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发布时间:2017-01-19  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  The idea that high heels are bad for your health isn’t new --- scientists have warned women for years that they contribute to problems ranging from corns to hammer toes, tendonitis, knee pain, sprained (扭伤) ankles and back problems. But in 1998, Kerdgan and a team of Harvard researchers were the first to link high heels and knee osteoarthritis, a painful joint disease that destroys cartilage (软骨) surrounding the knee. The first study looked only at stiletto heels, and Kerrigan said she wanted to study the chunky high-heeled shoes she noticed many women wearing. “This study confirms what we all intuitively (直觉地) know that high-heeled shoes of any kind are not good for our health,” said Dr. Glenn Pfeifer, a San Francisco doctor and member of the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons who was not connected to the study.

  5. We learn from the passage that women choose chunky heels because _______.

  A. they want to walk comfortably

  B. chunky heeled shoes are cheaper than stiletto heeled pairs

  C. chunky heels do less harm to knees

  D. chunky heels are not painful at all

  6. It can be inferred from the passage that ________.

  A. people got to know the high heels are bad for health recently

  B. people have known the high heels are bad for health for years

  C. people haven’t known the high heels are bad for health yet

  D. people will be warned that the high heels are bad for health soon

  7. The best title for the passage may be ________.

  A. Taking Healthy Knees into Consideration

  B. High-heels Do Harm to Knees

  C. Chunky Heels and Stiletto Heels

  D. When Wearing High-heels



  Today, ultrasonic(超声的) waves are being put to work in laboratories and factories. If an ultrasound generator is placed in a liquid, the waves move the liquid back and forth hundreds of thousands of times each second. This causes materials to mix quickly or to dissolve(使分解,使溶解) in liquids. Paint manufacturers(制造商) use ultrasound to do a better job of blending colors. The companies that make film for your camera find that mixing chemicals by the use of sound waves will produce a more sensitive film.

  The new lightweight(轻量的) type of washing machine uses ultrasonic waves to get clothes clean. Its special ultrasound generator is put into a pail of soapy water containing the soiled clothes. The sound waves drive the soapy water back and forth through the cloth so fast that everything is soon clean. There is also a new kind of dishwasher that works in much the same way.

  Ultrasonic waves can shake a liquid so fast that tiny holes form all through it. The liquid is actually torn apart by this action. Almost as soon as these holes are made, they fall together again. The result is a powerful pounding action. In the dairy industry this is used for the double purpose of making homogenized(使均匀,使匀质) milk and sterilizing(使无菌) it at the same time. If you look at some raw milk with a microscope, you find that it is made up of little drops of butter fat floating around in a watery liquid. In order to make milk easier to digest, these fat droplets(微粒) may be broken up by forcing the milk through very small openings. The result is called homogenized milk. When the ultrasonic method is used, the sound waves not only break up the droplets but also kill the germs in the milk by pounding them to pieces. (from www.nmet168.com)

  1. Why does a paint manufacturer use ultrasound to do a better job of blending colors?

  A. Because it is cheap to use ultrasound to blend colors.

  B. Because the waves move the liquid so quickly that it can make materials mix quickly or dissolve in liquids.

  C. Because they can mix chemicals by the use of sound waves.

  D. Because the waves can clean the paint.

  2. What properties does ultrasound wave have?

  A. Homogenizes and sterilizes the milk.

  B. Mix materials and break droplets.

  C. Kill germs and sterilize milk.

  D. Move liquids quickly.

  3. What exists in the raw milk?

  A. Little drops of butter fat.

  B. Small holes.

  C. Fat droplets and germs.

  D. Chemicals.

  4. Where is ultrasound wave not used?

  A. In the paint manufacture.

  B. In the shop mixing bread flour.

  C. In the film-making company.

  D. In the dairy industry.

  1. B 事实细节题。根据其上句 This causes materials to mix quickly or to dissolve(使分解,使溶解) in liquids 可知,答案选 B。

  2. D 事实细节题。根据文章最后一段的第 1 句 Ultrasonic waves can shake a liquid so fast that tiny holes form all through it可知,答案选 D。

  3. C 事实细节题。根据文章最后一段的内容,特别是最后一句 When the ultrasonic method is used, the sound waves not only break up the droplets but also kill the germs in the milk by pounding them to pieces 可知,答案选 C

  4. B 推理判断题。根据文章第 1 段最后提到的 Paint manufacturers(制造商)…以及The companies that make film… 两句排除选项 A、C,根据第 3 段第 5 句的 In the dairy industry this is used for… 排除选项 D,从而得出答案是 B。


  A punctual person is in the habit of doing a thing at the proper time and is never late in keeping an appointment.

  The unpunctual man, on the other hand, never does what he has to do at the proper time. He is always in a hurry and in the end loses both time and his good name. A lost thing may be found again, but lost time can never be regained. Time is more valuable than material things. In fact, time is life itself. The unpunctual man is for ever wasting and mismanaging his most valuable asset as well as others’. The unpunctual person is always complaining that he finds no time to answer letters, or return calls or keep appointments promptly. But the man who really has a great deal to do is very careful of his time and seldom complains of want of it. He knows that he can not get through huge amount of work unless he faithfully keeps every piece of work when it has to be attended to.

  Failure to be punctual in keeping one’s appointments is a sign of disrespect towards others. If a person is invited to dinner and arrives later than the appointed time, he keeps all the other guests waiting for him. Usually this will be regarded as a great disrespect to the host and all other guests present.

  Unpunctuality, moreover, is very harmful when it comes to doing one’s duty, whether public or private. Imagine how it would be if those who are put in charge of important tasks failed to be at their proper place at the appointed time. A man who is known to be habitually unpunctual is never trusted by his friends or fellow men.

  5. What is an unpunctual person like?

  A. He always does a thing when it should be done.

  B. He is always very busy.

  C. He always does a thing at the wrong time.

  D. He always keeps the appointments.

  6. Why is unpunctuality very harmful?

  A. Because it makes a man lose many chances of doing important affairs.

  B. Because it makes a man lose friends.

  C. Because it makes a man work quickly.

  D. Because it makes a man be more respected by others.

  7. According to the passage, which is right?

  A. The punctual person has no much work to do.

  B. The unpunctual person is very rich. (from www.nmet168.com)

  C. The unpunctual person is often respected by his friends.

  D. The unpunctual person loses what can’t be regained again.

  8. According to the passage, what are good manners when you are invited to a party?

  A. Arriving at the appointed time.

  B. Arriving before all other guests.

  C. Arriving after all other guests.

  D. Keeping all other guests waiting.

  9. Why is a person always unpunctual?

  A. He is too busy.

  B. He has too much work to do.

  C. He does care much about time.

  D. He doesn’t manage his time properly.

  5. C 事实细节题。根据文章第 2 段第 1 句 The unpunctual man, on the other hand, never does what he has to do at the proper time 可知,答案选 C。

  6. B 推理判断题。根据文章最后一句 A man who is known to be habitually unpunctual is never trusted by his friends or fellow men 可知,答案选B。

  7. D 推理判断题。根据文章第 2 段第 3 句 A lost thing may be found again, but lost time can never be regained time is more valuable than material things 可知,答案选 D。

  8. A 推理判断题。根据文章倒数第 2 段可知,答案选 A。

  9. D 推理判断题。根据文章第 2 段中间的一句 The unpunctual man is for ever wasting and mismanaging his most valuable asset as well as others’ 及下文内容可知,答案选 D。


  The following are introductions to some programs that BBC I London will show on TV.

  12:25 a.m.Tuesday

  The Real Swiss Robinson Family

  Laura worried that her children have had their life too easy due to her husband’s career in big business, so she decides to take her teenagers to the Cook Islands to experience the simple life.They face storms and a lack of food, but Laura is happy as their local guide shows them the island’s wealth of rare fruits and foods.

  11:00 a.m.Wednesday

  Orangutan Diary

  A Team have come across an armed man who is holding two baby apes who were captures one of them, David, is sent to a medical emergency in the forest.Later a center director, Nielsen, finds a suitable place to set free more rescued animals.

  7:50 p.m.Thursday [ Lost Buildings of Britain

  Simon Thurley visits the ruins of Glastonbruy Abbey(修道院),which , before its destruction by Henry VIII, was famous for some of the most amazing stained-glass of its age.It also had a great deal of financial power, acting as the center of an influential business empire.Eventually, it was the king’s envy of the abbey’s wealth that changed the abbey’s fate.

  10:35 p.m.Thursday

  Nigella Express

  Nigella presents ideas for impromptu(即兴的)cooking, from new recipes and suggestions for taking advantage of the food you have to making quick, simple and impressive meals.

  40.Why is Laura worried?

  A.Life on the Cook Islands is too simple.

  B.Her husband faces difficulties in his business.

  C.Storms are approaching her hometown.

  D.Her children may not know how to cherish life.

  41.Jim enjoys TV programmes of people or organizations that take care of animals. He should probably watch TV at


  A.10:35 p.m. on Thursday

  B.7:50 p.m. on Thursday

  C.11.00 a.m. on Wednesday

  D.12:25 a. m. on Tuesday

  42.We can learn from the text that


  A.David is a farmer

  B.Henry VIII set up a business empire in the Abbey

  C.Nielsen is an animal-lover

  D.Glastonbury Abbey is famous today for its stained-glass

  【参考答案】40-42 DCC


  There are many rights to make sure that people will be treated fairly when they are suspected or accused of a crime. Sometimes these rights are called "due process of law". In using these rights, a person should have the help of a lawyer.

  You have a right to protect against unreasonable searches and seizures. The police generally may not search you or your home, or take things you own, without a "warrant". A warrant is a paper which states, very exactly , the place to be searched and the things to be taken. Sometimes, however, the police will not need a warrant to search you or your property. If an officer sees you committing a crime, or if he has a good reason to believe you have committed a serious crime, he may arrest you and search you and the area right around you without a warrant.

  If you invite a police without a warrant to come into your house and he finds proof of crime, the evidence may be used against you in court. If you do not want an officer to search you or your home and he does not have a warrant, tell him that you do not give him the right to search. However, if the officer will not listen, do not try to stop him. It is dangerous to resist and it may be illegal to do so. Any evidence which a policeman gets during an unlawful search and seizure cannot be used against you. Police officers must act reasonably and fairly at all times. They should use physical force only when it is needed to arrest someone to enforce a law. They may not use physical violence to "teach someone a lesson".

  43. According to the passage, a "warrant" is______.

  A. an identification card

  B. an access card

  C. a special license

  D. an official written order




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