(安徽专用)2016届高考英语二轮复习专题训练:专题二十一 信息归纳(含解析)-查字典英语网
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(安徽专用)2016届高考英语二轮复习专题训练:专题二十一 信息归纳(含解析)

发布时间:2017-02-04  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  专题二十一 信息归纳


  In simple words,secondhand smoke is smoke that a non-smoker breathes in from a smoker.Most of us know this as passive smoking.We see people who are very happy about the fact that they don’t smoke and how they have saved themselves from one of the most common and dangerous addictions.However,secondhand smoke is just as dangerous as active smoking.

  Short term effects of smoking are usually observed in a few weeks of exposure to regular passive smoking.One of the earliest observed short term effects of smoking is that teeth will change color and the sense of smell reduces.That teeth change color is however observed only in active smokers.Due to chemicals that cause early aging,you might observe wrinkles as the initial sign.Your breath will smell due to the constant passing of smoke.It also affects eyes and they might water a lot along with frequent blinking (眨眼).Short term effects of smoking indicate that smoking is affecting your body.

  A lot of long term effects of smoking in general are highly dangerous and may even result in death.One of the most noticeable dangers of secondhand smoke is that secondhand smokers can have cancers.Smoking causes not just one but many cancers including cancers of the kidney,nose,stomach and liver.

  Secondhand smoke also has many effects on women who are in a family way.An expecting mother can pass on a lot of the poisonous particles to her unborn.

  Lung diseases are again an outcome of secondhand smoke.If a person is continuously in company of a regular smoker,the smoke will have its effects on both.A lot of smokers suffer from some lung disease and it leads to difficulty in contraction (收缩) and expansion of lungs,which,in turn,eventually causes breathing problems.

  Title Dangers of Secondhand Smoking

  1.  of 

  Secondhand Smoke Also called 2.  smoke;it is smoke breathed in from a smoker. 

  Short term effects ●Teeth’s changing color in 3.  smokers 

  ●The sense of smell reducing

  ●4.  aging 

  ●Breath’s smelling

  ●Eyes’ watering a lot with frequent blinking

  Long term effects ●Many long term effects of smoking are of high 5.  and may even cause death. 

  ●It can lead to the 6.  of cancers,cancers of the kidney,nose,stomach and liver 7. . 

  Effects on

  8.  women  An expecting mother can transmit many poisonous particles to her unborn.

  Causes of lung diseases A person 9.  a regular smoker,the smoke will have its effects on both.It will at last bring about 10.  problems. 



  For years,researchers have looked into a possible relationship between heat and violence.There are conflicting results over whether there is an actual connection between rising anger and rising temperature,but the murder rate constantly increases during the months of July and August,according to the FBI’s annual crime report.

  Many police chiefs say they put more policemen on the streets when the heat rises.“Calls for service always increase from May,June,July and August,” said New Bedford’s Captain Richard Spirit.“The longer period of time you have the heat,the worse it is.It’s just the opposite in the winter time.”

  Craig Anderson,a professor and specialist in social psychology at Lowa State University,argues the evidence is clear.“As the temperature goes up,people become more uncomfortable.They become easier to get angry,” he said.“That increases the possibility that a small conflict will be interpreted as more major.” Anderson conducted a couple of studies looking at crime rates over the course of several years within the same area to see when most violent crimes occurred.He found that violent crimes were more likely to occur on hot days and hot months—even hot years had higher violent rates than cold years,according to his research.

  Other research shows it is not so much the physical climate,but rather the social climate,that causes increased violence.“During the summer months,people stay up later.They talk with their neighbors.They party with their friends,” said Jack Levin,director of the Brudnick Centre on Violence at Northeastern University.“There are more likely to be large numbers of people interacting,and they are more likely to argue.”

  Perhaps the realization that there is a link will help people in an argument step back and say,“Let’s cool off”—both literally (字面上地) and figuratively (比喻地).

  Title Heat and Violence

  Theme Violence possibly has a 1.  with heat. 

  Facts ☆July and August witness the 2.  increase of murder rate. 

  More policemen are called in with the heat 3..

  ☆People get angry more 4.  as the temperature goes up. 

  5.  of the research  Fewer violent crimes occur on 6.  days. 

  The 7.  climate causes increased violence. 

  People usually go to 8.  later during the summer months. 

  There are more likely to be 9.  when people chat with each other. 

  Conclusion 10. the link will help people in an argument cool off. 



  Once kids hit the teenage years,parenting becomes more difficult than ever.Establishing effective house rules is one of the best ways to educate teenagers.House rules must respect teenagers’ desire to be independent and make sure they behave responsibly.

  How can effective house rules be established?

  First of all,get your teenager to take part in making the rules,which can help keep them motivated to follow them.Ask their opinion about what sorts of things they think are important when creating the rules and try to include some of their ideas.

  When creating the list of rules,don’t list every single rule imaginable.Instead,try to limit it to the ten most important rules.I’ve seen some parents come up with several pages of rules which turn out to be more like a rule book rather than a list.Remember,it is important to make the list easy to remember and to be a basic guide.

  Then,it is important that you write out the list of rules and hang them in a prominent (显眼的) location.Keeping the rules on the refrigerator or displayed somewhere where everyone can see them is a good reminder.Revise the rules whenever there’s a need,not very frequently though.

  Explain clearly in advance what negative consequences will be in store when a rule gets broken.But ensure that none of your consequences are equal to abusive parenting.For example,take off the rule that says—“if you don’t get home by 11 at night,make arrangements to stay elsewhere until morning”.Let helping with small household chores like cleaning up their own rooms serve as consequences for disobeying rules.

  Following these tips on establishing effective house rules accompanied by constant positive reinforcement (执行) will help improve your teenager’s behavior.Hope you can direct your teenager to become a responsible and independent person with the help of house rules!

  Establishing house rules for 1. 

  Requirements for house rules They must respect teenagers’ desire to be independent and 2.  teenagers behave responsibly. 

  3.  on how to establish effective house rules  4.  teenagers in making the rules  ●Ask their opinions

  ●Include their ideas

  Keeping the house rules simple ●Avoid 5.  every single rule 

  ●Limit the list to the most important rules

  Creating a 6. list of rules ●Put it up somewhere visible to 7.  your teenager of the rules 

  ●Make the rules revised when necessary

  Giving a clear 8. of the consequences ●Don’t abuse children if they 9.  rules 

  Conclusion Your teenager’s behavior will be 10.  with the help of effective house rules. 




  1.Meaning/Definition 此处介绍什么是二手烟,即说明二手烟的定义。故填Meaning/Definition。

  2.passive 根据第一段第二句可知,二手烟又被称作为被动吸烟。故此空处填passive。

  3.active 根据第二段第三句“That teeth change color is however observed only in active smokers.”可知,牙齿变色只在主动吸烟的人身上被观察到。

  4.Early 根据第二段第四句“Due to chemicals that cause early aging,...”可知,此处填Early。

  5.danger 根据第三段第一句可知,吸烟的长期影响总的来说是高危险的,此处用(of) danger相当于文章中的dangerous。

  6.occurrence 根据第三段第二句可知,吸二手烟会导致癌症,即可能导致癌症的“发生”,故填表示“发生”的名词occurrence。

  7.included 吸烟会导致癌症包括肾癌、鼻癌、胃癌及肝癌等。注意:sth./sb.included=including sth./sb.。

  8.pregnant 根据第四段第一句可知,此处用pregnant对应于该句中的in a family way。

  9.accompanying 最后一段中第二句提到“If a person is continuously in company of a regular smoker,the smoke will have its effects on both.”,accompany=be in company of,表格中的句子逗号前是一个独立主格结构,根据accompany和a person之间的主动关系可知,此处应用accompanying。

  10.breathing 根据最后一句可知答案。此处表格中的bring about表示“招致”,相当于文章最后一句中的cause。



  1.connection/relationship/relation/link 文章第一段第一句介绍了文章的主题:热和暴力之间可能会有一定的“联系”。

  2.constant 根据第一段第二句话可知,七八月份凶杀案发生率不断上升,此处应用constantly的形容词形式,修饰名词increase。

  3.rising/rise 根据第二段第一句可知答案。

  4.easily 根据第三段中Craig Anderson说的话可知,随着温度的上升,人们更不舒适,就更容易发怒。此处用easily这个副词修饰get angry。

  5.Findings/Results 此处介绍了研究的结果,故填Results/Findings。

  6.cold/winter 根据第三段的说明可知,暴力犯罪在较冷的天气较少。

  7.social 根据第四段第一句可知答案。

  8.sleep/bed 根据第四段中“During the summer months,people stay up later.”一句可知,夏天人们通常睡觉较晚。

  9.arguments 根据倒数第二段最后一句可知,人们交谈时更容易争执,此处应用argue的名词。

  10.Realizing 根据最后一段可知,意识到热和暴力之间的联系可以帮助争吵的人们冷静。此处应用句中realization的动词-ing形式。



  1.teenagers 文章首段介绍了全文的主旨,即当孩子进入到青少年时期时,养育孩子更难了,建立有效的家庭规则是教育青少年的最好方式之一。

  2.ensure 根据第一段最后一句可知,此处应用ensure相当于句中的make sure。

  3.Tips/Suggestions/Advice 第二段是过渡,说明了下文写作的目的是提出“建议”。

  4.Involving 根据第三段第一句可知,要让孩子参与制定规则,该纵栏用的是动词-ing形式开头,此处也应用动词-ing形式。

  5.listing 根据第四段第一句可知,此处用avoid listing等同于句中的don’t list。

  6.written 由第五段第一句可知,应将规则写出来,即用“书面的(written)”条文来显示。

  7.remind 由第五段中“Keeping the rules on the refrigerator or displayed somewhere where everyone can see them is a good reminder.”一句可知,将规则张贴的目的是“提醒(remind)”孩子知道。

  8.explanation 由第六段第一句可知,此处应填explain的名词形式。

  9.disobey/break 根据第六段第一、二句可知,当孩子“不遵守”规则时,不要去辱骂他们。

  10.improved 最后一段为全文的总结段,根据第一句可知,运用规则可以“改进(improve)”孩子的行为。


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