2016全新教程高考英语总复习(大纲版)课件:SBⅢ Units 10 American literature-查字典英语网
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2016全新教程高考英语总复习(大纲版)课件:SBⅢ Units 10 American literature

发布时间:2017-01-17  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  【句法分析】 此句中的with which to buy Jim a present 是动词不定式的一种特殊形式,在此作定语修饰 $1.87。“介词+which/whom+动词不定式”结构一般充当句子的定语。 ①She must have time in which to grow calm. 她必须有冷静下来的时间。 ②She had some money in the bank,with which to help her mother.她银行里有些钱用来帮助她的母亲。 ③He only had long nights in which to study. 他只有漫漫长夜可用来学习。 ④He also had a couple of guns with which to defend himself. 他还有两支手枪用以自卫。

  即境活用 6.Frank’s dream was to have his own shop________to produce the workings of his own hands. A.that

  B.in which C.by which

  D.how 解析:选B。本题考查不定式短语作定语的用法。题意是“弗兰克的梦想就是拥有自己的店铺,在那里可以生产自己亲手设计的产品。”shop后面是不定式的一种特殊结构作定语,即“介词+which+不定式”。此处in which to produce...相当于定语从句in which he could produce the workings of his own hands,故答案为B。

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  重 点 难 点 研 析 知 能 强 化 训 练 Unit

  10  基 础 知 识 自 采 核心词汇 1.The girl____________(哭泣)sadly after she heard the unfortunate news. 2.Mary looks____________(苍白).I think she needs to lie down and have a rest. 3.We’ll go to some popular places in the morning and decide what to do in the afternoon later.____________(不管怎样),let’s go now. 4.I check my____________(信箱)every day to see if there are any letters. 基 础 知 识 自 采 5.My father____________(刮)every morning because he doesn’t want to grow a beard. 6.Don’t throw things on the ground.Put them into the____________(垃圾)can. 7.She wore____________(破旧的)old jeans and a T­shirt. 8.I can’t agree to anything without my father’s____________.I told my father I wanted to leave school,but he didn’t____________,so I changed my mind.(approve) 1.wept 2.pale 3.Anyhow 4.mailbox 5.shaves 6.garbage 7.shabby 8.approval approve 高频短语 1.____________ to 处理;照顾;关照 2.take ____________ in

  感到自豪 3.____________ up

  打扮;梳妆 4.get ____________ to

  习惯于 5.be burdened ____________

  担负……;负重 6.____________ sth. on/upon sb./sth.

  全神贯注于;凝视 7.____________ in/into tears and cries

  突然大哭起来 8.____________ length

  终于;最后;详细地 9.let ____________

  不支持;使失望 10.live ____________


  1.attend 2.pride 3.do 4.accustomed 5.with 6.fix7.break out 8.at 9.down 10.through 重点句式 Tomorrow would be Christmas Day,and she had only $1.87____________. 明天就是圣诞节了,可她只有1.87美元来给吉姆买份礼物。 with which to buy Jim a present 重 点 难 点 研 析 词汇精研 1.

  furnish vt. 为……提供家具;用家具布置 【教材原句】(P84)They lived in a furnished flat at $8 per week. 他们住在一个有家具的出租屋里,每星期租金为八美元。 furnish...with...把……供给……;用……布置…… furnish...to...把……提供给…… ①(朗文P843)Nina’s room was plainly furnished with a bed and a desk. 尼娜的房间简单地摆放了一张床和一张写字台。 ②We propose to furnish our own house according to our own taste.我们建议按自己的爱好布置自己的房子。 ③They want to furnish their office tastefully with modern furniture.他们想用时髦家具把办公室装饰得雅致一些。 ④They furnished important evidence of the crime to the policeman.他们为警察提供了有关这个案件的重要证据。

  思维拓展 即境活用 1.The house in which they lived was

  badly________with only some old tables,a blackboard and an old stove. A.providedB.supplied C.filled


  解析:选D。考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们住的房子布置很简单,仅带有一些老式的桌子,一面黑板和一个旧炉子。be furnished with用家具布置;provide...with...为……提供;be supplied with提供;be filled with充满。


  approve vt. 批准;通过 vi. 赞成;认可;满意 【教材原句】

  (P88)It was not anger,nor surprise,nor a look showing that he did not approve,nor horror,nor any of the feelings that she had been prepared for. 那表情不是生气,不是惊讶,也不是同意,也不是惊恐,这不是她准备承受的任何一种感情。 approve sth.批准/通过某事 approve of sb./sth.赞成/同意某人/某事 ①(朗文P84)Most people no longer approve of smoking in public places.大部分人不赞同在公共场所抽烟。 ②The company president approved the building plan. 公司总裁批准了建筑计划。

  approval n.赞成;同意win/earn sb.’s approval得到某人赞许meet with sb.’s approval得到某人批准 思维拓展 ③The plan will be submitted to the committee for official approval.此计划将送交委员会正式批准。 即境活用 2.完成句子 (1)Our plan for building a new

  library________________(政府还没有批准)yet. 答案:hasn’t been approved by the government (2)She kept nodding,which________________(表示赞同)to our arrangement. 答案:showed her approval (3)Last month we________________(收到官方的赞同)to go ahead with the project. 答案:received official approval 3.

  flash 【教材原句】

  (P89)The dull precious metal seemed to flash,as if reflecting her bright spirit. 那条暗淡宝贵的链子好象闪光,反映出她那欢快的神情。 (1)vt.闪光,闪现;突然发生;掠过 ①(牛津P769)A terrible thought flashed through my mind. 一个可怕的想法闪过我的脑海。 ②(牛津P769)A look of terror flashed across his face. 他脸上掠过惊恐的神色。 ③(牛津P770)It flashed on me that he was the man I’d seen in the hotel.我顿时认出他就是我在饭店里看到的那个人。 (2)n.闪光;闪烁;手电筒

  ④(朗文P779)The computer can sort and edit a mailing list in a flash.电脑可以快速分类编辑邮寄名单。 即境活用 3.完成句子 Stories about what happened to him________________(他脑海里闪现出). 答案:flashed through his mind 4.

  fix sth.on/upon 全神贯注于……;凝视 【教材原句】

  (P88)His eyes were fixed upon Della,and there was an expression in them that she could not read. 他盯着德拉,他眼睛里的表情德拉琢磨不透。 ①All eyes were fixed on Mayor Wilkins as he walked into the crowed room. 当威尔金斯走进那个拥挤的房间时,所有的目光都集中到了他身上。 ②You must try to fix your mind on work and study. 你应该努力把思想集中在工作和学习上。

  (1)fix your attention/eyes/mind etc.on sb./sth.把注意力/目光/思想等集中在某人/某物身上(2)focus attention/efforts/energy/thoughts/mind on (doing) sth.集中注意力/努力/精力/思想/心思于……(3)focus n.中心,焦点 思维拓展 ③She was the focus of everyone’s attention at the party. 她是那次聚会时人人注意的焦点。 即境活用 4.The program was so exciting that the children kept their eyes________on the screen. A.to fix

  B.to be fixed C.fixed

  D.fixing 解析:选C。fix sth. on/upon sb./sth.“全神贯注于,凝视”。keep their eyes fixed on the screen“眼睛一动不动地盯着屏幕”。 5. attend to 处理;照顾;注意(某事) 【教材原句】 (P84)Della finished crying and attended to her cheeks with the powder rag. 德拉哭完了,用粉饼在面颊上抹了一点粉。 ①(朗文P108)I have a few other things to attend to first. 我有几件其他的事要先办理。 ②The nurses attended to the victims day and night during 5·12 Earthquake. 在5·12地震中,护士们日夜护理受灾群众 ③(朗文P108)Sometimes,when I’ve read a book aloud often,I read it without really attending to it. 有时,当我朗诵书本时,注意力并未在书本上。

  (1)attend to the matter处理事情attend to what sb.says倾听某人说话attend to the customer接待顾客(2)attend to=see to/deal with/handle处理attend to=take care of/look after照顾 思维拓展 即境活用 5.—How about joining us in the game? —I’m sorry.I have an urgent matter to________. A.relate to

  B.appeal to C.attend to

  D.refer to 解析:选C。attend to处理,符合题意。relate to关联;appeal to呼吁,吸引;refer to谈到,提及,参考。

  【教材原句】 (P84)Tomorrow would be Christmas Day,and she had only $1.87 with which





  present. 明天就是圣诞节了,但她给吉姆买礼物的钱只有1.87美元。   句型巧析 返回


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