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发布时间:2017-01-17  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  Module 2 My New Teachers


  amuse, energy, intelligent, patient, strict, avoid, immediately, admit, science, similar1.Looking after children requires ________.

  2.The work demands your ________ attention.

  3.We should take a________ approach to this problem.

  4.Use your ________, and you are sure to succeed.

  5.I found the story ________, then I introduced it to my friends to make them laugh.

  6.________ speaking, it's difficult to pass the exam if you don't study hard.

  7.Young people are usually more ________ than the old.

  8.Now that he ________ that he had stolen the money, you should have forgiven him.

  9.I have difficulty ________ Jane because we are in the same office.

  10.Our bodies are strengthened by taking exercise. ________, our minds are developed by learning.

  答案:1.patience 2.immediate 3.scientific 4.intelligence 5.amusing 6.Strictly 7.energetic 8.admitted 9.avoiding




  He works ________

  hard ________ he ________________ great progress before long.


  He is ________ a good teacher ________ all his pupils like him.


  Liu Bei felt quite safe with Guan Yu _______________________.


  I ________ ________ impossible to arrive there before dark.


  At last he ____________________________________ a foolish mistake.

  答案:1.so; that; has made 2.such; that 3.standing behind him 4.consider it 5.admitted having made


  1. Whoever leaves the room last must make sure________

  all the windows are shut.

  A. that if 

  B. whether 

  C. if 

  D. that

  答案:D make sure通常接that引导的宾语从句,从句通常只能用一个引导词。

  2.—I'd like to go to the movie with you,Dad.

  —Sorry,my son, but only the grown­ups are________ into the cinema.

  A. required

  B. intended

  C. admitted

  D. supposed

  答案:C require“需要;要求”;intend“打算”;admit“让……进入;接纳”;suppose“猜想,假定”。

  3.(2011·广西柳州三中高三月考,30)—Why don't we choose that road to save time?

  —The bridge to it ________.

  A. has repaired

  B. is repaired

  C. is being repaired

  D. will be repaired

  答案:C 根据对话的语境判断,桥只有在修的过程中才不能使用,这样才能解释不走那条路的原因。

  4.—So you made it?

  —Yes. It was so dark that we managed to avoid ________.

  A. seeing

  B. to see

  C. being seen

  D. to be seen

  答案:C avoid后面应接动名词形式,而且该题应用被动形式表示“避免被看到”。

  5. Most children need encouragement in time of failure________ they can cheer up again.

  A. so that

  B. in case

  C. because

  D. if

  答案:A 从句意看,“振作”是“鼓励”所达到的目的,所以应选so that引导目的状语从句。

  6. She

  ________ deep into the forest by himself.

  A. dares not go

  B. dares not to go

  C. dare not to go

  D. doesn't dare to go

  答案:D 如果dare用作情态动词,该题应表达为dare not go;如果dare用作实义动词,该题应表达为doesn't dare(to)go。

  7. The boy admitted ________ the window while playing football.

  A. having been broken

  B. to break

  C. breaking

  D. to be breaking

  答案:C admit后面应接动名词形式,表示“承认做过某事”,可排除B、D项;正确答案为C项;A项语态错误。

  8. She is very strict not only ________ all of us,but ________ all her own work.

  A. in; with

  B. with; with

  C. with; in

  D. in; in

  答案:C 由strict后的介词搭配可知答案为C项,be strict with sb./in sth.。

  9.________ you call me to say you're not coming,I'll see you at the theatre.

  A. Though

  B. Whether

  C. Until

  D. Unless

  答案:D 考查连词。句意:我将在剧院门口等你,除非你打电话说你不来了。

  10. If you make every effort, your dream will ________, and this ________ all the people.

  A. be come true;is true to

  B. come true;is true of

  C. realize;is true for

  D. be realized;is true to

  答案:B 表示“实现”时,come true不能用于被动语态,而realize为及物动词,所以第一个空可用come true或be realized;第二个空应用is true of,be true of为固定短语,意为“也适用于……;……也是这样”。

  11. I prefer studying English at home ________ the match.

  A. to watching

  B. than watching

  C. rather than watch

  D. to watch

  答案:A prefer doing sth.to doing sth.“喜欢……而不喜欢……”。

  12.—Whose advice do you think I should take?


  A. You speak

  B. That's it

  C. It's up to you

  D. You got it

  答案:C be up to sb.“由某人决定”。根据语境判断应选C项,表示“由你决定”。

  13.—Do you mind if I keep pets in this building?


  A. I'd rather you didn't,actually

  B. Of course not,it's not allowed here

  C. Great ! I love pets

  D. No,you can't

  答案:A B项中Of course not表示不介意,和it's not allowed here矛盾;C项过于热情,不合实际;D项语气生硬,不友好。

  14.He is unable to go to work

  ________ the fall from his bike.

  A. as a result of

  B. as a result

  C. as the result

  D. as result of

  答案:A as a result of=because of“因为;由于”。

  15. The foreign friends you referred to ________ looking forward to ________ around our school.

  A. are; being shown

  B. being;being shown

  C. being; showing

  D. are; be shown

  答案:A you referred to作定语修饰the foreign friends,故第一空处缺谓语动词;look forward to“盼望”,后加动名词作宾语。


  When Miss Hughes entered the classroom,the children stopped playing and talking. In a body, they stood up and


  the teacher in a loud voice, “Good morning!” Miss Hughes smiled and told the class to sit down. She __2__

  at a glance that there seemed to be thirty­five pupils in the class,

  __3__. They were all watching her with fixed eyes,


  no doubt to find what sort of person she was.



  you want to know my name,” she said.But before she could tell, a student


  out, “It's Miss Hughes.”

  Miss Hughes laughed.“


  travels fast,” she said. “I'm


  it will take me longer to learn all your names.”

  Miss Hughes


  a list and began to call the pupils' names in

  __10__. When she came to the last one, John,she


  that he had been absent for over a month. “What's the matter with John?” she asked,

  __12__ puzzled. “He's in hospital. He had his leg broken.” said a girl in the front


  . “He slipped(滑倒) while skating,”__14__

  a boy. “Has anyone


  to see him?” Miss Hughes asked. No one


  It was


  to start the lesson. The pupils

  __18__Miss Hughes to tell them a story. “Very well,” she said. “But first of all I'd like you to write a letter to John. We'll


  the best ones to him and cheer him up in hospital. Now I'll tell you a story,


  you are good.”

  1. A. greeted

  B. congratulated

  C. signed

  D. called

  答案:A 老师进来,学生们齐声喊Good morning!应是“问候”,而不是“祝贺”“示意”或“喊叫”。

  2. A. said

  B. found

  C. reported

  D. thought

  答案:B 她看了一眼,发现班里似乎有三十五个学生。found that...在此叙述at a glance的结果。

  3. A. more or less

  B. at all

  C. most of all

  D. above all

  答案:A 由全段大意可知,老师只扫了一眼,并未一个一个地去数,因此,学生数目是概数。more or less意为“大约”。

  4. A. thinking

  B. getting

  C. seeing

  D. waiting

  答案:D 休斯小姐是新老师,学生们注视着她不说话,应是期待着了解她。wait to do sth.意为“等待做某事”。

  5. A. expect

  B. suppose

  C. consider

  D. wish

  答案:A 休斯小姐料想孩子们对她很好奇,想知道她的名字。expect意为“料想”,符合题意;suppose虽然也有“猜想”或“料想”之意,但猜想假设的色彩浓厚;consider,意为“考虑”;wish意为“希望”。

  6. A. called

  B. laughed

  C. thought

  D. let

  答案:A call out意为“大声说出”,此处有脱口而出之意。

  7. A. It

  B. That

  C. Surprise

  D. News

  答案:D 依据上下文,休斯小姐是想说“新鲜事传得快”。

  8. A. glad

  B. afraid

  C. surprised

  D. sorry

  答案:B 老师说她要花更长的时间才能记住学生们的名字,她不应是“高兴”“吃惊”或“对不起”大家要花这么长时间,而应是“恐怕”。

  9. A. showed up

  B. took out

  C. picked up

  D. searched for

  答案:B 休斯小姐点名之前应是取出名单,take out意为“取出”,符合题意。

  10. A. turn

  B. fact

  C. case

  D. surprise

  答案:A 休斯小姐取出名单后,自然应按顺序点名。in turn意为“依次”。

  11. A. watched

  B. heard

  C. noticed

  D. knew

  答案:C 老师点到最后一个学生约翰时,她应是注意到他已缺席月余,而不是听到或知道等。

  12.A. getting

  B. staying

  C. smelling

  D. looking

  答案:D 依据上下文推断,休斯小姐开始不知道约翰长时间缺席的原因,故看上去困惑不解。

  13. A. class

  B. row

  C. room

  D. desk

  答案:B 此处有the front来限定,根据句意,B项正确。

  14. A. added

  B. advised

  C. cried

  D. corrected

  答案:A 男孩补充女孩不完整的话,add在此句中意为“补充说”。

  15.A. started

  B. been

  C. gone

  D. wanted

  答案:B has been to see意为“曾去看过”。

  16. A. did

  B. hoped

  C. knew

  D. answered

  答案:D answered和上句中的asked相呼应。

  17. A. duty

  B. unnecessary

  C. important

  D. time

  答案:D 正式开课前的工作已经完成,该上课了。

  18. A. advised

  B. persuaded

  C. begged

  D. ordered

  答案:C 按常理,学生不应命令老师做某事。上下文均未提老师不愿意讲故事,老师答应的很干脆,也谈不上劝说和说服。

  19. A. choose

  B. send

  C. hand

  D. leave

  答案:B ones代指letters,休斯小姐要把最好的信给约翰。

  20. A. but

  B. whether

  C. if

  D. and

  答案:C 根据空前后内容的逻辑关系,此空应填连词if表示条件。






  注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

  2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。


  Last week our class voted on what do for our class outing: visiting Tang Paradise or go on a trip to the Night Zoo. We girl wanted to go to Tang Paradise, but since we were in the minority, we lost for the boys, who all wanted to the Night Zoo. We get a student discount, what was great because we still had enough money to buy a handbook about the park as well as some things at the gift shop. The Night Zoo was scary but a great fun. As we took the ride through the park's dark jungle, boys could see the eyes of many creatures looking us. Most of animals there sleep when there is sunlight and wake up at night.


  Last week our class voted on what

  do for our class outing: visiting Tang Paradise or

  on a trip to the Night Zoo. We

  wanted to go to Tang Paradise, but since we were in the minority, we lost

  the boys, who all wanted to the Night Zoo. We

  a student discount,

  was great because we still had enough money to buy a handbook about the park as well as some things at the gift shop. The Night Zoo was scary but

  great fun. As we took the ride through the park's dark jungle,

  could see the eyes of many creatures looking

  us. Most


  animals there sleep when there is sunlight and wake up at night.







  Our Teacher—Mr Li

  Mr Li is now nearly fifty. He came to our school in 1988. All these years he has been working very hard. Many times he has been praised for his excellent work.

  He has much knowledge and is good at teaching. All of us enjoy his lessons which are lively and interesting. He gets on well with us students, but he is strict with us. He often encourages us to study hard for the good of our country. With his help, we've made great progress.

  Mr Li is not only our good teacher but also our good friend. We all love and respect him.


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