout



  C.boss D.assistant

  5.A.thinking B.learning

  C.explaining D.complaining




  C.obviously D.freely




  9.A.arrival B.retirement


  D. payment

  10.A.ending B.people

  C.moral D.importance


  C.white D.blue

  12.A.puzzled B.disappointed



  13.A.Speaking to B.Referring to

  C.Coming to D.Pointing to




  15.A.frequently B.regularly


  16.A.stand out B.work out

  C.turn out D.give out

  17.A.employed B.elected

  C.admitted D.promoted

  18.A.which B.where

  C.who D.why

  19.A.praised B.ignoredC.scolded D.noticed

  20.A.bring about B.lead to

  C.result fromD.get into


  (2017·山东实验中学一模)When Peng Liyuan stepped off the plane in Moscow,the whole world wanted to know who dressed the elegant first lady.The reporter released the secret—Ma Ke.

  Peng Liyuan has been wearing Ma Ke’s designs for more than a decade,a fact that was only highlighted recently when she was on her first state visit,accompanying her husband President Xi Jinping.The elegant and attractive Peng,formerly a popular singer,has been compared with the US’ first lady Michelle Obama and France’s Carla Bruni­Sarkozy,since stepping off the airplane in Moscow on March 22.Suddenly,everyone was curious to know more about the first lady’s wardrobe.

  Even so,Ma prefers a low­key approach.“If you eat a tasty egg why would you want to see the hen?” she says of all the media attention.

  Ma’s relationship with Peng began 10 years ago after a concert in Guangzhou when a reporter told Peng she knew the designer behind the label Exception de Mixmind.Peng asked for an introduction because she was a fan of Ma’s designs and had been wearing them for years.

  The two naturally became friends.Ma says:“The painting reflects the painter,and clothes reflect both the designer and the wearer.Someone desires fame and wealth,or love and sympathy;what you have in your heart is reflected in the design.Those who don’t share my philosophy won’t buy my clothes.Peng is a caring person,devoted to charity and environmental protection,which is exactly what I’m doing now.”

  However,regardless of the brand,Peng’s support of Chinese labels has surprised millions of Chinese who favor foreign fashion brands.

  “Instead she presented a vision of Chinese fashion,desiring to bring Chinese designers to the world stage,” says a western designer.

  The first lady’s double­breasted coat and her black leather handbag aren’t available at any of Exception’s shops,though Exception’s physical stores do have seen a rising number of visitors.

  1.The passage mainly discusses________.

  A.the designer of the first lady Peng Liyuan’s dress,Ma Ke

  B.the friendship between Peng Liyuan and her designerC.Peng Liyuan’s clothes on her first state visit

  D.the reactions to Peng Liyuan’s first visit to Moscow

  2.In the underlined sentence in Paragraph 3 Ma Ke mentioned “an egg and the hen” to show________.

  A.it is hard to explain “Which came first,the egg or the hen?”

  B.paying such great attention to her was unnecessary

  C.the outcome was more important than the process

  D.her dissatisfaction with the media attention on her dress

  3.What can be inferred from the passage?

  A.First ladies compete with each other whenever they are together.

  B.Peng’s suits can be bought in Ma Ke’s clothes stores.

  C.Ma Ke offered to design the first lady’s clothes through her friends.

  D.Peng had liked Ma’s designs long before she got to know her in the flesh.

  4.In the passage,Peng Liyuan________.

  A.often reflects on what she has in her heart before choosing clothes

  B.is sympathetic and has a strong environmental consciousness

  C.always desires the exceptional charm of the brandD.is knowledgeable in philosophy

  5.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?

  A.Peng wears the dress designed by a Chinese designer probably to support Chinese brands

  B.Many citizens found Peng Liyuan’s choice quite unexpected.

  C.Black leather handbags like Peng’s are widely sold in bag stores in big cities.

  D.After Peng Liyuan’s visit to Moscow Ma Ke’s clothes became more popular.



  1.解析: 考查交际用语。根据答语第二句“我相信你能做到”可知第二个说话人是在鼓励对方不要丧失信心,故D项正确。A项“可以,干吧”;B项“祝你好运”;C项“没问题”。

  答案: D

  2.解析: 考查主谓一致。句意为:许多学生被选去参加英语竞赛,不只一个老师在口语和写作方面对他们进行辅导。当many a和more than one等作定语去修饰主语的单数可数名词时,谓语动词用单数。

  答案: A

  3.解析: 考查倒装。句意为:我们需要铭记的是,地球是我们唯一的家园,只有拯救环境才能拯救我们自己。分析句子结构可知,only置于分句句首,故用部分倒装结构。

  答案: B

  4.解析: 考查动词短语辨析。句意为:为了获得更多关于这则招聘广告的信息,请登录我们的网站www.state.gov或致电619-5886。根据句意可知,此处是指“参考,查阅”,故选C。

  答案: C

  5.解析: 此题考查observe sb.do sth.的被动语态,sb.is observed to do sth.。

  答案: D

  6.解析: have respect for sb.尊敬某人。

  答案: C

  7.解析: 考查时态和主谓一致。the number of后接名词作主语时,谓语动词用单数;由后一分句中的“are shopping online”可知,前一分句也用现在进行时。

  答案: C

  8.解析: 考查非谓语动词。句意为:——Mike,你看起来很疲倦。——哦,我昨晚熬夜观看了“中国好声音”的决赛。由语境可知,此处用现在分词的一般式表伴随。

  答案: C

  9.解析: 考查动词短语。句意为:根据安排,我们学校的运动员每天在体育馆锻炼两个小时。work out锻炼,符合句意。carry out执行,实施;take in理解,领会;set aside留出,拨出。

  答案: A

  10.解析: 考查名词。句意为:令他们失望的是,王教授只是做了一个关于经济方面的演讲,根本都没有提及失业方面的问题。C项“参考,提及”,符合句意。A项意为“联系,连接”;B项意为“任命,约会”;D项意为“探索,考察”。

  答案: C

  11.解析: 句意为:看报纸时我每遇到一篇好文章,我会剪下来保存。come across偶然遇到,符合句意。

  答案: B

  12.解析: 句意为:当你站在山顶并俯瞰周围美景时,你会觉得尽力攀上来是值得的。It is worthwhile to do sth.做……是值得的;It is possible to do sth.做……是可能的。

  答案: D13.解析: 考查短语辨析。前句意为:我们不应该看不起和嘲笑那些没有能遮风挡雨的住处的人们。A项意为“盼望”;B项意为“高度评价”;C项意为“注意”;D项意为“蔑视;瞧不起”,符合句意。

  答案: D

  14.解析: 考查连词。once在句中引导状语从句,表示“一旦”。句意为:一旦学生决定上哪个大学,他们就应该了解一下入学手续。其他几项不合题意。

  答案: D

  15.解析: 分析句子结构并结合句意可知,逗号前的内容在句子中作让步状语。A项意为“虽然”;B项意为“如果”;C项意为“自从,因为”;D项意为“一旦”。

  答案: A


  语篇解读 本文讲述了成功的秘诀。一个人要想成功,只有辛勤劳动、与众不同才能出人头地,最终实现自己的梦想。

  1.解析: 根据空后的“full of patches”可知,这里表示一个“衣衫褴褛的”男孩儿。

  答案: B

  2.解析: “我”长大后怎样才能成为和你一样“富有的”人?

  答案: C

  3.解析: 根据下文可知,承商包应该是先“打量”这个男孩子,然后再回答他的问题。

  答案: A

  4.解析: 下文的“became a boss”是线索提示。

  答案: C

  5.解析: 第二个人总喜欢“抱怨”工作和“薪水”低。

  答案: D

  6.解析: 参见上题解析。salary薪水,符合语境。

  答案: B

  7.解析: 第三个人喜欢“安静地”工作。

  答案: A

  8.解析: 第一个人依旧拿着锹在“原来的”职位上,第二个人找了个借口提前“退休”,只有第三个人最终成了老板。

  答案: C

  9.答案: B

  10.解析: 你懂得这个故事的“寓意”吗?

  答案: C

  11.解析: 根据下文可知,他让男孩买件“红色的”衬衫,并且努力工作。

  答案: B

  12.解析: 根据下文男孩要这个承包商进一步解释原因可知,开始他是“困惑的”。

  答案: A

  13.解析: 根据后文的“Look at my workers!”可知,当时承包商是“指向”那些在干活的建筑工人们。

  答案: D

  14.解析: “我”不能记住他们所有人的名字,甚至对一些人没有什么“印象”。

  答案: A

  15.解析: 但是如果你“仔细地”看,你就会注意到一个晒伤的穿红色衣服的人。

  答案: C

  16.解析: 正是他的红色衣服使他“显眼”。

  答案: A

  17.解析:  很快他将被“提升”为“我”的助手。

  答案: D

  18.解析: 那也是“我”如何走到现在这个位置的原因。where在某个地方,引导地点状语从句,符合语境。

  答案: B

  19.解析: “我”穿条纹衬衫努力工作。“我”的老板因此“注意”到了“我”。

  答案: D20.解析: result from...因……产生,由……造成,符合语境。

  答案: C


  语篇解读 本文是一篇资讯报道。主要介绍了Ma Ke与彭丽媛的相识、她的一些设计以及对待名利的态度。

  解析: 主旨大意题。根据第一段最后一句“The reported released the secret—Ma Ke.”及对全文整体理解可知,本文主要介绍了彭丽媛所穿衣服的设计师Ma Ke。答案: A

  2.解析: 推理判断题。根据第三段第一句“Even so,Ma prefers a low­key approach.”可知,Ma Ke是个很低调的人,她觉得人们应该更多地关注她的作品而不是她本人。

  答案: B

  3.解析: 细节理解题。根据第四段最后一句中的“Peng asked for an introduction because she was a fan of Ma’s designs and had been wearing them for years.”可知,在认识Ma Ke之前,彭丽媛已经穿Ma Ke设计的衣服很长时间了。

  答案: D

  4.解析: 细节理解题。根据第五段最后一句中的“Peng is a caring person,devoted to charity and environmental protection”可知,彭丽媛是一个有爱心、同情心和环保意识的人。

  答案: B

  5.解析: 推理判断题。根据倒数第三段“However,regardless of the brand,Peng’s support of Chinese labels has surprised millions of Chinese who favor foreign fashion brands.”可知,彭丽媛支持民族品牌,这也让很多喜爱外国名牌的中国人吃惊,所以A、B两项正确;根据倒数第二段中的“Instead she presented a vision of Chinese fashion,desiring to bring Chinese designers to the world stage”可知,彭丽媛使得Ma Ke的设计更受欢迎,故D项正确;根据最后一段中的“The first lady’s double­breasted coat and her black leather handbag aren’t available at any of Exception’s shops”可知,C项不正确。

  答案: C


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