2016届高考英语二轮复习书面表达复习专题18 未来与理想话题指导
假设现在是2024年,你是China Daily的一名记者,请你根据下面的采访记录写—篇资讯报道。
1. 亮点点击:该文章表达信息全面,结构基本符合资讯报道的特点和要求。另外,该资讯报道的语言准确,使用了一些结构稍复杂的句式,表达了丰富的信息,尤其是文章首句点出主题,概括性强,如:China successfully launched its another manned spacecraft at 9:10 p.m. on Sept. 25, 2024.文章还使用了非谓语动词结构作状语,表现了作者扎实的语言运用能力和娴熟的表达技巧,例如:The launch marks a major breakthrough in China's space program, making China the second nation, after America in the world, to walk on the Moon.
2.误点点拨:①处的come true为不及物动词短语,不能接宾语,要改成realize。②处的encourage andcongratulate等动词使用不准确,如果和前面的谓语动词made并列,则要改成过去式;如果改成含有现在分词短语的复合结构就好了,如:offering his encouragement and congramlations to those who…。
3.画龙点睛: 文章的主题句之后的信息,改成一个简单句更显简练,如:Three Chinese astronauts on baord will help Chinese people to relaize their dream of space-walk on the moon。2) 文章的末段表达成功发射的意义,如果其中一部分放到介绍完领导讲话之后,就不显得这么集中了。
Xichang,Sichuan,Sep.25(Xinhua)-China successfully launched its another manned spacecraft, Chang'e-4 at 9:10 p.m. on Sept. 25, 2024. The three Chinese astronauts on board will help Chinese people to realize their dream of space-walk on the Moon.
The state and party leader delivered an important'speech, offering his encouragement and
congratulations to those who have devoted all their time to the exploring of and researching into the space.
The launch marks a major breakthrough in China's space program, making China the second nation, after America in the world, to walk on the Moon. If it goes smoothly, more research will be attempted including collecting rocks and soil on the Moon for later study. Furthermore. the astronauts will fix some equipment there for later use to set up space stations.
We have great confidence that China is capable of making further exploration
实例指导2—Life In the Future
That’s all. Thank you!
1. 仔细审题,明确任务。本写作任务要求根据提示话题和主要信息写一份演讲稿,属于描述类的应用文。演讲稿的最大特点是其很强的实用性,这也是该类文章写作的最基本的要求。由此,该类文章的篇章结构和语言表达显得尤为重要,它们除了要显示作者基本的语言基础知识外,还要能很好地体现作者的逻辑思维和表达能力。为了便于口头表达,该类文章的语句不要过于复杂,要尽量使用口语化的语言,这样读起来顺口,听起来也容易理解。
2. 根据提示,确定要点。该演讲的主要话题首先要对"未来的生活、学习和工作等情况"加以想象和描述,并根据题目提示的"科技发展给未来生活、学习和工作带来的影响",简要说明其原因。文章的第二个主要内容是要表达"如何准备迎接挑战,适应新生活",这也是个人观点和看法的表达。要认真分析未来生活变化给我们带来的机遇和挑战,作为未来世界的主人,我们应该怎样做,等等。
3. 遣词造句,灵活表达。根据审题所得,将要表达的有效信息用灵活的句式表达出来,如:
1) 作为演讲内容的总括和概述,也是文章的主题句,开篇可以表达"科技发展给未来生活、学习和工作带来很大的影响"。可以运用如下几个句式:
Thanks to the great development in science and technology, we are sure to live a happier and more wonderful life in the future. 或The great development in science and technology will have a great effect on the future of our lives, work and study.等。
2)仔细分析未来生活及其巨大变化时,可以从人们的衣食住行以及学习、工作等方面加以分析与描述,可以运用not only ... but also ...等来连接这些变化,例如:Not only will we be provided with enough food and clothing, we can also spend more time traveling around the world and enjoying other amusements.以及We will have less stress in the future, either from our study or from the work.等。
3) 在发挥个人观点,叙述"准备迎接挑战,适应新生活"的建议时,可以表达为:We should work harder today, making preparations to make more contributions to the development of the future society and the world.等。
4. 巧妙过渡,自然衔接。将表达的信息用一些过渡词或短语连接成文,注意逻辑思维和行文的连贯。可以借鉴的表达有:further more, however, therefore, only in this way等。
1. 初稿的文章结构完整,谋篇布局合理,内容表达比较全面,语句间使用了一些过渡和衔接词语,如besides、how-ever等,表达句式有几处还算精彩,如长句As we all know, ..., so ...以及由连词not only ... but also ...连接的并列句等的使用,表明作者有一定的英语表达能力。
2. 文章存在的问题:
①部分表达词句过于随意,没有经过认真的思考和组织,甚至是按照汉语的表达习惯来安排句子结构的,例如:We will be provided not only with enough food and clothing, but also more convenience of traveling and living.第二个分句中缺少介词with,句子显得就不对称,也不完整。再如,在... we will have less stress both from our study and from work, because we can work and study in a more efficient way. 一句中,both ... and ... 就不如用either ... or ...表达得更准确。
②文章的思想性不强,或者说思想格调比较低。特别是文章的结尾,谈到未来生活的打算和建议时,仅仅满足于个人的利益,如:develop more skills and earn more money以及enjoy a more interesting and colorful life even when we are old.等显得作者思想很狭隘,没有达到一定的思想境界。
Hello, everyone! I am glad to be able to give a talk about the future life and study here. Thanks to the great development in science and technology, we are sure to live a happier and more wonderful life in the future. Not only will we be provided with enough food and clothing, we can also spend more time traveling around the world and enjoying other amusements. It will make our spare time more interesting and colorful. Furthermore, we will have less stress either from our study or from the work 实例指导3—一千年之后
What may life be like on the earth in 1,000 years'time ?
So I believe that the simple and effective life in the future will be much better than it is now.
What may life be like on the earth in 1.000 years’s time ?
Supposing we are now in the year 3009, and we are going to travel to the Sahara from China. Do we need to book a ticket or should we bring enough food and water supplies? No. All that we need to do is to send everything into the computer and then get it out from the computer right at the destination. But how does that come about? It is done by the space tunnel .It is the development oftechnol ogy that makes it possible for human beings to travel everywhere.
Robots will be even more popular. As a result, human beings will free themselves from the physical work. But the most exciting thing is that no one will suffer from illness because there are no more diseases.
So I believe that the simple and effective life in the future will be much better than it is now
实例指导4— 月球旅行
语法错误,应改为As we all know或As is known to all…。
实例指导5—How to describe your future life form
The chart above shows us what kind of job the students prefer to do when they grow up. More than 25 percent of the students want to be a boss and about 25 percent of the students want to be a government official in the future.
While over 15 percent of the students are in favour of being a lawyer. The least number of students, less than 5 percent would like to become stars and slightly more than ten percent of them would like to be teachers. Nearly 15 percent of the students want to choose other jobs.
So many people want to be an official. Maybe we can get better service from the government. In my opinion, no matter what job the students would like to do it in the future, they should think about
making contributions to other people and to our country,
实例指导6----你是否愿意成为师范生写作任务: 今年,教育部直属师范大学将招收一批免费师范生,学生毕业后须回生源所在省份的中小学任教十年以上。你班同学就此在英语课上进行了一次主题为"你是否愿意成为一名免费师范生"的讨论,请你为此次讨论写一篇120-150词的发言稿。
1. 本写作任务给出了话题,同时也对体裁做出了要求,写作前一定要注意审清题目要求,要注意发言稿的用词和风格。
2. 审题之后,首先要明确提出自己的观点:愿意成为免费师范生或是不愿意成为免费师范生;然后根据自己所持的观点列出自己的理由,这时最好能使用一些清晰表达逻辑结构的连接词或短语,如first, second, above all, 等等,使文章过渡自然、流畅,做到前后连贯、层次分明、有条不紊;最后,用一两句话对全文做一个简单的总结。
I have read about the news that students who want to teach in his or her hometown for at least 10 years can study at some colleges for free. If I had the chance, I would become a teacher in my hometown. Firstly, to be a teacher is my dream. When I was young I admired my teacher very much and I wanted to be a teacher in the future. Secondly, this policy is very good for us, for it is free. It is very expensive for me to have college education, especially because my parents are workers, so I want to help them to save money. Thirdly, I want to get the chance to serve the people in my hometown. All in all, I’m willing to teach the children and achieve my true value in my 成稿:
I’m glad to hear the news that our government will help students study at some colleges for free if they are willing to teach in their hometowns for at least 10 years after graduation. I hope I can get such a chance to be a teacher. Firstly, to be a teacher is my dream. When I was still a kid, I admired teachers very much, and I hoped I myself could be a teacher someday. Secondly, I think I can benefit a lot from this policy, because it means that I can get a free college education. My parents are both workers and it is hard for them to earn money, so I hope I can save some money for them. Thirdly, it will be a good chance for me to work for the people in my hometown. All in all, I hope I can come back to teach the children in my hometown and try to achieve my own goals as well. And I believe there will be more and more qualified teachers working in remote areas in the near future.
Powerful sentences:
1. You should devote most of your time and energy to your career, if you have a suitable one.
2. In my opinion, the policy is good for students and our country, and will be of great help in improving the quality of education in rural areas.
3. As we all know, education plays a very important role in the development of a nation.
4. Hard work leads to success in one’s career, while laziness results in failure.
实例指导7---- My dream
My dream
Everyone has his own dream. Some people want to be rich, dreaming of becoming millionaires overnight. Others want to be famous, dreaming of suddenly jumping to great fame. I have a lot of dreams, too. As a child, I dreamed of becoming a scientist like Hua Luogeng in the future. But now I want to be a teacher in the future and teach the children in western areas.
As we know, the education in Western China is quite backward. Every year, few college graduates want to work there. And there is lack of teachers there, especially excellent teachers. Now I’m working hard in a senior high school. I’m preparing to enter an ideal normal university and become a brilliant teacher after graduation. I believe my dream will come true one day.
As we can see from the table, different people have different opinions about careers and jobs in the world. Most people admire businessmen for their free time and high income, while only a few people, taking up about 5 percent, prefer teaching at schools. They think that teachers have long holidays every year. Furthermore, they will feel proud and happy when their students succeed or make more progress. Some people want to be doctors in the hospital, for they earn a lot and are respectable. And still, there are about 25 percent of the people like working as clerks in the government offices, for they think this kind of job is relaxing and the salary is good. In my opinion, there is a suitable profession for everyone. We should know that we
Slowing down population growth and improving the quality of life is always the basic policy of the Chinese government. This addresses the issues in our country and has made great contributions to the development of our economy. China is a developing country with the largest population in the world, but its economic foundation is relatively weak. Our government develops its own way to bring the population growth under control, which makes it possible for us to improve our future living standard. If the population kept growing rapidly, our earth would become so crowded that we would only have room to stand. In my opinion, we should carry on our population policy, trying to develop our economy to meet people’s need. Only in this way can we build a more harmonious society in the future.
Possible version:
The writer tried to tell us the importance of setting goals through a beaver’s story. After the beaver built a house for the winter, it set another goal for the spring----chewing / to chew down a big tree and succeeded by working hard.
The quest for success always begins with a target. Goal-setting is the focus of will to move in a certain direction. Without goals, one will never know what he’s doing, neither will he try to do his best.
There goes the saying, “Hard work leads to success. ” If we want to achieve our goals, we must work hard. Also, we should stick to our goals and never give up when we are faced with setbacks.
Last year I took part in an English Speech Contest. At the beginning I made up my mind to perform best though my English was not good enough. I tried every means and even stood in front of the mirror to practise again and again. Finally I succeeded and became one of the 10 students in the final competition.
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