Jack Ma is arguably China's most famous -- and successful -- entrepreneur. Though he's nolonger running Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. -- the e-commerce company he founded that isgearing up for a multi-billion dollar initial public offering -- Mr. Ma is still proselytizing thebenefits of entrepreneurship.
马云或许可以说是中国最知名、最成功的企业家。尽管他已不再担任阿里巴巴集团(Alibaba Group HoldingLtd.)的首席执行长,但他仍在宣传创业的诸般好处。他创立的电子商务公司阿里巴巴集团目前正在准备进行规模数十亿美元的首次公开募股(IPO)。
So what's his advice for fledgling entrepreneurs ready to start their own businesses? OnSunday, in front of thousands of young people in Hong Kong at the 'Youth Business Projectconference, ' Mr. Ma shared his advice:
那么他对那些准备自己创业、初出茅庐的创业者有什么忠告呢?周日,在香港举行的“伴你启航”(YouthBusiness Project)大会上,他与数千年轻人分享了自己的忠告:
--There are business opportunities in 80% of industries in China, including the 'green' orenvironmentally friendly industry. Whenever people have complaints or are dissatisfied withsomething, that equals a business opportunity.
--Avoid starting businesses with good friends. But once you're running a business, try your bestto be good friends with your business partner.
--Always remember the passion you've had at the very beginning of starting the business. Never start a business just to make money.
--A Tai Chi practitioner for years, Mr. Ma used the Chinese practice as a metaphor for runninghis business. 'The idea of practicing Tai Chi also applies in the commercial world, ' he told theaudience. Tai Chi emphasizes that 'your attitude in heart affects your shape or form on theoutside, ' said Mr. Ma.
Mr. Ma opened a Tai Chi school with Chinese action star Jet Li in Hangzhou, where Alibaba wasfounded in 1999, by 18 people led by Mr. Ma, a former English teacher.
Running a business is never easy. Even Mr. Ma, who brought the company to become China's e-commerce giant with 24, 000 employees now, said he made numerous mistakes along hisjourney in building the business. 'The biggest mistake is yet to come, ' he said, half-jokingly.
下一篇: 在校大学生究竟该不该自主创业?
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