福建省长泰一中2016届高三英语一轮复习:人教版选修六《Unit2 Poems》课件-查字典英语网
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福建省长泰一中2016届高三英语一轮复习:人教版选修六《Unit2 Poems》课件

发布时间:2017-01-17  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  11. tease 取笑;招惹;戏弄

  They ________her ______ her freckles.

  Don’t be so serious. He

  ______ ______ _______________

  (他只是在开玩笑). 12.branch 分支;支流;部门

  Economics is a branch of science.

  English is a branch of the Germanic family of languages. teased about was just teasing/joking 13.Where there is a will ,there is a way.


  This is where I disagree with you.

  ---Is that the small town you often refer to? ----Right, just the one____ you know I used to work for years.

  A. that

  B. which

  C. where

  D. what

  C you know是插入语; the one先行词,

  where在定语从句中做地点状语 14.transform 转化;转换;变化;改造

  他把这个汽车房改造成一个娱乐室. He ___________the garage ____a recreation room .

  The distress transformed his character.

  transform= change the shape ,appearance, quality or nature of … transformed into 1.pattern 模式;样式;图案 服装的纸型 a paper pattern for a dress 婚姻生活的新方式 ____________________ 句型 ____________________

  2. the last four lines 最后四行 the first three pages


  the last few days

  最后几天 sentence patterns new patterns of married life 3.sunlight


  The sunlight was very bright.

  You are the first ray of _________ in my life, _________at the bottom of my heart.

  4.at the bottom of 此处相当于at the end of

  He is always the bottom in the class.

  He started life at the bottom, and worked his way up to success.

  sunshine shining 5.have a need for 需要 , (固定搭配)

  Everybody has a need for equality. There is a great need for a new dictionary.

  There is no need to 没有必要去做,,,


  We are ___ ___ ____ __doctors. 6.After you have done your homework, you can go out to play.




  need of 7.underline 在…下面划线; 强调;使,,突出

  Underline the most important words.

  Underline the importance of study

  underlined 下面划过线的

  8.try on , 试穿; 用,,来骗人

  try out


  try on a coat

  try a trick on sb.耍花招

  try out the typewriter Grammar

  Subjunctive Mood

  虚拟语气 Grammar (5m) 虚拟语气,你掌握了吗? 虚拟语气的用法: 1. 用于条件状语从句中: 主从

  句 构

  成 时态 虚拟条件

  从句 主

  句 例





  假设 If + 主语 + 动词过去时 (be用 were) 主语 + would/ should/could/ might + 动词 原形

  If I had time, I would attend the meeting. If + 主语 + had +过去分词 主语 + would/ should/could/ might + have + 过去分词

  If you had taken my advice, you’d have passed the exam. 主从

  句 构

  成 虚拟条件

  从句 主

  句 例



  假设 ①If + 主语 + 动词的过去时

  ② If + 主语 + were to + 动词原形 ③ If + 主语 + should + 动词原形 主语 +

  would/ should/ could/

  might +

  动词原形 If you came tomorrow, we would have the meeting.

  If it were to rain tomorrow, we would put off the sports meeting.

  If he should not come tomorrow, we would put off the meeting till next week. 时态 1. 表示过去情况的虚拟条件句



  had worked harder at school, I’d have

  got a better job. 如果我在学校更用功一些,我可以找到更好的工作. 可以把从句该为到装结构而省略if ,例如: 从句: if + had +过去分词 主句: would/ could/should/might have +过去分词 If


  had worked harder at school, I’d have

  got a better job. == Had I worked harder at school, I’d have

  got a better job.

  If I

  had not seen it with my own eyes, I would not have believed it. = Had not seen it with my own eyes, I would not have believed it. 2.错综时间条件句 主句谓语和从句谓语发生的时间不同,分别选用相应的谓语形式. 如果你听了我的话,你现在也不会有这样的麻烦了. If you’d listened to me, you wouldn’t be in such trouble now. 与过去事实相反; 与现在事实相反 3.含蓄条件句 句子不 一定有条件从句,只是一介词短语,但谓语仍然用虚拟语气. 要不是你帮助,我是不会取得这些成绩的. Without your help, I couldn’t have achieved all this. ==Had it not been for your help, I couldn’t have achieved all this.

  与过去事实相反; 听他讲话,你会以为他是首相. To hear him talk, you’d think he was Prime Minister. == If you could hear him talk,… 要不是有养老金,他都要饿死了. But for his pension, he would starve. ==If he had no pension,… 与现在事实相反 与现在事实相反

  1.If I knew you were coming, I ______you ___________my love to your parents. A. would have asked, convey B. Would ask, convey C .would have asked, to convey

  D .would ask, to convey

  表示与过去事实相反的假设 Practice

  (5m) 2. He has a talent for writing poems. He _________the first prize if

  he ___________more. A . could won, practised B. Will won, practised

  C. could won, practise

  D .will won ,practise

  表示与现在事实相反的假设 3. If I ________more about diamond, I_________ cheated by that man. A .had known ,would not be

  B .knew, would not have been C .had known ,would not have been D .had known, would never be

  表示与过去事实相反的假设 4.Your pet dog _____like you more, if you ________him better. A .would, treated B .could, had treated C .can, treated D .would, treat 表示与现在事实相反的假设 5.I ________the trouble if only I _______my parents. A .would have avoided, listen to B .will have avoided, listened to

  C .would have avoided, had listened to

  D .shall have avoided, listen to

  与过去事实相反的假设,表示后悔.自责的意思 6.If the cat __________the sparrow, it________ into the pond. A .hadn’t teased, would not have fallen B .hasn,t teased, would not have fallen C .hadn’t teased, did not fall D .hadn’t teased, won’t have fallen

  表示与过去事实相反的假设 7. I _______the award, only if I_______the poem more loudly. A .could get, had recited B .would get, had recited C .would have got, recited D .would have got, had recited 表示与过去事实相反的假设,表示后悔.自责的意思 8. If he _______tomorrow, we _______the meeting till next week A should not come , would put off B does not come, would put off C comes, will put off D came, would put off

  表示与将来情况相反的假设 * 27《一轮课本复习课件 选修六Unit 2 Poems》

  Do you know who he is in this picture? Warming up ( 5m) In the Quiet Night A bed, I see a silver light, I wonder if it's frost aground. Looking up, I find the moon bright; Bowing, in homesickness I'm drowned. By Li Bai

  静夜思 床前明月光,疑是地上霜。 抬头望明月,低头思故乡。

  A SPRING MORNING I awake light-hearted this morning of spring, Everywhere round me the singing of birds But now I remember the night, the storm, And I wonder how many blossoms were broken. (by Meng Haoran) 春晓 春眠不觉晓,处处闻啼鸟. 夜来风雨声,花落知多少.

  The Willow

  The slender tree is dressed in emerald all about, A thousand branches droop like fringes made of jade. But do you know by whom these slim leaves are cut out? The wind of early spring is sharp as scissor blade.

  By Meng Haoran


  碧玉妆成一树高, 万条垂下绿丝绦 不知细叶谁裁出, 二月春风似剪刀

  poem who--- poet types of poems history/development topics

  human feelings Du

  Fu ( realism ) Li Bai

  ( romantic )

  ( nature ) Wang Wei Bai Juyi Shakespeare (1564—1616 )

  Shelley (1792—1822 ) Types funny serious realism fantasy romantic classical modern Song/Tang Dynasty the sea drinking

  wine World War Ⅰ

  power friendship

  pets the countryside

  imagination peace

  nature… Topics Human feelings love death happiness sadness broken heart anger homesick 一、单词拼写 根据读音、词性和词义写出下列单词。 1.______________ [ 'daiəmənd ]  n. 钻石

  2. _____________ [ raim ]  n. 押韵

  3. _____________ [ 'nə:səri ] n. 托儿所

  4. _____________ [ 'æspekt ]  n. 方面

  5. _____________ [ bə'lu:n ]  n. 气球

  6. _____________[ 'kɔtidʒ ]n.村舍

  7. _____________[ 'sɔrəu ]  n. 悲伤

  8. _____________ [ 'endiŋ ]n.结局

  9. _____________ [ 'pætən ]   n. 模式;图案

  10. ____________ [ 'sʌnʃain ]  n. 阳光


  diamond rhyme nursery aspect balloon cottage sorrow ending pattern 11. _____________ [ brɑ:ntʃ ]  n. 枝条;部门 12. _____________ [ 'kʌmpəs ]n. 指南针 13. _____________ [ .ʌndə'lain ] vt. 在…下画线 14. _____________ [ træns'leit ]  vt.翻译 15. _____________ [ kən'vei ]vt.传达;运送 16. _____________ [ ti:z ] vt.取笑 17.______________ [ ri'sait ]vt. 背诵 18. _____________ [ ə'prəuprit ]  adj. 适当的 19. _____________ [ 'sɔ:lti ]adj.

  咸的 20. _____________[ 'endlis ]  adj.无穷的 endless branch compass underline translate convey tease recite appropriate salty 二、单词运用 根据句子的意义及所给的首字母提示写出单词的适当形式,完成句子。 1. She can r________ the names of all the European capitals in two minutes. 2. Poets usually use poems to c_________ their inner feelings. 3. She wore a dress with a p__________ of roses on it. 4. She used to be shy, but a year abroad has completely t____________ her. 5. If you don’t know the sentences you come across when reading the text, please u__________ them. underline

  recite convey pattern translated 6. They lived in a small c_________ when they stayed in the countryside. 7. The e__________ of the story is exciting. 8. The bank has b__________ in all parts of the country. 9. Her death was a great s__________ to everyone. 10. The d__________ necklace is valuable and it is worth about $300,000. diamond

  cottage ending branches sorrow 三、词语派生 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。 1. Lihua’s __________ (end) patience in helping me with my maths really made me moved. 2. He said ___________ (anger) and went away. 3.Last night, electricity was cut off because of the heavy storm, so the whole city was in complete __________ (dark). 4. Sometimes, it is illegal to ___________ (load) information on the internet. 5. we’d better find out a way to solve this problem ____________ (appropriate) or we will suffer a great loss. appropriately

  endless angrily darkness download 6. We should not eat the food which is too __________ (salt) because it is bad to our health. 7. We were touched by the ___________ (warm) of their welcome. 8. His father is a ______________ (translate) who works in a foreign company. 9. If I __________ (be) a teacher, I would be strict with my students. 10.If I had visited his mother yesterday, I ___________________ (see) him. would have seen salty warmth translator were 四、词组互译 将下列词组或短语译成中文或英语。 1. ________________ 不紧张

  2. ________________ 用完

  3. ________________ 构成

  4. ________________ 把…翻译成

  5. ________________ 处于危险中

  6. __________________ 使某人大笑

  7. ______________________ 给某人一种印象

  8. ______________________ 表达(自己的思想感情) express oneself

  take it easy run out of make up of translate into be in danger make sb. Laugh give sb. an impression 9. be popular with

  _______________ 10. tell sb. a story _______________ 11. tease at sb. _______________ 12. take my eyes off

  _______________ 13. run away ______________ 14. pay attention to ______________ 15. knock over _______________ 16. keep an eye on ________________ 留心

  受欢迎 给某人讲故事 取笑别人 不看 跑开 注意 打翻 五、词组运用

  1.While he was on a travel in Tibet, he _____________ all his money, so he had to phone his parents and asked them to send him some. 2.Harry Potter is very _____________ young kids in the world. 3.Don’t be nervous, just ______________, everything will be all right. 4.A football team ______________ 11 members. 5.We should not ______________ others when they are in trouble. tease at ran out of popular with take it easy is made up of 6.What he said ___________ us __________ because it is too funny. 7.He _______________________________ that he was intelligent and humors. 8.There is no need to _________ everything ________ English when we are learning it. 9.Teenagers often have difficulty ___________________. 10.We have asked the neighbors to _______________ the house for us while we are away. keep an eye on made

  laugh gave me an impression translate


  expressing themselves 1.poem


  汤姆已经写了很多诗歌. Tom____ _____ _____ ___________.

  poet 诗人 the man who wrote many poems

  Shakespeare is a famous poet .

  Poetry 诗歌;诗意.



  She recited the poem to her class. has written many poems 3.aspect


  你仅仅只考虑了这个问题的一个方面. You’ve only considered ____ ___ ___the problem. 4.make sense(


  ) 这个句子没有任何意义. This sentence____ ___ ____ ____ make sense of

  Can you make sense of this telegram? In a sense ,in all senses ,in no sense .

  one aspect of doesn’t make any sense 5.convey传达; 运送 言语不能表达我的感情. Words cannot____ _____ _____. This ship ____ _____ (运送油)from the middle east. 6.What surprised me was not what he said but ______he said it.

  A. the way , B. in the way that , C. in the way ,D, the way which . convey my feelings conveys oil A 引导定语从句.有3种表达方式: the way that / The way in which/ the way (that) 7.play with

  The children were playing in the room and one of them was playing with a toy dog.

  8.take it easy 轻松;不紧张;从容

  There’s nothing serious, take it easy. Take the time

  9.run out of= use up 用完

  We are running out of fuel.

  10.make up of

  The machine is ___ ____ ____ (由很多零件组成)many parts. Five players made up of a basketball team. made up of *


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