2016全新教程高考英语总复习(大纲版)课件:SBⅢ Units 12 Education-查字典英语网
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2016全新教程高考英语总复习(大纲版)课件:SBⅢ Units 12 Education

发布时间:2017-01-17  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  ②Last year he donated 100,000 dollars to cancer research. 去年他捐赠10万美元支持癌症研究工作。 ③The work of the charity is funded by voluntary donations. 这家慈善机构工作所需资金是人们自愿捐赠的。 ④All the donation was sent to the earthquake striken areas. 所有捐赠物都送往地震灾区了。 即境活用 5.完成句子 如果大多数能赚钱自立的人把一天的工资捐给希望工程的话,事情就很有希望了。 If most breadwinners_______________________the Hope Project,then it will be hopeful. 答案:donate a day’s pay to


  result in 产生某种作用或结果 【教材原句】

  (P103)In China most citizens live in the eastern areas and this results in large class sizes. 在中国大多数公民居住在东部地区,这导致了班级人数很多。 ①His hard work resulted in excellent grades in his exams. 他的努力使他在考试中取得了优异的成绩。 ②His carelessness resulted in failure. 他的粗心造成了失败。

  result from...由……造成; 因……而产生as a result结果 as a result of...由于……的结果 with the result that...其结果是…… without result没有结果;白费 思维拓展 ③However,pollution and other serious problems have also resulted from human progress. 但是,人类的发展也产生了污染和其他严重的问题。 ④(牛津P1702)He made one big mistake,and,as a result,lost his job.他犯了个大错,结果丢了工作。 ⑤About 21 million people died during the 1990s as a result of smoking. 20世纪90年代约有2100万人死于吸烟。 ⑥He has tried very hard to find a job,until now without result.他努力找工作,但直到现在仍毫无结果。

  即境活用 6.There in the corner happened an accident,which________the death of two passengers. A.resulted from

  B.resulted in C.led from

  D.led in 答案:B

  【教材原句】 (P103)In some cultures parents are particularly unwilling to send their daughters to school because the custom is to educate boys rather

  than girls. 在受某些文化影响的地方,家长尤其不愿意送他们的女儿去上学,因为传统习俗是让男孩接受教育而不是女孩。 句型巧析 【句法分析】 rather than意为“而不是……;不如说是”。表示一种客观的选择,其前后多为相同的句法结构,即连接两个同等的成分,如主语、谓语、宾语等。有时可分开使用,即构成rather...than...结构。 ①He was engaged in writing a letter rather than reading the newspaper.他那时是在写信而不是在看报纸。 ②It was what he had eaten rather than what he had drunk that made him ill. 使他得病的不是他喝的东西,而是他吃的东西。

  思维拓展 ③ Rather than go there by air,I’d like to take the slowest train.我宁愿乘最慢的火车也不愿乘飞机去那儿 即境活用 7.(2011年包头模拟)I prefer________with a pen rather than________on the computer,because I type so slowly. A.write;type

  B.write;to type C.to write;type

  D.to write;to type 解析:选C。句意:因为我打字很慢,所以我宁愿用手写也不愿用电脑打字。prefer to do rather than do是固定句型,“宁愿……也不……”。 知 能 强 化 训 练 本部分内容讲解结束 点此进入课件目录 按ESC键退出全屏播放 谢谢使用 返回 Unit 12 Education 教育

  重 点 难 点 研 析 知 能 强 化 训 练 Unit

  12  基 础 知 识 自 采 核心词汇 1.Professor Li is____________(不在的),so I have to take the place of him. 2.The government calls on the youth to__________(捐献)their blood voluntarily. 3.His ability carried him to the top of his___________(职业). 4.Do you____________(提倡)keeping all children at school till the age of sixteen? 基 础 知 识 自 采 5.She____________(选择)a diamond ring from the collection. 6.He could have finished it on____________(计划表),but somehow he fell behind. 7.Our country’s foreign trade has____________(扩大)during recent years. 8.用distribute的适当形式填空: (1)But its wealth was____________unfairly among the population. (2)The Red Cross is in charge of the____________of food and clothing to the flood victims.

  1.absent 2.donate 3.profession 4.advocate 5.selected 6.schedule 7.expanded 8.(1)distributed (2)distribution 高频短语 1.result ____________ 产生某种作用或结果 2.____________ importance to

  重视 3.be ____________ of

  对……表示怀疑 4.____________ a result

  结果  5.to begin ____________

  首先;第一;起初 6.drop ____________ (of)

  (从活动、竞赛等中)退出;辍学 7.spread ____________

  展开 8.take ____________

  吸收 9.____________ other aspects

  在其他方面 1.in 2.attach 3.sceptical 4.as 5.with 6.out 7.out 8.in 9.in 重点句式 1.________________99% of school­age children in China attended primary school by 2004. 据报道,在2004年,中国99%的学龄儿童都可以上小学。 2.In some cultures parents are particularly unwilling to send their daughters to school because the custom is to educate boys____________girls. 在受某些文化影响的地方,家长尤其不愿意送他们的女儿去上学,因为传统习俗是让男孩接受教育而不是女孩。 3.____________,it is important to create a positive attitude. 首先,重要的是要抱一种积极的态度。 4.They do not like to sit still for long periods of time and sometimes find____________hard to concentrate when reading or listening. 他们不喜欢长时间地静坐,在阅读或听课时,他们发现有时会很难集中精力。 1.It is reported that 2.rather than 3.To begin with 4.it 重 点 难 点 研 析 词汇精研 1.

  load (1)n.负载物,负担;装载量,负荷 ①She is under great pressure from heavy study loads. 面对沉重的学业负担,她压力很大。 ②(牛津P1185)She thought she would not be able to bear the load of bringing up her family alone. 她认为她无法独自一人担负起养家的重任。 ③(牛津P1185)Knowing that they had arrived safely took a load off my mind. 得知他们平安到达后我如释重负。 (2)v.装载;加重;把弹药装入(枪、炮)


  table was loaded with many kinds of delicious food. 餐桌上摆满了各式各样的美味食品。 ⑤How long will it take to load the coal into the truck? 装这车煤需要多长时间?


  即境活用 1.The workers are loading the goods________a car,that is,they’re loading the car________goods. A.with;with B.into;into C.into;with

  D.with;into 解析:选C。考查load的用法。load sth.into...把……装入;load sth.with sth.用……装载……,故选C。 2.

  obtain vt. 取得;获得 【教材原句】

  (P107)Learning style theory suggests that different people have different ways of obtaining information... 学习方式理论指出不同的人们有着不同的获取信息的方法…… ①(牛津P1376)I finally managed to obtain a copy of the report. 我终于设法弄到了这份报告的一个副本。

  ②Some countries obtain large sums of foreign exchange from tourism. 有些国家靠旅游业赚取大量外汇。 ③We can obtain information through a variety of ways. 我们可以通过多种渠道获取信息。

  即境活用 2.Learning a foreign language is a question of learning new skills,of________new knowledge. A.attaining

  B.achieving C.obtaining

  D.acquiring 解析:选D。acquire指经过一点点积累而获得,如知识、技能等的获得;attain常用于一般人不易达到的目的;achieve指达到既定目标或实现某种意愿;obtain通常指经过努力而得到,强调达到目的。


  expand vi. 扩大;增加;增强

  vt. 使变大;使增强 【教材原句】

  (P103)China’s large population meant that the schools had to expand to take in many more students. 中国众多的人口意味着学校要扩招更多的学生。 ①(牛津P698)Student numbers are expanding rapidly. 学生人数在迅速增加。

  ②(牛津P698)A child’s vocabulary expands through reading. 孩子的词汇量通过阅读得到扩大。 ③(牛津P698)We’ve expanded the business by opening two more stores. 我们增开了两个商店以扩展业务。

  expand on/upon详细说明expand in...在……方面膨胀expand into...扩展成为……,膨胀成…… 思维拓展 即境活用 3.The company has________its business in Thailand by building a new factory there. A.obtained

  B.expanded C.declined

  D.improved 答案:B

  4. suit vt. 适合于 【教材原句】

  (P107)They select a variety of activities to suit their students’ different learning styles. 他们选择了多种多样的活动来适合于他们学生不同的学习方式。 ①(朗文P2064)It takes time to find a college that will suit your child’s needs. 找到一个能满足你孩子需要的大学得花时间。 suit sb.fine很适合某人 suit...to...使适合 be well suited to do sth.非常适合做某事

  思维拓展 ②—Eight o’clock?八点钟行吗? —That suits me fine.行,我没问题。 ③(朗文P2064)She had the ability to suit her performances to the audience. 她能使自己的演出适合不同的观众。

  比较网站 fit,suit,match

  fit 表示服装等大小、尺寸合适;后常接人作宾语,表示“合身”。 suit 强调款式、颜色等合适;还可用于表示某时间、安排、状况、条件、需要口味等对某人适合。 match 与……匹配,强调一物与另一物相配,多指颜色、款式、风格、材料等方面相协调或相匹配。 ④When and where will it suit your convenience for our next meeting? 我们下次见面何时何地对你方便? ⑤The suit fits Karen Mok nicely on the close night of the 12th Shanghai International Film Festival.莫文蔚在第12届上海国际电影节闭幕式穿的衣服非常合适。 ⑥The color of the curtains doesn’t match that of the sofa. 窗帘颜色和沙发颜色不相配。

  即境活用 4.—How about seven o’clock outside the park? —That________me fine. A.satisfies

  B.suits C.meets

  D.fits 解析:选B。考查动词词义辨析。satisfy使满足,使满意;suit sb.适合某人;meet sb.遇见某人;fit sb.指大小、尺寸适合某人。 5.

  donate vt. 捐赠,赠送 【教材原句】

  (P104)Corporations and private citizens also donate money through the Hope Project. 公司和个人也通过希望工程捐钱。 ①(朗文P602)There is no risk of getting AIDS when donating blood.献血不会染上艾滋病。


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