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发布时间:2017-01-18  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  Love, success, happiness, family and freedom----how important are these values to you? Here is one interview which explores the fundamental questions in life. Question: Could you introduce yourself first? Answer: My name is Misbah, 27 years old. I was born in a war-torn area. Right now I'm a web designer. Q: What are your great memories? A: My parents used to take us to hunt birds, climb trees, and play in the fields. For me it was like a holiday because we were going to have fun all day long. Those are my great memories. Q: Does your childhood mean a lot to you? A: Yes. As life was very hard, I used to work to help bring money in for the family. I spent my childhood working, with responsibilities beyond my age. However, it taught me to deal with problems all alone. I learnt to be independent. Q: What changes would you like to make in your life? A: If I could change something in my life, I'd change it so that my childhood could have taken place in another area. I would have loved to live with my family in freedom. Who cares whether we have much money, or whether we have a beautiful house? It doesn't matter as long as I can live with my family and we are safe. Q: How do you get along with your parents? A: My parents supported me until I came of age. I want to give back what I've got. That's our way. But I am working in another city. My only contact with my parents now is through the phone, but I hate using it. It filters(过滤) out your emotion and leaves your voice only. My deepest feelings should be passed through sight, hearing and touch.


  ) 1. In Misbah's childhood, _______________.

  A. he was free from worry

  B. he liked living in the countryside

  C. he was fond of getting close to nature

  D. he often spent holidays with his family


  ) 2. What did Misbah desire most in his childhood?

  A. A colorful life.

  B. A beautiful house.

  C. Peace and freedom.

  D. Money for his family.


  ) 3. How would Misbah prefer to communicate with his parents?

  A. By chatting on the Internet.

  B. By calling them sometimes.

  C. By paying weekly visits.

  D. By writing them letters.


  ) 4. If there were only one question left, what would it most probably be?

  A. What was your childhood dream?

  B. What is your biggest achievement?

  C. What is your parents' view of you?

  D. What was your hardest experience in the war?

  【语篇解读】本文通过一个采访,把 Misbah 这个人的生活,成长展示给我们.

  1. 答案 C 【解析】细节理解题.由 My parents used to take us to hunt birds, climb trees, and play in the fields. For me it was like a holiday because we were going to have fun all day long. Those are my great memories.可知,Misbah 喜爱大自然.所以答案选 C 项.

  2. 答案 C 【解析】 推理判断题. 根据文中 I would have loved to live with my family in freedom. Who cares whether we have much money, or whether we have a beautiful house? It doesn't matter as long as I can live with my family and we are safe.可知,作者向往和平自由的生活.故选 C 项.

  3. 答案 C 【解析】 细节理解题. 根据 My only contact with my parents now is through the phone, but I hate using it. It filters out your emotion and leaves your voice only. My deepest feelings should be passed through sight, hearing and touch. 可知, Misbah 讨厌在电话里与父母联系,因为它只剩 下了声音,而 Misbah 想要的是与父母面对面的交流.四个选项中只有 C 项能够让 Misbah 与父母面对面.由此判断选 C 项.

  4. 答案 B 【解析】推理判断题.其它三个问题在上文中都有所涉及,只有 B 项没有.所以如果还剩 一个问题,很有可能就是 B 项.


  A different sort of generation gap is developing in the workplace. Someone --- specifically the father-daughter team of Larry and Meagan Johnson --- has figured out that on some American job sites, five generations are working side by side.

  In their new book about generations in the workplace the pair argue that while such an age difference adds a lot of texture and a variety of life experiences, it can also bring tensions and conflicts.

  The Johnsons are human-resource trainers and public speakers. Dad Larry is a former health-care executive; daughter Meagan is a onetime high-level sales manager.

  Here are the oldest and youngest of the five generations they identify:

  They call the oldest group Traditionals, born before 1945. They were heavily influenced by the lessons of the Great Depression and World War Two. They respect authority, set a high standard of workmanship, and communicate easily and confidently. But they’re also stubbornly independent. They want their opinions heard.

  At the other extreme are what the Johnsons call Linksters, born after 1995 into today’s more complicated, multi-media world. They live and breathe technology and are often social activists.

  You won’t find many 15-year olds in the offices of large companies, except as volunteers, of course, but quite old and quite young workers do come together in sales environments like bike shops and ice-cream stores.

  The Johnsons, Larry and Meagan, represent a generation gap themselves in their work with jobsite issues. The Johnsons’ point is that as the average lifespan continues to rise and retirement dates get delayed because of the tight economy, people of different generations are working side by side, more often bringing with them very different ideas about company loyalty and work values.

  The five generations are heavily influenced by quite different events, social trends, and the cultural phenomena of their times. Their experiences shape their behavior and make it difficult, sometimes, for managers to achieve a strong and efficient workplace.

  Larry and Meagan Johnson discuss all this in greater detail in a new book, “Generations, Inc.: From Boomers to Linksters --- Managing the Friction Between Generations at Work,” published by Amacom Press, which is available in all good bookstore from this Friday.

  1. The type of generation gap in paragraph 1 refers to the difference in beliefs ________.

  A. between managers and workers

  B. among family members

  C. among employees

  D. between older and newer companies

  2. Which of the following statements is NOT true about Traditionals?

  A. They’ve learned much from war and economic disaster.

  B. They’re difficult to work with as they are stubborn.

  C. They respect their boss and hope to be respected.

  D. They’re independent workers with great confidence.

  3. According to the passage, the Linksters are usually ________.

  A. found working in the offices of large companies

  B. influenced by media and technology

  C. enthusiastic multi-media activists

  D. ice-cream sellers

  4. According to the passage, modern workforces are more diverse because ________.

  A. people want to increase their average lifespan

  B. many young people are entering the workforce

  C. employees with different values can benefit their companies

  D. retirement dates are being delayed for economic reasons

  5. What’s the main purpose of the passage?

  A. To promote a new book by Larry and Meagan Johnson.

  B. To describe the five different workplace generations.

  C. To introduce the Johnsons’ research about diverse workforces.

  D. To identify a major problem in modern workforces.






  2016高考训练题。阅读理解阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。Global Architecture Business Development Director

  The person filling this position will develop the company’s development

  plan and supervise(监督)the expansion of the business.Candidates should be able to have a background in successful business planning.


  Responsible for managing external contracts(对外承包)and relationships with local businesses and the local government offices.

  Responsible for evaluating the success of projects and services.


  A degree in business management.Minimum of five years’ relevant experience,preferably managing a multi-functional team.Excellent sales, negotiation and interpersonal skills are key requirements of the job.Strong numerical(数字的)and analytical ability and a solid grasp of computer spreadsheet(电子表格)applications are essential. Personnel management required.Good communication skills are essential,both written and verbal.Must be willing to travel.

  Send cover letter and resume to:

  Marko Cerise

  Human Relations Manager

  Global Architecture Associates


  Mr Cerise,

  I read your job advertisement in Professional Monthly and believe that I am well suited to fill the position.

  For the past 6 years I have been working as the regional promotions manager for a national chain of book stores. In this position,1 was responsible for supervising a team of six promotions and marketing staff.It was my responsibility to plan the sales events and promotional campaigns,and produce evaluation reports on the efficacy of each campaign.The position involved regular visits to each of the nine branches in the area,so I am used to spending a significant part of my working week on the road.

  A big part of

  the job was communicating with both senior management and individual store managers to ensure that new product lines were appropriately supported and within budget targets.I have found working in this position to be very rewarding but 1 feel I am ready for a change and look forward to facing new challenges.

  In respect to my current position,1 would be willing to start within one month of receiving a job offer.

  For further employment and educational details please see the accompanying resum.


  Jennifer Dankert

  1·What kind of work is advertised?

  A.Human resources.




  2.In the letter, the word “efficacy" in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to“ _________


  A· effect




  3.What requirement stated in the advertisement does Ms Dankert NOT address?

  A.Management experience.

  B.Experience with promotional events.

  C.Knowledge of computer software.

  D.Supervisory skills.



  Many people think a telephone is essential. But I think it is a pest and a time waster. Very often you find it impossible to escape from some idle or curious chatter-box, or from somebody who wants something for nothing. If you have a telephone in your own house, you will admit that it tends to ring when you are asleep, or in the middle of a meal or a conversation, or when you are just going out, or when you are taking your bath. Are you strong minded enough to ignore it, to say to yourself,?Ah, well, it will all be the same in a hundred years’ time? You are not. You think there may be some important news or messages for you. I can assure you that if a message is really important it will reach you sooner or later. Have you never rushed dripping from the bath, or chewing from the table, or dazed from the bed, only to be told that you are a wrong number?

  But you will say, you need not have your name printed in the telephone directory, and you can have a telephone which is only usable for outgoing calls. Besides, you will say, isn’t it important to have a telephone in case of emergency?illness, an accident, or fire? Of course, you are right, but here in a thickly populated country like England one is seldom far from a telephone in case of dreadful necessity.

  I think perhaps I had better try to justify myself by trying to prove that what I like is good. I admit that in different circumstances?if I were a tycoon(business VIP),for instance, or bed ridden I might find a telephone essential. But then if I were a taxi-driver I should find a car essential.

  Let me put it another way: there are two things for which the English seem to show particular talent; one is mechanical invention, the other is literature. My own business happens to be with the use of words but I see I must now stop using them. For I have just been handed a slip of paper to say that somebody is waiting to speak to me on the telephone. I think I had better answer it. After all, one never knows, it may be something important.

  1.The passage is mainly discussing _______.

  A. that we should be strong enough to ignore a phone call

  B. that important message will reach you sooner or later

  C. whether it’s necessary to answer all phone calls

  D. whether it is necessary to have a telephone



  2.Judging from the passage, who is strong-minded enough to ignore a phone call?

  A. The author.

  B.A tycoon.

  C.A taxi-driver.

  D. Hardly anyone.

  答案:D 大意理解,文章的第二段第三段可以看出

  3.According to the passage, the author________.

  A. thinks the telephone should go out of our life

  B. likes to be different from other people

  C. thinks the telephone is annoying

  D. speaks favourably of a telephone



  4.In the author’s opinion, which of the following is NOT true?

  A. Nearly everyone has been told a wrong number.

  B. It’s necessary for everyone to have a telephone.

  C. He himself can not decide whether to answer a call.

  D.A telephone directory may bring in unexpected calls.




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