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发布时间:2017-01-18  编辑:查字典英语网小编






  Years ago,when I was a poor artist trying to sell my paintings in local galleries,I  1  (live) in the heart of a city.The rent for my apartment was really cheap  2  it was in the middle of one of the busiest  3  (neighborhood) in town.People who visited me used to ask me how I could sleep.“Doesn’t the sound of the traffic bother you?How can you get used to  4 

  much noise?”You see,there were also rows and rows of shops and bars playing loud music day and night and my apartment was above a really loud and noisy  5 .But I found it all fascinating.If I were ever short of cash and couldn’t afford  6  (do) anything much,which in those days was usually the case,I could always go outside and take  7  look around.You see,there were always a great number of tourists visiting the shops,so I could always find someone  8  (interest) to talk with.And Joe,the owner of the bar below me,could always give me a little money to survive on in exchange for  9  (do) a few odd jobs for him.At the time,I suppose,I thought I was poor.Sometimes,we don’t realize how  10  (fortune) we are,do we? 


  Back in the day,the local library in Athens had an eight-book checkout limit.But there were exceptions.And young John Wood was one of them.In order not to prevent his hungry reading habit,the library increased his limit to 12 and John went on his merry way,gobbling up books the way most children do candy.

  It抯 little wonder that today this successful social businessman likes nothing more than an airplane flight.It offers the ideal chance for a good read.t

  Mr.Wood gets lots of flying reading time these days as the founder of Room to Read,a nonprofit program that has spent the past decade building children’s libraries and promoting literacy and education in some of the world’s poorest regions.

  Despite his love for books,there is nothing bookish about Wood.As a distance runner with a fondness for the outdoors,Wood was on a self-guided trek (长途艰苦旅行)across Nepal in 1998 when his future changed from the more usual path he had forged as a Microsoft marketing executive.

  On the first day of the 21-day trek,Wood had a chance to meet with a local education official.As they chatted at a teahouse,the official gave him an invitation to visit a local school.Off they went the next morning.

  While Wood was touched by the lack of the school抯 resources,he was positively heartbroken by what passed for its library: The ragged collection of used books was kept under lock and key,so precious to the school were its contents.a

  The headmaster looked at Wood and asked loud,揚erhaps,sir,you will someday come back with books.?t

  Come back he did.First with his father,Woody,and nearly 1,000 pounds of books.And then he came back as the founder of a nonprofit program to provide books,schools,and libraries in Nepal.揟he hardest thing is that there are 50 more countries that need Room mto Read,?says Wood.r

  Room to Read,which opened its 10,000th library earlier this year,raises all of its funds from private donors and foundations.

  Wood抯 technology background has made his work particularly appealing tso the philanthropists (慈善家).Earlier this year Tim Koogle,Yahoo’s founding CEO and now president of his own foundation,joined Wood on a trek in Nepal to celebrate Room to Read’s 10-year anniversary.

  Wood sees education as the path out of poverty,but he understands that it isn抰 a quick solution.揈ducation is such a long-term one,?he says.o p

  揚art of the problem with the aid world is that it抯 so focused on the short term.No one gets out of poverty on foreign aid.It抯 always education.?vid

  1.Why was Wood allowed to borrow 12 books from the local library?()

  A.Because he used to bring candy to the librarian.

  B.Because the librarian didn’t discourage him from reading.

  C.Because it was a rule for a businessman to borrow 12 books.

  D.Because he liked to eat books like candy.

  2.The students in the school Wood visited in Nepal  . 

  A.had no interest in the books in the library B.looked after their library books carefully

  C.weren’t free to read books in the library D.had an urgent need for textbooks in class

  3.The attitude of Mr.Koogle towards Room to Read was  . 

  A.negative B.indifferent C.neutral D.supportive

  4.From what Wood said,we know Wood  . 

  A.considered education to be most important B.couldn’t wait to see the effect of his aid

  C.treated foreign aid as a solution to poverty D.planned to spend another 10 years helping



  When I first met Alexander he said to me in Russian:“Nalei umye chai”=“Pour me some tea”.I got very angry and  1 ,“Pour it yourself.”Translated into English without “Could you ...?”and a “please”,it sounded really  2  to me.But in Russian it is fine—you don’t have to  3  any polite words. 

  However,when I took Alexander home to meet my parents in the UK,I had to give him an important  4  in pleases and thank yous,which he thought were completely  5 ,to teach him to say sorry  6  someone else stepped on his toe,and to smile all the time. 

  Alexander  7  that in England he felt “like the village idiot”  8  in Russia if you smile all the time people think that you are  9 .In fact,this is exactly what my husband’s friends thought of me the first time I went to Russia,where I  10  at everyone,and translated every “please” and “thank you” from English into Russian! 

  Another thing that Alexander just couldn’t  11  was why people said things like “Would you mind passing me the salt,please?”He said,“It’s  12  the salt,for goodness’ sake!” 

  He also watched  13  when at a dinner party in England,we swallowed some really  14  food and I said “Mm... delicious”.In Russia,people are much more  15 .The first time Alexander’s mother came to our house for dinner in Moscow,she told me that my soup  16  more flavorings(调料).Afterwards,when we  17  about it my husband said,“Do you prefer your dinner guests to  18 ?” 

  At house we now have an agreement.If we are speaking Russian,he can say “pour me some tea” and just make a  19  like a grunt(咕哝) when I give it to him. 20 ,when we are speaking English,he has to add a “please”,a “thank you”,and a smile. 

  1.A.ordered B.cried C.answered D.appealed

  2.A.familiar B.rude C.interesting D.embarrassing

  3.A.add B.apply C.correct D.bear

  4.A.warning B.explanation C.experience D.course

  5.A.unsatisfactory B.unexpected C.unnecessary D.unchangeable

  6.A.even if B.now that C.in case D.so that

  7.A.agreed B.concluded C.complained D.proved

  8.A.while B.because C.though D.before

  9.A.polite B.excited C.nervous D.mad

  10.A.shouted B.looked C.smiled D.wondered

  11.A.understand B.accept C.know D.remember

  12.A.even B.almost C.still D.only

  13.A.hopefully B.amazedly C.peacefully D.doubtfully

  14.A.tasty B.common C.unpleasant D.healthy

  15.A.fit B.practical C.proper D.direct

  16.A.served B.needed C.became D.created

  17.A.argued B.cared C.worried D.thought

  18.A.pay B.lie C.react D.chat

  19.A.noise B.comment C.warning D.choice

  20.A.Therefore B.Anyhow C.Otherwise D.However




  1.lived 考查动词的时态。由时间状语years ago可知应用一般过去时lived。

  2.because 考查连词的用法。由上下文内容可知,因为周围噪音太大,所以公寓的租金便宜,故用because。

  3.neighborhoods 考查名词的用法。one of...结构中,of后的名词用复数形式,表示“……之一”。

  4.so 考查副词的用法。此处不可数名词前有much,故用副词so。

  5.one 考查代词的用法。由上下文内容可知,此处one指代bar。

  6.to do 动词afford后接动词不定式,构成afford to do sth.,意为“负担得起,买得起……”。 

  7.a 考查冠词的用法。take a look看看,为固定短语。

  8.interesting 考查词性转换。我总能发现有趣的人并与其交谈,故用interesting。

  9.doing 考查非谓语动词的用法。由空格前面的介词短语in exchange for可知,此处应用doing。

  10.fortunate 考查词性转换。此处形容词fortunate在句中作are的表语。



  1.B 细节理解题。根据第一段可知,为了不打击他的阅读积极性,图书馆允许Wood一次可以借12本书。所以答案为B项。

  2.C 细节理解题。根据第六段可知,在尼泊尔的这所学校,一些破旧的书都锁着。所以答案为C项。

  3.D 细节理解题。结合倒数第三段可知, Koogle参加庆祝该组织的10周年活动,表明他对此是持赞成态度的。所以答案为D项。

  4.A 推理判断题。根据最后一段可知,Wood认为教育是非常重要的。所以答案为A项。


  1.literacy n. 识字,读写能力

  Far more resources are needed to improve adult literacy.


  2.marketing n.促销,营销

  You should contact the company’s UK marketing manager.你应该联系公司的英国营销经理。


  Room to Read,which opened its 10,000th library earlier this year,raises all of its funds from private donors and foundations.

  本句是一个主从复合句。关系代词which引导非限制性定语从句,补充说明句子的主语Room to Read的情况,which在定语从句中作主语。




  1.C 由语境可知,当Alexander要求我给他泡茶时,我生气地回答(answered)“自己泡”。

  2.B 在英语中,Pour me some tea听起来真的很粗鲁(rude)。

  3.A 由文中最后的he has to add a “please”,a “thank you”,and a smile可知,讲俄语时,你不必增加(add)任何礼貌用语。

  4.D 由语境可知,我带Alexander回英国见我父母时,我不得不给他上节重要的关于礼貌的课(course)。

  5.C 由语境可知,Alexander认为please和thank you这些礼貌的话是完全没必要的(unnecessary)。

  6.A 我告诉他即使(even if)别人踩了他的脚,他也要说对不起。

  7.C 由语境可知,待在英国时Alexander抱怨(complained)说自己像个乡村白痴。

  8.A 9.D 而(while)在俄罗斯,如果你一直微笑人们会认为你疯了(mad)。

  10.C 由语境可知,我第一次去俄罗斯时,我见人就笑(smiled)。

  11.A 对于英国人说Would you mind passing me the salt,please?他感到不理解(understand)。

  12.D 他说它只是(only)盐而已。

  13.B 14.C 当我们在英国的聚会上吃着令人不愉快的(unpleasant)食物而我却说好吃的时候,他也惊讶地(amazedly)看着。

  15.D 由语境可知,在俄罗斯,人们比较直接(direct)。

  16.B 由语境可知,Alexander的妈妈认为我做的汤需要(needed)放更多的调料。

  17.A 18.B 当我们争论(argued)此事时,我丈夫说“你愿意你的客人说谎(lie)吗?”

  19.A 由语境可知,当我给他茶时,他只是发出像咕哝的声响(noise)。

  20.D 然而(However),当我们讲英语时,他不得不微笑着说“请”或“谢谢”。


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