2016届高考英语一轮复习基础考点聚焦:Unit4 Global warming跟踪训练夯实基础 新人教版选修6-查字典英语网
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2016届高考英语一轮复习基础考点聚焦:Unit4 Global warming跟踪训练夯实基础 新人教版选修6

发布时间:2017-01-18  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  高考英语一轮复习 第一部分 基础考点聚焦 Unit4 Global warming跟踪训练夯实基础 新人教版选修6

  Ⅰ.品句填词)根据句意及汉语提示写出所缺单词。____________(普遍的) support throughout the country.答案:widespread__________(范围;种类) of problems.答案:ranged ____________(随便的;漫不经心的).答案:casual____________(温和的) weather is pleasant because it is neither extremely hot nor extremely cold.答案:Mild____________(环境).答案:circumstances)在句中空白处填入适当的内容或括号内单词的正确形式(不多于3个单词)。____________(tend) for people to work at home instead of in offices.

  答案:tendency____________ (exist) of this kind of species,and it might be endangered if nothing is done.

  答案:existence____________(oppose) to going shopping with others.So she seldom stays with those ____________(oppose) her ideas about shopping.

  答案:opposed;opposing____________ consequence,she passed the examination.

  答案:in____________ a good business over the years.

  答案:up选词填空 用方框中短语的适当形式完成下列句子。;result in;be opposed to;so long as;come about;subscribe to;put up with;glance at;on behalf of;on the whole________________ that she came late on Mondays.

  答案:came about________________ my company.

  答案:on behalf of________________ our holiday was very enjoyable.

  答案:on the whole________________ it.

  答案:put up with________________ the belief that people are basically good.

  答案:subscribe to________________

  me but he kept on talking with the others,putting me in an embarrassing situation.

  答案:glanced at________________ three people being killed and one injured.

  答案:resulted in________________by over 50 percent in less than a year.

  答案:gone up________________ the scheme,but we managed to argue them round.

  答案:were opposed to________________ the car is in good condition.

  答案:so long as完成句子 运用所学词汇或句型完成下列句子1.Without doubt, she is the best nurse in the hospital.(改为there be句型)____________________________________ that she is the best nurse in the hospital.

  答案:There is no doubts Li has two sons. Both of them are college teachers.(合并为一句)

  →Miss Li has two sons,________________________________are college teachers.

  答案:both of whom(合并为一句)____________________________a heavy rain yesterday.

  答案:as a result/consequence of(改为强调句)________________ not until nearly a month later ________________________ the manager’s reply.

  答案:It was;that I received____________________such a policy.

  答案:be opposed toⅣ.词语串练 根据汉语提示完成下列短文。____1____.How has it come about?

  ____2________3____,many factories pour

  ____4____ polluted water into rivers.____5____,global warming

  ____6____ less rain in some places.____7____ if we don’t want to put up with thirst,we must protect and make the most of

  ____8____ on the earth.

  目前地球上可饮用的水越来越少。怎么会这样呢?一方面在日常生活中有些人浪费很多水。另一方面有些工厂把大量的污水排入河流。同时全球气候变暖导致某些地方雨水减少。毫无疑问如果我们不想忍受干渴我们就必须保护和利用好地球上的水资源。答案:1.less and less 2.On one hand 3.On the other hand 4.quantities of 5.Meanwhile 6.results in 7.There is no doubt that 8.water resources课文语法填空阅读下面课文缩写材料在空白处填入适当的内容或括号内单词的正确形式(不多于3个单词)。______1_______the earth is becoming warmer but there is fierce debate over whether it is human activity that has caused this global warming or whether it is just a natural phenomenon.

  Many scientists like Dr.Janice Foster believe that people have caused the increase in the earth’s temperature ______2______ burning of fossil fuels like coal,natural gas and oil to produce energy ______3______byproducts are called “greenhouse” gases,the most important one ______4______carbon dioxide.These gases trap heat from the sun and therefore warm the earth,without which the earth ______5______(be)about thirty­three degrees Celsius cooler than it is.But increased amount of carbon dioxide means that ______6______ heat energy is trapped in the atmosphere,______7______(cause)the global temperature to go ______8______.

  On ______9______other hand,scientists like George Hambley believe that any warming will be mild with few bad ______10______ (environment) consequences and more carbon dioxide is actually a positive thing.

  答案:1.that 2.by 3.whose 4.being 5.would be 7.causing 8.up 9.the 10.environmental




  One possible version:subscribe to the view that global warming will be a catastrophe.The steady going up of the temperature may result in floods,drought and famines.Others are opposed to this,saying the warming will be mild with no severe environmental consequences.


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