(安徽专用)2016届高考英语二轮复习专题训练:专题八 非谓语动词(含解析)-查字典英语网
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(安徽专用)2016届高考英语二轮复习专题训练:专题八 非谓语动词(含解析)

发布时间:2017-02-04  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  专题八 非谓语动词

  1.(2017·大纲全国,23)Today there are more airplanes   more people than ever before in the skies. 

  A.carry B.carrying

  C.carried D.to be carrying

  2.(2017·大纲全国,33)  me tomorrow and I’ll let you know the lab result. 

  A.Calling B.Call

  C.To call D.Having called

  3.(2017·重庆,11)Group activities will be organized after class   children develop team spirit. 

  A.helping B.having helped

  C.helped D.to help

  4.(2017·江西,34)He is thought   foolishly.Now he has no one but himself to blame for losing the job. 

  A.to act B.to have acted

  C.acting D.having acted

  5.(2017·福建,30)For those with family members far away,the personal computer and the phone are important in staying  . 

  A.connected B.connecting

  C.to connect D.to be connected

  6.(2017·浙江,14)Amie Salmon,disabled,is attended throughout her school days by a nurse   to guard her. 

  A.to appoint B.appointing

  C.appointed D.having appointed

  7.(2017·重庆,5)The producer comes regularly to collect the cameras   to our shop for quality problems. 

  A.returning B.returned

  C.to return D.to be returned

  8.(2017·天津,5)Anxiously,she took the dress out of the package and tried it on,only   it didn’t fit. 

  A.to find B.found

  C.finding D.having found

  9.(2017·江苏,29)The lecture  ,a lively question-and-answer session followed. 

  A.being given B.having given

  C.to be given D.having been given

  10.(2017·湖南,21)Children,when   by their parents,are allowed to enter the stadium. 

  A.to be accompanied B.to at accompany

  C.accompanying D.accompanied

  11.(2017·北京,25)Last night,there were millions of people   the opening ceremony live on TV. 

  A.watch B.to watch

  C.watched D.watching

  12.(2017·陕西,20)  the difficult maths problem,I have consulted Professor Russell several times. 

  A.Working out B.Worked out

  C.To work out D.Work out

  13.(2017·湖南,35)  ourselves from the physical and mental tensions,we each need deep thought and inner quietness. 

  A.Having freed B.Freed

  C.To free D.Freeing

  14.(2017·山东,6)There’s a note pinned to the door   when the shop will open again. 

  A.saying B.says

  C.said D.having said

  15.(2017·山东,9)It’s standard practice for a company like this one   a security officer. 

  A.employed B.being employed

  C.to employ D.employs

  16.(2017·安徽江南十校联考,35)Experts insist that packets of cigarettes come with a health warning   to them. 

  A.be attached B.attach

  C.attached D.attaching 

  17.(2017·重庆名校联盟联考,8)My family wasn’t very rich and   some extra money,I had to take part-time jobs in my spare time. 

  A.to earn B.earning

  C.earned D.having earned

  18.(2017·重庆南开中学二诊模拟,12)—Why not make a call to Jenny right now?

  —No,we’d better not.It’s 3:00 a.m.in London.He is likely  . 

  A.sleeping B.to be sleeping

  C.to have slept D.slept

  19.(2017·安徽和县一中月考,25)The detective,  to be reading a newspaper,glanced at the man  next to a woman. 



  20.(2017·安徽望江中学月考,25)Dina,  for months to find a job as a waitress,finally took a position at a local advertising agency. 

  A.struggling B.struggled

  C.having struggled D.to struggle

  21.(2017·安徽示范高中第一次联考,25)For a beginner,the best way he could think of   English was to watch situation comedies. 

  A.studied B.having studied

  C.studying D.to study

  22.(2017·合肥第一次质检,30)  with shame,the boy lowered his head,ready for the punishment from his dad. 

  A.Filled B.Filling

  C.To fill D.To have filled

  23.(2017·安徽太湖中学期中,24)Thunderstorms have struck North China,  heavy rain and traffic chaos. 

  A.caused B.causing

  C.having been caused D.to cause

  24.(2017·安徽皖南八校第二次联考,29)It is a great honor to be invited to the evening party,thus   me to feast my eyes on your excellent performance. 

  A.allowing B.to have allowed

  C.allows D.to allow

  25.(2017·浙江宁波十校联考,19)The couple is considering   a 3D TV set for their new flat,which is widely considered to be in fashion. 

  A.to buy B.buy

  C.buying D.to be bought

  26.(2017·河南资阳四月模拟,8)The first textbooks   for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 16th century. 

  A.having written B.to be written

  C.being written D.written

  27.(2017·安徽黄山第一次质检,32)  in color,the garden looks dull in this late fall. 

  A.Lack B.Lacked

  C.Lacking D.To lack

  28.(2017·安徽池州一中月考,23)  difficult to understand,the lecture was poorly thought of. 

  A.Sounded B.Sounding

  C.To sound D.Being sounded

  29.(2017·安徽屯溪一中期中,28)I witnessed the gate of the bank   open and many men entering it,but I couldn’t make them out in the darkness. 

  A.force B.be forced

  C.forcing D.being forced

  30.(2017·安徽马鞍山二中安师大附中期中,31)If you’re in Florence,Italy and see a man on a ladder   the dust off statues and buildings,don’t worry.It’s just Alessandro Ricci   material for his famous smog painting. 

  A.wipe;accumulatingB.to wipe;to accumulate

  C.wiping;gatheringD.wipes;to gather

  1.B 考查非谓语动词。句意:与以前相比,如今天空中有更多的飞机来运送更多的乘客。“  more people”是定语,修饰airplanes。且airplanes和carry之间是主谓关系,因此B项正确。 

  2.B 考查“祈使句+连词+陈述句”句式。句意:明天给我打电话,我会让你知道实验结果。由连词and可知“  me tomorrow”一定是句子,四个选项中只有B项能使之成为句子。A、C、D三项都是非谓语动词,不能作谓语。 

  3.D 考查非谓语动词。句意:为了帮助孩子们养成团队精神,将在课后组织一些团体活动。根据句意和句子结构可知,此处用动词不定式表示目的。

  4.B 考查非谓语动词。句意:人们普遍认为他的行为很愚蠢。现在失去了这份工作他只能责怪自己。Sb.+be+v.-ed 后接不定式形式,且根据句意可知不定式表示的动作已经发生了,故选B项。

  5.A 考查非谓语动词。句意:对那些同家庭成员相隔甚远的人来说,电脑和电话在保持联系方面起着很重要的作用。stay connected “保持联系”。

  6.C 考查非谓语动词。appoint“任命,指派”,与nurse之间是被动关系,所以用appoint 的过去分词作其后置定语。句意:埃米·塞尔蒙是一名残疾人,在其整个上学期间,由被一名指派的护士专门看护她。

  7.B 考查非谓语动词。句意:生产商定期来我们商店收回因为质量问题被退回的相机。分析句子结构可知,此处缺少的是定语;cameras与return之间是动宾关系,故用其过去分词形式作后置定语。

  8.A 考查非谓语动词。句意:她急切地将衣服从包装袋里拿了出来,试穿了一下,结果发现不合身。“only+不定式”表示意想不到的结果。

  9.D 考查非谓语动词。句意:讲座结束后,紧接着进行了生动的问答。此处为独立主格结构,lecture与give之间为被动关系,且表示发生在谓语动词之前,故要用现在分词的完成被动式,故只有D项正确。

  10.D 考查非谓语动词。句意:孩子们有父母陪伴时,被允许进入这个体育场。children与accompany存在被动关系,所以用过去分词形式。

  11.D 考查非谓语动词。句意:昨天晚上,好几百万人在电视上观看了开幕式的直播。此处为非谓语动词修饰people,且表示主动,故用现在分词形式,相当于一个定语从句who watched...。

  12.C 考查非谓语动词。句意:为了解出这道数学难题,我已经向拉塞尔教授请教过好几次了。不定式作目的状语,符合题意。

  13.C 考查非谓语动词。句意:要想把我们自己从身心紧张的状态下解脱出来,我们每个人都需要沉思以及内心的宁静。根据句意可知,此处需要用动词不定式作目的状语。free sb.from sth. “使某人脱离……”。

  14.A 考查非谓语动词。分析句子可知,此处要用非谓语动词形式修饰前面的名词a note,且note与say之间为逻辑上的主动关系,故要用现在分词的一般式作后置定语。句意:在门上钉着一张字条,上面说商店何时将会再次开张。

  15.C 考查非谓语动词。此处为it作形式主语,动词不定式作真正的主语。故要用to employ。句意:对于像这样的一家公司来说,雇用保安是一种惯例。

  16.C 句意:专家们坚持各种香烟包装都应在它们上面附上一个健康警告。此处insist后面跟的是一个宾语从句,该从句的谓语是come,故所填词在句中充当a health warning的定语,attach和其之间为被动关系,故用过去分词作定语。正确答案为C项。

  17.A 句意:我的家庭不富有,为了再赚些钱,我在空闲时间不得不再做兼职工作。根据句意可知,此处应用动词不定式作目的状语。故A项正确。

  18.B 句意:——为什么不马上给他打电话?——最好别打,伦敦现在是夜里三点,他可能正在睡觉。be likely后应跟动词不定式,且强调说话时他“正在睡”,故应用动词不定式的进行式,故B项正确。

  19.A 句意:那位侦探假装在看一份报纸,眼盯着坐在一位女子旁边的那个男子。前一空用pretending,因为它和the detective之间为主动关系,并强调正在发生;后一空所填词为the man的定语,说明在一个女子旁边坐着的那个男子,强调坐着的状态,用seated。故A项为正确答案。

  20.C 句意:蒂娜已经努力找了好几个月当服务员的工作,最终在一家当地的广告公司就了职。struggle和Dina之间为主动关系,且它发生在take a position之前,故应用其现在分词的完成式。C项正确。

  21.D 句意:对于一位初学者,他能想到的学习英语的最好方法就是看情景剧。he could think of是定语从句,修饰the best way,而后面同样也是the best way的定语,way of doing或way to do表示“做……的方法”,故应用动词不定式作定语。正确答案为D项。

  22.A 句意:那个男孩满怀羞愧,低着头,准备好来自他爸爸的惩罚。fill和主语the boy之间为被动关系,故用过去分词作状语,表示状态。故选项A正确。

  23.B 句意:大雷雨袭击了华北地区,导致了大雨和交通混乱。前面句子所说明的这件事是后面大雨和交通混乱的原因,它们之间为主动关系,故用现在分词作状语表示结果。同时,cause是在前面事件之后发生,故不可用完成式。选项B正确。

  24.A 句意:应邀参加这个晚会是一个很大荣幸,这样就能让我尽情享受你们精彩的表演了。此处用allowing作状语,说明结果。故A项正确。

  25.C 句意:那对夫妇正考虑为他们的新公寓买一台被广泛认为是时尚的3D电视机。consider doing sth.表示“考虑做某事”。

  26.D 句意:所写的提供作为外语教学的英语的第一批教科书是在十六世纪出版的。write和the first textbooks之间为被动关系,且强调过去已经发生的事,故应用过去分词作定语,修饰the first textbooks。故D项正确。

  27.C 句意:那个花园缺乏色彩,在这个深秋看起来灰暗。lack和句子主语the garden之间为主动关系,故应用其-ing形式作状语。实际上(be) lacking in表示“缺少”,lacking已具有形容词的性质。故C项为正确答案。

  28.B 句意:那个演讲听起来难懂,所以评价不好。sound为连系动词,故应用其-ing形式作状语表示原因。

  29.D 句意:我亲眼目睹了银行门被强行打开,许多人进入里面,但在黑暗中我认不出他们。在witness后面跟动词-ing形式作宾语补足语,因force和the gate of the bank之间为被动关系,故用动词-ing形式的被动式。D项为正确答案。

  30.C 句意:如果你在意大利的佛罗伦萨看到一个人在梯子上把灰尘从雕像和建筑上擦去,不要担心,这只是亚历山德罗·里奇在为他的著名烟雾画收集材料。前一空用动词-ing 形式作宾语补足语,see somebody doing表示“看到某人在做某事”;后一空用动词-ing形式表语。注意:此处应用gather表示“收集”,而不可用accumulate表示“积累”。故正确答案为C项。


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