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发布时间:2017-01-19  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  High-quality customer service is preached(宣扬) by many, but actually keeping customers happy is easier said than done.

  Shoppers seldom complain to the manager or owner of retail store, but instead will alert their friends, relatives, co-workers, strangers and anyone who will listen.

  Store managers are often the last to hear complaints, and often find out only when their regular customers decide to frequent their competitors, according to a study jointly conducted by Verde group and Wharton school.

  “Storytelling hurts retailers and entertains consumers.” Said Paula Courtney, president of the Verde group. “The store loses the customer, but the shopper must also find a replacement.”

  On average, every unhappy customer will complain to at least four other, and will no longer visit the specific store for every dissatisfied customer, a store will lose up to three more due to negative reviews. The resulting “snowball effect” can be disastrous to retailers.

  According to the research, shoppers who purchased clothing encountered the most problems. Ranked second and third were grocery and electronics customers.

  The most common complaints include filled parking lots, cluttered(塞满了的) shelves, overloaded racks, out-of-stock items, long check-out lines, and rude salespeople.

  During peak shopping hours, some retailers solved the parking problems by getting moonlighting local police to work as parking attendants. Some hired flag wavers to direct customers to empty peaking spaces. This guidance got rid of the need for customers to circle the parking lot endlessly, and avoided confrontation between those eyeing the same parking space.

  Retailers can relieve the headaches by redesigning store layouts, pre-stocking sales items, hiring speedy and experienced cashiers, and having sales representatives on hand to answer questions. Most importantly, salespeople should be diplomatic and polite with angry customers.

  “Retailers who’re responsive and friendly are more likely to smooth over issues than those who aren’t so friendly.” Said professor Stephen Hoch. “Maybe something as simple as a greeter at the store entrance would help.”

  Customers can also improve future shopping experiences by filing complaints to the retailer, instead of complaining to the rest of the world. Retailers are hard-pressed to improve when they have no idea what is wrong.


  Why are store managers often the last to hear complaints?

  A. Few customers believe the service will be improved.

  B. Customers would rather relate their unhappy experiences to people around them.

  C. Customers have no easy access to store managers.

  D. Most customers won’t bother to complain even if they have had unhappy experiences.


  Shop owners often hire moonlighting police as parking attendants so that shoppers


  A. can find their cars easily after shopping B. won’t have trouble parking their cars

  C. can stay longer browsing in the store D. won’t have any worries about security

  10. What contributes most to smoothing over issues with customers?

  A. Design of the store layout.

  B. Hiring of efficient employees.

  C. Manners of the salespeople.

  D. Huge supply of goods for sale.

  11. To achieve better shopping experiences, customers are advised to


  A. voice their dissatisfaction to store managers directly

  B. shop around and make comparisons between stores

  C. settle their disputes with stores in a diplomatic way

  D. put pressure on stores to improve their service



  They were going to Fort Lauderdale — three boys and three girls — and when they boarded the bus, they were carrying sandwiches and wine in paper bags, dreaming of golden beaches and sea tides as the gray, cold spring of New York went behind them.

  As the bus passed through New Jersey, they began to notice Vingo. He sat in front of them, completely in silence.

  Deep into the night, outside Washington, the bus pulled into Howard Johnson’s, and everybody got off except Vingo. The young people began to wonder about him. When they went back to the bus, one of the girls sat beside him and introduced herself.

  “Want some wine?” she said. He smiled and took a swig from the bottle. He thanked her and became silent again. After a while, she went back to the others, and Vingo nodded in sleep.

  In the morning, they awoke outside another Howard Johnson’s, and this time Vingo went in. The girl insisted that he join them. He ordered black coffee and some cookies as the young people talked about sleeping on beaches. When they returned to the bus, the girl sat with Vingo again, and after a while, slowly and painfully, he began to tell his story. He had been in prison in New York for the past four years, and now he was going home.

  “Are you married?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “You don’t know?” she said.

  “Well, when I was in prison I wrote to my wife,” he said, “I told her that I was going to be away for a long time, and that if she couldn’t stand it, if the kids kept asking questions, and if it hurt her too much, well, she could jus forget me. I’d understand. Get a new man, I said — she’s a wonderful woman. I told her she didn’t have to write me. And she didn’t. Not for three and a half years.”

  “And you’re going home now, not knowing?”

  “Yeah. Well, last week, when I was sure the parole (假释) was coming through, I wrote her again. We used to live in Brunswick, just before Jacksonville, and there’s a big oak (橡树) just as you come into town. I told her that if she didn’t have a new man and if she’d take me back, she should put a yellow handkerchief on the tree, and I’d get off and come home. If she didn’t want me, forget it — no handkerchief and I’d go on through.”

  “Wow,” the girl exclaimed, “Wow.”

  She told the others, and soon all of them were in it, looking at the pictures Vingo showed them of his wife and three children.

  Now they were 20 miles from Brunswick, and the young people took over window seats on the right side, waiting for the approach of the great oak. Vingo stopped looking, tightening his face, as if protecting himself against still another disappointment.

  Then Brunswick was ten miles, and then five. Then, suddenly, all of the young people were up out of their seats, shouting and crying.

  Vingo sat there astonished, looking at the oak. It was covered with yellow handkerchiefs — 20 of them, 30 of them, maybe hundreds, flying in the wind. As the young people shouted, Vingo slowly rose from his seat and made his way to the front of the bus to go home.

  12. At the beginning of the story, the young boys and girls ______.

  A. showed a great interest in Vingo

  B. didn’t notice Vingo at all

  C. wanted to offer help to Vingo

  D. didn’t like Vingo at all

  13. The underlined part “Howard Johnson’s” is most probably a(n) ______.

  A. bus station B. apartment

  C. hospital

  D. restaurant

  14. How did Vingo feel on the way home?

  A. Ashamed.

  B. Relaxed.

  C. Nervous.

  D. Disappointed.

  15. The paragraphs following this passage would most probably talk about ______.

  A. Vingo’s experience in prison

  B. the young people’s travel to Fort Lauderdale

  C. Vingo’s three lovely children

  D. the dialogue between Vingo and his family



  Very old people do raise moral problems for almost everyone who comes in contact with them. Their values—this can’t be repeated too often—are not necessarily our values. Physical comfort, cleanness and order are not necessarily the most important things. The social services from time to time find themselves faced with a flat with decaying food covered by small worms, and an old person lying alone in bed, taking no notice of the worms. But is it interfering(干涉) with personal freedom to insist that they go to live with some of their relatives so that they might be taken better care of? Some social workers, the ones who clear up the worms, think we are in danger of carrying this concept of personal freedom to the point where serious risks are being taken with the health and safety of the old.

  Indeed, the old can be easily hurt or harmed. The body is like a car, it needs more mechanical maintenance(机械维修,保养) as it gets older. You can carry this comparison right through to the provision of spare parts. But never forget that such operations are painful experiences, however good the results will be. And at what point should you stop to treat the old body? Is it morally right to try to push off death by seeking the development of drugs to excite the forgetful old mind and to activate the old body, knowing that it is designed to die? You can’t ask doctors or scientists to decide, because so long as they can see the technical opportunities, they will feel bound to give them a try, on the principle that while there’s life, there’s hope.

  When you talk to the old people, however, you are forced to the conclusion that whether age is happy or unpleasant depends less on money or on health than it does on your ability to have fun.

  5. What does the passage mainly tell us?

  A. The values are different between the old and the young.

  B. The moral problems raised by old people.

  C. The personal freedom for the old.

  D. Old people’s viewpoint on life.

  6. We can know from the first paragraph that________.

  A. Very old people would like to live alone to have more personal freedom.

  B. Very old people are able to keep their room clean.

  C. Very old people like to live with their children.

  D. Social services have nothing to do with very old people.

  7. According to the author, which of the following is right?

  A. The older a person, the more care he needs.

  B. Too much emphasis has been put on old people’s values.

  C. The human body can’t be compared to a car.

  D. It is easy to provide spare parts for old people.

  8.The underlined word “it” in the last paragraph refers to “________”.

  A. their money or their health

  B. the conclusion you come to

  C. your talk to the old people

  D. whether age is happy or unpleasant

  5.B 主旨大意题。根据文章第 1 句 Very old people do raise moral problems for almost everyone who comes in contact with them 及全文内容可知,答案选 B。

  6. A 推理判断题。根据文章第 1 段最后几句 Some social workers, the ones who clear up the worms, think we are in danger of carrying this concept of personal freedom to the point where serious risks are being taken with the health and safety of the old 可知,答案选 A。

  7. A 推理判断题。根据文章第 2 段第 2 句 The body is like a car, it needs more mechanical maintenance as it gets older 可知,答案选 A。

  8. D 词义猜测题。根据文章最后一句 you are forced to the conclusion that whether age is happy or unpleasant depends less on money or on health than it does on your ability to have fun 可知,答案选 D(from www.nmet168.com)。


  Together. 35 years.

  Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater

  They make you sway. With a dance form all their own. Originating as an intimate, innovative dance company, it has evolved into an international force. Taking the spirit of African—American culture and translating it into dance and community programs for more than 35 years. A heritage of bringing together a repertoire of Ailey classics and great dance masterpieces along with exciting new works by emerging artists. Modern Vibrant. Athletic. Colorful. Involving. Because it is dance in step with the people. Part of the neighborhood, their pulse beats—beats—beats of life. Lifting spirits. Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. Pirouetting the globe. Soaring, moving as one, moving dance into the future. Join Philip Morris in its 12th year of supporting Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater. And celebrate the achievement of the Ailey past as they boldly step forward. (from www.nmet168.com)

  9. What does the advertisement ask people to do?

  A. To see a play.

  B. To watch a match.

  C. To ball there.

  D. To see Philip Morris.

  10. How is the company?

  A. Modern and involving.

  B. Intimate and innovative.

  C. Athletic and colorful.

  D. Vibrant and innovative.

  11. What does Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater hold this activity for?

  A. To develop the spirit of African—American culture.

  B. To leap tall buildings in a single bound.

  C. To pirouette the globe.

  D. To celebrate the achievement of the Ailey past.


  9. C 推理判断题。根据文章倒数第 2 句 Join Philip Morris in its 12th

  year of supporting Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater 可知答案选 C。

  10. B 事实细节题。根据文章第 3 段第 2 句 Originating as an intimate, innovative dance company 可知答案选 B。

  11. D 事实细节题。根据文章最后一句 And celebrate the achievement of the Ailey past as they boldly step forward 可知,答案选 D。


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