2016届高考英语二轮精品课件:第3部分 阅读理解 专题1 细节理解类-查字典英语网
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2016届高考英语二轮精品课件:第3部分 阅读理解 专题1 细节理解类

发布时间:2017-01-19  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  对点训练 ( A ) (2015安徽,A) Welcome to the Electronic Village to explore new ways of language teaching and learning. Electronic Village Program (Thursday,June 18,2015) Nearpod ⟡9:00 am to 10:00 am ⟡Room 501 Nearpod is a software program that creates a rich context (语境) for students to learn vocabulary.The presenter will show how to use it. TEO ⟡2:00 pm to 3:00 pm

  ⟡Room 502 Our students come from different backgrounds but have the same desire to learn on-line.The presenter will use examples from his first on-line class to explain how any teacher can begin teaching on-line with TEO. Kahoot ⟡10:30 am to 11:30 am

  ⟡Room 601 Kahoot software can be used to create grammar tests which can be graded on a network.It can provide students with instant feedback (反馈),including reports about their strengths and weaknesses. Prezi ⟡3:30 pm to 4:20 pm

  ⟡Room 602 Uses of Prezi in listening and speaking courses draw students’ attention to speaking more fluently.The presenter will show how students can use Prezi to confidently present on a variety of topics,including introducing family,friends,and hobbies. 1.Nearpod can be used to  . 

  A.offer grammar tests B.teach listening on-line

  C.help vocabulary learning D.gain fluency in speaking 2.If you want to improve your speaking skills,you can go to

  A.Room 501 B.Room 502

  C.Room 601 D.Room 602 3.Which of the following can assess your grammar learning?()

  A.Nearpod. B.Kahoot.

  C.TEO. D.Prezi. 4.A teacher who wants to learn on-line teaching is expected to

  arrive by  . 

  A.9:00 am B.10:30 am

  C.2:00 pm D.3:30 pm 语篇解读:本文是一篇应用文。全文主要介绍了四种电子教学产品。 答案及剖析: 1.C 细节理解题。从广告Nearpod中的Nearpod is a software program that creates a rich context for students to learn vocabulary.可知,Nearpod对于词汇学习是有帮助的,故选C项。 2.D 细节理解题。根据广告Prezi中的Uses of Prezi in listening and speaking courses draw students’ attention to speaking more fluently.及Room 602可知,要想提高自己的口语技能,你可以到602房间去了解一下Prezi,故选D项。 3.B 细节理解题。根据广告Kahoot中的Kahoot software can be used to create grammar tests可知,Kahoot是专门用于评估语法水平的,故选B项。 4.C 细节理解题。根据广告TEO中的how any teacher can begin teaching on-line with TEO及2:00 pm to 3:00 pm可知,想学在线教学的老师要在下午2:00以前到达502房间。故选C项。 【读写一体练】 1.改错:Uses of Prezi in listening and speaking courses draw

  students’ attention to speak more fluently.


    剖析:draw one’s attention to...“把某人的注意力吸引到……上”, to为介词,后面接名词、代词或动词-ing形式作宾语。 2.Nearpod is a software program that creates a rich context for

  students to learn vocabulary.


  I read the announcement of the summer camp  .

  and I’m interested in it.  答案:that you have posted on the Internet ( B ) (2015福建,A) Food festivals around the world Stilton Cheese Rolling

  May Day is a traditional day for celebrations,but the 2,000 English villagers of Stilton must be the only people in the world who include cheese rolling in their annual plans.Teams of four,dressed in a variety of strange and funny clothes,roll a complete cheese along a 50-metre course.On the way,they must not kick or throw their cheese,or go into their competitors’ lane(赛道).Competition is fierce and the chief prize is a complete Stilton cheese weighing about four kilos (disappointingly,but understandably the cheeses used in the race are wooden ones).All the competitors are served with beer or port wine,the traditional accompaniment for Stilton cheese. Fiery Foods Festival—The Hottest Festival on Earth

  Every year more than 10,000 people head for the city of Albuquerque,New Mexico.They come from as far away as Australia,the Caribbean and China,but they all share a common addiction—food that is not just spicy(辛辣),but hot enough to make your mouth burn,your head spin and your eyes water.Their destination is the Fiery Food and BBQ Festival which is held over a period of three days every March.You might like to try a chocolate-covered habanero pepper—officially the hottest pepper in the world—or any one of the thousands of products that are on show.But one thing’s for sure—if you don’t like the feeling of a burning tongue,this festival isn’t for you! 1.In the Stilton cheese rolling competition,competitors on each team must


  A.wear various formal clothes

  B.roll a wooden cheese in their own lane

  C.kick or throw their cheese

  D.use a real cheese weighing about four kilos 2.Where is the Fiery Food and BBQ Festival held?()

  A.In New Mexico. B.In the Caribbean.

  C.In Australia.

  D.In China. 3.The celebration of La Tomatina lasts  . 

  A.three days

  B.seven days

  C.less than three days D.more than seven days 4.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?()

  A.The chief prize for the Stilton cheese rolling competition is beer or port


  B.More than 10,000 Chinese take part in the Fiery Food and BBQ Festival.

  C.Thousands of spicy foods are on show in the Fiery Food and BBQ Festival.

  D.An exciting tomato battle takes place at the beginning of La Tomatina. 语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了世界各地跟食物有关的节日。 答案及剖析: 1.B 细节理解题。根据题干中的Stilton cheese rolling可以定位到文章第一段。由第一段中的Teams of four,dressed in a variety of strange and funny clothes...可排除A项;由On the way,they must not kick or throw their cheese...可排除C项;由the cheeses used in the race are wooden ones可排除D项;由On the way,they must not...go into their competitors’ lane(赛道)和the cheeses used in the race are wooden ones可知答案为B项。 2.A 细节理解题。根据题干中的Fiery Food and BBQ Festival可以定位到文章第二段。由第二段中的Every year more than 10,000 people head for the city of Albuquerque,New Mexico.和Their destination is the Fiery Food and BBQ Festival...可知答案为A项。 3.B 细节理解题。由题干中的La Tomatina可以定位到文章第三段。由第三段中的A week-long celebration...可知,La Tomatina的庆祝持续一周。故答案为B项。 4.C 细节理解题。由第一段中的...the chief prize is a complete Stilton cheese weighing about four kilos...可知A项错误;由第二段中的Every year more than 10,000 people head for...They come from as far away as Australia,the Caribbean and China...可知B项中的Chinese错误;由第二段中的You might like to try a chocolate-covered habanero pepper—officially the hottest pepper in the world—or any one of the thousands of products that are on show...可知C项正确;由第三段中的...an exciting tomato battle as the highlight of the week’s events.可知D项中的at the beginning of 错误。故答案为C项。 【读写一体练】 1.Teams of four,dressed in a variety of strange and funny clothes,

  roll a complete cheese along a 50-metre course.


  The boy was taken to hospital.  答案:injured in the accident 2.改错:A week-long celebration leads up to an excited tomato battle as

  the highlight of the week’s events.


    剖析:excited感到兴奋的,多用来修饰人,形容人的感受;exciting令人兴奋的,多用来修饰事物。句意:持续一周的庆祝活动后会举行一个令人兴奋的西红柿之战作为一周活动的高潮。 第三部分

  阅读理解 2016-2015年高考新课标全国卷阅读理解题材及各类题型考点统计表 考点统计


  观变化 项目 内容 年份 题材 考查类型及数量 细节理解类 推理判断类 主旨大意类 猜测词义类 2015新课 标全国Ⅰ A 广告说明(在伦敦运河博物馆四场专题讲座的安排)  3(21,22,23) / / / B 社会生活(作者生活在冬天寒冷的纽约,当有一个到佛罗里达州萨拉索塔度过周末的机会时,她体验到了不同的冬天) 3(25,26,27) 1(24) / / C 社会文化(介绍了最受欢迎的现代艺术家萨尔瓦多·达利的作品在巴黎进行展览的情况) 2(29,30) 1(28) / 1(31) D 社会文化(讲述了“心理学咖啡馆”在法国越来越受欢迎) 1(32) 3(33,34,35) / / 2015新课 标全国Ⅱ A 短篇故事(作者以幽默、诙谐的语气讲述了高价购买了电视后遇到的种种麻烦) 2(1,3) 1(4) / 1(2) B 科普知识(研究表明,房间内灯光的亮度、墙壁的颜色、进餐的速度、餐具的大小等都会影响饮食,进而影响节食效果和身材) 1(6) 2(5,7) 1(8) / C 社会文化(越来越多的高中毕业生没有直接去上大学而是选择间隔年,利用这一年时间先到社会上去挣钱缴纳学费) 3(10,11,12) 1(9) / / D 广告说明(介绍了英国几处风景名胜一日游的相关情况) 3(13,14,15) / / / 2016新课 标全国Ⅰ A 社会文化(介绍剑桥科学节举办的一项好奇心挑战活动) 2(21,22) 1(23) / / B 生态环保(美国的旅鸽从数量巨大到踪迹难觅的过程)  1(26) 2(24,27) / 1(25) C 说理议论(人往往被太多选择所累,这时我们要快速抉择) / 4(28,29, 30,31) / / D 社会文化(科学家Mark Turin为保护濒临消失的语言而做出了不懈努力) 2(32,34) 1(35) / 1(33) 2016新课 标全国Ⅱ A 短篇故事(作者的丈夫从印度来到悉尼,却发现手提包不见了,里面有重要的物品。几经周折,丢失的物品完璧归赵) 2(1,2) / 1(4) 1(3) B 生态环保(环保意识在美国人心中从无到有,逐渐增强,环保教育也紧跟其上) 2(5,6) 2(7,8) / / C 社会文化(来自中国的寄居互惠生在美国越来越受青睐,因为越来越多的父母希望孩子可以尽早学习汉语) 1(10) 1(11) / 1(9) D 广告说明(本文就乘地铁时如何购票、地铁运行时间、老年人/残疾人优惠、特别提示等方面给予了指导说明) 3(12,13,15) 1(14) / / 2016新课 标全国Ⅰ A 生活故事(作者以自己的经历说明了花钱时要精打细算,要做到花钱有所值) 2(56,58) 1(57) 1(59) / B 科普知识(本文介绍了新生儿对数量变化的敏感程度)  3(60,61,62) 1(63) / / C 说理议论(很多人撒谎说看过某本书的事实说明了,这样做是为了给人留下知识渊博的印象)  3(64,65,66) 1(67) / / D 广告说明(英国国家美术馆的参观指南) 3(68,69,70) / / / 2016新课 标全国Ⅱ A 说理议论(作者通过自己的经历论证了倾听别人建议的重要性) 2(36,37) / 1(39) 1(38) B 社会文化(为了使整个欧洲团结起来,1947年一群艺术家举办了爱丁堡艺术节。该艺术节受到人们的喜爱并迅速发展起来) 3(40,41,42) 1(43) / / C 广告说明(巧克力可以调节人的情绪。现在新加坡的CRF可以生产各种各样的巧克力) 3(44,45,46) / / 1(47) D 广告说明(还在为母亲节给母亲买什么礼物而绞尽脑汁吗?本文推荐了四种母亲节礼物) 3(48,49,50) / / / 考情分析


  寻规律 1.从统计表可以看出,设题类型以细节理解类和推理判断类为主。各个


  持不变。 2.题材仍然体现了来源于实际生活、紧贴时代、反映欧美文化等特点。



  说明文和记叙文。 3.语篇结构复杂化,句子长度、难度有所增加。行文具有跳跃性,隐含信

  息较多,语篇难度递增。 4.词汇运用要求高,一词多义、熟词生义、词汇活用频繁出现,阅读速度

  要求提高。 专题突破


  克难关 专题一 细节理解类 设问方式

  此类题型主要有以下三种设问形式: 1.疑问句式


  What made the author’s getting up early worthwhile?

  Who will give the talk on the islands in the Thames?

  Which is the right order of the events given in the passage?

  How did it happen? 2.以是非题的形式

  常含true(except),not right/correct(except)等词语。

  Which of the following statements is (not) true/correct?

  All the statements are true except  .  3.不完整的陈述句式

  According to...,before...,Americans had little idea about


  To avoid attracting mountain lions,people are advised  .

  By the first sentence of the passage,the author means  . 考点一 事实细节题 【典例1】


  Swimming pools,wine tasting,and pink sunsets(at normal evening hours,not 4 in the afternoon) filled the weekend,but the best part-particularly to my taste,dulled by months of cold-weather root vegetables-was a 7 a.m.adventure to the Sarasota farmers’ market that proved to be more than worth the early wake-up call. 25.What made the author’s getting up early worthwhile?

  A.Having a swim.

  B.Breathing in fresh air.

  C.Walking in the morning sun.

  D.Visiting a local farmers’ market. 剖析:D 事实细节题。根据文中的句子...,but the best part—particularly to my taste,...—was a 7 a.m. adventure to the Sarasota farmers’ market that proved to be more than worth the early wake-up call.可知作者早上7点到农产品市场是非常值得的。 【典例2】

  (2015新课标全国Ⅰ,A片段) November 7th

  The Canal Pioneers, by Chris Lewis.James Brindley is recognized as one of the leading early canal engineers.He was also a major player in training others in the art of canal planning and building.Chris Lewis will explain how Brindley made such a positive contribution to the education of that group of early “civil engineers”. December 5th

  Ice for the Metropolis,by Malcolm Tucker.Well before the arrival of freezers,there was a demand for ice for food preservation and catering.Malcolm will explain the history of importing natural ice and the technology of building ice wells,and how London’s ice trade grew. February 6th

  An Update on the Cotswold Canals,by Liz Payne.The Stroudwater Canal is moving towards reopening.The Thames and Severn Canal will take a little longer.We will have a report on the present state of play. March 6th

  Eyots and Aits-Thames Islands,by Miranda Vickers.The Thames has many islands.Miranda has undertaken a review of all of them.She will tell us about those of greatest interest. 21.When is the talk on James Brindley?

  A.February 6th. B.March 6th.

  C.November 7th. D.December 5th. 答案及剖析: 21.C 事实细节题。根据题干关键信息词James Brindley直接定位到关键信息句James Brindley is recognized as one of the leading early canal engineers.和Chris Lewis will explain how Brindley made such a positive contribution to the education of that group of early “civil engineers”.由此可以知道November 7th这一天的报告是关于James Brindley的,故选择C项。A、B、D中三个日期的报告均未提到有关James Brindley的信息。 22.What is the topic of the talk in February?

  A.The Canal Pioneers.

  B.Ice for the Metropolis.

  C.Eyots and Aits—Thames Islands.

  D.An Update on the Cotswold Canals. 23.Who will give the talk on the islands in the Thames?

  A.Miranda Vickers. B.Malcolm Tucker.

  C.Chris Lewis. D.Liz Payne. 答案及剖析: 22.D 事实细节题。根据题干关键信息词topic和February可知问的是二月份的报告的话题,同时根据文段结构特点可以看出每一段的第一句中的黑体字就是每一次报告的话题名称,所以可以直接定位到February 6th第一句的黑体字部分An Update on the Cotswold Canals就是答案,故选D项。 23.A 事实细节题。根据题干关键信息词the islands in the Thames可以直接定位到选文最后一段。该段第一句Eyots and Aits—Thames Islands,by Miranda Vickers.就是答案所在信息句,由此可知Miranda Vickers将作一个关于the islands in the Thames的报告,因此选A项。B、C、D三项中提到的人物均未在选文最后一段中出现。 名师在线 寻找信息题——题干定位法





  如①2015新课标全国Ⅰ第25题题干中的getting up early worthwhile对应文章中的a 7 a.m. adventure to the Sarasota farmers’ market that proved to be more than worth the early wake-up call。

  ②2015新课标全国Ⅰ第21题题干中的James Brindley对应文中的James Brindley is recognized as one of the leading early canal engineers;第22题题干中的in February对应文章中的February 6th;第23题题干中的the islands in the Thames对应文章中的Eyots and Aits-Thames Islands, by Miranda Vickers.。 考点二 细节理解题 【典例1】


  When neither of these methods removed the static noise,I would sit helplessly and wait for the noise to go away.At last I ended up hitting the set with my fist,and it stopped working altogether.My trip to the repair shop cost me $62,and the set is working well now,but I keep expecting more trouble. 3.How did the author finally get his TV set working again?

  A.By shaking and hitting it.

  B.By turning it on and off.

  C.By switching channels.

  D.By having it repaired. 剖析:D 细节理解题。根据最后一句话My trip to the repair shop cost me $62,and the set is working well now...可知,作者花钱修理电视,且到目前为止电视还没有再出现什么问题,故选D项。 名师在线 语意转换题——断章取义法

  在高考试题中,细节理解题已由过去简单的对号入座直接答题转向通过语句的同义或反义转换来考查学生对英语语言的理解能力。解答这类题可用“断章取义法”,即带着问题,有针对性地扫读短文,迅速锁定相关词句,然后寻找相关的同义或反义表述。如本例选项D,By having it repaired就是对原文My trip to the repair shop cost me $62的转述。 【典例2】


  Disappointed by many a broken,vine-ripened(蔓上成熟的) promise, I’ve refused to buy winter tomatoes for years.No matter how attractive they look in the store,once I get them home they’re unfailingly dry,hard,and tasteless. 26.What can we learn about tomatoes sold in New York in winter?


  A.They are soft.

  B.They look nice.

  C.They taste great. D.They are juicy. 剖析:B 细节理解题。由...I’ve refused to buy winter tomatoes for years.可知,作者在纽约已经好多年不买冬季出售的西红柿了,然后通过No matter how attractive they look in the store,once I get them home they’re unfailingly dry,hard,and tasteless.可知,纽约冬季出售的西红柿只是看起来好看,但是吃着发干、很硬而且无味。故B项正确。A、C、D三项与作者所描述的纽约冬季出售的西红柿的现实情况相反,故排除。 名师在线 表达转换题——找同义词、反义词法


  具体做法是比对原文和选项,利用“同义原则”或“反义原则”,找出原文中与正确选项匹配的同义或反义词组,将原文出题的信息和选项进行比较,确定正确选项。例如本例选项中的nice与原文中的attractive是同义词;而hard与soft,dry与juicy,tasteless与taste great正好意思相反。 【典例3】


  During the spring she really astonished me.One day,she was reading at her desk.From a glimpse of the illustrations I thought I knew what the book was.I said to myself,“It can’t be,”and went to take a closer look.Sure enough,she was reading Moby Dick,in the edition with woodcuts.I said,“Don’t you find parts of it rather heavy going?”She answered,“Oh,sure,but I just skip over those parts and go on to the next good part.” 44.Which of the following statements about the girl is TRUE

  according to the passage?

  A.She skipped over those easy parts while reading.

  B.She had a hard time finishing the required reading tasks.

  C.She learned to appreciate some parts of the difficult books.

  D.She turned out to be a top student after coming to this school. 剖析:C 细节理解题。由选文中的I said,“Don’t you find parts of it rather heavy going? ”She answered,“Oh,sure,but I just skip over those parts and go on to the next good part.”可知,虽然女孩读的书有些部分有难度,但是女孩在阅读时,会跳过那些晦涩难懂的部分,选择容易理解的部分来阅读,故C项正确。A项错在skipped over those easy parts,实际为跳过难懂的部分;B项错在had a hard time,实际是在阅读中感受到乐趣;D项在文中未提及。 【典例4】


  With a registration fee of just $50 per child,children under the age of 12 can join Eagle Airways’ FLY TO THE MOON CLUB as


  They can then enjoy the same benefits onboard EagleAirways’ newest Boeing-797 to any destination in the world! BENEFITS YOU CAN’T MISS!

  ·A free* flight to any destination in Asia

  ·30% off any course at Tanya Language School

  ·20% off any purchase made at Ruby Bookstore

  ·A free notebook with every purchase above $50 at Starlight Stationery

  ·A free bowl of dessert for a family of four at Don’s Diners with every set dinner ordered

  ·A birthday gift on your child’s birthday

  ·A free album containing pictures taken during the journey

  All bookings made before 12 September will receive free travel insurance for the entire family!**Insurance is issued by Live Life Insurance Group. 10% OFF ALL BOOKINGS

  for departures from 5 to 11 September 2015

  *Child must be accompanied by two paying adults.

  **Terms and conditions apply. 67.Which of the following is TRUE according to the advertisement?

  A.You need to pay $50 to sign up a child for the club.

  B.Club members enjoy free travel insurance for any flight.

  C.The advertisement is intended for students of all ages.

  D.Any child must be accompanied by at least one paying adult. 剖析:A 细节理解题。由With a registration fee of just $50 per child...可知A项正确;由All bookings made before 12 September will receive free travel insurance...可知B项错误;由...children under the age of 12...可知C项错误;由Child must be accompanied by two paying adults.可知D项错误。 名师在线 是非判断题——对号入座法、排除法


  2.排除法。对于是非判断题中的“三错一对”或“三对一错”类试题,考生通常可以用排除法解答。这就要求考生仔细阅读文章,排除未在文章中提及或转述错误的三个细节选项,或排除是文章中已知信息的三个选项,剩下的选项便是正确答案。 考点三 数字计算题 【典例1】


  Mothers have long known that their home workload was just as heavy as paid work.Now,the new study has shown that if they were paid for their parental labours,they would earn as much as £172,000 a year.

  The study looked at the range of jobs mothers do,as well as the hours they are working,to determine the figure.This would make their yearly income £30,000 more than the Prime Minister earns. 38.How much would a mother earn a year if working as the Prime





  D.£202,000. 剖析:B 数字计算题。根据they would earn as much as £172,000 a year可以得知母亲们一年可赚£172,000;而根据This would make their yearly income £30,000 more than the Prime Minister earns.可以得知她们比首相多赚£30,000;把两者相减即可得出首相的年薪,也就是£142,000。 【典例2】


  It was one of those terribly hot days in Baltimore.Needless to say,it was too hot to do anything outside.But it was also scorching in our apartment.This was 1962,and I would not live in a place with an air conditioner for another ten years.So my brother and I decided to leave the apartment to find someplace indoors.He suggested we could see a movie.It was a brilliant plan. 46.In which year did the author first live in a place with an air

  conditioner? ()




  D.1982. 剖析:C 从本段中的“This was 1962,and I would not live in a place with an air conditioner for another ten years.”可知“当时是1962年,我在一个没有空调的地方还要再生活十年”,说明作者在十年之后,也就是1972年才会生活在一个有空调的地方。 名师在线 数字计算题——结果求证法


  解决此类问题可将原文信息的表述以数字计算的形式表现出来,进行结果求证。如:2015年四川卷第38题,172 000-30 000=142 000;2016年山东卷第46题,1962+10=1972。 考点四 细节排序题 【典例1】


  A schoolgirl saved her father’s life by kicking him in the chest after he suffered a serious allergic (过敏的) reaction which stopped his heart.

  Izzy,nine,restarted father Colm’s heart by stamping (踩) on his chest after he fell down at home and stopped breathing.

  Izzy’s mother,Debbie,immediately called 999 but Izzy knew doctors would never arrive in time to save her father,so decided to use CPR.

  However,she quickly discovered her arms weren’t strong enough,so she stamped on her father’s chest instead.

  Debbie then took over with some more conventional chest compressions (按压) until the ambulance arrived.

  Izzy,who has been given a bravery award by her school,said:“I just kicked him really hard. My mum taught me CPR but I knew I wasn’t strong enough to use hands. I was quite scared. The doctor said I might as well be a doctor or a nurse. My mum said that Dad was going to hospital with a big footprint on his chest.”

  “She’s a little star,” said Debbie. “I was really upset but Izzy just took over. I just can’t believe what she did. I really think all children should be taught first aid. Izzy did CPR then the doctor turned up. Colm had to have more treatment on the way to the hospital and we’ve got to see an expert.”

  Truck driver Colm,35,suffered a mystery allergic reaction on Saturday and was taken to hospital, but was sent home only for it to happen again the next day. The second attack was so serious that his airway swelled,preventing him from breathing,his blood pressure dropped suddenly,and his heart stopped for a moment.

  He has now made a full recovery from his suffering. 40.What’s the right order of the events?

  A.③①②④ B.④②③① C.③④②① D.④③①② 剖析:C 细节排序题。由上下文可知,Izzy先前了解了一些CPR(心肺复苏术)的知识,后来她父亲因过敏反应心脏停止了工作,Izzy的母亲Debbie拨打了999急救电话,然后Izzy采取了急救措施。 ①Izzy kicked Colm. ②Debbie called 999. ③Izzy learned CPR. ④Colm’s heart stopped. 剖析:B 细节排序题。由本段内容可知,传感器可以感知雨水的降落,然后灯伞里的电动马达就会把伞打开,由此可知,其顺序为:传感器——马达——伞篷。 名师在线 细节排序题——首尾定位法、代入淘汰法




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