(安徽专用)2016届高考英语二轮复习专题训练:专题三 形容词和副词(含解析)-查字典英语网
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(安徽专用)2016届高考英语二轮复习专题训练:专题三 形容词和副词(含解析)

发布时间:2017-02-04  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  专题三 形容词和副词

  1.(2017·大纲全国,34)Henry was away from home for quite a bit and   saw his family. 

  A.frequently B.seldom

  C.always D.usually

  2.(2017·江苏,32)I can’t meet you on Sunday.I’ll be   occupied. 

  A.also B.just

  C.nevertheless D.otherwise

  3.(2017·浙江,4)Joe is proud and  ,never admitting he is wrong and always looking for someone else to blame. 

  A.strict B.sympathetic

  C.stubborn D.sensitive

  4.(2017·浙江,13)The aim of education is to teach young people to think for themselves and not follow others  . 

  A.blindly B.unwillingly

  C.closely D.carefully

  5.(2017·福建,24)With online shopping increasingly popular,the Internet is seen as a(n)  way of reaching target customers. 

  A.temporary B.complex

  C.accurate D.efficient

  6.(2017·江西,23)Thanks for your directions to the house;we wouldn’ t have found it  . 

  A.nowhere B.however

  C.otherwise D.instead

  7.(2017·湖北,28)Instead of blaming the child who had broken the vase,she gave him a   smile and let him go. 

  A.wild B.tolerant

  C.grateful D.cautious

  8.(2017·湖北,29)Hardly had Sabrina finished her words when Albert said  ,“Don’t be so mean,” pointing a finger of warning at her. 

  A.sharply B.indirectly



  9.(2017·安徽皖南八校第一次联考,34)The price of peanuts in Hangzhou has   since late May,the Qianjiang Evening News reported. 

  A.more doubled than 

  B.more than doubled 

  C.doubled more than 

  D.doubled than more

  10.(2017·安徽安庆一中、芜湖师大附中、马鞍山二中第一次联考,27)We expected their house to be very large,but it is   than ours. 

  A.still bigger B.bigger by far

  C.no bigger D.a lot bigger

  11.(2017·福建质检,31)—Why are you so   to get the part-time job,Joseph? 

  —I am in great need of money to support myself through college.

  A.desperate B.critical

  C.cautious D.accurate

  12.(2017·江苏南京、盐城联考,29)—What are these housewives talking about?

  —They are discussing whether men are actually   to housework or just too lazy. 



  13.(2017·江西上饶二模,24) Once you are   to smoking,it is difficult to give it up. 

  A.crazy B.fond

  C.addicted D.attractive

  14.(2017·陕西长安一中、高新一中、交大附中、师大附中、西安中学三模,17) He may not be the best choice.But before   is found,we will have him receive training in the team. 

  A.a good oneB.a better one 

  C.the best oneD.a best one

  15.(2017·安徽示范高中第一次联考,22)—Do you know where Jeremy works?

  —In a supermarket.He did when I last saw him, . 

  A.however B.anyway

  C.yet D.somehow

  16.After years of united efforts,the children of migrant workers can   take the college entrance exam in Fujian Province from 2017 on. 

  A.eventually B.gradually

  C.approximately D.occasionally

  17.In the TV ad,the actress is asked to smile with her mouth   open,showing her   teeth. 

  A.wide;sounding B.wide;sound

  C.widely;sounding D.widely;sound

  18.(2017·安徽六校教育研究会素质测试,24)A good “teammate” doesn’t   make a good partner.Those who put their partners in this category were most   to describe their relationship as slightly unhappy. 


  C.necessarily;likely D.likely;likely

  19.Her husband’s birthday is coming.After a long thought,she plans to buy a   wallet for him. 

  A.black leather small

  B.small black leather

  C.small leather black

  D.black small leather

  20.(2017·江苏苏锡常镇四市调研,23)In China people believe in the saying “out of debt,out of pressure”;however in the west,it is just the  —when you are in debt,you are trustworthy and financially capable. 

  A.objective B.opposite

  C.contrary D.contradictory

  21.(2017·天津一中月考,4) Working hard in study is important,but  as important is the desire to learn. 

  A.merely B.equally

  C.nearly D.partly

  22.(2017·天津一中月考,3) In the opinion of Li Ming,a science student in that high school,physics is  chemistry,but much easier than English. 

  A.as difficult a subject as

  B.as a difficult subject as

  C.a subject so difficult as

  D.difficult as a subject as

  23.(2017·安徽马鞍山二中安师大附中期中,33)When a customer withdraws money from the bank,it is required to leave his signature.But how can we be sure it is ? 


  C.academic D.authentic

  24.(2017·安徽和县一中月考,34)Miss Brown is so   about her housework that few servants want to work for her. 

  A.particular B.neat


  25.Nowadays,basic health care services are   to almost all the Chinese people.This accounts for the fact that the average life expectancy of the Chinese has already risen to 75. 

  A.alternative B.abundant

  C.accessible D.creative

  26.So far no one has come up with a   explanation of why dinosaurs died out. 

  A.convincing B.demanding

  C.touching D.puzzling

  27.(2017·北京西城区一模,22)It’s going to take ages to get to the airport this way.Can’t you go  ? 

  A.fastB.any faster 

  C.fastest D.as fast

  28.(2017·湖北黄冈重点中学3月月考,2)It is said that sandstorms will become more  as a result of global warming. 



  1.B 考查频率副词词义。句意:亨利经常在外面不回家(亨利在外面的时候挺多),很少见到家人。frequently “经常,常常”;seldom“很少”;always“总是,常常”;usually“通常”。

  2.D 考查副词辨析。句意:星期天我不能去见你了。我要忙别的事。also“也”;just“仅仅”;nevertheless“然而”;otherwise“另外;否则”。根据句意可知D项正确。

  3.C 考查形容词辨析。strict“严格的”;sympathetic“有同情心的”;stubborn“固执的”;sensitive“敏感的”。句意:乔既骄傲又固执,从来不承认自己有错,还总是责怪别人。故选C项。

  4.A 考查副词辨析。blindly“盲目地”;unwillingly“不情愿地”;closely“严密地”;carefully“仔细地,小心谨慎地”。句意:教育的目的就是教会年轻人独立思考,不盲从别人。故选A项。

  5.D 考查形容词词义辨析。句意: 随着网上购物越来越流行,因特网被认为是一种联系目标顾客的有效方式。temporary“临时的,暂时的”;complex “复杂的”;accurate “精确的,准确的”;efficient“有效的”。

  6.C 考查副词。句意:多谢你为我们指路,否则的话我们不会找到那所房子。句子的后半句为虚拟语气,表示与过去事实相反。nowhere“无处”;however “然而”;otherwise“否则,要不然”;instead“相反,而不是”。根据句意可知选C项。

  7.B 考查形容词辨析。句意:她没有责备打碎花瓶的那个孩子,而是对他宽容一笑,让他走了。wild“发怒的,疯狂的”;tolerant“容忍的,宽容的”;grateful“感激的,感谢的”;cautious “小心的,谨慎的”。

  8.A 考查副词辨析。句意:萨布里娜刚说完话,阿尔伯特就用手指指着她厉声说道:“不要太刻薄了。” sharply“严厉地,尖刻地”;indirectly“间接地,婉转地”;guiltily“有罪地”;dreadfully“可怕地,恐怖地”。

  9.B 考查倍数表达法。句意:据《钱江晚报》报道,杭州的花生价格自五月末以来已翻了一番还多。more than doubled“翻一番还多”,是倍数的表达方式,在May后省去了as high as before。

  10.C 考查比较等级的用法。句意:我们原指望他们的房子很大,但却和我们的房子一样不大。根据but的转折意味可知,此处用no bigger than表示“和(我们的房子)一样不大”。

  11.A 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:——约瑟夫,你为什么这么急于要找到一份兼职工作?——我急需要钱来供自己读完大学。desperate“极度渴望的”;critical“批评的,临界的”;cautious“谨慎的”;accurate“精确的”。

  12.B 考查形容词辨析。句意:——这些家庭主妇在谈什么?——他们在谈男人是否真的对做家务事过敏,还是他们只是太懒。obedient“服从的,孝顺的”;allergic“过敏的,敏感的”;native“本土的”;relevant“相关的”。

  13.C 考查形容词辨析。句意:你一旦吸烟上瘾,就难以戒掉。根据句意可知,此处用addicted,be addicted to“对……上瘾”。故选C项。

  14.B 考查形容词比较等级的用法。句意:他也许不是最好的选择,但在找到一个更好的之前,我们将让他在队里接受训练。该句隐含有和他进行比较的意味,故应用比较级。B项为正确答案。

  15.B 考查副词辨析。句意:——你知道杰里米在哪儿工作吗?——在一家超市。总之我上次见到他时他在那儿工作。however“然而”;anyway“总之,无论如何,不管怎样”;yet“然而”;somehow“以某种方式,莫名其妙地”。根据句意可知,此处应用anyway表示“总之,反正”。

  16.A 考查副词辨析。句意:经过多年的共同努力,从2017年起农民工的子女终于能在福建省参加高考了。根据句意可知应选eventually,表示“终于,最后”。gradually “逐步地,逐渐地”;approximately “大约”;occasionally “偶尔,间或”。

  17.B 考查形容词和副词。句意:在那则电视广告中,女演员被要求开口大笑,以展示她健康的牙齿。wide用作副词表示程度,意为 “充分地,完全地”,修饰形容词open;sound “健康的”,为形容词,修饰名词teeth。

  18.C 考查形容词辨析。句意:一个好的队友未必就是一个好的搭档,那些把搭档放在这个范畴的人非常可能在描述友谊时稍微有些不快乐。not necessarily“未必”;主语为人时,表示“可能的”应用likely作表语。故C项正确。

  19.B 考查形容词的排序。句意:她丈夫的生日快要到了。经过深思熟虑,她打算为他买个黑色的小皮夹。根据多个形容词作定语修饰同一名词的排列规律 “限定描绘大长高,形状年龄和新老,颜色国籍出材料,作用类别往后靠”可知,B项正确。

  20.B 考查形容词辨析。句意:在中国人们相信谚语“无债一身轻”;然而在西方却恰恰相反——当你负债时,你是值得信任的,并且有经济能力的。objective“客观的”;opposite“相反的”;contrary“相反的,矛盾的”;contradictory“反驳的”。根据句意及空处前的the可知,此处应用opposite,表示“相反的”。

  21.B 考查形容词辨析。句意:在学习上努力是重要的,但同等重要的是学习的欲望。根据but转折可知,此处用equally 表示“同样地(重要)”。merely“只,仅仅”;nearly“几乎”;partly“部分地”。

  22.A 考查as...as结构的用法。句意:按李明的观点,对于高中理科生来说,物理是和化学一样难的学科,但又比英语容易得多。as...as表示“和……一样”,当其中的形容词修饰单数可数名词时,应用“as+adj.+a(n)+n.+as”结构。

  23.D 考查形容词辨析。句意:客户在银行取款时需要留下签名,但我们如何能确信签名是真实的?absolute“绝对的”;alternative“可供选择的”;academic“学术的,纯理论的”;authentic“真实的”。根据but的转折可知,银行要求签名为的是确认取钱的可靠性,但我们无法确信留下的签名是否“真实”。故D项正确。

  24.A 考查形容词辨析。句意:布朗小姐对家务事十分挑剔,以至于几乎没有雇工想要为她工作。be particular about为固定短语,表示“对……很挑剔”。因后面说明几乎没有雇工想要为她工作,所以此处应填particular表示布朗小姐对家务事过于挑剔。neat“整洁的”;skillful“有技能的”;special“特殊的”。

  25.C 考查形容词辨析。此处用accessible “易得到的,易使用的”表示几乎所有的中国人都能享受到基本的医疗保健服务。alternative “可供替代的”;abundant “丰富的”;creative “有创造力的”。

  26.A 考查形容词。句意:迄今为止,尚未有人能对恐龙灭绝的原因作出一个令人信服的解释。convincing “有说服力的,令人信服的”;demanding “苛求的”;touching “感人的,动人的”;puzzling “令人困惑的”。故A项正确。

  27.B 考查副词比较等级。句意:这样要好久才能到机场,难道你不能走快点吗?根据语境可知,此处应用比较级表示比现在快点,其中在比较级前用any以加强语气。故B选项正确。

  28.D 考查形容词辨析。句意:据说因全球变暖沙尘暴将变得更加频繁。frequent“频繁的”;normal“正常的”;formal“正式的”;rare“稀少的”。


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