2016届安徽省高考英语一轮复习提能演练:Unit 4 单元综合(人教版必修5)-查字典英语网
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2016届安徽省高考英语一轮复习提能演练:Unit 4 单元综合(人教版必修5)

发布时间:2017-01-17  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  必修Unit 4

  Ⅰ. 单词拼写

  1. Building such a skyscraper is not an easy job; we must have enough (专业的) engineers.

  2. He

  (获得)a knowledge of computers by careful study.

  3. She doesn’t want to take her new boyfriend home in case her parents don’t


  4. It was an unusually hot summer and air conditioners were in great


  5. Visitors to the museum are not allowed to take


  6. He is a

  (有天赋的) musician and promises to be a famous musician.

  7. Tom misses his mother very much and he is

  (渴望) to see her.

  8. The teacher explained the chemical

  (过程) to his students.

  9. Mother was cleaning the room; (与此同时),father was watching TV.

  10. It will be fine whenever you come,but you’d better

  (通知,告知) me of that before you come.

  Ⅱ. 句型转换1. I hope to buy a painting, but they are too expensive for me! (用虚拟条件句)

  I wish

  a painting, but they are too expensive for me!

  2. The teacher demanded John to go there at once. (用从句形式) The teacher demanded ______________________.

  3. Not only students but teacher loves the painting. (改成倒装句)

  the painting but teacher loves too.

  4. You will be allowed to enter the room only after we check your identity. (改成倒装句)

  Only after we check your identity

  to enter the room.

  5. In order to do better translation, some opinions on idioms translation are given. (用so as to改写句子)

  Some opinions on idioms translation are given .

  Ⅲ. 单项填空

  1. —Why did you eat your words, Billy?

  —Sorry, dear. But I really forgot where I wasto meet you.

  A. demanded

  B. imagined

  C. supposed

  D. guessed

  2. He asked us to _______ in carrying through the plan at the meeting yesterday.

  A. provide

  B. encourage

  C. assist

  D. persuade

  3. Today, we’ll discuss a number of cases ______ beginners of English fail to use the language properly.

  A. which

  B. as

  C. why

  D. where

  4. Mother went shopping; ______, I cleaned the house.

  A. while

  B. when

  C. and when

  D. meanwhile

  5. Never _______ Jack would attend the wedding but he turned up at the last minute.

  A. did we think

  B. have we thought

  C. we thought

  D. we have thought

  6. —Thank you for keeping me ______ of everything that’s happening.

  — Don’t mention it.

  A. inform

  B. informed

  C. informing

  D. information

  7. The shop assistant was dismissed as she was _______ of cheating customers.

  A. accused

  B. charged

  C. scolded

  D. cursed8. The manager demanded that the work ______ within three days.

  A. was finished

  B. had been finished

  C. be finished

  D. finished

  9. His parents were _______ the news that he had won the first prize.

  A. delighting in

  B. delighted at

  C. taking delight in

  D. delighted in

  10. Greater efforts to increase agricultural production must be made if food shortage _________ avoided.

  A. is to be

  B. can be

  C. will be

  D. has been

  11. ______ meet his sister at the airport,he had to get up early.

  A. So as toB. In order to

  C. So that

  D. In order that

  12. What worries me most is that my daughter ______ most of her spare time ________ playing games on the computer.

  A. concentrates;onB. concentrates;in

  C. focuses;toD. focuses;in

  13.— Would you come to see me tomorrow?


  A. It depends

  B. That depends on

  C. It is depended

  D. That depends so

  14. The mother was ______ to be waiting for her son to return from the front. A. eager

  B. anxious

  C. keen

  D. content

  15. Her father will never _______ her marrying to the old man with lots of money.

  A. approve of

  B. admit to

  C. agree to

  D. allow to

  Ⅳ. 完形填空

  A young girl, Hattie, stood outside a small church from where she had been turned away because it was too crowded. A kind pastor carried her


  and found a place for her to sit in the back. He also told her they could build a


  Sunday school by raising money.

  The pastor didn’t see


  again until he heard from her parents some two years later. Hattie had sadly died and her parents called for the kind-hearted pastor, who had treated their daughter


  , to handle the final arrangements. As her poor little body was


  , a worn and wrinkled purse appeared in front of them. Inside was found 57 cents and


  , reading “This is to help to build the little church bigger


  more children can go to Sunday school. ”

  For two years she had saved for this offering of


  . When the pastor


  read that note, he knew immediately what he would do.


  this note and the cracked, red pocketbook to the pulpit, he


  the story of her unselfish love and devotion. He challenged his deacons (助祭) to get busy and raise enough money for the larger building.


  the story doesn’t end there!

  A newspaper learned of the story and


  it. It was


  by a rich man who offered them a parcel of land worth many thousands. When told that the church couldn’t pay so


  , he offered it for a(n)



  Church members made large donations. Checks


  from far and wide. Within five years the little girl’s


  had increased to $250, 000. 00. Her unselfish love had paid large shares. When you visit Philadelphia, look up Temple Baptist Church, with a


  capacity of 3, 300. In one room may be seen the


  of the sweet face of the little girl, whose 57 cents made such remarkable history.

  1. A. away

  B. off

  C. inside

  D. out

  2. A. new

  B. larger

  C. higher

  D. modern

  3. A. Hattie

  B. children

  C. church

  D. school

  4. A. fairly

  B. badly

  C. well

  D. equally

  5. A. buried

  B. hidden

  C. burnt

  D. moved

  6. A. a note

  B. a letter

  C. a purse

  D. a box

  7. A. in case

  B. now that

  C. even if

  D. so that

  8. A. money

  B. love

  C. friendship

  D. donation

  9. A. hopefully

  B. tearfully

  C. quietly

  D. excitedly

  10. A. Carrying

  B. Holding

  C. Seizing

  D. Catching

  11. A. stated

  B. announced

  C. spoke

  D. told

  12. A. So

  B. But

  C. And

  D. Or

  13. A. published

  B. interviewed

  C. broadcast

  D. released

  14. A. discovered

  B. heard

  C. read

  D. watched

  15. A. much

  B. little

  C. more

  D. less

  16. A. $1, 000

  B. 57-cent

  C. nothing

  D. $100

  17. A. filled

  B. paid

  C. ran

  D. flied

  18. A. gift

  B. help

  C. idea

  D. thought

  19. A. sitting

  B. covering

  C. seating

  D. including

  20. A. memory

  B. picture

  C. bill

  D. expression

  Ⅴ. 书面表达

  2011年一位用行动宣讲环保概念的年轻人“低碳哥(Low-carbon Brother)”在网上走红了。他的主要做法有:







  2.词数120左右。Ⅰ. 1. professional

  2. acquired

  3. approve


  5. photographs


  7. eager

  8. process

  9. meanwhile

  10. inform

  Ⅱ. 1. I could buy

  2. that John (should) go there at once

  3. Not only do students love

  4. will you be allowed

  5. so as to do better translation.

  Ⅲ. 1.【解析】选C。句意:——Billy, 你为什么食言了?——亲爱的,对不起。但是我真的忘了应该到哪儿见你。be supposed to do理应,应该……。

  2. 【解析】选C。考查动词词义与用法。只有assist与介词in搭配,assist sb. in doing sth. 帮助某人做某事。

  3. 【解析】选D。考查定语从句。句意:今天,我们要讨论许多英语初学者无法正确地运用语言的情况。分析句子结构可知cases后跟着一个定语从句,cases是先行词,并且引导词在定语从句中作状语,故选D。



  一般的说法是“where引导的定语从句用于修饰表示地点的名词”, 但有时候修饰的名词不是具体的地点名词,而是一个抽象名词,这类名词常见的有activity, case, point,position, situation, condition等。在定语从句缺少状语的情况下,以上抽象名词作先行词时,定语从句的引导词常用where。

  Those successful deaf dancers think that dancing is an activity where sight matters more than hearing.


  We have reached a point where a change is needed.


  It has put me in a position where I can’t afford to take the job. 这使我陷入一种不能接受此工作的境地。

  He got into a situation where it is hard to decide what is right and wrong.


  4. 【解析】选D。从本句的结构来看,空白处不需要连词,所以选项A、B、C均不正确。

  5. 【解析】选A。考查倒装句。句意:我们从来没有想到Jack会参加婚礼,但他在最后一分钟出现了。当否定词never, not, seldom等放在句首的时候,句子要用部分倒装,根据句意可知应用一般过去时,故选A。


  The old couple have been married for 40 years and never once ______ with each other.

  A. they had quarreled

  B. they have quarreled

  C. have they quarreled

  D. had they quarreled


  6. 【解析】选B。句意:——感谢你让我知道了正在发生的一切。——不客气。keep sb. informed of意为“使某人了解”,符合句意。

  7.【解析】选A。A、B、C三项均有“指控,指责,责备”之意,但搭配不同:accuse sb. of sth. /charge sb. with sth. /scold sb. for sth. 指责某人做了某事; curse at sb. /sth. 诅咒/咒骂某人/某事。故答案为A。8. 【解析】选C。句意:经理要求这项工作应在三天内完成。demand后跟宾语从句用虚拟语气,即should+动词原形,should可以省略,且“工作”和“完成”为被动关系,故选C。

  9. 【解析】选B。考查delight的用法。句意:他获得了一等奖,他的父母对这一消息感到很高兴。be delighted at对某事感到高兴。take delight in乐于干某事。故B项正确。




  “一般将来时”的谓语构成,除了最基本的形式will/shall+动词原形和be going to+动词原形外,还有其他多种表达方式。下面介绍几种常见的特殊表达法:

  1. “一般现在时”表将来

  The train starts at five o’clock.

  (注意:此种表达方式主要用于按计划或安排等将要进行的动作。如火车的开行,学校的开学和放假等。常用动词come, go, leave, arrive, start, return, begin等。)

  2. “进行时”表将来

  She is coming to see us tomorrow.

  (注意:此种构成只适用于位置转移的动词。如come, leave, start, get等。此用法常可以与be going to替换。但不能与现在进行时混淆,其区别要看时间状语或根据上下文判断。)

  3. “be + 不定式”表将来

  We are to meet at the station at four this afternoon.

  (注意:这个结构主要表示该动作来自协定、协议或要求、命令等。)4. 情态动词+实义动词也可表示将来的动作

  It may rain tonight.


  11. 【解析】选B。此处考查目的状语,所以不选C、D。so as to一般不用于句首,因此答案选B。

  12. 【解析】选A。句意:令我最担心的是我女儿把她大部分的业余时间都用来在电脑上打游戏。concentrate. . . on. . . “把……集中在……上”,为固定搭配,据此排除B项。focus与on搭配,意为“集中于……”,据此排除C、D项。故A项正确。

  13. 【解析】选A。It (all) depends视情况而定。

  14. 【解析】选B。句意:母亲在焦急地等待儿子从前线归来。anxious强调因忧虑、关注或害怕而产生的急切心情,符合句意。eager侧重于急于成功的迫切心情。keen强调因兴趣强烈或欲望而急于做某事。content意为“满足的,满意的”。

  15. 【解析】选A。考查动词用法。approve of sb. doing同意某人干……,符合句意及用法。

  Ⅳ. 1.【解析】选C。根据上文中 outside,crowded以及空格后的found a place for her to sit. . . 可知这个好心的牧师把她领进了教堂。





  6.【解析】选 A。根据第三段第二句中的that note,可推知在钱包里有57美分和一张纸条。

  7. 【解析】选D。根据空格前后出现的build, bigger和more children可知,建造更大的学校的目的是让更多的孩子来上学,所以用so that“目的是……”。now that“ 既然”;in case“以免”;even if“ 即使”。

  8.【解析】选B。根据第五段最后一句话中的love得出答案。9. 【解析】选B。根据文章的整个内容,可知小女孩为了扩建教堂学校,已经攒了57美分,牧师被小女孩的爱感动地流下了热泪,因此牧师是泪流满面地在读那张小纸条,故用tearfully。hopefully“ 满怀希望地”;quietly “静静地”;excitedly“激动地”。

  10. 【解析】选A。根据空格后的宾语this note,可推知牧师拿着纸条朝教坛走去。carry“携带,拿着”;hold“举着,举起”;seize“抓住,夺取”;catch“抓住”。

  11. 【解析】选D。根据文章提供的情景,牧师站在教坛上向众人讲述了这个故事,故用tell。state“陈述,说明”;announce “宣布”;speak“说”。

  12.【解析】选B。根据空格后的doesn’t end there以及下文发生的故事,可知此句与上句构成的是转折关系,故用but。

  13. 【解析】选A。根据空格前的a newspaper,可推出用publish发表。broadcast “广播”;interview“采访某人”; release“发行”。

  14. 【解析】选C。根据上文,这个故事在报纸上出现了,因此它应该是被人们读到,故用read。

  15.【解析】选A。根据空格前的many thousands以及couldn’t,可推知付不起那么多,故用much。

  16. 【解析】选B。上文中提到在女孩的钱包里有57美分,此处又说教堂无力承担此费用,可知这位富人只要了57美分。

  17.【解析】选D。根据空格前的large donations,可知捐款的支票就像雪片一样飞了过来,故用flied,同时它用在这里又非常生动形象。


  19.【解析】选C。现在小教堂已经变成了大教堂,能容纳3, 300人,表示“容纳”的是动词seat。

  20. 【解析】选B。根据下文的the sweet face,可知女孩的照片被挂在了其中的一间屋子里,故用picture。


  A young man called Low-carbon Brother became a hit on the Internet in 2011.He suggests living a low-carbon life, which means using less energy in our daily life so that we can help reduce carbon dioxide in the air.For example, he always picks up some waste paper in the street and uses the blank side to write something.While he is watching TV, he always turns down the brightness to the minimum and turns off the light.Besides, he goes to work by bike instead of driving.

  Some people think what he is doing is just a show.No one can live such a simple life with so many modern inventions around us.As far as I am concerned, I strongly support his idea and his behavior.Although what he is doing has no huge effect on global warming, he at least can enjoy a healthy life.


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