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发布时间:2017-01-18  编辑:查字典英语网小编





  Have you ever heard about the sign posted on a farmer’s fence? A  1  and ugly bull you can imagine  2  on the other side of the fence.The sign is intended to strike 3  into the hearts of trespassers (非法入侵者).It reads “Don’t attempt to  4  this field unless you can do it in 9.9 seconds.The bull can do it in 10!” 

  Don’t try to cross that field unless you are  5 ! And isn’t it the way it is in our life? We have to be ready when the opportunity  6 ,or else,we will have little chance of  7 .A six-grade school teacher Ms. Shelton  8  readiness.Her students  9  remember how she walked in on the first day of class and began writing  10  of the eighth grade on the blackboard.They immediately protested that the words were too  11  to learn well. 

  Their teacher  12  that the students could learn these words well.She said that she would teach them something useful ahead of time and the students could be above the ordinary level if they were prepared for new things.Ms. Shelton ended by  13  that one of the students in the classroom could achieve  14 ,maybe even president some day.She just wanted to  15  them for that day.It was a great  16  for her to know that one of her students,Jesse Jackson made much progress,reached a  17  goal and even became very famous in the world.She believed that good luck belonged to the person who had been prepared  18 . 

  Ralph Waldo Emerson once said,“People only see what they are prepared to see.” If that’s  19 ,then it is also true that they only become what they are prepared to become.Let’s get ready for our work, 20  and everything in the future. 


  1.A.weak B.strong C.stupid D.young

  2.A.lives B.awakes C.seems D.sleeps

  3.A.curiosity B.fear C.desire D.courage

  4.A.cut B.walk C.cross D.enter

  5.A.guarded B.accompanied C.armed D.prepared

  6.A.rises B.raises C.arouses D.arises

  7.A.dream B.success C.wealth D.failure

  8.A.put down B.took on C.believed in D.got back

  9.A.hurriedly B.clearly C.strangely D.rapidly

  10.A.poems B.proverbs C.questions D.words

  11.A.interesting B.easy C.complicated D.strange

  12.A.admitted B.begged C.complained D.insisted

  13.A.suggesting B.predicting C.forgetting D.pretending

  14.A.peace B.independence C.greatness D.freedom

  15.A.prepare B.teach C.make D.have

  16.A.joke B.sadness C.joy D.hobby

  17.A.small B.high C.final D.practical

  18.A.in a hurry B.one by one C.with great care D.in turn

  19.A.interesting B.correct C.wrong D.secret

  20.A.safety B.fun C.life D.unit


  If you ’ re concerned about gaining weight over the upcoming holiday season,consider eating more slowly and you might consume less,a study suggests.Diet experts have been promoting this advice for years,and now nutrition scientists at the University of Rhode Island have some new data to back it up.

  They had 30 normal-weight,college-age women come into a laboratory for lunch on two separate occasions.Each time,the women were offered a huge plate full of delicious food,plus a glass of water.They were asked to eat until the point of comfortable fullness.On one occasion,they were instructed to eat as quickly as they could; on the other occasion they ate slowly and put down their spoons between bites.

  They did not know the food and water were weighed before and after the meal to determine the amount consumed.Findings were: When eating quickly,the women consumed 646 calories in about nine minutes.When eating more slowly,they had an average of 579 calories in about 29 minutes.

  揟hey ate 67 calories more in nine minutes than they did in 29 minutes,?says lead researcher Kathleen Melans.?If you add that up over three meals a day,that抯 a big difference in calories.?ne m

  揢pon completion of the meal and an hour afterward,the women were less satisfied and hungrier when eating quickly compared with when they ate slowly,?she says. b

  They said they enjoyed the meal more when they were taking their time.Not surprisingly,the women drank more water when they ate more slowly,and researchers are doing a follow-up study on whether that factor contributed to their feeling fullness.

  One way to help control calories intake during Thanksgiving is “to slow down and savor (尽情享受) and enjoy your food more,” she says.

  1.The best title of the passage could be . 

  A.Taking Your Time Causes Fullness B.Eating Quickly Means Less Calories

  C.Eating Slowly Leads to Eating Less D.Enjoying Your Food in Holiday

  2.What is the difference between the two occasions on which these women had their lunch?()

  A.They reached different points of fullness. B.They were provided with different amount of food.

  C.They ate their lunch at different speeds. D.They were offered different kinds of foods.

  3.The aim of the study is to find whether speed influences   people eat. 

  A.how well B.how much C.what D.the way

  4.According to the passage,which of the following statements is TRUE?()

  A.These women didn’t know the weight of the food until they finished the meal.

  B.The food and water weren’t weighed until the end of the meal.

  C.The amount of food consumed had little to do with the eating speed.

  D.The more quickly they ate,the more calories they consumed.



  You’re in your 20s,but the 20s are just like any other life stage;they pass by and before you know it,they are gone.Don’t let them pass by and leave you with regrets.1. 

  1.Staying in an unhealthy relationship

  Your 20s will play an important role in shaping who you are.2.  If the relationship is not making both of you into a better person,then maybe you should take a step back and ask yourself if it’s still worth it. 

  2.Spending money carelessly

  Buying whatever you want and eating out almost every day may make you feel good at the moment but it will make you poor in the long run.

  3.  So choose where to spend your money on.Make sure that you spend it on things that will move you forward towards your financial goals. 

  3.Sticking to a dead-end job

  Have you also thought of the time and energy you’re wasting on a job that doesn’t suit your skills,strengths,and interests?If you haven’t figured out yet what your dream job is,then use this stage to find out what it is.

  Start creating a list of career ideas that you think will suit your strengths and interests then get your feet wet.4.  These steps may not instantly take you to your dream job but it helps build the bridge to get you there. 

  4.Giving up dreams for fear of failure

  Fear is a powerful emotion.You feel it especially if you’re chasing something that’s bigger than yourself.5.  Whether you dream of traveling the world or starting your own business,don’t let the fear of failure keep you from taking action. 

  The most successful people have felt the fear too but what sets them apart from the rest is that they took action anyway.

  A.But don’t let it stop you.

  B.Learn from these common mistakes people in their 20s make.

  C.If you want to make more money,you can take more jobs at the same time.

  D.Remember that your financial choices today will make an impact on your future.

  E.We are whatever we eat and do,so pay attention to our behavior wherever we are.

  F.It is the stage that you get to know better what you want for yourself and from a partner.

  G.Ask people who are in these industries about the job and what needs to be done to take you there.




  1.B 根据告示牌上面的内容可知,这头公牛很强壮。所以答案为B项。

  2.A 该段中的“The bull can do it in 10”等信息说明,这头公牛生活在篱笆的另一边。所以答案为A项。

  3.B 告示牌上面的内容是想让非法入侵者感到害怕。所以答案为B项。

  4.C 不要试图穿过这块地,除非你能够在9.9秒内完成。下一段首句也是解题的根据。所以答案为C项。

  5.D 根据告示牌的要求,需要做好准备才能穿过这块地。所以答案为D项。

  6.D 此处指当机会出现的时候,我们要做好准备。所以答案为D项。

  7.B 结合句中的or else可知,如果不做好准备,我们成功的机会是很小的。所以答案为B项。

  8.C 老师相信准备工作的重要性。所以答案为C项。

  9.B 根据老师的做法可以推知,她的学生都还清晰记得第一天老师走进教室的样子。所以答案为B项。

  10.D 下句中的the words暗示老师第一天在黑板上所写的文字。所以答案为D项。

  11.C 根据句意可知,学生们立刻抗议,说这些文字太复杂,他们学不好。所以答案为C项。

  12.D 老师坚持认为学生可以学好这些文字。所以答案为D项。

  13.B 根据句中的“...maybe even president some day.”可知,Ms. Shelton预测了未来的情况。所以答案为B项。

  14.C Ms. Shelton预测未来有的学生会成为总统,所以此处的意思是获得成功。所以答案为C项。

  15.A 老师所做的这一切,只是想让他们为未来做好准备。所以答案为A项。

  16.C Jesse Jackson所取得的进步,对老师来说当然是高兴的事情。所以答案为C项。

  17.B 上文中的“made much progress”和此处是平行结构,由此可以推知是达到很高的目标。所以答案为B项。

  18.C 她相信好运属于细心做好准备的人。所以答案为C项。

  19.B 根据主句的意思,该从句的意思是:如果那种说法正确的话。所以答案为B项。

  20.C 本文主要谈到现在的准备对未来生活的影响,再结合本句可知,这里指生活。所以答案为C项。



  1.C 主旨大意题。由第一段和最后一段可明显看出,科学家的研究成果是:吃得慢,吃得少,感觉饱, 所以答案为C项。

  2.C 细节理解题。根据第二段的最后一句话可知,她们吃饭的速度不一样。所以答案为C项。

  3.B 细节理解题。根据文章第一段第一句“If you’ re concerned about gaining weight over the upcoming holiday season,consider eating more slowly and you might consume less...”可知,答案为B项。

  4.D 推理判断题。根据第三段的第一句话可知 A、B两项是错误的;根据第三段第二、三句话可知C项错误。所以答案为D项。



  1.B 由下文作者所列出的四种常见错误可知,作者告诫我们应从这些人们在二十多岁时常犯的错误中吸取教训,故B项符合语境。

  2.F 由空格前后的内容可知,二十多岁的阶段在塑造人的性格方面起着重要作用,因为这个阶段的人逐渐明白自己想要什么,从伙伴身上能得到什么,故选F项。

  3.D 由空格后面的Make sure that you spend it on things that will move you forward towards your financial goals可知,今天经济方面的选择会影响到将来的发展,故选D项。

  4.G 由空格后面的内容可知,必要的准备工作有助于实现自己的工作梦想,所以询问与自己喜欢的工作有关的工作人员,明白自己要想实现理想需要做的事情,故选G项。

  5.A 由空格后面的don’t let the fear of failure keep you from taking action可知A项符合语境。


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