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发布时间:2017-01-18  编辑:查字典英语网小编





  One spring during the 1960s,when I was 10,my father was laid off.Money was tight and my mother was  1 .So I decided to cheer her up by buying a special Mother’s Day  2 . 

  There was a boutique(精品店),the Agins,nearby,which was known for its high-end fashions.Lots of actresses and  3  women shopped at the store.My mother,who couldn’t  4  to shop there,occasionally mentioned the store in a  5  voice. 

  One day after  6  I rode my bike to the Agins.I told the shop  7  I was looking for a Mother’s Day gift and I had little money.  

  She treated me like a  8  customer and asked me what my mother would like.I told her I wasn’t sure.She walked around the store for a few minutes and returned with a  9 .She opened it and took out an Italian purse made of soft  10 . 

  “How much money do you  11 ?” she asked. 

  “Twelve dollars.”I said.

  “You’re in luck.” she told me.“It’s only $11.”

  She wrapped the purse and thanked me for my  12 . 

  It wasn’t  13  many years later,when I learned that the purse was worth several hundred dollars,that I  14  just how wonderful the shop owner had been to me.Recently,I met someone at a party who knew her  15 ,Roberta.I called Roberta,who told me her mother  16  22 years ago.I felt bad that I never had a chance to properly  17  her mother.She comforted me,saying that her mother never wanted  18  for the things she did. 

  My mother,who carried the leather purse for many years until it was  19  repair,is now 90.She can still recall(回忆) every  20  about the purse and the amazement it brought to her. 


  1.A.frightened B.afraid C.upset


  2.A.purse B.book C.flower D.gift

  3.A.wealthy B.attractive



  4.A.afford B.refuse C.bother


  5.A.cheering B.longing C.trembling


  6.A.work B.marriage C.school D.meeting

  7.A.assistant B.guide C.guard D.owner

  8.A.valued B.lucky C.polite D.strange

  9.A.box B.wallet C.wrapper


  10.A.silk B.leather C.metal


  11.A.pay B.give C.have D.want

  12.A.business B.kindness C.help D.offer

  13.A.before B.while C.until


  14.A.remembered B.admitted C.predicted


  15.A.waiter B.husband C.daughter


  16.A.retired B.lost C.changed


  17.A.pay B.meet C.thank


  18.A.credit B.money C.congratulation D.excuse

  19.A.over B.beyond C.under


  20.A.use B.show C.story D.detail


  ( A )


  Job A

  Marketing Professionals

  A major US corporation in the health and nutritional industry has announced the opening of its direct selling division in Taiwan.

  The company offers the most lucrative compensation plan in the industry and has paid over NTD (新台币) 3.5 billion in commissions in just 6 years in the US.We are a group of top earners.

  Applicants should meet the requirements:

  (1) Taiwan citizen

  (2) Have experience in marketing

  (3) Aggressive,energetic,and willing to learn

  If you believe you have what it takes to develop this business,please dial 2742-6996.

  Job B

  An international company requires a

  Service Technician

  To service and maintain electronic medical equipment,applicants should have degree in electronics.The selected candidate will have a training program to be conducted by our manufacturer抯 trained technical personnel.a

  Interested candidates please apply immediately with a resume(简历) and mail to P.O.Box 594.Or telephone Ms Chang at 2945-0027 for an immediate interview.

  Job C

  Wanted: Reporters & Editors


  * Strong command of English language

  * Chinese speaking and reading ability a must

  * A university degree

  * Journalism education and/or experience preferred

  * Flexible working hours (30 hours per week)

  * Good work environment and medical insurance,etc.

  Fax resume and work samples,if any,to The China Post at (03) 2595-7952.

  Job D

  Southeastern Travel Services Tour Guides

  Duties: To conduct escorted tours(陪游) for foreign visitors;to assist with travel and transportation arrangements.

  Qualifications: Good appearance.High school diploma.

  Good knowledge of English.Outgoing personality.

  Dial 2703-2172 after 3 p.m..Ask for Gary.

  1.Which of the following is required for marketing professionals?

  A.A university degree. B.Good appearance.

  C.Good computer knowledge. D.Some marketing experience.

  2.Wendy is good at Chinese and doesn抰 like to work on fixed schedules.Which of the four jobs might be suitable for her?0

  A.Job A. B.Job B. C.Job C. D.Job D.

  3.Charles has a strong interest in technology service.Which phone number should he dial?

  A.2742-6996. B.2945-0027. C.2595-7952. D.2703-2172.

  4.Mary has attractive looks and a good command of English with an outgoing character.Which of the following would she choose?

  A.Job A. B.Job B. C.Job C. D.Job D.

  ( B )


  Youth who study just a short walk from a fast-food outlet(商店) eat fewer fruit and vegetables,drink more soda and are more likely to be fat than students at other schools,according to a research published Tuesday.

  The study,which involved more than 500,000 teenagers at middle schools and high schools in California,adds new evidence to a growing backlash against the fast-food industry as studies suggest they contribute to the rising overweight in the United States.

  揥e抳e basically discovered that kids who are going to a school that is near a fast-food restaurant have a higher chance of being overweight than kids who are at a school that is not near a fast-food restaurant,?said Brennan Davis of Azusa Pacific Univers.erity in California,whose study appears in the American Journal of Public Health.

  For the study,Davis and his colleagues examined the relationship between fast-food restaurants located within one half mile of schools and overweight among middle and high school students in California.They took weight and dietary(饮食的)information from a statewide school survey between 2002 and 2005.“Overall,our patterns are consistent(一致的)with the idea that fast food near schools affects students?eating habits,overweight,擠avis and his colleagues wrote.They also found that students whose schools were located near fast-food restaurants eat fewer servings of vegetables and fruits,and drink far more soda than students at schools not l aocated near fast-food restaurants.

  The study could not determine why fast-food restaurants near schools have such an influence,but Davis said a nearby fast-food restaurant is really a hangout place for people to socialize.

  5.Which kid is most likely to become overweight according to the passage?

  A.One whose home is near a fast-food outlet. B.One who studies near a fast-food outlet.

  C.One who takes a short walk to a fast-food outlet D.One whose school is far from a fast-food outlet.

  6.The researchers believe that fast food outlets near schools can change students?a . 

  A.way of thinking B.eating habits

  C.amount of exercise D.learning ability

  7.We can learn from the last paragraph that  . 

  A.junk food alone causes kids to be overweight

  B.kids’ way of socializing has little to do with kids’ being overweight

  C.kids go to fast-food restaurants near schools mainly for food

  D.fast-food restaurants near schools are also kids’ places of socializing

  8.The underlined word “backlash” in Paragraph 2 probably means  . 

  A.opposition B.discussion C.concern D.standard




  1.C 因父亲失业,经济不宽裕,故妈妈闷闷不乐。故选upset。

  2.D 作者决定为妈妈买一件母亲节礼物,以使妈妈高兴。下文I was looking for a Mother’s Day gift等处为提示。

  3.A 由于这是一家高端时尚店,故一些演员和富豪到此购物。故选wealthy。

  4.A 由上文可知,妈妈是拿不出钱在那儿消费的。afford意为“花得起钱”。

  5.B 偶尔妈妈用一种渴望的声音说起这家店。longing意为“渴望的”。

  6.C 根据上文作者才10岁,故是“放学后”。

  7.D 由常识和下文可知,作者对“店主”讲话。

  8.A 虽然还是个孩子,但店主把他看作尊贵的顾客。valued意为“重要的,尊贵的”。

  9.A 由下文She opened it and took out an Italian purse可知,她拿来的是一个“盒子”。

  10.B 她取出一个意大利钱包,钱包是用软皮制成的。下文My mother,who carried the leather purse for many years可作提示。

  11.C 根据下文回答可知,店主询问他随身携带了多少钱。故用have。

  12.A 店主把钱包包好,还说感谢作者的光临。business意为“生意”,指作者到此购物。

  13.C It wasn’t until...that...意为“直到……才……”,为强调句型。

  14.D 很多年后我才明白店主是那么的善良,因此用appreciated。

  15.C 由下文可知,作者偶得店主“女儿”的电话号码。

  16.D Roberta告诉作者,她的母亲已“去世”多年。

  17.C 作者感到伤心的是,他没有机会去表达一点谢意。

  18.A Roberta说她母亲不想因为她的所为而要求得到别人的赞颂。credit赞扬。

  19.B beyond repair为固定搭配,意为“无法修补”。

  20.B 作者的母亲已90岁高龄,但关于那件珍贵的母亲节礼物仍念念不忘。


  tight adj.(日程或预算)紧的

  It’s difficult to cram everything into a tight schedule.



  It wasn’t until many years later,when I learned that the purse was worth several hundred dollars,that I appreciated just how wonderful the shop owner had been to me.

  该句子为强调句型。其中含有定语从句:when I learned that the purse was worth several hundred dollars。until引导的时间状语从句的强调句型是“It was not until...that...”。



  ( A )


  1.D 细节理解题。根据第一则招聘广告中的“Applicants should meet the requirements:(1) Taiwan citizen (2) Have experience in marketing (3)Aggressive,energetic,and willing to learn”可知,答案为D项。

  2.C 综合理解题。根据第三则招聘广告,结合全文内容可知,答案为C项。

  3.B 细节理解题。根据第二则招聘广告最后一句“Or telephone Ms Chang at 2945-0027 for an immediate interview.”结合广告内容可知,答案为B项。

  4.D 细节理解题。根据第四则招聘广告中的“Qualifications: Good appearance.High school diploma.Good knowledge of English.Outgoing personality.”可知,答案为D项。

  ( B )


  5.B 细节理解题。根据文章第一段可知,在离快餐厅近的学校上学的孩子更容易发胖。所以答案为B项。

  6.B 细节理解题。根据文章倒数第二段中的Overall,our patterns are consistent(一致的) with the idea that fast food near schools affects students’ eating habits可知,答案为B项。

  7.D 推理判断题。根据文章最后一段可知,快餐厅不仅仅是孩子吃饭的场所,更是他们社交的场所。所以答案为D项。

  8.A 猜测词义题。根据语境可知,人们一直认为快餐会导致孩子发胖,因此本文所介绍的研究加剧了人们对快餐厅的指责。所以答案为A项。


  1.involve vt.包括,包含,牵涉,牵连(某人/某事物)

  The strike involved many people.


  2.contribute to sth. 促成某事物

  Does smoking contribute to lung cancer?


  3.determine vt.测定,找出(某未知事物);算出

  The aim of the inquiry was to determine what had caused the accident.调查的目的是要找出是什么导致了这次事故。

  They want to determine exactly what happened.



  We’ve basically discovered that kids who are going to a school that is near a fast-food restaurant have a higher chance of being overweight than kids who are at a school that is not near a fast-food restaurant.

  本句是一个主从复合句。主句谓语动词discovered后是一个由连词that引导的宾语从句,从句中包含一个连词than引导的省略了谓语的比较状语从句than kids who are at a school that is not near a fast-food restaurant;其中,两个who分别引导两个定语从句,其中又有两个that分别引导两个定语从句。



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