创新设计2016版高考英语(大纲版)总复习(课件):Units 3~4-查字典英语网
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创新设计2016版高考英语(大纲版)总复习(课件):Units 3~4

发布时间:2017-01-17  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  7.hold on to 紧紧抓住;不放弃;不卖掉

  Hold on to the seat in front when we go round the corner.



  I always held on to the belief that one day he would succeed.



  链接 hold on继续;不挂断(电话) hold to抓牢;坚持 hold back阻止,制止;扣留 hold up举起;支撑;使停止;阻塞;继续 hold out伸出

  8.be caught in被围困;遭遇(恶劣天气、堵车等)

  The old man was caught in the car door.


  链接 be caught in the storm/the earthquake遭受暴风雨/地震 catch one’s eye引起某人的注意 catch sb. doing sth.碰上某人做某事 catch sight of(突然)发现 catch hold of抓住 catch up with赶上 be lost in陷入……之中 be trapped in被困在…… be stuck in卡住

  完成句子 ①__________________________(困于交通堵塞),he failed to arrive on time. ②She ____________________________(遇上了雷暴)on her way to her office. 答案:①Caught in the traffic ②was caught in the storm 疑难语句细解 1.Bring a cellphone if you have one.请带上一部手机,如果有的话。

  【要点指南】 one可代指前面的单数可数名词,表泛指概念,复数要用ones;



  Have you any books on farming? I want to borrow one.(=a book on farming)


  “Mom,I want to have a break.”“Didn’t you just have one?(=a break)”



  表特指,后一般接of短语,those是其复数形式。 完成句子 ①那是个伟大的时刻,一个我永远难忘的时刻。 It was a great moment,________________ I will never forget.(=a moment) ②请把那顶蓝色的帽子拿给我看看,就是挂在后墙的那个。 Show me the blue hat,please,________________ hanging on the back

  wall.(=the hat) 答案:①one(that) ②the one 单项填空 ③Helping others is a habit,________ you can learn even at an early


  (2010·山东,32) A.it



  D.one 解析:句意:帮助他人是习惯,是一种甚至年幼时你就能学着养成的一种习

  惯。考查代词作同位语。设空处作a habit的同位语。one用来代替前面出现的 泛指的单数名词a habit,以避免重复。 答案:D 2.Before she could move,she heard a great noise,which grew to a terrible roar.


  【要点指南】 before引导时间状语从句常可译为汉语“还没……就……”,



  She hung up the telephone before I could answer it.


  The fire lasted about four hours before the firefighters could control it.


  He fell asleep before I could take off his clothes.

  我还没来得及给他脱掉衣服他就睡着了。 单项填空 ①The girl had hardly rung the bell ________ the door was opened suddenly,

  and her friend rushed out to greet her.

  (2010·福建,26) A.before



  D.since 解析:句意:这个女孩刚一按门铃,门就突然打开了,她的朋友冲出来迎接 她。本题考查固定句型hardly...when/before...,意为“一……就……”。 答案:A ②You can’t borrow books from the school library ________ you get your

  student card.

  (2009·上海,32) A.before



  D.as 解析:句意:在你没有得到学生证之前不能在学校图书馆借书。before在…… 之前;if如果;while当……时候;然而;as随着;因为。before引导的状语从 句是常考的知识点。before还可表示“……才……”,“还未来得及……”。 答案:A 3.Tree after tree went down,cut down by the water,which must have been

  three metres deep.


  【要点指南】 must have done用于对过去发生的情况的肯定推测,意为“一

  定做过……;肯定做了……”,而can’t/couldn’t have done用于对过去发


  I didn’t hear the phone.I must have been asleep.

  我没有听见电话,我一定是睡着了。 You must have seen the play last week. 上周你一定看了这部戏。 She can’t have gone to work.It’s Sunday. 她不可能去上班,今天是星期天。 I didn’t see him at the lecture last Friday.He couldn’t have attended it. 上个星期五在演讲会上我没有看到他,他不可能参加。 链接 may/might have done可能做过…… will have done想必做过……

  单项填空 ①Jack described his father,who ________ a brave boy many years ago,as a

  strong­willed man.

  (2010·安徽,32) A.would be

  B.would have been C.must be

  D.must have been 解析:句意:杰克的父亲很多年前一定非常勇敢,因此杰克说他的父亲是一 个意志坚定的人。考查情态动词表推测。由句中的many years ago可知是对过 去的推测,故排除A、C;B项表示可能性很小,故排除。 答案:D ②It ________ have been Tom that parked the car here,as he is the only one

  with a car.

  (2009·上海,27) A.may



  D.should 解析:句意:一定是汤姆把车停在这里的,因为只有他有车。此句用must表示 肯定的推测。must have done表示“(过去)一定做了某事”。may,can和should 也可用来表示推测。may表示“可能,也许”,推测语气不肯定。can一般用于否 定句和疑问句中表示推测。should表示“按理应该……”。 答案:C


  双基课堂演练 单击此处进入


  高 频 考 点 unless引导的状语从句 教材原文:You should not go rafting unless you know how to swim,and you should always wear a life jacket. (2010·山东)The school rules state that no child shall be allowed out of the school during the day,________ accompanied by an adult. A.once



  D.unless 解析:句意:学校制度规定:在白天,除非有大人陪同,否则不允许孩子走出校园。考查状语从句。A:一旦;B:当……的时候;C:如果;D:除非。 答案:D 常 考 词 汇 before 教材原文:However,before she could think twice,the water was upon her. (2010·陕西)John thinks it won’t be long ________ he is ready for his new job. A.when



  D.since 解析:句意:约翰认为不久他就能为他的新工作做好准备。本题考查句式It won’t be long before...,表示“过不了多久就……”。注意以下句子的区别: ①It is three years since he left. ②It was three years before he left. ③It was three years ago that he left. ④It was three o’clock when/before he left. 答案:C 高 频 考 点 定语从句引导词whose的选用 教材原文:Next,I called a travel agent whose telephone number I found in a newspaper. (2010·山东)That’s the new machine ________ parts are too small to be seen. A.that



  D.what 解析:句意:那台新机器的部件太小了,以至于都看不见。考查定语从句。先行词为the new machine,代入定语从句后为:the new machine’s parts are too small to see,可以看出the new machine在定语从句中作定语,故用whose。 答案:C 高 频 考 点 定语从句引导词which的选用 教材原文:We took a few bottles of water,some apples and oranges,which we put into my bag. (2010·四川)After graduating from college,I took some time off to go travelling,________ turned out to be a wise decision. A.that



  D.where 解析:which在此引导非限制性定语从句,指代前面句子的内容。句意:大学毕业后我抽出一部分时间去旅游,事实证明这是一个明智的决定。 答案:B  高 频 考 点 so...that引导的结果状语从句 教材原文:She was so surprised that she couldn’t move. (2008·全国卷Ⅰ)The weather was ________ cold that I didn’t like to leave my room. A.really



  D.so 解析:本题考查结果状语从句。题意是“天气太冷,我不喜欢离开房间。” such...that...和so...that...都可引导结果状语从句,但such后要接名词,so后要接形容词或副词。据此可知答案为D。 答案:D Units 3~4

  Going places Unforgettable experiences Ⅰ.单词点击 1.


  n.考虑;顾及;体谅 2.


  adj.自然的 3.

  adj.基本的 n;基本;要素→


  n.(抽象)基础 4.


  adj.简单的 5.




  adj.(反义词)不正常的,反常的 consider consideration nature natural basic base basis simply simple normal normally abnormal 6.




  n.责任;负责 7.


  adj.健忘的;易忘的 8.


  adj.先进的;高级的 9.




  adj.害怕的 10.



  n.毁坏 responsibly responsible responsibility unforgettable forgetful advance advanced fright frighten frightening frightened destroy

  destroyed destruction Ⅱ.短语回顾 1.consider...

  ... 把……当作…… 2.get

  逃离 3.protect sb./sth.

  保护、保卫某人(某事物) 4.separate A

  B把A和B分开 5.on

  hand另一方面 6.失火

  . 7.站立起来

  . 8.保持联系

  . 9.来来回回

  . 10.做某事有困难

  . as away

  from from from the

  other on fire get on one’s feet keep/stay in touch

  up and down have difficulty in

  doing sth Ⅲ.短文填空

  Dolphins are wild creatures,so there are a few things you need to


  in mind when you join them in the ocean.Swim slowly and carefully and


  try to catch up with the dolphins.You have to be careful not to


  the dolphins when they are feeding or taking


  of their young.If a dolphin

  comes near you,don’t reach out and try to


  it.Dolphins living in the wild do not


  to be touched by humans.You must never try to grab or hold a dolphin—it will


  the dolphins.The best way to have a good


  with your new friends is to learn from them.Try to swim like the dolphins,


  moving your arms too much,and pay attention to


  the dolphins use body language to communicate. 答案:1.keep 2.don’t 3.disturb 4.care 5.touch 6.like

  7.frighten 8.swim 9.without 10.how

  核心单词梳理 1.consider v. 考虑;认为

  句型 consider doing sth.考虑做某事 consider sb./sth.(to be).../to have done...认为某人(事)……;认为某人做了某事 consider+it+adj./n.+to do...认为做某事……

  I’m considering applying for that job. 我在考虑申请那份工作。

  [朗文当代] Who do you consider is responsible for the accident? 你认为谁对这个事故负有责任?

  [牛津高阶] 拓展:all things considered全面地考虑 All things considered,I’m sure we made the right decision. 从各方面考虑起来,我相信我们做的决定是正确的。 提示:all things considered是分词的独立主格结构,一般在句中作状语,用于 概括或总结,相当于considering everything/all things,taking everything/all

  things into consideration或everything/all things taken into consideration。 Taking all things into consideration,his attempt is not likely to turn out to be a

  success. 纵观一切情形,他的尝试似乎不太可能成功。 识记:considering鉴于;考虑到;顾及 Considering he’s only just started,he knows quite a lot about it. 鉴于他才刚刚开始,他懂得的已经不少了。

  [牛津高阶] 完成句子 ①有人认为是他打碎了窗子。 He is considered __________________ the window. ②承蒙邀请倍感荣幸。 I __________________________ to be invited. ③Tom正在考虑出国。 Tom is considering ________________. 答案:①to have broken ②consider it a great honor

  ③going abroad 2.means n. 手段;方法;工具

  Television is an effective means of communication.


  We had no means of transport except for two bicycles.


  识记 by means of用;凭借;以……手段 by all means一定;务必;当然可以 by no means决不

  Testing is still the usual means by which students’ progress is measured. 考试仍然是衡量学生进步程度的惯常手段。

  “Do you mind if I have a look?”“By all means.” “我看一眼行吗?”“当然可以。”

  单项填空 ①Every means ________ been tried,and all ________ well now. A.have;go

  B.has;go C.has;goes

  D.have;goes 解析:means为单复数同形的词,根据every可判断第一个空应用has,而第二 个空前的all为不定代词,决定用goes,所以选C。 答案:C 单句改错 ②It’s wrong of you to get what you want in dishonest means. 答案:in→by 3.protect v. 防御;保护


  Try to protect your skin from the sun.



  Troops have been sent to protect aid workers against attack.



  protection n. 保护;防御

  A healthy diet should provide protection against disease.

  健康饮食能预防疾病。 链接 defend...from/against...保卫……免于…… guard...from/against...保护……免于……

  4.particular adj. 特别的;特殊的;特定的;讲究的;挑剔的

  Is there any particular thing that’s worrying you?



  搭配:be particular about对……很挑剔或很讲究

  She’s very particular about her clothes.


  She’s very particular about what she eats.


  识记:in particular特别地;特别是

  Are you doing anything in particular at the moment?

  你眼下在做什么特别的事情吗? 单项填空 —Why did he spend so much time searching shop after shop for a shirt? —Oh,he was very ________ about his clothes. A.particular

  B.special C.curious

  D.unusual 解析:句意:“他为什么为了一件衬衣而一家接一家地逛商店?”“噢,他对 衣服很挑剔。”用be particular about表示“对……挑剔/讲究”。 答案:A 5.strike v. 打;撞击;侵袭;打动;使突然想起;敲响;划燃

  One of the clocks struck the hour.



  It was then that the thought struck her.



  句型:it strikes sb. that/how...某人突然想到……

  It struck Carol that what he’d said about Helen applied to her too.


  It suddenly struck me how we could improve the situation.

  我一下子明白我们如何能改善局面了。 搭配:be struck by/with被……所打动;被……迷住 We were struck by the generosity of even the poorest citizens.使我们深受感动的 是,甚至最贫穷的市民也慷慨大方。 The first time I saw her,I was struck by her beauty. 我第一次见到她时,就被她的美貌打动了。 【辨析】 strike/hit/beat strike常表示用力打或敲,可以是一次或多次; hit比strike稍弱,指一次性的打或击中; beat指连续多次的打,也指有节奏地击打。 用动词strike,hit,beat填空 ①They put a piece of wet paper on top of the characters and ________ it lightly. ②The stone ________ him on the head. ③When we heard our team ________ the Japanese team,we ________ the

  drums gladly. ④________ while the iron is hot. ⑤When I got home,the clock was ________ seven. 答案:①beat ②hit ③beat;beat ④Strike ⑤striking 6.fear v. 害怕;畏惧

  搭配:fear for为……担心;为……担忧

  Police now fear for the children,who have not yet been found.



  He fears for the future of the restaurant if customer numbers continue to fall.



  句型:fear doing/to do害怕做……

  The little girl feared staying alone in the dark.


  She feared to speak in his presence.她害怕在他面前讲话。

  n. 害怕;担心 识记 for fear of...以免;以防 for fear (that)...以免;以防

  完成句子 ①海伦不想起床,生怕会吵醒她的丈夫。 Helen didn’t want to get out of bed,__________________ waking her husband. ②我只好逃走,生怕他有一天把我杀了。 I had to run away ____________________ he might one day kill me. 答案:①for fear of ②for fear that 7.touch v. 触摸;接触;感动

  He was careful not to touch the blood.



  He was touched by their suffering and offered to help.



  句型:touch sb. on the shoulder/arm/back碰某人的肩膀/胳膊/后背

  I touched him lightly on the arm.


  n. 接触;联系

  识记:to the touch摸起来

  Bake the cake until it is firm to the touch.

  把蛋糕烤到手感较硬为止。 拓展 get/keep/stay/remain/be in touch (with sb.)与某人取得/保持联系 be out of touch (with sb.)与某人失去联系 lose touch with sb.与某人失去联系

  Government ministers are often being accused of being out of touch with real life. 政府部长们经常被指责脱离实际生活。 I’m trying to get in touch with Jane.Do you have her number? 我正在设法和简取得联系。你有她的电话号码吗? 链接 be/stay/keep/get in contact with sb.与某人有联系 make contact with sb.与某人联络

  重点短语例释 1.get away from 逃离;离开

  Can you get away from the office by five o’clock?



  We want to get away from this idea that in a divorce one partner has to be



  链接 stay away from离开;不接近 keep sb. away from使某人远离……;使某人不接近……

  单项填空 His mother had thought it would be good for his character to ________ from

  home and earn some money on his own. A.run away

  B.take away C.keep away

  D.get away 解析:get away from home意为“离开家”。run away from home意为“逃离 家门”;take away from home意为“带离家”;keep away from home意为 “不接近家”。 答案:D 2.watch out (for) 当心;警惕;留意

  Watch out when you cross the street.



  We will be discussing street crime and what you should watch out for.



  链接 look out (for)当心;提防;留神 watch over看护;照顾;监视 keep watch for等待;守候 keep a close watch on密切注意 be on the watch for小心警戒 keep an eye on留意;监视;注意;照顾 keep one’s eyes open for留意;警惕

  单项填空 All his followers ________ him as a wise and brave man. A.lived up to

  B.looked up to C.watched out for

  D.put up with 解析:语境表示把他看作睿智而勇敢的人,用look up to sb./sth.as。live up

  to“实践;不辜负”;watch out for“注意,提防”;put up with“忍受,容 忍”。 答案:B 3.see sb. off 给……送行

  We went to the airport to see off my aunt and uncle.



  Ann saw Terry off at the station.



  链接 send sb. off为某人送行 see sb. out送某人到门口

  单项填空 —Joan is leaving today.Her plane takes off at 8∶00. —Oh,really?I didn’t know that,but I will go to ________. A.see her off

  B.pick her up C.drive her away

  D.meet with her 解析:考查动词词组辨析。句意:“琼今天就要走了,她的飞机八点起 飞。”“哦,我还真的不知道那件事,但我要去为她送行。”see sb. off为某人送 行;pick sb. up用车去接某人;drive sb. away把某人赶走;meet with sb.偶遇某 人。只有选项A符合句意。 答案:A He’s smart as well as charming. 他不但帅,而且聪明。

  [韦氏高阶] As well as visiting Niagara Falls,we spent a day in Toronto. 除了参观尼亚加拉大瀑布之外,我们还在多伦多呆了一天。 提示:as well as连接两个名词或代词作句子的主语时,谓语动词的数要与as

  well as前面的名词或代词保持一致。 The teacher as well as a number of students was asked to attend the party. 那位老师,还有许多学生,被邀请参加了晚会。 Her two cousins as well as her uncle are going to visit her next week. 她叔叔和她的两位堂弟下周要来看望她。 完成句子 The father __________________________(和他的三个孩子去)skating on the

  frozen river every Sunday afternoon in winter. 答案:as well as his three children goes 5.pull up 拉起;拖起;使……停止

  The runner pulled up lame after only two miles.


  Their taxi pulled up outside the church.



  链接 pull down拉下(帘子等);拆毁,拆除 pull away(汽车等)开走 pull on穿上,戴上 pull off脱下,取下 pull over(车等)停靠路边

  单项填空 The driver pulled ________ his car when the traffic lights changed. A.on



  D.at 解析:本题意为“交通指示灯变红时,司机停住了车子”。pull on意为“穿 上”;pull together“合作”;pull at“拖拽”。 答案:B 6.go through 通过;穿过;经受;仔细检查;完成

  They went through our records very carefully.



  Someone had broken into the office and gone through all the drawers.


  We can’t really imagine what they’re going through.


  [麦克米伦] 链接 go over检查;复习 get through通过;完成

  翻译句子(英译汉) ①She went against her mother’s wishes. __________________________________________________________________ ②He let the chance go by. ___________________________________________________________________ 答案:①她违背她母亲的意愿。



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