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发布时间:2017-01-18  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  I hated dinner parties. But I decided to give them another shot because I'm in London. And my friend Mallery invited me. And because dinner parties in London are very different from those back in New York. There, '"I'm having a dinner party' means: "I'm booking a table for 12 at a restaurant you can't afford and we'll be sharing the checque evenly, no matter what you eat." Worse, in Manhattan there is always someone who leaves before the bill arrives. They'll throw down cash, half of what they owe, and then people like me, who don't drink, end up paying even more. But if I try to use the same trick, the hostess will shout: "Where are you going?" And it's not like I can say I have somewhere to go: everyone know I have nowhere to go. But in London, dinner parties are in people's homes. Not only that,the guests are an interesting mix. The last time I went to one, the guests were from France, India. Denmark and Nigeria; it was like a gathering at the United Nations in New York. The mix is less striking. It's like a gathering at Bloomingdale's, a well-known department store. For New Yorkers, talking about other parts of the world means Brooklyn and Queens in New York. But at Mallery's, when I said that I had been to Myanmar recently, people knew where it was. In New York people would think it was a usual new club


  ) 1. What does the word "shot" in Paragraph 1 probably mean?

  A. Choice.

  B. Try

  C. Style.

  D. Goal


  ) 2. What does the writer dislike most about dinner parties in New York?

  A There is a strange mix of people.

  B. The restaurants are expensive.

  C. The bill is not fairly shared.

  D. People have to pay cash


  ) 3. What does the author think of the parties in London?

  A. A bit unusual

  B. Full of tricks.

  C. Less costly.

  D More interesting.


  ) 4. What is the author's opinion of some New Yorkers from her experience?

  A. Easy-going.

  B. Self-centered.

  C. Generous.

  D. Conservative.

  1. B.词义猜测题.从第一句的 hate,到 but 意义上的转折,说明尽管不喜欢,还是要"尝 试一下",所以 try 的意思更接近 shot.

  2. C.细节理解题.根据第一段中 They'll throw down cash, half of what they owe, and then people like me, who don't drink, end up paying even more.可知类似作者这样的人在纽约吃饭 吃亏,因为付钱多.

  3. D. 推理判断题.根据第二段和其中的句子 Not only that, the guests are an interesting mix. 可以推断伦敦的 party 要比纽约的有趣.

  4. B.推理判断题.从最后一段的 talking about other parts of the world means Brooklyn and Queens in New York.和 In New York people would think it was a usual new club 可以推断,作 者对一些纽约人的看法,是"以自我为中心的".


  Money is all surrounding us.Every day, we see it, use it, and it is on the tip of our tongue.Did you ever stop to take into consideration where the money that you carry around every day comes from?

  Making new money is a very unique job and no easy task.It has up to 65 steps. When the money in circulation(流通)gets dirty and worn out, it is replaced with new moneyThe old money is taken from banks and brought to places where it is destroyed. Usually, the old money is burned. The burned money is replaced by new paper money.

  If old money is being replaced, then new money is printed in a place called a mint(造币厂).Large sheets of paper are printed with many pictures of some currency (流通货币).These large sheets are cut into individual bills.The individual bills are then put together in big stacks and then sent to banks.

  Sometimes the mint will make a new bill with a new picture (portraits of statesman and places of interest are favoured)or a new colour. It is not easy for the government to make a new bill. It takes a long time, and there are many steps to go through before a new bill can be sent to banks, First, people in the government decide that a new kind of bill is needed. Then, they ask an artist to design the new bill.A different artist cuts the new picture into a soft piece of metal called a die.The dies are made and put onto large printing machines.Then, very special paper is used, which no one but the mint can have.Along with this special paper, the mint also prints currency using special colours.After the dies print the new currency onto the paper, the bills are cut, stacked, and sent off to the banks.

  .From the passage we know that

  A.banks make new money

  B.it takes 65 procedures to make new money

  C.mints decide what kind of bill is needed

  D.old money that is not used is forever stored in a special place

  .We can infer from the passage that a die is ____

  A.something for dead people

  B.a special machine that prints the money

  C.a special piece of paper that the money is made from

  D.a piece of metal that puts the picture on the money

  .'Which of the following shows the right order of dealing with new money?

  ①New money is printed in a mint.

  ②Bills are cut from large sheets of special paper.

  ③New money is sent in large amounts to banks.

  ④The government decides to make new money.

  A.①②③④ B.④③②① C.④①③② D.④①②③

  .Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?

  A.The reason for making new money.

  B.The processes of making a new bill.

  C.The amount of new money needed.

  D.Things used to make new money or a new bill.Where can you most probably find this kind of article?

  A. a daily newspaper

  B. a fashion magazine

  C. textbook

  D. an advertisement



  On a sunny day last August, Tim heard some shouting. Looking out to the sea carefully, he saw a couple of kids in a rowboat were being pulled out to sea.

  Two 12yearold boys, Christian and Jack, rowed out a boat to search for a football. Once they'd rowed beyond the calm waters, a beach umbrella tied to the boat caught the wind and pulled the boat into the open water. The pair panicked and tried to row back to shore. But they were no match for it and the boat was out of control.

  Tim knew it would soon be swallowed by the waves.

  “Everything went quiet in my head,”Tim recalled (回忆).“I was trying to figure out how to swim to the boys in a straight line.”

  Tim took off his clothes and jumped into the water. Every 500 yards or so, he raised his head to judge his progress. “At one point, I considered turning back,” he says.“ I wondered if I was putting my life at risk.” After 30 minutes of struggling, he was close enough to yell to the boys, “Take down the umbrella!”

  Christian made much effort to take down the umbrella. Then Tim was able to catch up and climb aboard the boat. He took over rowing, but the waves were almost too strong for him.

  “Let's aim for the pier (码头),” Jack said. Tim turned the boat toward it. Soon afterward, waves crashed over the boat, and it began to sink. “Can you guys swim?” he cried. “A little bit,” the boys said.

  Once they were in the water, Tim decided it would be safer and faster for him to pull the boys toward the pier. Christian and Jack were wearing life jackets and floated on their backs. Tim swam toward land as water washed over the boys' faces.

  “Are we almost there?” They asked again and again. “Yes,”

  Tim told them each time.

  After 30 minutes, they reached the pier.

  1.Why did the two boys go to the sea?

  A.to go boat rowing.

  B.to get back their football.

  C.to swim in the open water.

  D.to test the umbrella as a sail.

  2.What does “it” in Paragraph 2 refer to?

  A.the beach.B.the water.

  C.the boat.

  D.the wind.

  3.Why did Tim raise his head regularly?

  A.to take in enough fresh air.

  B.to consider turning back or not.

  C.to check his distance from the boys.

  D.to ask the boys to take down the umbrella.

  4.How did the two boys finally reach the pier?

  A.They were dragged to the pier by Tim.

  B.They swam to the pier all by themselves.

  C.They were washed to the pier by the waves.

  D.They were carried to the pier by Tim on his back.

  参考答案1—--4、B D C A

  阅读理解。阅读下列短文,从每题所给出的四个选项(A,B,C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项。

  Humans are naturally drawn to other life forms and the worlds outside of our own. We take delight in the existence of creatures and even whole societies beyond our everyday lives. This sense of wonder is universal. Look at the efforts that scientists have made to find out whether life of some kind exists on Mars, and the popularity of fantasy(幻想) literature or movies like The Lord of the Rings. This sense of wonder draws us to each other, to the world around us, and to the world of make-believe. But have we gone so far in creating worlds of fantasy that we are missing the pleasure of other worlds that already exist all around us? Human beings, as biologists have suggested, possess an inborn desire to connect with and understand other life forms. However, people, especially in big cities, often lead rather isolated lives. In a study of British schoolchildren, it was found that children by age eight were much more familiar with characters from television shows and video games than with common wildlife. Without modern technology, a small pond could be an amazing world filled with strange and beautiful plants, insects, birds, and animals. When we lack meaningful interaction(交互) with the world around us, and sometimes even with our families and friends, we seek to understand and communicate with things that exist only in our imaginations or on a computer screen. The world of make-believe is not necessarily bad. But when the world of fantasy becomes the only outlet(出路) for our sense of wonder, then we are really missing something. We are missing a connection with the living world. Other wonderful worlds exist all around us. But even more interesting is that if we look closely enough, we can see that these worlds, in a broad sense, are really part of our own.


  ) 1. The popularity of The Lord of the Rings proves___________

  A. the close connection between man and the fantasy world

  B. the wonderful achievements of fantasy literature

  C. the fine taste of moviegoers around the world

  D. the general existence of the sense of curiosity


  ) 2. What can we infer from the underlined sentence in Paragraph 3?

  A. People are far less familiar with the world of fantasy.

  B. The world around us could serve as a source of wonder.

  C. The world of fantasy can be mirrored by a small and lively pond.

  D. Modern technology prevents us from developing our sense of wonder.


  ) 3. If our sense of wonder relies totally on the world of make-believe, we will__________

  A. fail to appreciate the joy in our lives

  B. be confused by the world of make-believe

  C. miss the chance to recognize the fantasy world

  D. be trapped by other worlds existing all around us


  ) 4. What is the main purpose of the passage?

  A. To show us the hidden beauty in our world.

  B. To warn us not to get lost in the fantasy world.

  C. To argue against the misuse of the sense of wonder.

  D. To discuss the influence of the world of make-believe.

  【语篇解读 语篇解读】本文是一篇论说文,介绍了我们每一个人都有好奇心,总是幻想美好的世界, 语篇解读 但同时,告诫我们,不要沉迷在幻想之中,现实世界也是很美丽的,也是一切期间产生 的根源.

  1. 答案 D 【解析】细节理解题.由第二段可知,举 The Lord of the Rings 这个例子是为了证明人们的 好奇心是普遍存在的.所以答案选 D 项.

  2. 答案B 【解析】 推理判断题. Without modem technology, a small pond could be an amazing world filled with strange and beautiful plants, insects, birds, and animals.这句话告诉我们,如果没有现代技 术, 即使一个小小的池塘也能成为一个令人惊异的世界. 从而我们可以推测出我们现实世界 也是很美丽的,也是一切期间产生的根源.

  3. 答案 A 【解析】 细节理解题. 根据 The world of make-believe is not necessarily bad. But when the world of fantasy becomes the only outlet for our sense of wonder, then we are really missing something. We are missing a connection with the living world.可知,如果幻想成为我们好奇感的唯一出路 的话,我们就会失去一些东西,就会失去与现实世界的联系,我们也就不能体会到我们现实 生活中的快乐.由此判断选 A 项.

  4. 答案 B 【解析】作者意图题.由文章最后一段可知,作者写这篇文章的目的就是要告诉我们不要沉 迷在幻想之中.由此判断选 B 项.


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