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发布时间:2017-01-18  编辑:查字典英语网小编





  We spend a lot of our lives looking for role models,advisers and teachers to guide us on our path.There is nothing 1  with this and,in fact,finding the right 2  at the right time can really help.However,it is important to realize that in the 3  of such a figure,we can 4  rely upon ourselves,because we carry 5  us everything we need to know to make 6  on our paths to self-realization.All 7  need to do is to let go of our belief that we need to 8  guidance. 

  The path of the spirit is like a journey with a 9 .Most of us know that achieving our goal only makes us 10  for a moment,and then the happiness passes 11  a new object of desire appears.Joy is a lifelong aspect of our inner selves and is not 12  us at any point.We needn’t travel to find it or imagine that it  13  only in the body of another.In fact,it is something we already 14 . 

  So when we find ourselves on our path,not knowing which way to turn and wishing for 15 ,we can turn to  16 .We may not 17 the right answer at first,but if we simply ask,let go,and wait patiently,a(n) 18 will come.The more we practice this process and 19 it,the less we will look outside ourselves for guidance,for we will have 20 become our own teachers and guides. 

  1.A.helpful B.wrong C.familiar D.popular

  2.A.person B.place C.friend D.idea

  3.A.front B.world C.face D.absence

  4.A.safely B.interestedly C.nervously D.secretly

  5.A.for B.against C.within D.from

  6.A.efforts B.progress C.mistakes D.trouble

  7.A.we B.you C.they D.I

  8.A.refuse B.offer C.seek D.provide

  9.A.guide B.goal C.map D.direction

  10.A.happy B.anxious C.relaxed D.worried

  11.A.when B.until C.though D.after

  12.A.attractive to B.important to C.different from D.separate from

  13.A.exists B.waits C.starts D.struggles

  14.A.quit B.meet C.have


  15.A.guidance B.encouragement C.invitation D.communication

  16.A.others B.strangers C.ourselves D.teachers

  17.A.find B.guess C.demand D.prove

  18.A.result B.answer C.explanation D.chance

  19.A.trust B.hate C.ignore D.desire

  20.A.strangely B.difficultly C.successfully D.suddenly



  What You Should Do for Chemical Burns

  There are a wide variety of chemicals which can cause burns.These can range from household chemicals such as cleaning products,pesticides (杀虫剂) to strong industrial chemicals used in the workplace.Chemical burns can be serious as the chemical will keep damaging the skin and tissue until it is removed.

  Generally,burns include three different categories of severity:superficial,partial thickness and full thickness.Chemical burns are always partial thickness,and in severe cases can be full thickness.Therefore,giving first aid is incredibly important.But how can you do that successfully?

  Check for any dangers to yourself.The chemicals that cause the victim抯 injuries could also become a dangerk to you.Try to establish what cause the burn and how safe the chemicals are.If you are in an enclosed area,move the victim outside or open windows to prevent the build-up of fumes (臭气).You should not forget to wear gloves.

  Cool the burn with running water for at least 15-20 minutes.Make sure that you do not come into contact with the water used to cool the burn as it may contain the harmful chemical.

  If any clothing has come into contact with the chemical,it should be removed providing it isn抰 sticking to the burn.Try to identify the chemical involved and its container.h

  Cover the burn with a sterile (消过毒的) first-aid dressing.If no dressing is available,then use other items,which include cling film (保鲜膜) and plastic bags.

  If the burn is serious,the victim shows signs of shock or the victim becomes drowsy (昏昏欲睡的) consciousness,then call an emergency ambulance immediately.If a large chemical spill has occurred,then also ensure the firemen and policemen have also been informed.If you become exposed to the chemical involved,then you should seek medical advice immediately.

  1.According to the passage,chemical burns are always  . 

  A.superficial B.partial thickness C.full thickness D.fatal harm

  2.When giving first aid for chemical burns,you should  . 

  A.wear gloves to protect yourself B.close the window to keep the fumes

  C.avoid using cling film and plastic bags D.remove the clothing sticking to the burn

  3.People are advised not to touch the water used to cool the burn because  . 

  A.it may cause short shock to them B.it can be used as evidence for doctors

  C.it may also cause chemical burns to them D.it can be used in different ways in the future

  4.What should you do if a large chemical spill has occurred?()

  A.Ask some bystanders for help. B.Call the police station for help at once.

  C.Inform the firemen and policemen immediately. D.Leave the scene of the accident as soon as possible.



  We all face quantities of stresses in day-to-day living,whether at work,in the home,or anywhere in between.1.  Here’s how stress can help us on an everyday basis. 

  ◆Sharpening your memory.

  Did you ever notice that sometimes when you are stressed,your memory seems to improve?Remember that test you passed where the answers seemed to come out of nowhere?2. It’s because of stress hormones (荷尔蒙) that increase your alertness when it’s most needed. 


  Successful employees turn stress into motivation.Have you ever noticed that you get the least amount of work done when you have the fewest deadlines? Too little stress can affect how much you actually get done.When you take risks and choose to get over the difficulty,it improves your mental toughness and self-confidence.

  ◆Helping you resist the attack of illness.

  4.  Believe it or not,the right kind of stress can help your body’s defenses against illness.When you get sick,stress causes you to make hormones that battle threats to your health.That burst of stress is helpful to your immune system when your body faces a threat. 

  ◆Making your life more interesting.

  Think about some stressful situations that we consciously put ourselves in to make life more interesting and enjoyable,like asking someone out on a first date,conquering a known fear,or learning something new.These may not immediately come to mind when you think of stress because of the positive outcomes.5. 

  A.Helping you get an advantage at work.

  B.Helping you get through difficult times.

  C.This will happen whenever you are stressed.

  D.That’s one way your brain responds to stress.

  E.You need a healthy immune system to help fight off diseases.

  F.But they’re the types that can help you achieve fulfillment and happiness.

  G.But handled properly,stress can have many benefits for the body and mind.




  1.B 此处构成句型There is nothing wrong with...。句意:这没什么不对的。故选B项。

  2.A 根据语境可知,此处选A项,person与下句中的figure同义。

  3.D 与下文rely upon ourselves相呼应。in the absence of...意思是“……不在时,没有……时”。

  4.A 根据句意可知,此处选A项,safely意思是“安全地,保险地”。

  5.C 句意:……我们内心具有在自我实现的路上取得进步所需要知道的一切。within us意为“在我们内心深处”,符合此处语境。

  6.B make progress取得进步,符合此处语境“在自我实现的路上取得进步”。

  7.A 根据上下文可知,此处应用表示第一人称复数的代词we。

  8.C refuse“拒绝”;offer“提供”;seek“寻求,寻找”;provide“提供,供应”。根据语境可知,此处选C项。

  9.B 根据下句中的“achieving our goal”可知,此处用goal,意思是“目标”。

  10.A 根据句中的happiness可知,此处选A项。句意:大多数人知道,实现目标只让我们开心一会儿,然后当新的渴求目标出现时,这种开心就结束了。

  11.A 根据句意可知,此处表示“当……时候”,用when引导时间状语从句。

  12.D be separate from与……分开。喜悦是我们内在的自我终生存在的方面,任何时候都不会与我们分开。

  13.A 为了找到喜悦,我们不必旅行,也不要想象着它只存在于别人身上。exist意思是“存在”。

  14.C 事实上,它就是我们已经拥有的东西。根据语境可知,此处选C项。

  15.A guidance指导;encouragement鼓励;invitation邀请;communication交流。根据第一段最后一句可知,此处选A项。

  16.C 根据上下文语境可知,不要依赖别人,要向自己求助。

  17.A 开始,不一定找到正确的答案。

  18.B 根据前面的“the right answer”和“ask”可知,此处选B项。

  19.A trust相信;hate憎恨;ignore忽视;desire想要。根据语境“我们越多地训练并相信这一过程,我们就会越少地向外界寻求指导”可知,此处选A项。

  20.C 与文章第一句呼应,此处指“我们会成功地成为我们自己的老师和向导”,因此用successfully。



  1.B 细节理解题。由第二段的Chemical burns are always partial thickness,and in severe cases can be full thickness可知选B项。

  2.A 推理判断题。从全文内容尤其是第三段的You should not forget to wear gloves可知,施救者一定要戴上手套以保护自己,故选A项。

  3.C 细节理解题。由第四段的Make sure that you do not come into contact with the water used to cool the burn as it may contain the harmful chemical可知,冲洗伤口的水可能含有有毒的化学成分,而这些有毒的东西可能会伤到施救者,故选C项。

  4.C 细节理解题。由最后一段的If a large chemical spill has occurred,then also ensure the firemen and policemen have also been informed可知选C项。


  1.incredibly adv.极端地,非常地;难以置信地

  I’ve been incredibly busy this week.


  Incredibly,he passed the driving test at his first attempt.


  2.providing conj.只要,如果

  You can borrow the car,providing you get it back to me before 10 o’clock.



  Chemical burns can be serious as the chemical will keep damaging the skin and tissue until it is removed.

  本句是一个主从复合句。其中as引导原因状语从句,在原因状语从句中,the chemical will keep damaging the skin and tissue为主句,until it is removed为时间状语从句。



  1.G 由空格后面的句子可知此处应填G。

  2.D 由空格前面的内容可知,考试的时候答案不知道从哪儿冒出来,这是大脑对压力的一种反应方式,故选D项。

  3.A 由该段内容可知,压力在工作时会是一种优势,故填A项。

  4.E 由该段的题目Helping you resist the attack of illness以及空格后面的内容可知,你需要一个健康的免疫系统来同疾病作斗争,故选E项。

  5.F 由空格前面的句子可知应选F项。


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