(安徽专用)2016届高考英语二轮复习专题训练:专题六 动词的时态和语态(含解析)-查字典英语网
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(安徽专用)2016届高考英语二轮复习专题训练:专题六 动词的时态和语态(含解析)

发布时间:2017-02-04  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  专题六 动词的时态和语态

  1.(2017·安徽,23)The twins,who   their homework,were allowed to play badminton on the playground. 

  A.will finish B.finish

  C.have finished D.had finished

  2.(2017·北京,31)—What time is it?

  —I have no idea.But just a minute,I   it for you. 

  A.check B.checked

  C.will check D.would check

  3.(2017·湖南,28)Since the time humankind started gardening,we   to make our environment more beautiful. 

  A.try B.have been trying

  C.are trying D.will try

  4.(2017·江苏,23)—How much do you know about the Youth Olympic Games to be held in Nanjing?

  —Well,the media   it in a variety of forms. 

  A.cover B.will cover

  C.have covered D.covered

  5.(2017·山东,1)Writing out all the invitations by hand was more time-consuming than we  . 

  A.will expectB.are expecting

  C.expect D.had expected

  6.(2017·山东,5)They made up their mind that they   a new house once Larry changed jobs. 

  A.bought B.would buy

  C.have bought D.had bought

  7.(2017·天津,11)We won’t start the work until all the preparations  . 

  A.are being made B.will be made

  C.have been made D.had been made

  8.(2017·陕西,22)During his stay in Xi’an,Jerry tried almost all the local foods his friends  . 

  A.would recommend B.had recommended

  C.have recommended D.were recommending

  9.(2017·浙江,11)Sofia looked around at all the faces;she had the impression that she   most of the guests before. 

  A.has seen B.had seen

  C.saw D.would see

  10.(2017·天津市十二区县重点学校联考,5)—How could I apply for a course online?

  —Just fill in this form and we   what we can do for you. 

  A.see B.are seeing

  C.have seen D.will see

  11.(2017·合肥第一次质检,27)—What a pity!I missed the TV program last night.

  —Don’t worry.It   again this weekend. 


  B.will be broadcasted

  C.is broadcasted

  D.will broadcast

  12.(2017·山东潍坊4月模拟,7)—How long have you been here,Alice?

  —Only a few minutes.Susan   me here. 

  A.walks B.walked

  C.has walked D.had walked

  13.(2017·湖南十三校第二次联考,21)It is our hope that more trees   here next year. 

  A.will plant B.have planted

  C.will be planted D.have been planted

  14.—I wonder why nobody but you was absent from my birthday party.

  —Oh,sorry.I   a very important meeting. 

  A.attended B.have attended 

  C.had attendedD.was attending

  15.Miriam arrived at 5 pm,but Mr Whitaker   the store. 

  A.closed B.has closed

  C.had closed D.was closed

  16.—Ouch!You hurt me.

  —I’m sorry.But I   any harm.I   to drive a rat out. 

  A.don’t mean;am trying

  B.didn’t mean;tried

  C.haven’t meant;tried

  D.didn’t mean;was trying

  17.When she returned home,Rose found her computer   and she was very confused. 

  A.was removing B.has been removed

  C.had removed D.had been removed

  18.—Oh,God!Somebody   the cup. 

  —It wasn’t me.I didn’t do it.

  A.was breaking B.is breaking

  C.has broken D.had broken

  19.(2017·安徽屯溪一中期中,35)Mo Yan,a Nobel Prize winner in Literature,grew up listening to folk tales that   for centuries in his hometown. 

  A.have been told B.had been told

  C.were told D.have told

  20.My wife   the night shift when my plane  .That’s why no one is to meet me at the airport today. 

  A.will be working;arrives

  B.was working;arrived

  C.will have worked;has arrived

  D.is working;is arriving

  21.—Do you love teaching,Miss He?

  —I fell in love with teaching in 2000.I   for twelve years by this winter. 

  A.will teach

  B.would have taught

  C.have been teaching

  D.will have been teaching

  22.—Are you going to the party?

  —No,I  . 

  A.hadn’t invited

  B.didn’t invite

  C.hadn’t been invited

  D.haven’t been invited

  23.We first met in New York,if my memory   me well. 

  A.serves B.served

  C.is serving D.has served

  24.(2017·江苏苏锡常镇四市调研,29)—Guess what!We’ll have a chance to visit our sister school in that country this summer!

  —How nice!You   a different culture then. 

  A.will have experienced

  B.have experienced

  C.have been experiencing

  D.will be experiencing

  25.When Lily came to herself,she did not know how long she   in the cave. 

  A.had been lying B.has been lying

  C.was lying D.has lain

  26.Jenny has not heard from her husband for ages.Apparently their relations   increasingly tense. 

  A.were growing B.are growing

  C.grew D.will be growing

  27.—Alas!I have left my key to the office in my car.

  —Don’t worry.I   it for you.Wait a minute. 

  A.get B.am going to get

  C.will get D.am getting

  28.—Got your driving license?

  —Yes.It is a week since I   the driving test. 

  A.have passed B.passed

  C.will pass D.had passed

  29.Although my sweater is a bit expensive,it   well. 

  A.washes B.has washed

  C.is washed D.can be washed

  30.In general,most tennis   on hard courts or on clay. 


  B.is played

  C.has played

  D.has been played

  1.D 考查时态。“完成作业”发生在“被允许打羽毛球”(were allowed to play badminton)之前,表示“过去的过去”,故用过去完成时。句意:已经完成了作业的这对双胞胎被允许在操场上打羽毛球。故选D项。

  2.C 考查时态。句意:——现在几点了?——我不知道。但是稍等一会儿,我确认一下。此处表示说话之后将要发出的动作,故用一般将来时。

  3.B 考查时态。句意:自从人类开始园艺劳动以来,我们一直在设法使我们的环境变得更加美丽。根据时间状语since the time humankind started gardening可知,主句的谓语动词使用现在完成进行时,表示动作从过去持续到现在并且还将继续进行下去。

  4.C 考查动词的时态。句意:——你对即将在南京举办的青奥会了解多少?——喔,媒体早已通过多种方式报道了。此处表示对现在的影响或结果,故用现在完成时。

  5.D 考查动词时态。句意:手写出所有的这些请帖比我们原先预料的更费时。根据前面的was可以看出,此处表示过去的动作,且expect发生在“过去的过去”,故用过去完成时。

  6.B 考查动词时态。句意:他们决定一旦拉里换了工作,他们就买一所新房子。根据句意可知buy这个动作应在made up their mind之后,故应用过去将来时。因此B项正确。

  7.C 考查时态。句意:直到所有的准备工作都做好了我们才开始工作。主句中用的将来时,until从句中用一般现在时或现在完成时,故选C项。

  8.B 考查时态。定语从句中的谓语动作“推荐”发生在主句谓语动作“品尝”之前,也就是“过去的过去”,故用过去完成时。

  9.B 考查时态。“她以前已经见过绝大多数客人”是在“有这样的印象”之前,即“过去的过去”,所以用过去完成时。句意:索菲娅环顾四周看了一下所有的面孔,她有这样的印象:她以前见过绝大多数客人。故选B项。

  10.D 句意:——我如何能申请一个在线课堂?——填写这个表格,我们将看看我们能为你做些什么。答句是一个“祈使句+and+简单句”结构,后面的简单句常表示将来的情况,用一般将来时态。

  11.B 句意:——真遗憾,我昨晚错过了那个电视节目。——别担心,这个周末还会重播。it和broadcast之间为被动关系,且在这个周末发生,因此用将来时态的被动语态。故选B项。

  12.B 句意:——爱丽丝,你到这儿多久了?——只有几分钟,苏珊陪我走到这儿的。根据语境可知,苏珊陪爱丽丝走到这儿是发生在过去的事,故应用一般过去时。

  13.C 句意:我们希望明年这儿将栽上更多的树。根据next year可知,此处应用一般将来时态,且plant和more trees之间为被动关系,故应用一般将来时态的被动语态。

  14.D 此处强调的是对方举行生日聚会时说话人正在参加一个十分重要的会议,故应用过去进行时。

  15.C 由句意可知,Miriam抵达的时候Mr Whitaker已经关了店,close这一动作在arrived这一动作之前发生,所以用过去完成时。

  16.D ——哎呀!你伤到我了。——对不起。但我不是有意伤你的。我当时正试图把一只老鼠赶出去。由hurt这一动作发生在过去可知,第一空应用一般过去时。且根据句意可知,try这一动作表示过去某个时间正在进行,所以第二空应用过去进行时。

  17.D 分析句子成分可知,remove与computer构成逻辑上的动宾关系,应用被动语态,排除A、C两项;根据句意可知,remove这一动作发生在returned之前,故此处应用过去完成时。

  18.C 句意:——啊,天呀!有人把杯子打碎了。——不是我,我没有打碎它。根据答语可知,杯子被人打碎发生在过去,且对现在造成了一定的影响,故应用现在完成时。

  19.B 句意:诺贝尔文学奖获得者莫言是听着在他家乡已讲述了数世纪的民间故事而长大的。grow up使用了过去时态,而tell发生在其前面,同时tell和that(folk tales)之间为被动关系,故此处应用过去完成时态的被动语态。

  20.A 根据 “is to meet”可知,此处表示将来的情况,首先排除B、D两项;没人接机的原因是 “当飞机抵达时,我的妻子将正在上夜班”,所以主句用将来进行时,而时间状语从句用一般现在时替代一般将来时。

  21.D 结合答语中第一句的内容以及时间状语by this winter可判断出,teach这一动作从过去的某一时间开始一直持续到将来的某个时间,所以用将来完成进行时。

  22.D 句意:——你要去参加聚会吗?——不,我没有被邀请。现在完成时态典型的特征是这一动作对现在造成了一定的影响,又因invite与I之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,故答案为D项。

  23.A 句意:如果我没记错的话,我们第一次见面是在纽约。根据句意可知应用一般现在时。

  24.D 答句句意:多好啊!那时你们将在体验异域文化。答句显然强调今年夏天这个将来时间正发生的事,故应用将来进行时态。

  25.A 句意:当莉莉苏醒时,她不知道自己在这个洞穴里躺了多长时间了。根据句意可知,lie这一动作发生在came之前,且一直在持续,所以用过去完成进行时。

  26.B 句意:詹妮好久都没有收到丈夫的来信了,显然他们的关系越来越紧张。根据has not heard from可知,这里应用现在进行时。

  27.C 答句句意:别担心,我帮你去取。等一下。此处will用于一般将来时,表示 “将要做临时决定的事情”。

  28.B 句意:——你拿到驾驶证了吗?——拿到了。我已经通过驾驶考试一个星期了。在固定句型结构“It is+一段时间+since...”中,主句若用一般现在时,从句应用一般过去时。

  29.A 句意:尽管我的毛衣有点儿贵,但它很好洗。根据前面的is可知应用一般现在时。wash well “好洗,容易洗干净”,符合句意。

  30.B play和tennis之间是动宾关系,应用被动语态,排除A、C两项;且根据句中的In general可知,这里表示一个客观事实,应用一般现在时。故B项正确。


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