Giraffes' decline; female bullfighter 长颈鹿数量骤减,西班牙女斗牛士
本集内容 Giraffes facing 'silent extinction' 长颈鹿面临“无声灭绝”
Meet one of Spain's four female bullfighters 来认识西班牙仅有的四位女斗牛士中的一位
文字稿 Highly recognisable – but while Chester Zoo's giraffes are loved by the visitors, in their natural African habitat, the animals are suffering what has been called a devastating decline. Illegal hunting, expanding agriculture and civil unrest have all been cited as factors pushing the long-necked mammals towards extinction.
它们是一眼就能被识别出的动物 - 英国切斯特动物园的长颈鹿深受来访游客的喜爱。不过在他们的自然栖息地非洲,长颈鹿的数目正在经受一场被人们称为“灾难性的减少”的变化。非法打猎,农业发展和国内动乱都被举为把这类长脖子哺乳动物逼向灭绝的原因。
Twenty-five-year-old Conchi Rios is one of only four female matadors in the world of Spanish bullfighting. She said it took a few years to get a job as a bullfighter in Spain, but that it was worth fighting to do the job she loves. Bullfighting is controversial in Spain, but Conchi says those who are against it don't necessarily understand it.
25岁的里奥斯(Conchi Rios)是西班牙斗牛界仅有的四位女斗牛士之一。她说自己用了好几年的时间才在西班牙找到斗牛士的工作,不过为了争取得到这份自己喜爱的工作,当初的努力和付出是值得的。斗牛在西班牙备受争议,但里奥斯说反对斗牛的人们可能对斗牛不完全理解。
词汇 devastating
练习 请从以下词汇中选择适当的答案来完成句子。注意:你可能需要改变单词的时态来完成句子。
devastating / cited / controversial
1. A ______ plan to demolish a Reading nightclub and replace it with luxury flats has been turned down.
2. Thousands of people have been made homeless after ______ floods caused by the heaviest rainfall the city has seen in a century.
3. The pop star ______ personal reasons for deciding to cancel his world tour. Naturally, his fans are very upset.
答案 1. A controversial plan to demolish a Reading nightclub and replace it with luxury flats has been turned down.
2. Thousands of people have been made homeless after devastating floods caused by the heaviest rainfall the city has seen in a century.
3. The pop star cited personal reasons for deciding to cancel his world tour. Naturally, his fans are very upset.
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