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发布时间:2017-02-04  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  .专题特训(冠词与名词)一、根据语境用适当的冠词填空不需填的填“/”然后熟读深思。______ unemployment is very high at present,it's not easy for a fresh graduate to find ______ satisfying job as he wishes.

  解析 unemployment是抽象名词前面不用冠词。job是可数名词用不定冠词泛指“一个令人满意的工作。”答案 /;a______ heavy rain.

  —But you are just in ______ time for the discussion.

  解析 引起我的航班延误应该是特指的一in time及时准时固定短语。答案 the;/______ failure.At least we have gained ______ experience for future success.

  解析 failure表示失败的概念为抽象名词前面不可用不定冠词。表示失败的人或事experience作经历讲为可数名词作为经验讲为不可数名词。答案 a;/______ feeling of excitement when hearing his article had been published in ______ school magazine.

  解析 have a feeling of为固定用法意思是:Jack有一种兴奋的感觉。答案 a;the______ bad toothache yesterday,which kept me awake ______ whole night.

  解析 get a toothache牙疼是固定用法而整个晚上(whole night)是特指昨天晚上因此应该使用答案 a;theng there by ________ plane instead of on ________ train.

  解析 该题中plane与train均表示交通工具前面有by不与冠词连用而on与冠词连用。答案 /;a______ most attractive European country and how I wish I would go there for ______ second time.

  解析 考查冠词的用法。第一个空后的most不是构成最高级而是“非常很十分”的意思因此前面用不定冠词意为“一个非常迷人的欧洲国家”;第二个空表示“又一再一”所以序数词前应用不定冠词。答案 a;a______ telephone,but it's really ______ most wonderful invention.

  解析 the telephone特指电话这类事物;a most wonderful invention意为“一项非常奇妙的发明”。答案 the;a sure it was ______ Sunday because everybody was at ______ church.

  解析 一个星期天表述为a Sunday意为“在做礼拜”不用冠词。答案 a;/(2017·南阳两校联考)Keeping a diary is ______ good habit______ great progress in writing.

  解析 句意:写日记是一种好习惯通过它你将在写作上取得很大进步。第一空habit是可数名词根据句意可知此处表示泛指“一种好习惯”应用不定冠词。第二空progress为不可数名词前面不make progress 意为“取得进步”。答案 a;/(2017·咸阳二模)—Have you seen ______ pen? I left it here this morning.______ black one? I found it in the corner.

  解析 a;根据I found it in the corner这一信息它表明说话者是拿着笔在与对方说话故表特指所以第二空填the。答案 a;the(2017·昆明二模)The operation is ______ success and the patient is now out of ______ danger.解析 句意:这次手术是成功的并且现在病人已脱离了危险。第一空属抽象名词具体化第二空为固定搭配。答案 a;/(2017·无锡一模)The education of ______ young is always ______ hot and serious topic.解析 the young意 第二空填不定冠词修饰名词topic此处表泛指。答案 the;a______vast country which is home to ______ amazing variety of landscapes,plants and animals.

  解析 第一空表示“中国是一个……样的国家”是a variety of,只是在variety前面加上了形容词amazing修饰它。答案 a;an二、根据语境及汉语提示填入适当的名词。__________(长处,强项).so it is my best choice.

  答案 strengthYour __________(表现) as a student will be excellent if you develop a habit of reflecting on how you learn.答案 performance__________(印象 of him was that he was a kind and thoughtful young man.

  答案 impression__________(解决).答案 solution__________(荣誉、信誉)in this summer game.答案 honour阅读理解A

  体裁:记叙6分钟mpty storybook.The book looked great,with an impressive cover,but all its pages were blank.Children and grown-ups would pick up the book(墨水池) had been full of ink for years.His owner had forgotten about it.The inkwell and the storybook cursed their bad luck.ck.They could have carried on for years,if an elegant swan feather had not floated down and landed next to them.At first,the feather felt lonely and abandoned.He cried and cried,and the book and the inkwell joined in,letting out all their sadness at the years of neglect.

  However,unlike his companions,the feather soon tired of crying,and he resolved to improve the situation.Drying his tears,and leaving his complaints behind,he clearly saw how the three of them,working together,could achieve a lot more than just suffering.He convinced his friends to write a story.The storybook opened up his best pages,the inkwell didn't spill even a drop,and the feather contributed great ingenuity and beautiful writing.Together they managed to write a lovely story about three friends who helped each other to improve their lives.

  Then a young teacher passed by,head down and looking sad,wondering how he could keep his pupils' attention.He found the storybook,the inkwell and the feather.The teacher read the book,and found the story charming.He picked up the three artists,and continued on his way to school.When lessons began he told the story to his pupils,and they were all attentive.

  Every night from then on,feather,inkwell,and storybook got together and wrote a new story for the young teacher.They felt so happy and proud at having managed to improve their fate.

  【语篇导读】 空白书、墨水池和天鹅毛它们三个开始的时候都被遗弃了它们抱怨哭泣。但是有一天天鹅毛发现他们可以合作将它们的故事写在书上从1.Why was the book deserted at first?

  A.Because it was ugly.

  B.Because it looked great.

  C.Because it had an impressive cover.

  D.Because there was nothing on its pages.

  解析 细节理解题。根据第一段第二句话和第三句话The book looked great-ups would pick up the book可知人们发现书页上没有内容而将书抛弃。答案 D______.解析 词义猜测题。根据文章当中出现的their bad luck以及He cried and cried可以推出curseA。答案 Aaph?

  A.They worked together to cry for their sad fortune.

  B.They decided to leave the place.

  C.They made up their minds to be teachers.

  D.They worked together to make their life better.

  解析 主旨大意题。第四段中讲到在天鹅毛的倡议下他们共同努力把它们的故事写下来从而改变了他们的生活故选D。答案 Dng teacher became an artist.

  解析 推理判断题。根据文章倒数第二段中的When lessons began he told the story to his pupils可以推出那位年轻教师的课受到答案 BB

  体裁:说明文 话题:医疗科学 时间:8分钟(2017·济宁市月考)Researchers have been able to translate brain signals into speech using sensors attached to the surface of the brain for the first time.(瘫痪的麻痹的)patients who cannot speak and could eventually lead to being able to read anyone's thoughts.d working,” said Professor Bradley Greger,a bioengineer at Utah University who led the team of researchers.“I would call it brain reading and we hope that in two or three years it will be available for use for paralyzed patients.”

  The experimental breakthrough came when the team attached two button-sized grids of 16 tiny electrodes(电极)to the speech centers of the brain of an epileptic(癫痫的)patient.The sensors were attached to the surface of the brain.The patient had had part of his skull(颅骨)removed for another operation to treat his condition.

  Using the electrodes,the scientists recorded brain signals in a computer as the patient repeatedly read each of 10 words that might be useful to a paralyzed person:yesess.Then they got him to repeat the words to the computer and it was able to match the brain signals for each word 76 percent to 90 percent of the time.The computer picked up the patient's brain waves as he talked and did not use any voice recognition software.

  Because just thinking about a word—and not saying it—is thought to produce the same brain signals,Prof Greger and his team believe that soon they will be able to have translation device and voice box that repeats the word you are thinking.

  What is more,the brains of people who are paralyzed are often healthy and produce the same signals as those in able-bodied people—it is just they are blocked by injury from reaching the muscle.n



  years to clinical trials on paralyzed people who cannot speak due to so-called

  “locked-in” syndrome(闭锁综合症).-spoken


  include those paralyzed


  strokew device would allow them freedom to speak on their own.

  5.Which of the following best describe Professor Bradley Greger in Paragraph 3?

  A.Joyful and hopeful.

  B.Cautious and unsatisfied.

  C.Negative and painful.

  D.Exhausted and busy.

  解析 细节理解题。根据“We were beside ourselves with excitement when it started working”可知joyful根据后面对前景的叙述可知hopeful。答案 A解析 推理判断题。根据第五段“that might be useful to a paralyzed person”以及第二段中“The breakthroughrcent accurate”可知让病人不断重复有用的词汇可保证精确度高。答案 Cdrome.

  D.Patient who suffer from an epileptic symptom.

  解析 推理判断题。根据文章第二段以及最后两段综合可知。B项仅指瘫痪的病人而该项技术目前是用于丧失说话能力的瘫痪病人见第二段。答案 C________.omically

  B.differently解析 猜测词义题。根据后文“The new device would allow them freedom to speak on their own”推测。答案 C________.er book

  B.an experiment report解析 推理判断题。根据全文内容来看这是医学界的一个福音。答案 C


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