福建省长泰一中2016届高三英语一轮复习:人教版必修四 《Unit 3 A taste of English humor》课件-查字典英语网
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福建省长泰一中2016届高三英语一轮复习:人教版必修四 《Unit 3 A taste of English humor》课件

发布时间:2017-01-17  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  whisper v. 耳语;私语;密谈。例如:

  whisper sth. whisper to sb. whisper sth. to sb. whisper to sb. that… whisper that… It is whispered that… 他对她耳语,以避免让别人听到。

  He whispered to her so that no one else would hear. 她小声对我说她觉得很害怕。

  She whispered to me that she felt very afraid. 传闻说他身患癌症。 It is whispered that he has cancer.

  Grammar Grammar 动词-ing形式作表语、定语和宾补 一、动词-ing形式作表语 动名词作表语表示抽象的、一般的行为,现在分词作表语表示主语的特征、性质和状态。 我们最大的幸福是为人民服务。

  Our greatest happiness is serving the people.(动名词) 我们的任务是建设社会主义。

  Our task is building socialism. (动名词) 我们昨晚看的电影十分动人。

  The film we saw last night is quite moving. (现在分词) 他的话很鼓舞人。

  His words are encouraging. (现在分词) 常用来作表语的现在分词有astonishing, amusing, confusing, disappointing, boring, encouraging, inspiring, moving, tiring, interesting, surprising等。 全析提示:(1)动名词作表语和主语是等值关系,两者有时可以互换,句子意思不变;动名词后面可以接宾语、状语。 (2)现在分词作表语和主语不是对等关系,现在分词后面不能接宾语,但它前面可以有修饰性的副词,如very, rather等。 二、动词-ing形式作定语 动名词作定语用来说明该名词的用途,不表示名词本身的动作;现在分词作定语与所修饰的名词具有逻辑上的主谓关系,即现在分词相当于所修饰名词的谓语。 我们必须改进工作方法。 We must improve our working method. (动名词) 他们将手术台架设在一座小庙里。 They set up an operating table in a small temple.(动名词)


  China is a developing country. (现在分词) 正在做实验的那个学生是我们的班长。

  The student making the experiment is our monitor.(现在分词)

  全析提示: 动名词短语不能作定语,单个的动名词可以用作定语,但仅作前置定语。 如 working method=method for working 工作方法 2. 单个分词和分词短语都可作定语,单个分词一般作前置定语,分词短语则作后置定语,相当于一个定语从句。 如:the man visiting Japan=the man who is visiting Japan 访日的那个人。 三、动词-ing形式作宾补

  动名词不能作宾语补足语。现在分词作宾补表示的是正在发生的动作。例如: 我看见他正在上楼。

  I saw him going upstairs.


  We watched her crossing the street.


  We heard her singing in her room。 全析提示:接现在分析作宾语补足语的动词有feel, hear, listen to, see, look at, watch, observe, notice, find, smell, set, have, keep, start, leave, get catch等。

  1. The ______ boy was last seen ______ near the bank of the lake. missing; playing

  B. missing; play

  C. missed; played

  D. missed; to play

  解析:missing是形容词,作boy的定语,意思是“失踪的”。 was last seen playing表示被看见时正在玩。 高考链接 2. Mr Smith, ______ of the ______ speech, started to read a novel. tired; boring

  B. tiring; bored

  C. tired; bored

  D. tiring; boring

  解析:此题考查现在分词与过去分词的区别。tired, moved, interested excited等过去分词叙述的是人的本身感受;tiring, moving, interesting, exciting等现在分词叙述的是某一物或事情给予人的感受。句意为“史密斯先生对这个令人厌烦的讲话感受厌倦了,所以开始读起一本小说来”。 3. When we watched the national flag ______ in the Olympic Games on TV, we raised a cheer. rise

  B. being risen

  C. raised

  D. being raised

  解析:本题考查分词作补语,rise是不及物动词,先排除A、B两项,国旗是被人们升起的,应该用分词的被动形式,句意为:当看到电视中奥林匹克运动会上国旗正在被升起时,我们欢呼起来。 4. He was in hospital for six months. He felt as if he was ______ from the outside world. cut out

  B. cut off

  C. cut up

  D. cut through

  解析:cut out的意思是“切下;删除”。cut off意思是“切断;使(人、城镇)孤立”。cut up的意思是“切碎”。cut through的意思是“穿越”。本句的意思是:他住院六个月感到似乎与外界隔绝了。 5. We sat there, ______with what we listened to. satisfying

  B. to satisfy

  C. contented

  D. content

  解析:本题考查动词用法。satisfied表示“感到满意的”,把A、B两项排除;content既是形容词,又是动词,be content with对……满足。 6. The boy burst into tears ______ he saw his mother. direct

  B. direction

  C. directly

  D. directly when

  解析:本题考查direct的用法,作动词时表示“导演;指示”;作副词时表示“径直地;直接地”,作形容词时是“直接的”;而directly表示“一……就”,相当于as soon as. 18《一轮复习课件 必修四 Unit 3 A taste of English humor》

  一、单词拼写 根据所给的词性和词义写出下列单词。

  1.______________[skin] n. 皮肤;外壳 2.______________ [5kruEl] adj.残酷的;令人痛苦的 3.______________ [5bRtEm] n.& adj. 底部;底部的

  4.______________ [Es5tCniF] vt. 使惊讶

  5.______________ [5mauW7ful] n. 一口;满口

  6.______________ [7entE5tein] vt. 使欢乐;款待

  7.______________ [pE5tIkjJlElI] adv. 特别地

  8.______________ [5hEJmlIs] adj. 无家可归的

  9.______________ [5fC:tFEn] n. 富有;运气

  10.______________ [bCil] v.& n.煮沸;沸腾 boil

  skin cruel

  bottom astonish mouthful entertain particularly homeless fortune 11._____________ [Wru(:)5aut] prep.& adv. 遍及;始终 12._______________ [5fC:tFEnit] adj. 幸运的;吉利的 13._______________ [swiN] vt.& vi. 摇摆;旋转 14._______________ [5feiljE] n. 失败;失败者 15._______________ [5snEJstC:m] n. 暴风雪 16._______________ [di5rekt] n. & adj. 导演;径直的

  17.______________ [aut5stAndiN] adj. 杰出的;显著的

  18.______________ [wC:n-5aut] adj. 磨破的;穿旧的;

  19._______________ [vB:st] adj. 巨大的;辽阔的 20._______________ [sens]n. 感性; 理性

  throughout fortunate

  swing failure

  snowstorm direct

  outstanding worn-out


  sense 二、单词运用 根据句子的结构和意思,在空格处填入一个恰当的单词或者用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。 1.Today the Chinese teacher began the class with an amusing ____________ show . 2.I kept a diary at times when there was something _____________ to keep down. 3.The class were cheered up by her _____________ performance. 4.We like to stay with him, for he’s a man with a pretty ___________ of humour. 5.The woman sat there, __________ (chew) a piece of gum. slide particular outstanding sense chewing

  6.He will never forget that ___________ experience of his. 7.She ___________it to me so as not to be heard by others. 8.It will do you good to have plenty of ____________ (boil) water every day. 9.We really had pity on the poor ____________ girl and took her to our house. 10.Cold-blooded animal will sleep ___________ the winter without eating anything.






  三、词语派生 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。 1. As a result of their impatience , that plan ended in _____________ (fail). 2._____________ (fortune), we two were selected for the Olympic torture bearers in Guangdong. 3.Besides the point, the accident happened for some other _____________ (direct) reasons. 4.You are expected to spend an _____________ (entertain) evening in this place of public _______________ (entertain). 5.The government is trying to stop the strike in a ______________ (violent) way. failure




  entertaining non-violent

  6.I wondered all the time why mother had never thrown away those clothes already __________ (wear) out. 7.I’m so full I can’t have another _______________ (mouth). 8.She _____________ (joy) playing the piano every day, for it is a great ______________ (enjoy) to her. 9.He was _____________ (sense) of the trouble he had caused. 10.Mobil phones may not work so well in _____________ (mountain) areas. worn 












  4.挑出;辩别出 ___________________________






  ______________________________ sense of humour

  be content with throughout Asia overcome difficulties pick out

  a homeless dog knock into outstanding achievements 9.badly off

  _______________________________ 10.in particular____________________________ 11.cut off

  ________________________________ 12.star in

  ______________________________ 13.in search of __________________________ 14.be born in poverty_________________________ 15.be set in

  ______________________________ 16.go camping__________________________ 穷的; 缺少的 特别; 尤其是 切断; 断绝 主演 寻找; 寻求

  出身贫寒 以……为背景 野营 五、词组运用

  词组填空 根据句子提供的语境,从第四大题中选一个适当的词组并用其适用的形式填空。 1.She can’tbe so popular at all; I don’t even know what movies she has _______________. 2.Before ____________________, you must get everything needed ready. 3.To be honest, I enjoy reading the stories and novels written by the big man ______________. in particular stared in going camping 翻译填空 根据汉语意思, 从上述短语中选一个适当的词组完成句子。 4.完成这样巨大的工程, 我们常要克服某些艰难困苦。 In doing so great a project, we had to __________________________ at times.

  5.在人潮的广场上,我好容易才发现他。 In the crowed square , I had a hard time ___________ him __________. 6.这部电影是以二十世纪60年代美国黑人的社会状况为背景写的。 The film _______________ the social conditions of the black of America in the1960s. was set in overcome some difficulties picking up 句子翻译 从上述短语中选一个适当的短语翻译下列句子。 7.浏览刚完成的那本书, 她自感满意。 _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ 8.他四周看,在找什么。 _______________________________________ 9.顾着思考问题,他差点撞上路边的停车。 ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ 10.据说这部电影当时有一部分由于某种原因被剪切了。 ____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ It is said that one part of the film had

  to be cut off for some reason.

  She read through her newly-finished book and

  was content with herself. He looked around in search of something. Lost in thought, he nearly knocked into a car

  parked aside. Language points for Reading I Language points for Reading II 1. find it… to do

  发现做(某事)很…… 他发现向父母解释自己的困境是很难的。

  He found _____ ____ ____ ____his difficulties to his parents. 她发现学好英语是很重要的。 She found it very important to learn English well. it



  explain 2. content adj. 满足的,满意的;

  vt. 使满足。 be content with sth /sb be content to do sth 你对你的工作满意吗?

  Are you content with your work?


  She is quite content to stay at home looking after her children.


  n. 所含之物;内容 3. worse off 穷的,缺少的;境况更差。

  I went to her home and found her living condition was______

  __________. 我们不应该因为穷而叫苦连天---许多人的家境更糟。

  We shouldn’t complain about being poor ---many families are much worse off. 我去她家一看,发现她的生活状况比我的更差。 worse off than mine 原形: badly off : in a poor position, esp. financially 潦倒;穷困 反义词:well off 他们贫困得根本谈不上度假。 They are too badly off to have a holiday. 实际上现在大多数人都比五年前要富裕。 In fact most people are______

  _____ ____ they were five yeas ago. better


  than 4. astonish vt. 使惊异;使大为吃惊。 astonish sb. 使某人惊奇 这个消息令大家惊讶。 The news astonished everybody. be astonished+ at (by) /to do/that…

  被(因)……惊吓 我被那些巨大的声响吓了一条。

  I was astonished at/to hear the loud sound. 他出现在宴会上,使我们感到惊讶。

  We were astonished that he appeared at the party. 5.inspire sth. in sb.

  (=inspire sb. with sth.) 使某人产生某种感情,激发某人的某种感情。 那位父亲激发了儿子的信心。

  The father inspired confidence in his son.

  他经常引起我们的厌恶。 He inspires dislike in us.

  [问题探究]We were inspired by his inspiring speech?这句话如何翻译? 他那令人鼓舞的演讲令我们受到鼓舞。 inspire sb. to sth./to do sth.



  The teacher inspired us to work harder. The teacher inspired us to great efforts.

  6. worn-out

  adj. 不能再穿(用)的,穿旧的;筋疲力尽。


  He often wears a worn-out coat.

  7.be set in 以……为背景。


  The play is set in London.


  The novel is set in 18th century Paris.

  8. fortunate adj. 幸运的,吉利的。

  be fortunate in doing 在……方面幸运 她很幸运嫁了一个好丈夫。 She is fortunate in having a good husband.

  be fortunate to do sth.

  幸运的能做某事 我很幸运有健康的身体。 I’m fortunate to have good health.

  It is fortunate that…

  ……是幸运的 说来幸运,他被恰好驶过的船救起。 It was fortunate that he was saved by the passing boat.

  9. be caught in 遇上,被绊住,受阻。


  We were caught in a heavy traffic jam and arrived late for the meeting.

  10. try

  vt. & vi. 尝试,试行;设法;审理(案件); try to do sth. try doing sth.


  He tried cleaning the spot with alcohol.


  I’ll try to learn Spanish. 尽力做某事 尝试着做某事 11. mouthful n. 一口 -ful是一个后缀,加在名词之后,表示“充满的”。例如:

  他喝了一口苦药,扮了个鬼脸。 He took a mouthful of the bitter medicine and made a face.

  a handful of

  an armful of

  a basketful of a bucketful of

  一把 一抱 一篮 一桶

  12. outstanding adj. 突出的;杰出的。例如:

  显著的例子 an outstanding example


  an outstanding person 13. wave goodbye to somebody



  I waved goodbye to him.


  We waved a greeting to the teacher.


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