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发布时间:2017-02-04  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)

  What would I do for Carol’s 50th birthday? It was

  that she didn’t want a party, certainly not a surprise party (that was an agreement at our marriage).

  “How about a small dinner with

  ?” I asked.

  “No,” she said, “I hate being the center of


  Still, the milestone had to be marked.

  wasn’t going to let her get away with a Stouffer’s frozen dinner and a movie video,


  this was all she said she wanted.

  I thought and thought, and

  making my decision, I sent a letter to her friends, asking them for photos, poems, and letters.“Carol doesn’t

  a party in person...but I’m hoping to

  her a party in a book.” I bought a(n)


  with a friend’s advice, and what I wanted

  30 .For a few minutes at the end of every workday, I

  pull out the marking pens and make up the


  , Carol’s.

  Photos of her in junior high, pictures of us

  the boys, original songs, notes, cards, and poems.It made me

  for all the years we had had together.The

  was more than the album.It was the friendship and love she had given to me and to our kids and to all her friends and family.You could

  it on every page.

  I wrapped it up and

  it home.“Happy birthday, sweetie,” I said.“It’s not a frozen dinner or a video, but it’s

  you deserve.” She cried.She doesn’t

  like to cry, but I think she likes the book.She’s said so many times.And every time I remind her

  __putting it together was a gift to me.





































  30.A.went on

  B.poured in

  C.turned back

  D.got away










  B.around C.with






























  第三节: 阅读理解(共20小题,每题2分,满分40分)


  Employees are being flooded with too much information that has little to do with their work, according to a new survey.

  On average, white-collar workers spend 51 percent of their work time receiving and processing information. Only one third of it was relevant to their work, the survey found. Information overload for white collar workers has become a global issue. The huge amount of information has already affected their efficiency in management as well as their performance at work.

  Buried with e-mails

  Every morning, a secretary at the human resources department of an auto parts company opens her e-mail box, only to find it crammed with at least 50 unread mails. For her, even scanning through these e-mails every day takes at least half an hour. Some of her colleagues are not so lucky — they have to read at least 100.

  Bothered with calls

  Telephone calls are also causing a problem. More than 40 percent white-collar workers chose mobile phones as the preferred way to communicate important and urgent business matters.

  Talking saves time and energy over the clicking, reading and replying to e-mails, but phone calls are also more distracting(分心的). While answering a call, a clerk is likely to put away a much more important task at hand and start the business being talked about on the phone.

  Solution? Not yet.

  Many companies start with providing staff with better computers, better Internet access and more advanced gadgets(装置). For example, staff members above a certain level in one company will be provided with a blackberry phone for easier access to their e-mails. The company has also organized many lectures on efficient ways of e-mail management. Yet most white-collar workers think their companies can do more.

  41.What does the new survey find about white-collar workers?

  A.They spend 51% of their work time on meetings.

  B.Only half of the information they receive is useful.

  C.Over 60% of them prefer to use the telephone.

  D.Some of them have to read at least 100 e-mails every day.

  42.Telephone calls cause a problem because ________.

  A.they take up the time to receive and send e-mails

  B.they are often not answered

  C.they are mostly not about business

  D.they may lead to the changing of work schedule

  43.How do some companies try to solve the problem of information overload?

  A.They start to give staff a pay rise.

  B.They plan to employ more people.

  C.They provide employees with more advanced equipment.

  D.They organize lectures on how to reduce stress.

  44.What is the major issue discussed in this text?

  A.Poor management leads to inefficiency at work.

  B.Junk mail is causing big trouble.

  C.White-collar workers suffer from information overload.

  D.Better computers are in need in workplaces.


  The first time I saw Carlos I would never have believed he was going to change my life. I had my arms full of books and I was tearing into the classroom when I ran into something solid. It was Carlos.

  “My God, you’re tall,” he said.

  Of course, the class began to laugh. Angry, I walked to my seat without a word.

  I glanced back to see if Reed Harrington was laughing with the rest. That would be the last straw. But Reed was studying chemistry and did not seem to be aware of anything else. I didn’t know why I considered Reed my friend. Maybe just because he was a good two inches taller than I. Anyway, every time I blew out my birthday candles and made a wish, it was for a date with Reed Harrington.

  “Take that seat,” Mr. McCarthy told the cocky newcomer Carlos,pointing to the only empty one,in the back of the room.

  Carlos laughed widely. “But I need a couple of dictionaries.” Again the class laughed, but now they were laughing with Carlos,not at him. He had been here only 10 minutes and already he had them on his side.

  The bell rang for classes. As I stood up to go, I saw Carlos coming toward me. “ I’ sorry I embarrassed you,” he said. I looked straight head over the top of his black hair. “That’s all right.”

  “ I ought to know better.” He was still blocking my way.” What’s your name?” “Karen Forbes.” “ You probably heard me say I’m Carlos Herrera.” He held out his hand. Unwillingly, I shook hands with him. He looked up at me seriously with his brown eyes.” “ I don’t see why you’re so touchy.”

  I brushed by him and said sharply, “You wouldn’t understand.”

  He followed me a few steps. “I’m just the one who should, Karen,” he said. “ You and I have a lot in common.”

  It was the school elections that made me think of Carlos again. Reed Harrington was voted president and Carlos vice-president. “How come?” I kept asking myself,” How come this shrimp who’s only been in town for a little over a month gets to be so popular?”

  So that morning,I stopped Carlos and said,“It doesn’t seem to bother you — being short.” He looked up at me, “Of course I mind being short. But there isn’t anything I can do about it. When I realized I was going to have to spend my life in this undersized skin,I just decided to make the best of it and concentrate on being myself.” “You seem to get along great,” I admitted, “But what about me? Nobody wants to date a girl taller than he is.” “The trouble with you is that you’re afraid to be yourself. You’re smart. And you could be pretty. In fact, you might be more than pretty.” I felt myself turning red…

  The author was angry because ________.

  A.Carlos was too rude to her                   B.the class made fun of her    

  C.she had to carry many books             

     D.Reed Harrington didn’t date her

  46. The underlined word “ touchy” in paragraph 8 probably means________

  A. annoyed

  B. cheerful

  C. curious

  D. moved

  We can infer from Paragraph 4 that the author ________.

  A. thought Reed was the same as others

  B. hoped Reed was laughing with others

  C. cared much about Reed’s attitude

  D. couldn’t stand Carlos playing tricks on her

  According to the text, which is the most likely ending?

  A. Carlos and Reed became very good friends

  B. Carlos and the author argued with each other.

  C. Carlos was elected president of the student committee.

  D. The author changed her attitude towards Carlos.


  According to researchers.money can buy happiness, but only if you spend it on someone else.

  Spending as little as $5 a day on someone else could significantly bring you happiness, the team at the University of British Columbia and Harvard Business School found.

  Their experiments on more than 630 Americans showed they were measurably(适度地) happier when they spent money on others--even if they thought spending the money on themselves would make them happier.

  "We wanted to test our theory that how people spend their money is at least as important as how much money they earn," said Elizabeth Dunn, a psychologist at the University of British Columbia.

  They asked their 600 volunteers first to rate their general happiness, report their annual income and detail their monthly spending including bills, gifts for themselves, gifts for others and donations to charity.

  "Regardless of how much income each person made, those who spent money on others reported greater happiness, while those who spent more on themselves did not," Dunn said in a statement.

  Dunn's team also surveyed 16 employees at a company in Boston before and after they received an annual profit-sharing bonus(奖金) of between $3,000 and $8,000.

  "Employees who devoted more of their bonus to pro-social spending experienced greater happiness after receiving the bonus, and the manner in which they spent that bonus was a more important predictor of their happiness than the size of the bonus itself," they wrote in their report, published in the journal Science.

  They gave their volunteers $5 or $20 and half got clear instructions on how to spend it.Those who spent the money on someone or something else reported feeling happier about it.

  "These findings suggest that very minor alterations(改动) in spending allocations(分配) - as little as $5 - may be enough to produce real gains in happiness on a given day," Dunn said.

  .According to the passage,_____________.

  A.the more money you spend on others, the happier you are

  B.spending money on others can bring you happiness

  C.Elizabeth Dunn is a psychologist from Harvest Business School

  D. hundred volunteers took part in the experiment

  50.The 16 employees mentioned in the passage _________.

  A.were given clear instructions on how to spend the bonus

  B.had more happiness than the size of the bonus itself

  C.experienced greater happiness after receiving their bonus

  D.felt happier after they contributed much of the bonus of charities

  51.Dunn’s statement suggested that ______________.

  A.those who spent money on others felt happier no matter how much they earned

  B.those who spent more money on themselves felt happier

  C.people thought spending money could make themselves happier

  D.the money spent was as important as the money earned

  52.The best title of this passage is ___________.

  A.Experiment on Money Spending

  B.Spending Money on Others Makes One Happier

  C.Devoting Your Money to Charities

  D.Bonus and Pro-social Spending



  Being a good student doesn’t mean you have to drop all social activities and dive into your books.It is still possible to have a healthy social life while getting good grades.________.Here is how you can achieve it:

  Decide for yourself at the start of the term that you won’t let your schoolwork sweep you away._________

  Write down your weekly schedule on a piece of paper.Chances are , you’ll have small gaps between classes during the week and more free time at the weekend.Make sure that every time you find yourself in one of those between-class gaps you use the time efficiently .______.

  Set aside at least one large amount of time each week as free time.Keep in mind the law of diminishing returns (收益递减).Past a certain point more hours studying will be of little benefit._____ .Protect both your free time and your school time carefully .If one starts to infringe (侵犯) on the other that is just the beginning of a long, slippery downhill slope (斜坡).

  __________.This way, you can co-ordinate(协调) your free time with theirs.

  Whenever possible, find social activities that take you off campus and away from your schoolwork.

  Balance is the key .

  Encourage your friends to follow a similar plan.

  It is very important to be determined about this.

  Try not to affect other’s time and just focus on your own.

  You’re better off spending this time with friends.

  You can spend more time on social life than on study.

  Read a few pages of your school book or do some quick chores(杂活),for example.1. I must _______ (道歉) to you for not being able to meet you.

  2. Her unhappy childhood was the ________ (起源) of her problems later in life.

  3. The school is widely _______ (赞美) for its excellent teaching.

  4. In the village,

  it is the______

  (风俗) for a girl to take her mother’s name.

  5. This song _________ (提醒) me of my childhood.

  6. The homeless children were _________(渴望)for safety and love.

  . The story of his mother is beyond my ______ (信任, 相信). . On my _______ (到达)at the hotel, he gave me a sweet kiss.

  . You see, the ________ (精力充沛的)young man plays basketball day and night. 10. She showed us the athletics _______ (奖状)she had won.

  ’s contains News of the Week,Our World,Campus Trends,Culture and Leisure,Science Life,Leaning With Us and Fun Time.With a plenty of beautiful pictures and interested articles,21st Century is very popular with us students.I read them to learn more new words and it is very help for me to improve my English.However,I can get all kinds of informations from it.21st Century benefit me a lot and I like it very much.

  M3 Unit1 Keys





  完型:—25 BCADC

  26-30 BADAB



  阅读: (A):DDCC




  单拼1. apologize

  2. origin

  3. admired

  4. custom

  5. reminds


  7. belief

  8. arrival 9. energetic

  10. awards


  76 第一个Which改为 77 publishing改为78 It’s 改为It

  79 a plenty of 改为 80 interested改为 81 them改为82 help去掉83 However 改为 84. informations改为85 benefit改为


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