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发布时间:2011-03-18  编辑:查字典英语网小编

3. At the Doctor's Office:
Ralph:Excuse me, miss. I made an appointment to see Dr. Lee at 3 p.m. this afternoon. My name is Ralph Williams.

Nurse: Let me check, Mr. Williams....Yes, Mr. Williams. Dr. Lee is expecting you. You may go in now.

Ralph: Hello, doctor.

Doctor: Well, what seems to be the trouble, Mr. Williams?

Ralph:It's nothing serious actually, doctor. It's.... Well…I get tired very easily recently, and I often doze off during meetings, office hours, sometimes even while I'm dining.

Doctor: How long has this been going on?

Ralph: About two months. I didn't pay much attention to it at the beginning, but you see, I got fired this morning. I dozed off while we were having an important meeting, right in front of the boss. I was very embarrassed.

Doctor: how is your appetite?

Ralph:Pretty good, I'd say.

Doctor: You haven't lost weight, have you?

Ralph: No, doctor. Actually, I've put on two lbs.

Doctor: Unbutton your shirt, please.

(Ralph unbuttons his shirt and the doctor carries out the physical examination.)

Ralph: Well, doctor?

Doctor: You'll have to have some laboratory examinations to know for sure.

Ralph: What examinations?

Doctor: Blood test and urine test. You can come back next week. Say sixteen, to see the results.


洛夫: 对不起,小姐。我和李医师约好今天下午三点来看病。我叫洛夫·威廉斯。

护士 :我查一下,威廉斯先生。……没错,威廉斯先生。李医师已经在等你了。你现在可以进去了。

洛夫 : 你好,医生。

医生 : 那儿不舒服啊,威廉斯先生?

洛夫 : 其实没什么大下了的,医生,是……呃……我最近很容易觉得疲倦,而且我常常在开会和上班的时候打瞌睡,有时候甚至吃饭吃到一半也会睡著。

医生 : 这种情形已经多久了?

洛夫 : 大概有两个月了。刚开始我并不在意,但事情是这样的,我今天早上被开除了。我在开一个重要会议的时候,当着老板的面睡着了。好惭愧。 1

医生 : 你胃口好吗?

洛夫 : 应该算相当不错吧。

医生 : 那你应该体重也没减轻吧?

洛夫 : 没有,医生。事实上,我还重重了两磅呢。

医生 : 请把衬衫扣子解开。(洛夫解开他的衬衫,医生做身体检查。)

洛夫 : 怎么样呢,医生?

医生 : 你还得做些实验检查才能知道。

洛夫 : 做什么检查?

医生 : 抽血和尿液检查。你下星期,十六号吧,再来看检验结果。

4. Checking in at a Hotel
Mr. Woods: I'd like a double room for tonight.

Clerk: Do you have a reservation?

Mr. Woods: Yes. I called you last week from New York. My name is George Woods.

Clerk: Wait a second, please. (She checks the computer.)Yes, Mr. Woods, we have a room reserved for you. How long do you plan to stay?

Mr. Woods: Probably two days. My wife will join me tomorrow. Then we'll decide when to leave for Seattle.

Clerk: Would you sign the register, please?

Mr. Woods: By the way, does my room have a private hath?

Clerk: Certainly. Every room in this hotel has a private bath.

Mt. Woods: Does my room have twin beds or a double? I prefer a room with twin beds.

Clerk: Your room has twin beds, Mr. Woods. It also has a view. I'm sure you'll like it....This is your key. It's on the eighth floor, room 801. The elevator is over there.

Mr. Woods: Thank you. One more thing, where is your restaurant?

Clerk: The restaurant is on the second floor. We also have a cafeteria on the top floor. If you would like something to drink, you can either call room service or come down here. The bar is right behind the lobby.

Mr. Woods: Thank you! You're very kind.

Clerk: You're welcome.


伍兹先生: 我要一间双人房。

职员: 有预先订房吗?

伍兹先生: 有的。我上星期从纽约打过电话来。我的名字是乔冶伍兹。

职员: 请稍候。(她查了一下电脑。)是的,伍兹先生,我们帮您留了一间房。您打算待多久呢,伍兹先生?

伍兹先生: 大概两天左右。找太太明天会来和我会合。然后我们才决定什么时候离开这儿前往西雅图。

职员 : 请您在登记簿上签个名好吗?

伍兹先生: 对了,我的房间有单独的浴室吗?

职员 : 当然有。这里的每个房间都有单独的浴室,

伍兹先生 : 我的房间是两张单人床还是一张双人床? 我比较喜欢有两张单人床的房间。

职员 : 您的房间有两张单人床,伍兹先生。屋可以看得到风景呢。我相信您一定会喜欢的。……这是您的钥匙。房间在八楼,八O一号房。电梯就在那边。

伍兹先生: 谢谢你。还有一件事,你们的餐厅在那里?

职员 : 餐厅在二楼。我们在顶楼屋有自助餐厅。如果您想喝一杯的话,您可以叫服务生送去或者是下来这里。酒吧就在大厅的后面。

伍兹先生: 谢谢你。你真亲切。

职员 : 不客气。

5. Asking for Directions
Dale: Excuse me. Could you tell me how to get to the Palace Museum?

Nancy: You can take Bus 5. The driver will tell you where to get off.

Dale: Yes, but I'm driving my own car.

Nancy: Oh, then you drive along this street , turn right at the third crossroad, then take the first left. Keep straight on until you see a road sign that says "Palace Museum", and then you follow the sign. It will direct you to the Palace Museum.

Dale: Drive along this street, turn right, turn left, keep straight, and then I'll see the road sign?

Nancy:That's right.

Dale: Are you sure that I won't bump into any one-way streets?

Nancy:Well,...I don't think you will....I don't see any car around here. Where is your car?

Dale: I parked it over there. You see?

Nancy:Oh, no. You'd better move it before a policeman sees you parking there.

Dale: Why? I don't see any "No Parking" signs.

Nancy::But you're parking in a bus zone.

Dale: Here comes a policeman. I'd better run....Thank you, miss....Oh, by the way, how long will it take for me to get to the museum?

Nancy:About half an hour.

Dale: Thanks again. You've been very helpful.

Nancy:Hurry up, or you'll get a ticket.


达尔: 对不起。请问到皇家博物馆怎么走?

南茜: 你可以搭5号公车,司机会告诉你在哪儿下车。

达尔: 是的,但我是自己开车去。

南茜: 哦,那你沿着这条街开,在第三个十字路口右转,然后在第一个转弯处左转,一直走,然后你会看到一个写着皇家博物馆的路标,跟着它的指示走就对了。它会带你到皇家博物馆的。

达尔: 沿着这条街开,右转,左转,直走,然后就会看到路标?

南茜: 没错。

达尔: 你确定我不会闯进单行道?

南茜: 呃,……不会吧。我没看到这附近有车。你的车停在那儿?

达尔: 就在那边。你看到了吗?

南茜: 哦,糟了。你最好趁警察还没来以前赶紧把它开走。

达尔: 为什么?我没看到有『禁止停车』的标志。

南茜: 但是你停在公车区呀!

达尔: 警察来了。我最好赶快走。……谢谢你了,小姐。……哦,对了,到皇家博物馆大概要花多少时间?

南茜: 大约半小时。

达萌: 再次谢谢你。你帮了大忙。

南茜: 快走吧,否则你就会收到罚单了。

6. Taking a Taxi:
Miss Kao: Taxi! Taxi! (A cab stops and she goes in.)

Cab driver: Where to, miss?

Miss Kao: Diamond Hotel on Beach Avenue. How much do you think the fare will be?

Cab driver: Well, about three dollars. I can't tell exactly, but whatever it is, it will show on the meter.

Miss Kao: I took a taxi yesterday from the station to Diamond Hotel, and the driver charged me six dollars.

Cab driver: Was it rush hour?

Miss Kao: No, it wasn't.

Cab driver: Well, there is nothing I can say, miss.

Miss Kao: Do you think he intentionally drove all around instead of driving directly to Diamond Hotel?

Cab driver: No. Why would he want to do that?

Miss Kao: For more money! He thought I was someone who can be taken advantage of.

Cab driver: I wouldn't say that, miss. Any cab driver would lose his license if he got caught doing a thing like that.

Miss Kao: I didn't know that.

Cab driver: Now you know. Are you new in this city?

Miss Kao: Yes. I'll probably stay here for two more weeks.

Cab driver: In that case, you can try to call a cab company to send you a cab next time when you need one. That'll certainly make you feel safer.... Here you are, Diamond Hotel.

Miss Kao: Thank you for the advice. How much is it?

Cab driver: Two dollars and ninety-eight cents!

Miss Kao: Here is three dollars. Keep the change.


高小姐 : 计程车! 计程车(一辆计程车停下来。她上车。)

计程车司机: 小姐到哪里?

高小姐 : 海滩大道的钻石饭店。大概要多少钱?

计程车司机 :呃,三块钱左右。正确的车资多少我也不确定,不过不管是多少钱,都会在计程表上表示出来的。

高小姐 : 昨天我从车站坐一辆计程车到钻石饭店,结果司机跟我要了六块钱。

计程车司机: 是在交通高峰时间吗?

高小姐 : 不是。

计程车司机: 我不好说什么,小姐。

高小姐 : 你想他是不是故意绕圈子而不直接到我钻石饭店?

计程车司机: 不会吧。他为什么要那么做?

高小姐 : 可以赚多一点钱哪。他认为我是那种可以被占便宜的人。

计程车司机 :我不这么想,小姐。任何计程车的司机如果这么做而被抓到的话,会被吊销执照的。

高小姐 : 我并不知道有这种规定。

计程车司机: 现在你知道了,你是第一次来这个城市吗?

高小姐 : 是的。我可能还要再待上两个星期。

计程车司机: 既然这样,下次你要坐计程车的时候,可以试试看打电话给计程车公司,叫他们派车给你。那样你一定会觉得比较安全的。……钻石饭店到了。

高小姐 : 谢谢你的忠告。多少钱?

计程车司机: 两块九毛八分。

高小姐 : 这里是三块钱不用找了。


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