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发布时间:2017-01-18  编辑:查字典英语网小编





  This was my grandmother’s first Christmas without grandfather,and before he passed away we had promised grandfather that we would make this her best Christmas ever.When my parents and I  1  at her house,we found she had waited up all night for us.The house did seem a little  2  without grandfather. 

  Grandfather had always said that the Christmas  3  was the most important decoration of all.So we immediately set to work on the beautiful artificial tree that was stored in grandfather’s closet (壁橱).Through our efforts,we finally stepped back to  4  our handiwork.It looked beautiful. 5  something was missing. 

  “Where’s your star?” I asked.

  The star was my grandmother’s favorite part of the tree.

  “Why,it  6  be here somewhere,” she said,starting to sort through the boxes again.“Your grandfather always  7  everything so carefully when he took the tree down.” 

  As we emptied the boxes and  8  no star,my grandmother’s eyes filled with tears.Grandfather had given it to grandmother some fifty years ago on their first Christmas together.It brought them great happiness.Now,on her first Christmas without him,the star was  9 ,too. 

  “Don’t worry,Grandmother,” I  10  her.“We’ll find it for you.” 

  My mother and I formed a search  11 .“Let’s start in on the closet where the ornaments (装饰品) were,” Mother said.“Maybe the star just fell out of the box.” 

  That sounded  12 ,so I began to search the closet.I thought I tried every  13 ,but no star.I could see grandmother was  14 ,although she tried not to show it. 

  “What’s in this wrapped box?” Mother suddenly called out.“It was at the bottom of grandfather’s closet.”

  Grandmother took the box in  15  and opened it.Her face  16  when she unfolded the paper and pulled out a golden star.There was a(n)  17  attached. 

  Don’t be angry with me,dear.I broke your star while packing the decorations,and I couldn’t  18  to tell you.Though it was time for a new one.I hope it brings you as much  19  as the first one.Merry Christmas! 



  So grandmother’s tree had a star after all,a star that expressed their everlasting love for one another.And we were glad we were able to make this Christmas  20  for her. 


  1.A.arrived B.looked C.stayed D.worked

  2.A.noisy B.empty C.safe D.clean

  3.A.flower B.bell C.stocking D.tree

  4.A.admire B.repair C.paint D.design

  5.A.Or B.So C.But D.And

  6.A.might B.must C.need D.will

  7.A.packed B.decided C.covered D.searched

  8.A.made B.left C.found D.felt

  9.A.gone B.hidden C.broken D.forgotten

  10.A.warned B.persuaded C.reminded D.comforted

  11.A.game B.class C.company D.party

  12.A.challenging B.reasonable C.pleasant D.difficult

  13.A.suggestion B.direction C.possibility D.method

  14.A.ashamed B.shocked C.disappointed D.frightened

  15.A.fear B.relief C.anger D.surprise

  16.A.cleared B.brightened C.darkened D.tightened

  17.A.article B.note C.receipt D.poem

  18.A.bear B.afford C.wait D.agree

  19.A.peace B.change C.luck D.joy

  20.A.special B.funny C.relaxing D.favorite


  ( A )


  Get a Library Card!

  Apply for a Library Card

  Any person who lives,works,attends school or pays property taxes in New York State is able to receive a New York Public Library card free of charge.

  Adult and teen users may either apply online or in person at any New York Public Library location.Applications for children aged 11 and under must be completed in person,and require the signature of a parent.When you apply for a card online,you will receive a 7-digit temporary barcode (条码).This allows you to set a secret code.After you receive your permanent barcode,which is required to borrow materials,search library databases,or reserve a computer,you must renew your card.

  Renew or Validate Your Card

  All adult,teen and child library cards for cardholders must be renewed every three years.New library card applicants who applied for a card online must renew their card before full cardholder privileges can be extended.Cardholders can visit any New York Public Library location to present the required forms of identification in order to renew their card.Cardholders may also email copies of the required forms of identification to patronaccounts@ nypl.org. Alternatively,this information may be faxed to 212-621-0278.

  Forgot Your PIN?

  If you forget your secret code,you can provide the library with a valid email address and click on the Forgot Your Secret Code link.A link with instructions on changing your secret code will be sent to the email address on your account,giving you a brief period of time to update your information.You must select a 4-digit numeric secret code,with no repeating or obvious numbers ( e.g.1234 or 2222).If you have not provided us with a valid email address,you may visit a library location to reset your secret code.

  Replace a Lost or Stolen Card

  Cardholders are responsible for all items on a card,all use made of the card and all charges made against it until it is reported lost or stolen.If your card is lost or stolen,inform the library immediately.Call 917-275-6975,email Ask NYPL,or visit your nearest library to report the card lost.

  1.Who can’t apply for a New York Public Library card for free?()

  A.Those who work in New York. B.Those who travel in New York.

  C.Those who live in New York. D.Those who go there for further study.

  2.Children aged 11 and under . 

  A.are required to apply for a free library card online B.must apply for a library card in person with a parent

  C.should change their library cards every three years D.can enjoy extended privileges before renewing the card

  3.Library cards may NOT be renewed . 

  A.by email B.by fax C.by phone D.in person

  4.What is a valid secret code?()

  A.1368. B.5188. C.5678. D.8888.

  ( B )


  “A photograph that one has taken of oneself,typically with a smart phone or webcam and uploaded to a social media website” is the definition of “selfie” in the Oxford English Dictionary.In fact,it wasn’t even in the dictionary until August of last year.It earned its place there because people are now so obsessed with (对……痴迷) selfies—we take them when we try on a new hat,play with our pets or when we meet a friend whom we haven’t seen in a while.

  But is there any scientific explanation for this obsession?Well,you should probably ask James Kilner,a neuroscientist(神经系统科学家) at University College London.

  Through our lifetime we become expert at recognizing and interpreting other people抯 faces and facial expressions.In contrast,according to Kilner,we have a very poor understanding of our own faces since we have little experience of looking at them ?we just t feel them most of the time.

  This has been proved in previous studies,according to the BBC.

  Kilner found that most people chose the more attractive picture.This suggests that we tend to think of ourselves as better-looking than we actually are.To further test how we actually perceive our own faces,Kilner carried out another study.He showed people different versions of their own portrait ?the original,one that had been edited to look less attractive and one that was made more attractive ?and asked them to pick the version which they thought looked most like them.They chose the more attractive verlesion.

  But what does it say about selfies?Well,isn’t that obvious?Selfies give us the power to create a photograph—by taking it from various angles,with different poses,using filters(滤色镜) and so on — that better matches our expectations with our actual faces.

  “You suddenly have control in a way that you don’t have in non-virtual(非虚拟的) interactions,”Kilner told the Canada-based CTV News.“Selfies allow you to keep taking pictures until you manage to take one you’re happy with,”he explained.

  5.What is the passage mainly about?()

  A.The definition and fun of taking selfies.

  B.A study of why people love taking selfies.

  C.How taking selfies influences people’s daily lives.

  D.How to interpret people’s facial expressions in their selfies.

  6.The underlined word “perceive” in Paragraph 5 can be replaced by “ ”. 

  A.interpret B.beautify C.choose D.explain

  7.What did Kilner discover from his researches?()

  A.People interpret others’ facial expressions worse than their own.

  B.People tend to spend more time looking at their faces than at others’.

  C.People tend to believe they look more attractive than they actually are.

  D.People who like taking selfies know more about their facial expressions.

  8.According to Kilner,people like taking selfies probably because they think  . 

  A.it is a good chance to learn more about their actual faces

  B.it is a way to respond to others’ facial expressions correctly

  C.it enables them to interact with their friends in social media

  D.it allows them to satisfy their expectations with their appearances




  1.A 当我们到达外祖母家时,我们发现她整个晚上都在等我们。根据句意可知,答案为A项。

  2.B 没有了外祖父,房子的确感觉有些空荡荡的。根据语境可知,答案为B项。

  3.D 根据下句中的the beautiful artificial tree可知,这里是指圣诞树,所以答案为D项。

  4.A 根据语境可知,这里是指欣赏我们的手工,所以答案为A项。

  5.C 圣诞树很漂亮,但是少了东西。根据句意可知,前后两个句子之间为转折关系,所以答案为C项。

  6.B 它肯定在这儿的某个地方。根据句意可知,此处表示肯定的推测,所以答案为B项。

  7.A ……你外祖父总是很小心地把所有东西装在箱子里。根据句意可知,答案为A项。

  8.C 我们把箱子倒空了,也没有找到星星(星状装饰物),外祖母的眼里涌上了泪水。

  9.A gone意思是“不见了”;hidden意思是“隐藏的”;broken意思是“损坏的”;forgotten意思是“忘了的”。根据句意可知,答案为A项。

  10.D 这里指“我”安慰外祖母,所以答案为D项。

  11.D game意思是“游戏”;class意思是“班级”;company意思是“公司”;party意思是“群,组,团,队”。a search party意思是“搜索组”。根据句意可知,答案为D项。

  12.B challenging意思是“有挑战性的”;reasonable意思是“合理的”;pleasant意思是“令人愉快的”;difficult意思是“困难的”。根据句意可知,答案为B项。

  13.C “我”尝试了各种可能性。根据句意可知,答案为C项。

  14.C “我”看得出,外祖母感到失望,尽管她尽量不表现出来。ashamed意思是“惭愧的”;shocked意思是“震惊的”;disappointed意思是“失望的”;frightened意思是“受惊的”。根据句意可知,答案为C项。

  15.D fear意思是“害怕”;relief意思是“宽慰”;anger意思是“愤怒”;surprise意思是“惊奇”。根据句意可知,答案为D项。

  16.B clear意思是“舒展”;brighten意思是“变愉快”;darken意思是“变黑”;tighten意思是“变紧”。Her face brightened意思是她脸上有了喜色。

  17.B 根据下文可知,此处表示“上面附了一张便条”。所以答案为B项。

  18.A 我不忍心告诉你。根据句意可知,答案为A项。

  19.D 我希望它带给你和第一个一样多的快乐。根据句意可知,答案为D项。

  20.A 根据句意可知,对外祖母来说,这是一个特别的圣诞节,所以答案为A项。


  1.empty v. 倒空;倾空

  He emptied his pockets.他把衣袋掏空了。

  This dreadful film soon emptied the cinema of people.

  这部电影很没意思, 电影院里的人很快就都走光了。

  2.pack v. 将……装箱(盒等)(尤指装入衣箱) 

  Have you packed (your suitcase) yet? 你装好(衣箱)了吗?

  Don’t forget to pack your toothbrush!


  All these books need to be packed (into boxes).



  So grandmother’s tree had a star after all,a star that expressed their everlasting love for one another.

  本句是一个主从复合句。主句为“主谓宾”结构,后面的a star是前面的宾语a star的同位语,起进一步解释说明的作用,其中包含一个关系代词that引导的定语从句,修饰后面的a star,that在定语从句中作主语。



  ( A )


  1.B 细节理解题。根据第一段可知,要想在纽约市图书馆免费申请到图书卡,必须是在此生活、工作、学习或者缴纳财产税的人。而到那儿旅游的人是没有资格申请的。所以答案为B项。

  2.B 细节理解题。根据文中“Applications for children aged 11 and under must be completed in person,and require the signature of a parent.”可知,11岁及11岁以下的儿童必须亲自办理,并且要有父亲或母亲的签字。所以答案为B项。

  3.C 细节理解题。文中提到了图书卡更新延期的方法:可以亲自去,也可以发邮件,还可以使用传真。所以答案为C项。

  4.A 推理判断题。根据Forgot Your PIN?部分倒数第二句“You must select a 4-digit numeric secret code,with no repeating or obvious numbers ( e.g.1234 or 2222).”可知,密码中包含的数字不可重复或连贯,也不要太明显,所以答案为A项。

  ( B )


  5.B 主旨大意题。由全文内容可知,本文主要讲述了关于人们自拍原因的研究,故选B项。

  6.A 词义猜测题。由第三段第二句话的we have a very poor understanding of our own faces以及画线单词所在的句子可知,perceive意为“理解”,故选A项。

  7.C 细节理解题。由第五段的第二句话This suggests that we tend to think of ourselves as better-looking than we actually are可知C项正确。由第三段的第一句话Through our lifetime we become expert at recognizing and interpreting other people’s faces and facial expressions可排除A项;由第三段第二句话的we have a very poor understanding of our own faces since we have little experience of looking at them可排除B、D两项。

  8.D 推理判断题。由文章最后两段的Selfies give us the power to create a photograph...that better matches our expectations with our actual faces和Selfies allow you to keep taking pictures until you manage to take one you’re happy with可知D项正确。


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