福建省长泰一中2016届高三英语一轮复习:人教版必修一《Unit 3 Travel journal》课件-查字典英语网
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福建省长泰一中2016届高三英语一轮复习:人教版必修一《Unit 3 Travel journal》课件

发布时间:2017-01-17  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  9. To climb the mountain road was hard work but to go down the hills was great fun.(P.22) (1)不定式to do 可在句中做主语,注意谓语常用单数。如: To get up early is good for our health. 在英语表达式中,常用形式主语it 来代替不定式to do做主语,如上句可改为: It is good for our health to get up early. It is necessary for us to learn more about science and technology. It is nice of you to let me know the result. (2)fun是不可数名词,意为“快乐”“有趣的人或事”。如: What fun the children had at the seaside. Your new friend is great fun.

  03《一轮课本复习课件 必修一 Unit 3 Travel journal》

  一﹑单词拼写 请根据给出的读音、词性和词义写出下列单词。 1. __________ [trAns5pC:t] vt.& n.

  运送 2.___________ [pri5fE:] vt. 更喜欢 3. __________ [pE5sweid] vt.说服,劝说 4. __________ [5^rAdjueit] v. 毕业 5. __________ [5C:^Enaiz] vt.组织 6. __________ [di5tE:min] vt.决定, 确定 7.___________ [5Atitju:d] n.态度 8.___________ [5fC:kB:st] vt.&. n.预报 9. ___________ [ri5laiEbl] adj.可靠的 10. ___________ [bi5ni:W] prep. 在...下面


  prefer persuade graduate organize determine attitude forecast reliable beneath 11. ___________ [fZE]n.费用 12.____________[5dVE:nl] n.日记,杂志 13. ___________ [5faInElI] adv. 最终,终于 14.____________[bend] vi. & vt.弯身,使弯曲 15.____________ [5Altitju:d] n.海拔高度 16.____________ [flEu] vi. & n.流动,流量 17.____________ [7disEd5vB:ntidV] n.不利条件,劣势 18. ____________ [5stQbEn] adj. 顽固的,固执的 19. ____________ [in5FuErEns] n.保险 20. ____________ [bCil] vi. &vt.沸腾,煮沸


  journal finally bend altitude flow disadvantage stubborn insurance boil

  二﹑单词运用 根据句子的结构和意义,在空格处填入一个恰当的单词。 1. The businessman usually ___________ his goods from Hong Kong to Guangzhou by ship. 2. Tim _________ football ______ basketball. 3. I tried to __________ him to leave there as soon as possible, but failed. 4. She ___________from university ten years ago. 5. They __________ an activity for those who had nowhere to go on New Year’s Eve.



  to persuade graduated organized 6. Xiao Huang has ____________to carry out his plan for the project. 7. What’s your ___________ to his betrayal of his country? 8. The authority failed to _________the storm, which caused so much damage. 9. He is a ____________person and you can share this secret with him. 10. The office which charges the fare for the entrance to this national park lies _________ this small hill. determined attitude forecast reliable beneath 三﹑词语派生 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。 1. He employed a truck to transport the fruits and the _______________cost 1000 Yuan. (transport) 2. We need to balance the____________ and disadvantages before we take action. (disadvantage) 3. Mr. Green tried to persuade his wife to follow his idea. To his great joy, his ____________ worked! (persuade) 4. We feel grateful to that international _______________which organized this project. (organize) transportation advantages organization organization

  5. My father is a ____________ person. Once he determines to do something, he will sticks to his plan. (determine) 6. Uncle Li worked in a factory after his ___________ from university. (graduate) 7. All car owners are supposed to buy _________ in case of accidents. (insure) 8. My sister is not an independent person. She _________ on others too much. (reliable) 9. We were told that that was _______decision and we had to give in finally. (finally) 10. The population is increasing _________ in this area. (rapid) determined graduation


  relies final rapidly 四﹑词组互译 将下列词组或短语翻译成中文或英语。 1. _____________ 从那以后 2. _____________ 喜欢 3. _____________

  关心,忧虑 4. ____________________

  改变注意 5. ____________________

  下决心,决定 6. _____________

  投降,让步 7.______________

  照常 8.______________

  在午夜 9. ________________

  梦见,向往 10. ______________


  ever since

  be fond of care about change one’s mind make up one’s mind give in as usual at midnight dream about/of put up 11. be familiar with _____________ 12. in our daily life ______________________ 13. persuade sb to do sth _________________ 14. a determined look _____________________ 15. graduate from the university _______________ 16. from where it begins to where it ends ____________ 17. lie beneath the stars ______________ 18. put up the tent ________________ 19. take a bike trip __________________ 20. the attitude towards sth _______________



  在我们的日常生活中 劝说某人去做某事 一个坚定的眼神 从大学毕业 从源头到终点 躺在星空下 支起帐篷 骑自行车旅行 对某事的态度 五﹑词组运用 根据句子所提供的语境,从第四大题中选出一个适当的词组并用其适当形式填空。 1. I had a dinner together with Aunt Lin two years ago and we haven’t met __________then. 2. Most of my classmates ___________ sports, and so am I. 3. He is so selfish as to ___________ himself only. 4. Once he__________________ to do something, he will not ___________________again. makes up his mind change his mind

  ever since are fond of care about 5. The poor girl____________ her parents living far away at midnight and could not help crying. 6. Li Hui had to _____________ to his teammates in terms of the expense for activity. 7. The policeman went to work_________ and _________ a notice board reading: No parking here. dreamed of give in as usual put up 六、介词填空 请用恰当的介词填空。 1. What is the difference ____ pronunciation ___________ the two words? 2. Frank came _____ the morning of my birthday. 3. Please write ____ ink and don’t forget to write ______ every other line. 4. The ship has been floating _____ the water for a week. 5. She looks quite young _____ her age. 6. Your advice is ______ great value to us. 7. We all look _____ him as a good teacher. 8. We must learn to tell right ______ wrong. 9. You did right _____ advising him not to take the risk. 10.Japan lies ______ the east of China. In

  between on in on on for of on from in to 七﹑基础写作 用括号中所给的词翻译下列句子,然后将这些句子联成一篇5句话的连贯短文。

  [写作内容] 1 我们本来想在下周末组织一次户外活动,但是他改变注意并且坚持要求我们应在这个周末组织,我们只能做出让步。(change one’s mind/give in / insist that sb should do) 2 根据可靠的天气预报,本周末天气晴朗。(reliable/forecast) 3 他已经说服他哥哥帮我们运送器材到那座山脚下,然后我们就可以搭建帐篷了。(persuade/transport/put up) 4 我很喜欢户外活动,我向往这个活动已经很久了。(dream of/ be fond of) 5 我们决定在午夜时分搞一个篝火晚会,到时一定会很开心。(determine/make up one’s mind) [写作要求]只能用5个句子,表达上述全部内容。 One possible version

  We planed to organize an outing next weekend but he has changed his mind and insisted that we should do that this weekend, to which we have to give in. Luckily, according to the reliable weather forecast, it will be fine this weekend. And what’s more pleasing, he has persuaded his brother to help us to transport the equipment to a park beneath the mountain and we can put up tents after that. I am fond of outdoor activities and I have been dreaming of this one for a long time. We have made up our mind to hold a bonfire party, in which we will surely enjoy ourselves. 1.persuade: cause sb by reasoning 说服,劝说 (暗示是成功的,如果未成功则用try to persuade) (1)persuade sb to do sth 或persuade sb into doing sth:说服某人干某事 How can you persuade him to change his mind/into changing his mind?

  Language points for Reading I (2) persuade sb out of doing sth 说服某人不要干某事 Finally, we persuaded her out of traveling by plane. 2.insist: declare firmly, esp.in the face of doubt of opposition 坚持认为;坚决主张 (1)“坚决主张,坚决要求”,后接的宾语从句用陈述语气(表示一个主张或一种看法),即“should+动词原形”,should可省略。

  I insisted that he (should) come with us.我坚持主张他跟我们同行。 (2)“坚持说”(表示一个事实),后接的从句用陈述语气,即按需要选择时态 He insisted that he hadn’t stolen the girl’s handbag.他坚持说他注册码偷那女孩的包。 (3) Insist on/upon doing sth 坚持干某事

  I insisted on/upon his coming with us.

  3.plain: adj“平坦的;清楚的”;n. “平原” the wide plains of Canada 加拿大的广大平原 in plain language 用简单的语言

  4.trip, journey, travel, tour (1)trip 一般指有目的的短距离的旅行。在现代英语中,trip和journey常可通用,搭配动词有:make, take和go on. 如: make/ take/ go on a trip/ journey to …到…旅游 on a/ one’s trip/ journey

  (2)travel 常用作抽象名词,泛指“旅行,旅游”,指具体旅行时常用复数,但前面不用many或数词。 He came back home after years of foreign travel. 国外多年旅游后,他回了家乡。 (3)tour 指“周游,巡回旅行”,常是访问一系列地方后又回到出发地。

  Our American friends are making a tour of Shanghai. 我们的朋友正在对上海进行巡回旅行。

  5. It is my sister who first had the idea to cycle along the Mekong River from where it begins to where it ends.(P.18)首先想到要沿湄公河从源头到终点骑车旅游的是我的姐姐。 “It is …that/who...”是强调句型,可强调句子的各个成分(谓语除外),其基本结构为: It is +被强调部分+that(被强调部分是人时也可用who)+其余部分 如:My parents are determined to visit China next year.

  It is my parents who/that are determined to visit China next year.(强调主语) It is China that my parents are determined to visit next year.(强调宾语) 注意它的疑问形式 Is it China that your parents are determined to visit next year? Where is it that your parents are determined to visit next year?

  6.They are Dai and grew up in western Yunnan Province near the Lancang River, the Chinese part of the river that is called the Mekong River before flowing in other countries.(P.18)  他们是傣族人,在云南省西部靠近澜沧江的地方长大的,湄公河在中国境内的这一段叫澜沧江,流到其他国家的就叫湄公河。

  the Chinese part of the river that is called the Mekong River before flowing in other countries 是一个名词短语,用来修饰前面的the Langcang River,其中又含有一个定语从句that is called the Mekong River before flowing in other countries.

  7.My sister doesn’t care about details.(p.18)我姐姐是不会考虑细节的。 (1)care about: be worried, concerned or interested 忧虑,关心,惦念 (2)care for: look after; like or love 照顾;喜欢 Who will care for the children if their mother dies? Would you care for a drink?

  (3)care to do : be willing to or wish or like to do 愿意干;想;喜欢干(用于疑问句和否定句) I don’t care to be seen in his company.

  8.Once she has made up her mind, nothing can change it.(P.18) 她一旦下了决心,什么也不能使她改变。 (1)once 可做连词引导状语从句,意为“一旦”,如: Once you listen to the song, you will never forget it.

  (2)once 做副词,意为“一次” for one time;“曾经”in the past. He goes to the cinema once a week. This book was once very popular but no one reads it today. (3)once 的常见短语;at once 立即 all at once 突然 once more 再一次 once a while 偶尔


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