2015高考英语一轮精讲教案:必修7 (4)-查字典英语网
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2015高考英语一轮精讲教案:必修7 (4)

发布时间:2017-02-05  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  选修7 Unit 2(2)

  It was then that Claire realized that Tony had opened the curtains of the front window.也就在这时候,克莱尔才意识到托尼早就把前边窗户的窗帘拉开了。


  (1)强调句的基本句型是“It is/was+被强调的部分+that/who+其他部分”。被强调的部分可以是主语、宾语和状语等。


  (3)强调“not...until”引导的时间状语时,要用“It is/was not until...that...”结构,that后面的句子要用肯定式,且须用陈述句语序。

  ①(浙江高考)—I’ve read another book this week.


  —Well,maybe it_is not how much you read but what you read that counts.


  ②It was in the beautiful park that was located by the sea that we first met our new Chinese teacher.是在位于海边的美丽公园我们第一次遇见我们的新汉语老师。

  ③(2017·上海卷)—Was it by cutting down staff that she saved the firm?

  —No,it was by improving work efficiency.



  ④I don’t know what_it_was in the novel that made him burst into tears.我不知道是小说中的什么东西使他突然泪如泉涌。

  ⑤(2017·湖南卷)It was not until I came here that I realized this place was famous for not only its beauty but also its weather.

  直到我到这里我才意识到此地不仅因其美丽,更因其天气而闻名。It was disturbing and frightening that he looked so human.机器人如此通人性,这使她觉得心烦和害怕。

  (1)“It be+adj.+that从句”是固定句式,其中it是形式主语,真正的主语是that引导的从句。常见的形容词:strange/obvious/true/good/possible/likely/clear...

  (2010·上海书面表达)It’s_obvious that they are all putting up their hands voluntarily to answer questions.


  It is necessary that we should apply theory to practice.


  (2)It be+名词(短语)+that从句

  It is a fact that...事实是……It is a pity (shame) that...遗憾的是……

  It is good (bad) manners that...……是有(没有)礼貌的

  It is no wonder that...……不足为奇

  It_is_a_pity_that Jan and George can’t make it to the party.



  1.Nobody knows______________________________(到底是谁闯进房间) last night and stole the important papers.

  答案: who it was that broke into the house

  2.________________________(一定会) he will come to Jenny’s birthday party.

  答案: It is certain that

  3.As a teacher,I____________________________(不允许你考试作弊).

  答案: won’t have you cheating in the exam


  1.(2017·甘肃兰州名校高三阶段检测)It was while he was visiting his uncle in a mountain village________he got the inspiration for his new novel.

  A.that B.which

  C.when D.where

  解析: 考查强调句型。句意为:他是在山村拜访他叔叔时,获得了新小说的灵感。分析句子结构可知,此处使用了强调句型,其结构为“It is/was+被强调部分+that+其他”,故选A。

  答案: A

  2.(2017·苏锡常镇二调)—Was it because of his short­sightedness________he was turned down by the company?

  —No,it was because of his poor performance.

  A.when B.that

  C.what D.how

  解析: 考查强调句。句意为:——他是因为近视而被公司拒绝的吗?——不,是因为他的糟糕表现。分析句子成分可知,问句为强调句的一般疑问句形式,故选that。

  答案: B

  3.(2017·宝鸡三检)—How unhappy your roommate looks!

  —Yes,but he’s not willing to tell me what it is________is troubling him.

  A.what B.which

  C.as D.that

  解析: 考查强调句。分析句子结构可知,此处为特殊疑问句的强调句式,其结构为“特殊疑问词+is+it+that+从句”,又因强调句在句中作tell的宾语,应用陈述语序。

  答案: D

  4.Is________surprising how quickly children get used to a new environment?

  A.it B.that

  C.this D.they

  解析: 考查主语从句。it是形式主语,真正的主语是how quickly children get used to a new environment。

  答案: A

  5.It is obvious to the students________they should get well prepared for their future.

  A.as B.which

  C.whether D.that

  解析: 句意为:很明显,对学生来说,他们应该为未来做好准备。it是句子的形式主语,that引导主语从句,只起引导作用,不在从句中作任何成分。as和which不引导主语从句;whether引导主语从句,不在从句中作成分,但表示“是否”的意义。


  envy vt.忌妒;羡慕;n.羡慕或忌妒的人或事物;羡慕;忌妒

  envy sb.(for) sth.妒忌或羡慕某人某事

  out of envy出于妒忌

  How I envy him the pleasure he had during the vacation!


  sympathy n.同情(心)

  in sympathy with赞成;和……一致

  out of sympathy出于同情

  Out of sympathy for the homeless children,he gave them shelter for the night.出于对无家可归孩子的同情,他给他们提供了住宿。

  satisfaction n.满意;满足;令人满意的事物

  with satisfaction满意地

  Having bought what she wanted,she left the supermarket with satisfaction.买到想要的东西,她满意地离开了超市。








  Everybody desires to have a robot in the digital times.When you are alarmed,it is bound to accompany you until you want to be left alone.While you are at work,it obeys your order and sets down the numbers that ring you up,and even deals with some office affairs.

  If you have such a robot,others will envy you.


  1.(2017·郑州第三次质量预测)—Linda,the phone in your office can’t be connected all the time.Why?

  —Oh,sorry,Miss Miles.The service________since last Wednesday.

  A.has been stopped B.has stopped

  C.was stopped

  D.had stopped

  解析: 句意为:——琳达,你办公室的电话一直不通,为什么?——噢,对不起,迈尔斯小姐。自从上周三以来,电话服务就被中止了。本题考查时态和语态。根据句意可知电话中止开始于过去,并持续到现在,故用现在完成时态,service与stop为被动关系,故答案为A项。

  答案: A

  2.(2017·合肥一检)—Are these seats available?

  —Sorry,sir.The seats________.

  A.have reserved

  B.are reserved


  D.are reserving

  解析: 考查动词的时态和语态。句意为:——这些座位可以坐吗?——对不起,先生,这些座位被预订了。根据句中的“Are”可知,这些座位被预订了是目前正处于的状态,又因为seats和reserve之间是被动关系,所以用一般现在时的被动语态,答案选B。

  答案: B

  3.(2017·湖南省重点中学5月联考)—What’s the matter with the door?It won’t________.

  —Only when you push hard can it________anyway.

  A.be opened;be opened B.open;open

  C.be opened;open D.open;be opened

  解析: 考查动词的语态。句意为:——这个门怎么回事?打不开了。——只有用力推,它才能被打开。第一空前面有情态动词won’t,所以用主动表被动;第二空,can be opened表示“能够被打开”。

  答案: D

  4.(2017·湘潭市二模)—Did you see the CEO in his office?

  —Yes,he________by the journalist from BBC.

  A.has been interviewed B.is being interviewed

  C.had been interviewed D.was being interviewed

  解析: 考查动词的时态与语态。由句中的“Did”及语境可知,空处应用过去时;且答话人看见CEO的时候,他正接受英国广播公司记者的采访。故要用过去进行时的被动语态。

  答案: D

  5.(2017·江苏南通第二次学情调研)—The gas________on our way to the beach.

  —That must have brought much trouble.

  A.was given out B.has given out

  C.had given out D.gave out

  解析: 考查时态和语态。句意为:——在我们去海滩的路上,汽油用光了。——那肯定带来了不少麻烦。分析语境可知,动作发生在过去,叙述过去发生的事情,故应用一般过去时,排除B项和C项。give out作“用完”讲时,为不及物用法,故A项错误。

  答案: D


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