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发布时间:2017-02-04  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  .专题特训(代词)根据语境用适当的代词填空然后熟读深思。______ this morning.

  解析 句意:通常在雾中会发生很多事故我今天早上就碰巧看到了一起。此处表示“一起事故”应用one (accident)。答案 one______ difficult for us to complete the task on time.

  解析 句意:停电使得我们按时完成任务变得相it。答案 it______.They are both hot and crowded.解析 句意:“这些旅游胜地你最喜欢哪个?”“一个都不喜欢他们都太热而且太拥挤。”表示“三者或三者以上都不”用none。答案 None______ she had never experienced before.

  解析 句意:她想得到一份工作一份她以前从未经历过的工作。此处空格处代表a job应用one代替。答案 one______ but English,which has brought terrible dreams to me for the past 12 years.

  解析 句意:“你上了大学打算选择什么专业?”“除英语外什么都行英语在这过去的12年中给我带来很多噩梦。”anything but意为“根本不”符合题意。答案 Anything______ at hand myself.

  解析 句意:我知道你想借钱但我手头上一点也没有。此处not any (money)表示“没有一点钱”符合题意。答案 anyif not cheaper than,______ at the other shops in the street.

  解析 句意:“这些洗衣机的价格怎样?”“他们与街上其他的商店相比如果说不便宜至少和他们的价格一样。”此处空格内的代词代替the washing machines应用those代替。答案 those______ applying for the scholarship must be present.

  解析 句意:“我明天可以请假吗?”“不你不能任何申请奖学金的人都必须到场。”anyone表示“任何人”符合题意。答案 Anyone______ of her colleagues.

  解析 句意:Della先赢得了学生的信任然后赢得了同事的信任此处用于替代不可数名词trust故用that。如果代替可数复数名词用those或the ones。答案 that______can be good at something for 40 years if he doesn't love it.

  解析 句意:如果他不喜欢的话不可能会有人40年擅长一件事情。nobody意为“没有人”。答案 Nobodyd in New York and Chicago,but don't like ______ of them very much.

  解析 句意:我在纽约和芝加哥都居住过但这两个地方我都不喜欢。短语not...either=neither(两者都不)。答案 eithers,she lost ______ of her enthusiasm for life.

  解析 句意:虽然Rosemary这些年患上了一种严重的疾病但是她并没丧失对生活的热情。根据语境可知选否定词。故答案选C。答案 none______ described in this magazine.

  解析 句意:在我们工厂有一些与这份杂志中描述的相似的机器。those替代可数名词复数而that替代不可数名词。答案 those______ on the small ones.

  解析 通常可以用that替代不可数名词替代复数名词。此处the traffic为不可数名词故用that来替代。答案 that-or situation—we can buy a new car this year or we can go on holiday but we can't do ______.解析 句意:这是一个只能二选一的处境——我们可以在今年买一辆新车或者去度假但是我们不可能两件事都做。not...both表不完全否定(并非两者都……)。答案 both______.解析 句意:回收是保护环境的一种方式;再利用是另一种方式。another“(泛指)另一个再一个”;可替代a/one+。答案 another阅读理解 体裁:说明文 话题:大学教育 时间:8分钟sities are very good at producing research and raising money,they aren't so good at supplying the needs of the US high-skill labour market so ain enough doctors to meet its needs.Each year many more doctors retire than graduate from its medical schools and the US robs the world to make up the difference.

  25% of doctors working in the US received their training elsewhere.That is close to 200,000 doctors educated abroad.Around 5,000 were trained in Africa,mainly Ghana,Nigeria and South Africa,but also elsewhere.In 2002,there were 47 Liberian-trained doctors working in the UStries,especially in the developing world,doctors are trained at public expense.If a doctor from Ghana is taken to the US,not only does that country lose its doctor,it loses the money paid for the training.That means the world's poorest people are paying for the health care of the world's richest people.

  Why can't the US supply its own needs?After all0,000 of debt.Unlike lawyers and bankers,of which there are no American shortages,doctors lack the opportunities to earn huge salaries immediately and pay it all back.

  Also,there is no central government planning for university education in America making it more difficult to create new medical colleges.

  So while we look with envy at the wealth and achievements of the top American universities,we should bear in mind that not all is as well as it seems.In fact,it may be that the weakness of the US higher education system is contributing to the health and development crisis in some of the world's poorest regions.

  1.What is the passage mainly about?

  A.The high standards of universities in the United States.

  B.The quality of doctors produced by American universities.

  C.Medical training provided at American universities.

  D.The quantity of doctors produced by American universities.

  解析 主旨大意题。联系全文本文作者主要针对美国本土大学培养医学人才数量不足的问题进行了分析和解答。答案 D解析 细节理解题。根据第三段第三句可知在美国工作的大约5 000名医生是在非洲接受的医学培训。答案 Adoes the author think getting doctors from Africa is not good?

  A.Their education level is not as good as American trained doctors.

  B.The cost of bringing them to America is more than training local doctors.

  C.It takes valuable skills away from some of the world's poorest countries.

  D.The African doctors are poorly paid compared to the American doctors.

  解析 推理判断题。根据第四段内容可以推知作者认为从不发达国家引进他们辛苦培养的珍贵医学人才损害了那些国家人民的利益故C项符合题意。答案 CT a reason given for the lack of locally trained doctors in America?

  A.Doctors salaries are not very high in America.

  B.People can earn big money more quickly in other professions.

  C.It is difficult to create new medical schools in America.

  D.Training is long and very expensive.

  解析 细节理解题。根据第五段和第六段可知在美国医生的工资待遇不差这不是美国缺少本土培养的医学人才A项错误。美国缺少本土培养的医学人才的原因有:培训过程长且费用高昂拿到高薪资的间隔时间较久且政府没有财政投资计划建设新院校就更困难(即无法培养更多人才)。答案 Aed word it in Paragraph 4 refers to ________.解析 词义猜测题。联系画线词前后的内容可知美国从加纳引走人才加纳不仅失去了人才还损失了培养经费的投入。it指代的是加纳。答案 C信息匹配阅读下列应用文及相关信息并按照要求匹配信息。以下是美国电视频道一些有关科学的电视节目介绍:A.Science Dark Side:experiments on humansLife:Endangered Species Map time travel.

  F.Baseball's Secret Formula

  Learn how scientific methods are challenging baseball wisdom.

  下面是几位科学电视节目迷的简介请将他们与各自准备了解的电视节目进行匹配。owing how various items are made.In their plan,it will covers over 40 different products and manufacturing processes and includes almost 4 hours of manufacturing video,so they need to find some more material for it.()a scientific amateur but also a baseball fan.Recently,he has learned that Bill James,a famous expert on sports science,attempts to use scientific data collection and interpretation methods to explain why teams win and lose,and to help evaluate baseball talent.He feels so interested in it that he hopes to find something about it on TV.() camps during the Second World War.Lisa feels it cruel because the experiments resulted in death,disfigurement or permanent disability and wants to learn more about it.()ence fiction.For years the concept of time travel has been the topic of science fiction novels and movies,and has been thought about by some great scientists like Richard.He'd like to look for some more ideas or evidence for it from other scientists.()germent is a broad issue,so he hopes to get more details from the TV program.()答案 1.D 2.F 3.A 4.E 5.C基础写作微博已成为了人们生活中的一部分。请根据以下内容写一篇名为Microblogging的文章。【写作内容】与传统博客的不同点:文章内容140字内;可以上传图片;更新方便。使用人数:超过1亿。使用情况:对象:学生、学校和政府等;用途:讨论如环保、经济发展等热点。影响:成为了人们日常生活中的一个重要部分;比网站、传统的博客更受欢迎;成【写作要求】只能用5个句子表达全部内容。【参考范文】Microblogging

  A microblog differs from a traditional blog in that its content is less than 140 characters in length,and it allows users to upload pictures and update

  messages conveniently.There are more than 100 million people using it,including many students,schools and government officials who have discussed some heated topics,like environmental protection,the economic development and so on.It's obvious that microblogging has played an important role in our daily life.Compared with websites and traditional blogs,microblogs are more popular with people for their brief content.As time goes by,they are becoming good interactive platforms with families,friends and even strangers.


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