2016届高考英语一轮复习基础考点聚焦:Unit2 Robots单元检测同步探源 新人教版选修7-查字典英语网
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2016届高考英语一轮复习基础考点聚焦:Unit2 Robots单元检测同步探源 新人教版选修7

发布时间:2017-01-18  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  高考英语一轮复习 第一部分 基础考点聚焦 Unit2 Robots单元检测同步探源 新人教版选修7



  A voyage on one of Aiden’s two government approved boats will be a memorable experience for both the novice and experienced angler(垂钓者).You’ll enjoy the tradition of catching such species as mackerel and cod off the beautiful Cavendish coast of Prince Edward Island.Located just minutes from Cavendish,in the attractive village of North Rustico,Aiden’s Deep Sea Fishing has been providing excitement,fun and most of all,fish,to our customers for almost half a century.

  The summer vacation is coming up.Sign up and join us on one of our three daily sailings and catch some fresh fish for your supper!All you need to take on board is your smile.We’ll supply the rodsfish without payment.Afterwards you can visit our Fish Market located next door and also tour Prince Edward Island(PEI).No visit to the Island is not complete.Rolling hillsnce Edward Island a reputation as an island of outstanding natural beauty in North America.The author Lucy Maud Montgomery drew inspiration from the island during the late Victorian Era for the setting of her classic novel Anne of Green Gables(1908).TodayJune 14th and September 18th.

  Sailing Times

  Morning  8∶00 AM to 11∶00 AMAfternoon

  1∶15 PM to 4∶15 PM


  6∶00 PM to 11∶00 PM

  Pricing and Payment(All prices in Canadian dollars.)

  Adults:$40.00:$30.00(Under 12):902-963-3522【文章大意】 本文为应用文是一则关于爱德华王子岛钓鱼旅游的广告。ice”(Para.1)means“________”.B.tourist解析:选A。考查词义猜测。根据“for both the novice and experienced angler(垂钓者)”可知novice和experienced angler存在对比关系。experienced angler指“有经验的垂钓者”故可判断novice是“新手初学者”之意。Aiden’s Deep Sea Fishing has a history of about________.解析:选C。考查细节理解。根据“Aiden’s Deep Sea Fishing has been providing excitement可知Aiden’s Deep Sea Fishing已有近50年的历史了。________.uring the summer vacation

  C.you can have the fish you have caught for free

  D.mackerel and cod are plants growing on the island

  解析:选C。考查细节理解。根据第二段中的“Oh yes可知C项正确。ill they pay if one couple together with two children aged 5 and 10 sign up for the fishing trip?

  A.30 Canadian dollars.

  B.100 Canadian dollars.

  C.140 Canadian dollars.

  D.160 Canadian dollars.


  (2016·四川都江堰名校模拟)The world of taxi drivers is dominated by men.But there is one small taxi company in Delhi hot topic in India at the moment,so it’s proving a very popular service.

  “When I’m on the road driving our taxi I feel very proud,because this is the first taxi service only for women,”says 31­year­old Shanti Sharma,who is one of eight female drivers with a taxi service called Cabs for Women by Women.

  The last couple of months,since the rape(强奸)and murder in the city of a college student travelling on a busncreased so much,”says Sharma.“Women who used other cab services are also turning to us now.”

  Most women in Delhi say they routinely face harassment(骚扰)as a taxi driver since 2011,when the service was first set up,and it has changed her life.This is the first time that she has earned enough-about $ 250 a month-to support her family.d by male cabbies.“When I park somewherehe is out on the road.Sharma says the male drivers give her a hard time.“As soon as they see a woman at the wheel they start honking(按喇叭)for no reason.They’ll try to overtake you.I’m always worrying about how to avoid getting hit by someone.”ehind Cabs for Women by Women,Sakha Consulting Wings,had a number of goals when it set up the service.It wanted to give women from poor backgrounds an opportunity to earn money.By putting women in charge of technologies,it also wanted to change people’s attitudes,and open up boundaries for women.

  【文章大意】 德里一家出租车公司专门推出了女性司机只为女性乘客提供服务的Cabs for Women by Women出租车业务。生意异常火爆。t is safe.

  C.Because it is famous.

  D.Because it is convenient.

  解析:选B。推理判断题。根据第三、四段内容可推知那些以前乘坐其他出租车的女性现在选择Cabs for Women by Womenriver in Delhi.

  B.She lives in harmony with her husband.

  C.She has regretted becoming a taxi driver.

  D.She has a better salary after becoming a taxi driver.

  解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第六段可知从2011年Sharma成为出租车司机后她才赚了足够多的钱来养家糊口。The underlined word “cabbies” refers to “________”.解析:选C。词义猜测题。根据前面的“she and the other female taxi drivers”以及后面的描述可推断“cabbies”在此指“出租车司机”。ain idea of the last paragraph?

  A.The opportunities Cabs for Women by Women provides for women.

  B.The main purposes of Cabs for Women by Women.

  C.People’s attitudes towards Cabs for Women by Women.

  D.The background information of Cabs for Women by Women.

  解析:选B。段落大意题。根据本段的主题句“The company behind Cabs for Women by Women可知本段主要讲开展Cabs for Women by Women出租车服务的目的。语法填空:Heyf,have you thought about where we could go and have

  1.________ on Friday?

  Jeff:Can you tell me 2.________:Oh:Ah.3.________ I don’t know that many restaurants are und here.

  Mary:We could search the Internet.:Good idea.Let’s take a look!:What kind of food would Bob like

  4.________(eat)? How about Italian or Japanese?:He enjoys Chinese food 5.________(well).:This one 6.________ be good.Everyone I’ve spoken with says that it is great!:OK.I think that would be a really good 7.________(choose)!:Let’s call and book 8.________ table.:And what should we buy for Bob? A bike or a camera?:He

  9.________ (tell)me he wants a mobile phone.:No problem.Let’s go to the supermarket to buy 10.________ now.:But I have a lesson at 2 o’clock.How about 3 :OK.See you then.解析:考查语境填词。 根据下文语境中Bob’s birthday可知找地方聚会吃饭。答案:dinner/ a party解析:考查疑问副词。根据上句可知此处是反问“为什答案:why解析:考查并列连词。此处表示转折关系。答案:But解析:考查非谓语动词。would like to do sth.乐意干某事。答案:to eat解析:考查副词比较等级。表达一个人的最爱用最高级。答案:best解析:考查情态动词。should按道理说“应该”。答案:should解析:考查名词。修饰词good后应填名词故填choose的名词形式choice。答案:choice解析:考查冠词。book a table预定一桌冠词a表泛指table。答案:a解析:考查时态。他曾经告诉过我他想要一个手机。答案:has told解析:考查不定代词。one指代前文提到的同类的一个指mobile phone。答案:one短文改错It was cold day in winter.An ant is bringing out some corns he had gathered in summer.A grasshopper,who was dying of hunger,seeing the ant and asked him of some corn.The ant looked at the grasshopper and asked him how he hadn’t stored up some in summer.The grasshopper told the ant that he had been very much busy in summer but he hadn’t.The ant asked him what he had done.The grasshopper replied that he had sung all summer.The ant said angry to him that he could sing all winter as he had done all summer.

  答案: bringing out some

  he had gathered in summer.A grasshopper,who was dying of hunger, the ant and asked him

  some corn.The ant looked at the grasshopper and asked him

  he hadn’t stored up

  in summer.The grasshopper told the ant that he had been

  much busy in summer

  he hadn’t.The ant asked him what he had done.The grasshopper replied that he had sung all summer.The ant said

  to him that he could sing all winter as he had done all summer.

  Ⅳ.书面表达 (2016·甘肃兰州名校高三阶段检测)每个人的成长过程都具有一定的复杂性其个性的形成和发展可能会受家庭、学校、社会、朋友1.在所列诸多因素中选择对你成长影响最大的两至三个加以说明;谈谈你的认识和理由。注意:词数100左右;文章的开头已给出不计入总词数。 a complex and different process of growing up.There are many influential factors in a person’s growth as well as development of his personality.______________________________________________________________________









  One possible version:or me,what has affected me most in my growth and personality is my family and friends,the two equally important factors.After I was born,my family is the first surroundings.Family plays a significant role in shaping my character because it’s the most direct source of knowledge and experience for me.As we know,those who are brought up in good families tend to have a good character and vice versa.Fortunately,I belong to the former.Besides,friends in some ways influence me a lot.Although we may have many different opinions and personalities,I have really learned something beneficial from them.

  Frankly speaking,I get lots of valuable things from my family and friends.Family offers me warmth and care,while friends give me strength and courage.Therefore both of them have influened me most in my growth.


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