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发布时间:2017-02-04  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  【句型1】 do good to“对……有益”,do harm to“对……有害”





  【句型2】 pose a great threat to...“对……造成一大威胁”



  【句型3】 do one's utmost to+V=do one's best“尽全力去……”




  Traveling from one city or country to another can contribute to the spread of disease.When people arrive in a__1__ place,they may bring in germs(病菌) that were not __2__ before.The people there have no natural protection against these new germs,so they catch the disease more

  __3__.Because it is unfamiliar,health workers may not __4__ it,and may not take any measures to stop it from __5__.People with the disease may continue to have __6__ with others.In this way,the germs travel from person to person through the population.

  Heating and cooling systems can also be a__7__ of disease.They tend to collect dirt and water,which creates the perfect __8__ for germs to grow.Then when the air conditioner is turned on,the germs are blown into the home or office and make people sick.This __9__ was first recognized by scientists in July 1976.

  Pollution of the__10__ can also be a factor in spreading disease.The pollution may be caused by __11__ used in farming that are washed into rivers,and then into the ocean.Or it may be human waste that is dumped __12__ into the ocean with no processing.These chemicals or human waste results in the __13__ of tiny plants called algae(海藻).They provide an ideal home for a deadly __14__ called cholera.When a ship passes through the algae,some of it may stick to the ship's bottom,along with some of the cholera germs.These germs then travel with the ship around the world,__15___ diseases that may kill thousands of people.

  【语篇导读】 本文是一篇说明文。讲述了人们会感染疾病的几种途径并对此进行解释说明。

  1.A.new B.familiar

  C.particular D.famous

  解析 考查语境中形容词的辨析。联系上文语境可知,人们从一个国家到另一个国家旅游会促使疾病的传播。所以旅游自然是到一个新的(new)地方。A项意为“新的”;B项意为“熟悉的”;C项意为“专门的”;D项意为“著名的”。所以答案选A项。

  答案 A

  2.A.strange B.special

  C.present D.noticeable

  解析 考查语境中形容词的辨析。联系上下文语境可知,外来游客所带来的病菌是当地原先没有的。A项意为“奇怪的,陌生的”;B项意为“特别的”;C项意为“目前的,现存的”;D项意为“值得注意的”。 所以答案选C项。

  答案 C

  3.A.easily B.willingly



  解析 考查语境中副词的辨析。联系上下文语境和常识可知,人们对新病毒没有免疫能力,所以很容易感染疾病。A项意为“容易地”;B项意为“乐意地”;C项意为“自然地”;D项意为“偶然地”。所以答案选A项。

  答案 A

  4.A.protect B.stop

  C.permit D.identify

  解析 考查语境中动词的辨析。联系上下文语境可知,医疗工作者因为不熟悉这种新传进的病毒,所以很难确定(identify)是什么病毒。A项意为“保护”;B项意为“停止”;C项意为“允许”;D项意为“确定,下定义”。所以答案选D项。

  答案 D

  5.A.changing B.dying

  C.spreading D.growing

  解析 考查语境中动词的辨析。联系上下文语境和常识可知,不确定什么病毒所以无法阻止病毒的传播。而且开头第一句里也用到了spread。A项意为“改变”;B项意为“死亡”;C项意为“传播”;D项意为“成长”。所以答案选C项。

  答案 C

  6.A.trade B.contact

  C.fun D.communication

  解析 考查语境中名词的辨析。联系上下文语境和常识可知,感染这种疾病的患者可能会继续和别人进行接触。各个选项都可以搭配have...with sb,A项意为“和某人有交易”;B项意为“和某人有联系,有接触”;C项意为“和某人玩得开心”;D项意为“和某人交流”。所以答案选B项。

  答案 B

  7.A.form B.source

  C.result D.phenomenon

  解析 考查语境中名词的辨析。联系上下文语境可知,制冷和制热系统也是一种病源。A项意为“形式”;B项意为“源泉,来源”;C项意为“结果”;D项意为“现象”。所以答案选B项。

  答案 B

  8.A.plant B.air

  C.environment D.temperature

  解析 考查语境中名词的辨析。联系上下文语境可知,污垢和水会为细菌的滋生创造极好的环境。A项意为“植物”;B项意为“空气”;C项意为“环境”;D项意为“温度”。所以答案选C项。

  答案 C

  9.A.office B.bacterium

  C.conditioner D.problem

  解析 考查语境中名词的辨析。联系上下文语境可知,当空调打开的时候,病毒就会吹进家里或办公室里。这个问题最早是在1976年7月被科学家公认的。A项意为“办公室”;B项意为“细菌”;C项意为“空调”;D项意为“问题”。所以答案选D项。

  答案 D

  10.A.farms B.rivers

  C.oceans D.plants

  解析 考查语境中名词的辨析。联系上下文语境,在11个空后面提到了ocean。此处说明第三个传播疾病的途径是海洋的污染。A项意为“农场”;B项意为“河流”;C项意为“海洋”;D项意为“植物”。所以答案选C项。

  答案 C

  11.A.chemicals B.machines

  C.crops D.animals

  解析 考查语境中名词的辨析。联系上下文语境和常识可知,农村用的化肥造成污染,随水流入河流,再汇入海洋。下文12个空后面也提到了chemicals。A项意为“化学产品,化学药品”;B项意为“机器”;C项意为“庄稼”;D项意为“动物”。所以答案选A项。

  答案 A

  12.A.quickly B.directly

  C.thoughtlessly D.effortlessly

  解析 考查语境中副词的辨析。联系上下文语境和常识可知,人类的粪便未经处理会直接倒入海里。A项意为“快速地”;B项意为“直接地”;C项意为“草率地,轻率地”;D项意为“轻松地,毫不费劲地”。所以答案选B项。

  答案 B

  13.A.death B.change

  C.movement D.increase

  解析 考查语境中名词的辨析。联系上下文语境可知,这些化肥或人类的粪便都会导致一种叫海藻的微小植物的繁殖增长。A项意为“死亡”;B项意为“改变”;C项意为“活动,移动”;D项意为“增加,繁殖”。 所以答案选D项。

  答案 D

  14.A.animal B.fish

  C.plant D.disease

  解析 考查语境中名词的辨析。联系上下文语境和常识可知,海藻为霍乱这种致命的疾病提供了理想繁殖地。文章多处提到disease。A项意为“动物”;B项意为“鱼”;C项意为“植物”;D项意为“疾病”。所以答案选D项。

  答案 D

  15.A.curing B.causing

  C.removing D.fighting

  解析 考查语境中动词的辨析。联系上下文语境可知,当船只经过有海藻的水域时会使得一些海藻粘连在船底,一起带着霍乱病菌,随船传播到全世界,从而导致霍乱病,致使成千上万的人死亡。A项意为“治愈”;B项意为“导致”;C项意为“移动,搬家”;D项意为“战斗,抗争”。所以答案选B项。

  答案 B


  In sixth grade my social studies teacher showed us slides of his trip to Egypt.I always considered it __1__ (attract),but I had never even dreamed that someday I would take my own photos of the Pyramids.

  And then one day I__2__ (start) to study French as a foreign language.It's a language that pushed me into the world __3__ I learned that I could manage fine regardless of any language barriers.__4__ my French still wasn't great in university,it was obviously good enough that this girl named Lisa made the __5__ (decide) that I should be her study partner.While French itself didn't really change my life,__6__ (meet) Lisa did.She came from a family that traveled,and she convinced me that I should see France__7__ see the world.

  And so on January 26,1993,__8__stood together in the immigration line waiting for those fateful passport stamps.Little did I know that we'd be standing in __9__ same line in another dozen of countries that year and that later I'd still be standing in more than 100 countries all __10__ the globe.

  【语篇导读】 本文是一篇记叙文。上六年级的时候,社会老师向我们展示了一些他去埃及时候的照片,那时我从没有想到后来我也会去埃及亲自看看金字塔。后来我开始学习法语,并结交到好朋友Lisa,从而改变我的生活。

  1.attractive [考查语境中形容词的用法。联系上下文语境,根据所给的单词attract,结合consider的用法,可知,it后面作宾补,修饰it,所以用形容词attractive。]

  2.started [考查语境中动词形式。联系上下文语境可知,通篇用的是过去时态,所以给出的单词start用started。]

  3.where [考查语境中定语从句的关系词。根据前后句之间的关系判断是定语从句。先行词是world,在定语从句中作地点状语,所以关系词用where。句意为:是语言把我推进了一个世界里,在这个世界里,我知道尽管有各种语言障碍,但我依然能把握好。]

  4.Though/Although/While [考查语境中连词的用法。逗号前后两个句子需要用连词连接,根据它们之间的关系,前一句说“我的法语在大学里不好”,后一句说“这已经足够好能让叫Lisa的女孩想结交我成为她的学伴”,所以二者之间用though/although/while连接,表“尽管”,引导状语从句。注意首字母大写。]

  5.decision [考查语境中名词的用法。根据空格前面的made the ________,确定用所给单词decide的名词形式decision。“make the decision”意为“做出决定”。]

  6.meeting [考查语境中非谓语动词的用法。联系上下文语境,while引导了状语从句后面缺主句,所以用所给单词meet的meeting形式,动名词作主语,谓语是did。句意为:尽管法语本身没有改变我的生活,但结识Lisa却改变了我的生活。]

  7.and [考查语境中并列连词的用法。联系上下文语境可以看出,空格前后都有谓语动词see,所以此处表并列关系,用and连接。句意为:她说服我,我应该看法国看世界。]

  8.we [考查语境中代词的用法。根据句子结构可知,句子缺主语。联系上下文语境,此处指“我们站在移民队伍里”,所以主语用we。]

  9.the [考查语境中冠词的用法。联系上下文语境空格后面有same,很容易想到用冠词the。“in the same line”意为“在同一队伍里”。]

  10.around / round/ over  [考查语境中介词的用法。联系上下文语境空格前面是all,后面是the globe,即the world,所以容易想到短语“all over the world/globe”意为“遍布全世界”。over可以换用around/round。]


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