Move For 30 Minutes
Every day, try to walk, run, bike, or work out for at least 30 minutes. Your mind, body, and waistline will thank you.
Make Sleep a Priority
The more you neglect your nighttime rest, the more your health will be affected. Adequate sleep is important for lowering your risk of disease, helping you lose weight, and making sure you have enough energy to tackle your to-do list. Aim for seven to nine hours a night, and stick with your goal, for better health overall.
Drink More Water
According to dietitian Julie Upton, drinking about half your weight in fluid ounces of water is a great way to ensure you stay hydrated, have energy, and even burn more calories.
Eat Mindfully
Slowing down will help you relax and enjoy what you're eating. Sit down when you eat, and think about your food so you make healthier eating choices while enjoying your meals more than you would on a rushed junk-food habit.
Track Your Steps
You don't even have to invest in a fancy fitness tracker - you can track your steps with an inexpensive pedometer or a smartphone app (like the free Runtastic Pedometer app, available for Android or iPhone). Try to hit 10,000 steps every day.
Add Greens to (Almost) Anything
The more whole foods you have in your life, the better you'll feel. Add a handful of arugula to your pizza, throw some baby spinach into your next chocolate-banana smoothie, or add kale to your pot of soup. You can even blend spinach into these chocolate brownies! You'll add fiber and vitamins to keep you feeling energized and full, with almost no calories at all.
Think Positive
It's easy to stress out about how we look or feel and sometimes harder still to ignore the negative voices in your head. Take a day, or even an hour, to consciously tell yourself you'll stop negative, self-defeating thoughts as much as possible - you may not realize how hard you are on yourself.
Learn to Plank
The plank exercise requires no equipment, can be done almost anywhere, and works your entire body, especially those abs.
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