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发布时间:2017-02-04  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  Pablo Ruiz Picasso was the favourite child of his family. He was the only boy among a great many girl cousins. That was enough to make him important, but the father loved him especially, because he knew his son was going to be an artist. Pablo knew the word for pencil even before he could see Mamma and Papa. When he was small, he spent hours by himself making delightful little drawings of animals and people. If his mother sent him out to play in the square, he went on drawing in the dust under the trees.

  Don Jose Ruiz, Pablo’s father, was director of the museum in southern Spain. He earned only a small salary, but there was not much work to do and he was able to practice his hobby, which was painting pigeons. Don loved pigeons very much. He painted them dead or alive in ones and twos and in dozens. Sometimes he painted them on paper, cut them out and stuck them onto canvas (画布); sometimes he stuck real feathers onto his pictures. He knew a great deal about the technique of painting and he taught it all to Pablo.

  Life in Malaga was very pleasant. In the hot sunshine father and son would walk down to the beach to look at the boats on the shore or wander around the open markets. They made a strange pair. Don was tall and thin, with red hair and beard, sad gray eyes and a fine set of whiskers (腮须). He was so shy and correct that he was nicknamed “the Englishman”. Pablo was quite the opposite. He had his mother’s small, strong build (体格); he had straight black hair, and bright black eyes that noticed everything that was going on around him.

  1. Picasso’s father loved him especially, because


  A. he was the only boy in the family

  B. he was going to be an important person to his family

  C. he showed the gift of an artist in his early childhood

  D. he looked like his mother

  2. Pablo’s father painted a lot because


  A. he didn’t have enough money

  B. he had plenty of time

  C. he liked the pigeons, especially the dead ones

  D. he looked after the museum

  3. Don Jose Ruiz and Pablo were a strange pair because


  A. they liked to wander about the town

  B. they noticed everything that was going on around them

  C. one was tall and thin, the other was small and strong

  D. they looked so different from each other

  4. The best title of the passage might be


  A. Pablo Picasso: the great artist

  B. The Boyhood of Pablo Picasso

  C. Father of A Great Artist

  D. Father’s Influence (影响) on His Son


  How many teeth have you had filled in the past two years? If you follow the advice of Dr. Fustic, you may be able to reduce the number of your visits to a dentist. Dr. Fustic made a two-year survey to find out how to prevent or reduce dental decay(龋齿),946 students took part in the experiment.523 students cleaned their teeth within ten minutes' eating. When possible, they used the toothbrush. When it was possible, they washed their mouths thoroughly with water. The remaining 423 students nearly cleaned their teeth when they went to bed and when they got up in the morning. All of the students had their teeth X-rayed at the end of the first and second years. At the end of the first year, the night and morning group had three times as many decayed teeth as the "cleaned after each meal" group. At the end of the second year, the latter group had 63% fewer decayed teeth than the former group.

  Dr.Fustic has cleaned his teeth after every meal for 13 years, and has not had a single decayed tooth. He pointed out that sugar is a major agent(因素) in dental decay, particularly the sugar in sweets, cakes and soft drinks. Ideally you should keep a toothbrush in your pocket and use it immediately after you have finished eating. When this is impractical, you can at least make sure that you have a drink of water and let the water through your teeth to force out any particles of food. Seven out of ten people lose at least half their teeth by the time they are fifty. Many have a complete set of false teeth by that time. In any case, neither toothache nor the visit to the dentist is very pleasant. So it is worthwhile making an effort to keep your own teeth as long as possible. The main preventive (预防的) agent is simply water.

  5. According to the passage, what type of food or drink is most likely to cause dental decay?

  A. Coca Cola.

  B. Milk.

  C. Meat.

  D. Fried chicken.

  6. What does the passage tell us about the condition of Dr. Fustic's teeth?

  A. He has had thirteen decayed teeth.

  B. He doesn't have a single decayed tooth.

  C. He has fewer decayed teeth than other people of his age.

  D. He never had a single tooth pulled out before he was fifty.

  7. What does Dr. Fustic suggest to prevent dental decay?

  A. Brush your teeth right before you go to bed in the evening.

  B. Have as few of your teeth pulled out as possible.

  C. Have your teeth X-rayed at regular time.

  D. Clean your teeth shortly after eating.

  8. According to the passage, which of the following is True?

  A. Fewer people lose their teeth by the time they are fifty.

  B. The night and morning group has fewer decayed teeth than the “cleaned after each meal” group.

  C. Water is the main preventive agent in teeth protection.

  D. Students don't like to have the teeth experiment.


  Would you like to know if your body is older or younger than it should be? Dr. David Wikenheiser has been studying aging in Vancouver, Canada, for the past 10 years and has found the average person is 15 or more years older biologically than their actual age.

  He says: “We all know people who are 30 but look over 40, and others who are 70 yet look 50, the difference comes down to lifestyle. Some peoples’ bodies get ‘rusty(生锈)’ faster than others, and this makes them age more quickly.”

  After conducting more than 3,000 tests, Dr. Wikenheiser believes that, on average, you can ower your biological age by 10 years in three months with the right lifestyle changes.

  “You can’t change your genetics(遗传学) but you can make other changes such as eating the right food, drinking enough water to flush out toxins(毒素), exercising and managing stress,” he says. But exercising too much is just as bad as not doing enough. Working out for more than two hours at a time every day puts too great a strain on your heart.

  “Multivitamin and antioxidant supplements are important even if you’re eating the right amount of fruit and vegetables. Today’s soil tends to lack important minerals so these are no longer found in the food we eat, in large enough quantities. We should also change bleached(漂白) white table salt for natural sea salt which is much better for us.” It’s also important to eat three meals a day. Missed meals put a strain on your brain as your blood sugar level drops. Many of us are also eating the wrong fats or avoiding fat altogether, so we miss out important nutritional oils.

  9.The passage is mainly about


  A.how to lower your biological age B.how to live a healthier lifeC.how to keep young

  D.how to select a good dietFrom the passage we can conclude that the most important factor in slowing your aging process is





  D.genetics’s the author’s suggestion on how we get proper minerals?

  A.e should exercise at least two hours a day instead of three hours.

  B.e should avoid fat of any kind by not eating meat or animals.

  C.e should have no more Multivitamin and antioxidant supplements.

  D.e should have natural sea salt instead of bleached white table salt.

  12.Which of the following is RIGHT according to the passage?

  A.The actual age looks more important than biological age.B.People can change their genetics by enough exercising.C.The present soil is short of important minerals. D.A strain and blood sugar have a bad effect on bodies.Maps and statistics can tell us a lot about where a country is headed. Take the US Census Bureau's latest findings on American cities. They show that for the first time since 1900, Detroit is not on the list of the Top 10 most populous US cities. In its place is San Jose, California.

  Detroit has been the long-time centre of the US auto industry, but in the past few years the "Big Three" US automakers - General Motors, Ford, and Chrysler - have closed plants and laid off workers. With the factory closings and huge job losses, Detroit cannot collect enough tax revenue to pay its bills, forcing it to close schools and lay off city workers. Cutbacks then cause others to flee the city.

  "It's part of a pattern for the heavily industrialized cities," says Dana Johnson, an economist in Detroit. "There's been an ongoing dynamic (变化) here of people fleeing the city looking for better schools, better lifestyles, better services."

  Detroit is hardly alone. After World War II, the US was the world's leading manufacturer. Cars, televisions, toys, and clothing made in America were exported around the world. As a result, the well-paid factory workers formed the backbone of a rising middle class. In the last three decades, the US economy has changed. Companies have moved factories overseas to take advantage of lower wages in Asia, Latin America, and Eastern Europe.

  Where are people who leave the northeast and midwest going? They are moving south and west, another broad trend. In general, people are moving to where it's warmer, less expensive and less crowded, or where jobs are more plentiful in growing service industries like health care, in the technology sector, or in factories that moved from the northeast or midwest.

  In a sense, the computer chips of San Jose, the new 10th largest city, in the heart of what is known as Silicon Valley, have replaced the sheet metal and molten steel of Detroit as the symbol of American economic power.

  13.The main difficulty that Detroit is now facing is _____.

  A.the factory closings and huge job losses

  B.many people’s moving to the south and west

  C.the poor quality of the automobile

  D.the lack of the computer chips

  14.Which of the following isn’t the trend of the change?

  A.The decline of the manufacturing economy.

  B.Companies’ moving overseas.

  C.The end of the US cities’ development.

  D.The migration of Americans to the south and west.

  15.Which statement is not correct according to the passage?

  A.Detroit has been on the list of the Top 10 most populous US cities for over a century.

  B.People immigrate south and west to take advantage of lower wages there.

  C.The US was an important exporting country in the middle of the last century.

  D.The US economy now is not as prosperous as 30 years ago.



  Can't find your car keys? Forget what's on your grocery list? Can't remember the name of the personal trainer you liked at the gym? You're not alone. Everyone forgets things occasionally.


  Although there are no guarantees when it comes to preventing memory loss, memory tricks can be helpful. Consider the following simple ways to sharpen your memory.


  Just as physical activity helps keep your body in shape, mentally stimulating activities help keep your brain in shape — and memory loss at bay. Do crossword puzzles. Read a section of the newspaper that you normally skip. Learn to play a musical instrument. Volunteer at a local school or community organization. Get organized

  You're more likely to forget things if your home is in a mess. Write down tasks, appointments and other events in a special notebook or calendar. You might even repeat each entry out loud as you write it down to help cement(巩固) it in your memory. Keep to-do lists current, and check off items you've completed.___18____

  Include physical activity in your daily routine Physical activity increases blood flow to your whole body, including your brain.


  Aim for at least 30 minutes of aerobic (需氧的)activity a day. If you don't have time for a full workout, squeeze in a few 10-minute walks throughout the day.

  Eat a healthy diet

  Focus on fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Choose low-fat protein sources, such as lean meat, skinless poultry(禽肉) and fish. What you drink counts, too. Not enough water or too much alcohol can lead to confusion and memory loss.

  A. Stay mentally active

  B. This may help keep your memory sharp.

  C. Still, memory loss is nothing to take lightly.

  D. A heart-healthy diet is as good for your brain as it is for your heart.

  E. Treatment will depend on what’s contributing to the memory loss.

  F. Also, set aside a certain place for your wallet, keys and other essentials. G. Don’t try to do too many things at once, or you’ll be more likely to forget them later.

  第完形填空 题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)

  阅读下面的短文,从短文后个体所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出也已填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上讲该项涂黑。I have certainly seen lots of changes in my lifetime! I look around my home and see mod cons(现代化生活设备) that I could never have


  of fifty or sixty years ago. I


  the early part of childhood in a cottage without running water or electricity and yet these days, I feel


  if there is a power cut for even just an hour or two! So, I have changed too. Things that I couldn’t even imagine in the past now seem quite



  I don’t think, however, that people are happier today than they were 50 years ago. We are certainly materially better off than we were


  most people still seem to be weighed


  by problems. My daughter and her family are a good


  . They have a spacious, comfortable home with every labor-saving device you can

  28 . There’s a washing machine, a clothes dryer, and all sorts of other household items which are


  to save time but it seems to me that my daughter and her husband just spend all that “saved” time


  ! They


  relax and are always complaining of being


  and “stressed”.

  Children these days have all sorts of “educational toys” and yet they seem unable to


  themselves. My daughter tries to


  the time her children spend watching television but when they aren’t watching TV, they are sad. They play with new


  for a day or two and then


  them once they have gone off them.

  When we were children, we had almost nothing but we were so


  . We had all sorts of fun and games in the nearby woods. But, of course, children can’t play


  outdoors any longer. There is so much crime and parents are afraid to let their children go out alone


  they are injured, kidnapped, raped or even murdered. These crimes may not be directly


  with modern inventions but there must be some connection.

  21. A. seen

  B. dreamed

  C. spoken

  D. touched

  22. A. took

  B. cost

  C. spent

  D. afforded

  23. A. uneasy

  B. unlucky

  C. disappointed

  D. happy

  24. A. impressive

  B. impossible

  C. normal

  D. public

  25. A. so

  B. while

  C. and

  D. but

  26. A. down

  B. at

  C. off

  D. up

  27. A. show

  B. type

  C. explanation

  D. example

  28. A. think of

  B. think over

  C. think on

  D. think through

  29. A. built

  B. arranged

  C. designed

  D. formed

  30. A. playing

  B. working

  C. relaxing

  D. singing

  31. A. sometimes

  B. never

  C. often

  D. regularly

  32. A. patient

  B. tired

  C. special

  D. worried

  33. A. learn

  B. know

  C. enjoy

  D. teach

  34. A. offer

  B. limit

  C. waste

  D. stop

  35. A. programs

  B. games

  C. cars

  D. toys

  36. A. give off

  B. leave off

  C. get rid of

  D. get off

  37. A. inventive

  B. active

  C. clever

  D. excited

  38. A. easily

  B. dangerously

  C. conveniently

  D. safely

  39. A. in case

  B. so that

  C. least

  D. even though

  40. A. connected

  B. dealt

  C. done

  D. made



  Two-thirds of them died or were ________ (受伤)during the earthquake.

  In the disaster the suffering of the people was e__________(极其的).

  People began to wonder how long the ________(灾难)would last.


  Workers built _______ (避身处)for the survivors whose homes had been destroyed.


  You have passed your driving test? ______________(祝贺).


  The whole world were _______ (shock)to learn that China defeated Brazil in men’s football.


  ________(judge)from his appearance, the manager must be over fifty.


  She walked slowly alongside him, hands _______ (bury)in his pockets.


  The ___________(frighten)snakes made the lady cry helplessly.

  10.” I don't understand,” he said, with an _________ (express)of complete surprise on his face.


  There are so much road accidents every day. They are often caused by carelessness. But there 

  are many rules that help to make the road safety. Here are some rules what we ought to know: In Hong Kong traffic keeps to the left. Before across the road, we must stop or look at both sides. Look right; look left and look right again. If road is clear, it is safe cross the road. If we saw small children or very old persons, or blind people waited to cross the road, we can help them to cross the road safely.


  5-8AB DC

  9-12 ACDC


  16-20 CAFBD









  单词拼写1. injured

  2. extreme

  3. disaster

  4. shelters

  5. Congratulations

  6. shocked

  7. Judging




  短文改错: 1. much→many 2. But→So 3. safety→safe 4. what→that / which 5. across→crossing 6. or→and 7. road前加the 8. safe后加to 9. saw→see 10. waited→waiting


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