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发布时间:2017-02-04  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  定时训练(1) .专题特训(动词时态与语态)根据语境用所给动词的适当时态、语态填空。______(seem) to have been praised by the manager just now.

  解析 句意:看汤姆脸上自豪的样子似乎他刚才受到了经理的表扬。设空处的seem(似乎)表示现在的情况故用一般现在时。本句还可改为:It seems that he was praised by the manager just now.答案 seems______(give) in his place but,luckily,everything was going on smoothly.

  解析 句意:助理正在替经理举行资讯发布会这使得经理很担心但幸运的是一切正在顺利进行。根据题干中的was worried及was going可知设空处表示过去正在进行的情况。 was giving______(realize) I had left my wallet at home.

  解析 句意:当我上了公共汽车的时候我意识到我把钱包忘在家里了。题干在陈述过去发生的事情要用一般过去时。答案 realizedShe was surprised to find the fridge empty;the children ________(eat) everything!解析 句意:发现冰箱空了她很吃惊孩子们已经吃光了一切!孩子们吃光冰箱里的东西发生在She was surprised to find...之前即过去的过去所以用过去完成时。答案 had eatenThe factory used 65 percent of the raw materials,the rest of which ______(save) for other purposes.

  解析 句意:工厂用掉了65%的原材料其余的留作他用。which引导非限制性定语从句本句中的which指代raw materials+名词”作主语谓语动词应与of后的名词保持一致。raw materials与save之间是被动关系故填were saved。答案 were saved-third of the country______(cover) with trees and the majority of the citizens are black people.解析 句意:三分之一的国土被森林覆盖大多数的市民是黑人。“分数或百分数+of+名词”作主语时谓语动词需要和of后面的名词一致;the country为不可数名词且与cover之间是被动关系故填is covered。答案 is covered______(attend)since I came to this school.

  解析 句意:这是自从我到这所学校以来参加过的最富有教育意义的演讲。根据主句的谓语动词is和从句since I came to this school可以判断空格部分应用现在完成时。答案have attended

  8.In the near future,more advances in the robot technology ______(make) by scientists.

  解析 句意:在不久的将来科学家们将会在机器人技术方面取得更大的进步。根据时间状语In the near future可以确定该句的时态为一般将来时而句子的主语more advances和make之间是被动关系故用一般将来时的被动答案 will be made______(treat)with kindness.

  解析 句意:所有来这个村庄的游客都受到友好的款待。这里动词treat与句子主语all visitors是逻辑上的动宾关系用被动语态;且根据语境可知这里是叙述当前的情况用一般现在时。答案 are treated______(arrive) safely.

  解析 句意:你到家时打个电话给我让我知道你已安全抵达。从语境看在打电话时对方“已经到达”因此这里的宾语从句要用现在完成时。答案 have arrivedThe discovery of gold in Australia led thousands to believe that a fortune ______(make).解析 句意:在澳大利亚发现了金子这使数以千计的人们认为在那里可以发财。从语境中动作的先后看可知在那里发财”这一动作发生在“发现了金子”这一动作后且还未发生因此make a fortune(发财)用过去将来时的被动语态。答案 was to be made______(wear)evening dress.

  解析 句意:Barbara是唯一穿晚礼服的女性所以认出她很容易。先行词the only one of the women 在句中作主语中心词是one从句谓语动词应与之保持一致故填wears。答案 wears______(restore) will be open to tourists soon.The work is almost finished.

  解析 句意:教堂塔正在修复不久就会对游客开放。修复工作差不多完成了。根据语境主语the church tower和动词restore之间是被动关系又由句意可知修复工作还未完成而是正在进行中所以要用现在进行时的被动语态。答案 is being restored______(focus)more on its culture.

  解析 句意:乔治打算谈论他们国家的地理但是我宁愿他把话题多集中于文化上。本题考查虚拟语气。would rather后加从句如果表示过去的动作应用过去完成时态如果表示现在或将来的动作则用一般答案 focused______(take) the other road,we might have arrived here in time for the meeting.

  解析 如果我们走另一条路我们可能早就按时到会了。根据句意及后边主句谓语might have arrived可知if从句表示与过去事实相反故if从句的谓语动词用过去完成时。答案 had taken______(build) at present in the disaster area.

  解析 句意:据报道目前在这个受灾地区正在建很多新房子。本题考查的是主谓一致和时态、语态。many a=a large number of 许多。many a+单数名词+单数动词。根据语境这里应该用现在进行时的被动语态。答案 is being built______(eat) fresh watermelon in the fall.

  解析 句意:如果在春天种下西瓜种子秋天你就会吃到新鲜的西瓜。in the fall为表示将来的时间状语故用将来进行时态表示将来某个时间正在进行或某个阶段内一直进行的动作。答案 will be eating______(save).解析 句意:如果我了解这种电脑程序的话就可以节约大量的时间和精力。本题考查虚拟语气。如果表示与过去事实相反的话条件句采用过去完成时态(如果省略if可采用部分倒装结构)主句谓语动词应采用“would+have+过答案 would have been saved______(go)to evening classes since last month,but he still can't say “What's your name?” in Russian.解析 句意:Joseph从上个月就开始上夜校但是他还不会用俄语说“你叫什么名字”呢。从时间状语“since last month”可知需用现在完成时又因为说话时他还在继续上课所以要用现在完成进行时。答案 has been going______(be) to attend the meeting that is due tomorrow.

  解析 句意:要么是你要么是你的一名学生应该出席明天的会议。该题考查的是主谓一致。按照就近一致原则中心词为one本句中的谓语动词应该用单数。答案 is______(suggest) that we may need a nationwide campaign to raise awareness of the risks of smoking.

  解析 句意:如此多的人依旧在公共场合吸烟这一事实表明也许我们需要搞一次全国性的活动来提高人们对于吸烟危害性的认识。the fact后跟同位语从句设空处为主句的谓语动词由题干中的smoke和may等可知语境指现在的情况本句主语为the fact且本句陈述的是一个事实故谓语动词应采用第三人称单数形式。答案 suggests______(land) on one of the Bahama Islands,but he mistook it for an island off India.

  解析 句意:1492年哥伦布在巴哈马群岛中的一个岛上靠岸但是他把那里误认为是印度沿海的一个岛屿。分析题干可知本句描述的是发生在过去的事情故用过去时。答案 landed______(work) on this project for four hours.Let's have a rest.

  解析 句意:我们已经连续做这个项目四个小时了休息一下吧。根据语境中“休息一下吧”可知工作尚未完成又结合题干中的for four hours可推知设空处应该用现在完成进行时态。答案 have been workingof the words ______(drop).解析 句意:在美国一些地方的口语中单词结尾的字母r的发音通常被略掉。通过题干可以判断出sounds和drop为被动关系另外题干中所提为普遍现象应用一般现在时。答案 are droppedy ______(do)for me.

  解析 句意:花了很长一段时间我才能完全理解他们为我所做的一切。根据语境可知整句话的时间是过去时他们为我做……”这一动作发生在“我可以完全理解”之前因此用过去完成时。答案 had done完形填空 体裁:说明文 话题:健康生活 时15分钟 Getting too little could leave them more emotional and excited.

  As a nation,we don't get enough __1__.And we're passing along our night-owl (夜猫子) habits to members of the next __2____3__ over their emotions and have a tendency of excitement,according to the latest study.

  Lead author Rob,a psychologist at McGill University,describes in the Science a study in which he either added or __4__ healthy children aged 7 to 11 of one hour of sleep a night over five nights.His __5__,says Rob,was to see if such modest changes in the amount of sleep children get could affect their __6__.The children's teachers were asked to fill out a 10-item standard questionnaire to __7__ the children's attention__8__.ncontrolled sleep—in which the researcher asked parents to allow the __9__ to sleep as they normally would to establish a baseline—those who were reduced an hour's sleep had worse scores on behavior measures than those who were allowed to sleep an hour more.(The parents were asked to __10__ their children's bed times,and while they were able to put the kids to bed an hour earlier when __11__,the youngsters ended up sleeping only about 30 minutes more.) In terms of how __12__ reactive,or sensitive,and how attentive the children were,teachers rated the sleep-restricted students on average 4 points higher than their baseline__13__ temper,frustration and had more.__14__ paying attention.In contrast,the children who slept more showed an average 3-point __15__

  in these problems.【语篇导读】 这是一篇说明文。主要介绍心理学家对儿童的睡眠时间影响其情感稳定性的研究结果表明:睡眠时间少的儿童普遍比有充足睡眠的儿童更情绪化、易怒。ation

  解析 根据第一段的段意及第一段第一句中的sleep可知选B,sleep是原词复现。答案 B解析 根据前文的短语passing along...habits及后文的children可推出填generation。答案 A解析 根据句意及常识缺乏睡眠容易使人情绪化不容易控制自己的情绪可推断出填control。答案 C解析 由句中的added“增加”及短语either...or可推出填reduced“减少”答案 B解析 根据下文内容尤其是was to see if...可知选D目的目标”。答案 D解析 下文中的had worse scores on behavior有明确的提示与behavior是原词复现。答案 D解析 根据常识及句意可知让老师填问卷调查主要是为了评估儿童的各种情绪指数故填assess。答案 AD.class

  解析 根据前文的study及questionnaire可推断填研究课题”是原词复现。答案 C解析 根据句意及及前文的parents可推断出填children其他选项不合句意。答案 B.record



  D.change解析 根据句意尤其是put the kids to bed an hour earlier可推出这里填change“改变”。答案 D解析 根据句意及下句内容可推出家长在需要的情况下可改变孩子睡眠的时间故选A。答案 A解析 根据下文内容尤其是并列句中的sensitive等词可推断出填emotionally“情感上地情绪上地”。答案 DD.good

  解析 根据句意尤其是上文的bad temper有明确的提示与bad是原词复现。答案 C解析 根据句意及下文中的in these problems有明确的提示与problems是原词复现。答案 Aise



  D.float解析 根据上文的短语4 points higher及表示转折的短语in contrast可推断出填drop“下降”。答案 B阅读理解 体裁:说明文 话题:广告 时间:6分钟(2017·天津模拟)I was reading these interesting stories behind a group of great logos(标识)in the world.Personally Nike is my favorite one—it's so simple.And I liked the stories behind them-Benz and Adidas own great logos as wellNike

  In the Greek myth,Nike is the goddess of victory and the source of inspiration for soldiers.This logo represents the wing in the famous statue of the Greek goddess.Nike's logo was designed by Carolyn Davidson in 1971 for $35,and was registered as a trademark in 1995.


  The logo was designed in 1962 by Jim Schindler to resemble the archshaped(拱形的)sign on the side of the company's then walk-up hamburger stand.Later onApple

  There are different stories behind Apple's logo.The first logo was a reference to the religious story of Adam and Eve,in which the apple represented the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge.One year later,the second logo was designed in 1977 by Steve Jobs and Ronald Wayne,and it described Sir Isaac Newton sitting under an apple tree.This logo didn't stay long.One year later it was replaced almost immediately by graphic designer Rob Janoff's “rainbow apple”,a rainbow-colored silhouette(轮廓)of an apple with a bite taken out of it.And then the rainbow-colored apple was replaced by the one-colored logo in 1998.It has not been changed so far.Mercedes Benz

  The Mercedes-Benz logo-pointed star that represents its rule of the landThe company was founded by Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach.Mercedes is the name of Maybach's elder daughter,while Benz came as a result of a combination with Benz,Cie and DMG in 1926.


  The Adidas logo,which was created by the founder of the company Adi Dassler,represents mountains,pointing towards the challenges that are seen ahead and goals that can be achieved.The logo was used for the first time in 1967.

  1.What does the author think of the stories of the great logos?

  A.They are boring.

  B.They are out of date.

  C.They are attractive.

  D.They are practical.

  解析 细节理解题。根据文章第一段中的“interesting stories...I liked the stories...favorites.”可知。答案 Cs of victory.

  B.The source of inspiration for soldiers.

  C.The statue of the Greek goddess.

  D.The wing of the Greek goddess.

  解析 细节理解题。根据文章第二段可知答案。答案 D________.e religious story of Adam and Eve

  B.a bitten apple with only one color

  C.Newton's sitting under an apple tree

  D.the rainbow-colored bitten apple解析 细节理解题。根据文章第四段可知答案。答案 B________ stands for the rule of the land,the sea and the air.

  A.Nike's logo

  B.Apple's logo

  C.The Mercedes-Benz's logo解析 细节理解题。根据文章第五段中的“that represents its rule of the land可知。答案 Ce orders describes the births of the great logos?

  A.Mercedes-Benz—McDonald's—Nike—Apple.-Benz.-Benz.-Benz—McDonald's—Apple.解析 综合判断题。根据第三段介绍的Apple1998年排在最后-Benz商标的出现是在1926年排在最前。由此得知A为正确选项。答案 A


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