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发布时间:2017-01-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  (十八) A. true happiness lies in achieving wealth by fair means B. big houses are people’s most valued possessions C. big houses can in a sense bring richness of life D. true happiness comes from spiritual riches 1. The author intends to tell us that ____. D

  推理判断题。根据文章第二段中的第一句Real riches consist of well-developed and hearty capacities(能力 to enjoy life. 以及下文列举的艺术、文学、音乐和体育都是精神上的东西可知, D项符合文意。

  A. however materially rich, they never seem to be

  satisfied B. however materially rich, they remain

  spiritually poor C. though their house is big, they prefer a simple

  life D. though their house is big, it seems to be a cage 2. The underlined sentence in the second paragraph probably implies that ____. B

  推理判断题。根据划线句中的too big, too many, a hut以及下文提到的精神上的东西——艺术、文学、音乐以及体育知本句表达的意思是:不管物质多么丰富, 他们依旧精神贫乏, 故B项符合题意。

  3. According to the author, love would make you a rich person if you gain ____.

  A. art

  B. literature

  C. music

  D. sports B

  细节理解题。根据第五段中的Literature, classic literature, is a beautiful, richly furnished room…To gain that love would go toward making you a rich person可知。

  A. more money brings more happiness B. art is needed to make your house beautiful C. literature can enrich your spiritual life D. sports contribute mainly to your physical fitness 4. It can be learned from the passage that ____. C

  推理判断题。C 项“文学可以丰富我们的精神生活”与文章第五段中的… making you a rich person相对应。 A. House of Life

  B. Secret of Wealth C. Rest and Refreshment

  D. Interest and Enthusiasm 5. What would be the best title for the passage? A

  主旨大意题。根据文中多次出现的your house of life可知, 本文把我们的人生比作了我们住的房子, 如果我们想幸福的话, 就要多加一些精神上的房间。 unsatisfied adj. 不满意的

  issue n. 问题;争端 consist of 包括

  royal adj. 皇家的 additional adj.


  classic adj.

  经典的;n. 经典作品 support vt. 支持

  absent adj.

  缺席的 [复记强化] [难句理解] Strange as it may seem, if you’re unsatisfied, the issue is not a lack of means to meet your desires

  but a lack of desires—not that you cannot satisfy your tastes but that you don’t have enough tastes. 结构分析:这个句子结构比较复杂。首先是一个as引导的让步状语从句,后接一个条件从句,而后面用了两个not…but结构。 汉语大意:尽管看来很奇怪,如果你不满意的话,问题不是缺乏满足你欲望的方法,而是缺乏欲望本身——不是你无法满足你的口味,而是你没有足够的口味。 * * 林辉 * * 林辉


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