2016届安徽省高考英语一轮复习提能演练:Unit 5 单元综合(人教版必须3)-查字典英语网
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2016届安徽省高考英语一轮复习提能演练:Unit 5 单元综合(人教版必须3)

发布时间:2017-01-17  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  必修Unit 5

  Ⅰ. 单词拼写

  1. When you go on a trip, you’d better not carry too much

  (行李). 2. Fortunately,there was a hospital (在附近) so the man was sent there immediately.

  3. He came around last week and we (聊天)for a while.

  4.Don’t get too close;the building looks more beautiful from a (距离).

  5.According to the (传统) of this area,the bride’s family organizes the wedding ceremony.

  6.You’d better not take Lily to go horse riding;she has been (害怕) of horses since childhood.

  7. If you want to make a dress, first you’ll take your


  8. Air is a

  (混合物),not a compound of gases.

  9. The host’s enthusiasm makes a good

  (印象)on us.

  10. You must finish the task

  (在……之内)a week, or we will be to blame for it.

  Ⅱ. 单项填空

  1. He noticed that a river of liquid rock was coming towards him. It wouldhim completely,but he managed to escape just in time.

  A. measureB. float

  C. surround

  D. crash

  2. What a big snake! It _____ one and a half meters long.

  A. is measured

  B. is measuring

  C. measures

  D. will measure

  3. At 30 we need to _____ to our lives and shed from fantasies. But to the depressed I whisper that life begins at 40.

  A. set downB.put down

  C.devoteD.settle down

  4. Jim had a lot of homework to do, but heto finish it before bedtime.

  A. contributed

  B. managed

  C. succeeded

  D. arranged

  5. To enjoy the scenery,Bob would spend a long time on the traintravel by air.

  A.other thanB.apart from

  C.instead ofD.rather than

  6. —How much do you know about the 3D film technology?

  —A little. Not untilthe hot movie Avatar _________ some about it.

  A. did I see; did I begin to learn

  B. I saw; I began to learn

  C. I saw; did I begin to learn

  D. did I see; I began to learn

  7. The new teacher made a good ______ on the students by her rich knowledge and humorous talk.



  8. —When does your plane take off?

  —At 3: 00 p.m. tomorrow. I’ve just called the airport to it.



  9. At the railway station,the mother waved goodbye to her daughter until the train was.

  A.out of sightB.out of reach

  C.out of order D.out of place

  10.—Have you made any plan for the coming Spring Festival?

  —I don’t mind what to do

  there’s less homework from the teachers and more pocket money from my parents.

  A.as long asB.as far as

  C.now thatD.in order that

  11. The football player hadgift for football when he was a child. Now he is _______ second to none in the football field.



  12. The thunderthe little boy so much that he covered his ears.

  A. surprised

  B. terrified

  C. pleased

  D. disappointed

  13. AIDS is the biggest killer in the world, taking _____ lives each year than ________


  A. more; any

  B. most; any other

  C. many; other

  D. more; any other

  14. Teachers should keep students _______ a distance, but not _______ the distance.

  A. at; in

  B. in; in

  C. at; at

  D. in; at

  15. Don’t leave the matches or cigarettes on the table ______ reach of little children.

  A. beyond

  B. without

  C. besides

  D. within



  A black and white kitten with a broken back lay on animal doctor Betsy Kennon’s examination table. A regular customer had rushed him to her office after his pet dog brought the cat home in his mouth. The dog’s owner was horrified, believing that his pet had caused the cat’s injuries. But Kennon found no teeth marks or bite wounds, which showed that the dog had probably saved, not harmed, the kitten.

  In Kennon’s opinion, however, the cat was a hopeless case. Many doctors would have put down such a badly hurt animal. But she couldn’t be so cruel. The kitten’s bright eyes and sad face had won her over. There was no way of finding his owner, so Kennon, a single woman aged 56, decided to keep him.

  She gave him a round of shots and fed him food mixed with medicines. He couldn’t move his back legs but soon started pulling himself forward with his front legs. The doctor named him Scooter and contacted a company that makes carts for disabled animals. Scooter took to his new wheels like a natural. In no time he was able to move freely, if somewhat awkwardly, around Kennon’s office, home and even her backyard. The sight of the determined Scooter was uplifting and amusing in equal measure and Kennon had to smile each time the cat entered the room.

  Kennon was convinced that her kitten could share his high spirits with others. So she took Scooter to the local hospital to see if he could help the patients. His first patient was an elderly woman who’d had a stroke and hadn’t spoken to anyone for two days. Scooter jumped out of Kennon’s arms and onto the bed, rolled over to the patient, and lay gently near her cheek, purring softly. The woman looked at Scooter. “Kitty, ” she murmured as she began to talk to him. Amazed, Kennon turned to the doctor—and saw that she was in tears. The cat had engineered a small miracle.

  Today Scooter spends about ten hours a month working with patients who are recovering from strokes and injuries. Again and again, Kennon watches as her cat provides hope and comfort. As one patient who’d lost her leg in a car accident said, “If he can do it, so can I. ”

  1. From Paragraph 1, we know that _______ .

  A. the dog’s owner was a stranger to Kennon

  B. the cat had several bite marks on its body

  C. the dog was extremely cruel to the cat

  D. who actually injured the cat was unknown

  2. The underlined phrase “put down” in Paragraph 2 most probably means _____ .

  A. hurt

  B. killed

  C. refused

  D. replaced

  3. Why did Kennon decide to keep the cat?

  A. She wanted a companion.

  B. The cat’s owner abandoned him.

  C. She liked the cat.

  D. The cat was hopeless.

  4. According to the passage, what is the main reason that the cat works miracle?

  A. He is able to inspire others.

  B. Patients feel sympathy for him.

  C. People are amused by his appearance.

  D. He has the ability to cure the ill.


  Finding your first job after leaving school,college or university is probably the hardest job hunting exercise you’ll ever face. However, there are some simple methods that can give you advantages over other first time job seekers.

  First time job seekers have the hardest time in finding their first job. In the case of graduates, many universities will have dedicated placement personnel who will assist students in finding their first job. Specialist tutors are also likely to have a network of individuals in the commercial world who might occasionally take on recent graduates, so never underestimate the help that you can get from this area. It’s always worth asking your fellow students where they spent any job placement years and you can see if it’s worth approaching any of those companies. People generally like to help others, so don’t be afraid to ask for any assistance that you can get freely like this.

  Similarly, if school and college leavers have an interest in a particular subject, they should talk to their teacher or lecturer in that subject and discuss career options. It could be that they could point you in the right direction by at least identifying companies that could use your particular skills.

  The problem that many younger people have is that they simply don’ t know what they want to do once they have finished their education. Therefore, it’s important for anyone leaving education to understand their own strengths and to determine what their particular skills are. The student job seekers should put a CV (履历) together based on what they’d like the employer to consider. Highlight your education, but instead of focusing on the actual qualifications and talk about the amount of learning that was involved. If you have completed any kind of work during your student work, be certain to mention it and what you gained from it.

  Although a CV isn’t the only factor in helping you find your first job, it’s still a potential door-opener, so you should make it a document that is a compelling sales tool for you.

  5. From the passage we learn that ________ .

  A. graduates often underestimate the help from specialist tutors

  B. it is definite that first time job seekers will fail several times

  C. a first time job seeker needn’t emphasize his education while looking for jobs

  D. it is important for first time job seekers to learn some simple methods

  6. While looking for their first job, graduates are advised to refer to _________ .

  A. specialist tutors and their parents

  B. managers of different companies

  C. specialist tutors and their fellow students

  D. placement personnel and employers

  7. Why is it important for school and college leavers to determine their particular skills?

  A. Because it can help them find a job suitable for them.

  B. Because their teachers will ask them to talk about the skills.

  C. Because their lecturers will give them a lecture about the skills.

  D. Because most of them don’t know about their particular skills.

  8. What’s the best title of the passage?

  A. Overcome difficulties in finding jobsB. Find your first job

  C. Meet your first employer

  D. Make a successful job interview


  Ⅰ. 1. baggage

  2. nearby

  3. chatted

  4.distance5.tradition6. terrified

  7. measure8. mixture

  9. impression

  10. within

  Ⅱ. 1.【解析】选C。句意:他看到有一股岩浆朝他袭来,要把他团团围住,但他还是及时躲开了。surround“包围;围绕”,符合题意。measure“测量;估量”;float “浮动;(使)漂浮”;crash“碰撞;坠落”。


  ①When I got home,I found my son was playing on the carpet,by all kinds of toys.


  C.surrounds D.having surrounded

  【解析】选B。由句子结构可知此处应使用非谓语动词,可排除C项。再由my son与surround之间是被动关系可排除A、D两项。此处是过去分词作状语,故选B。

  ②—Where did you live as a child?—A village ________ by hills on three sides.

  A. was surrounded

  B. surrounding

  C. surrounded

  D. to be surrounded

  【解析】选C。由句意可知,答语是I lived in a village surrounded by hills on three sides. 的省略。



  discussed yesterday.

  This is the problem being discussed now.

  to be discussed tomorrow.




  (Having been)Used for a long time, the watch needs to be mended. 用了很长时间,这块表需要修理。

  Used in this way, the word shouldn’t be taken as a verb.


  2. 【解析】选C。考查measure 的用法。句意:多么大的一条蛇啊!它量起来有1. 5米长。measure 表示“量起来”,是不及物动词,无被动语态,一般不用于进行时,故选C。


  —Many people are worried that so many college graduates each year can’t find a job.

  —There is no need to worry about it as the government is now making every ______ to provide more jobs.

  A. effort

  B. effect

  C. measure

  D. action

  【解析】选A。答句句意:没必要担忧,因为政府现在正努力提供更多的工作。make every effort to do sth. 努力干某事。3.【解析】选D。句意:在30岁时,我们需要丢掉幻想安顿下来开始生活。但是对那些灰心丧气的人我小声说生活在40岁时才开始。 settle down to our lives指安顿下来开始生活。

  4.【解析】选B。考查manage的用法。句意:吉姆有很多家庭作业要做,但他还是设法在睡觉前完成了。manage to do sth. 设法成功地完成了某事;contribute to意为捐助,捐赠;succeed in doing sth. 成功地做成了某事,由句意知该选B。

  5. 【解析】选D。考查短语辨析。句意:Bob 为了欣赏风景宁可花时间坐火车也不乘飞机。rather than 而不是;other than 不同于,除了;apart from 除……以外;instead of 替代。根据句意选D。


  It was the way he spoke

  what he said that made his dad angry.

  A. other than

  B. or rather

  C. rather than

  D. more than

  【解析】选C。句意:他说话的方式而不是他说的内容使他的爸爸生气。rather than 而不是;other than 除了;or rather更确切地说;more than多于。

  6. 【解析】选C。not until置于句首时,主句要用部分倒装,从句不倒装。

  7. 【解析】选C。考查名词词义辨析。make a good impression on sb. 意为“给某人留下好印象”。句意:那位新老师以丰富的知识和幽默的语言给同学们留下了很好的印象。

  8. 【解析】选A。答句句意:飞机明天下午3点起飞,我刚给机场打电话证实过。argue争论;organize组织;intend打算。

  9.【解析】选A。句意:在火车站,母亲向女儿挥手告别直到火车消失在视野中。out of sight“看不见,在视野之外”,符合句意。out of reach手够不着;out of order出故障;out of place不合适。

  10. 【解析】选A。答句句意:只要老师布置的作业少点,父母给的压岁钱多点,我不介意春节做什么。as long as 只要;as far as 远到……;now that既然;in order that为了。


  My parents don’t mind what job I doI am happy.

  A.even thoughB.as soon asC.as long asD.as though

  【解析】选C。考查状语从句。句意:我的父母不在乎我从事什么样的工作,只要我高兴就好。as long as 引导条件状语从句,意为“只要”。as soon as“ 一……就……”;even though“虽然,尽管”;as though “好像”。

  11. 【解析】选D。考查冠词的用法。have a gift for对……有天赋;second to none为固定短语,意为“不比任何人差,首屈一指”。

  12. 【解析】选B。考查动词词义辨析。句意:雷声让小男孩非常害怕,他捂住了自己的耳朵。terrify“使害怕,惊吓”,符合句意。surprise使吃惊;please 使高兴;disappoint使失望。

  13. 【解析】选D。考查比较级句式。句意:艾滋病是世界上最大的杀手,每年所夺去的生命比其他任何疾病都多。此句表达的是在同一范围内比较,所以第一空用more,第二空要用排除关系的词any other。

  14.【解析】选A。考查由distance构成的短语。句意: 老师应该跟学生保持一定的距离, 但又不要距离太远。keep (sb. ) at a distance与(某人)保持一定距离,in the distance在远处,此处表示距离远,故应选at和in。

  15. 【解析】选D。句意:不要将火柴或烟放在小孩能够到的桌子上。within(the) reach of . . . 在……够得着的地方。

  Ⅲ.1. 【解析】选D。细节理解题。根据第一段内容可知,这只猫是由一只狗叼回来的,但猫的脊背上没有牙齿的痕迹或被咬的伤口,因此排除了狗伤害猫的可能性。第一段中没有给出猫受伤的真正原因,因此D正确。

  2. 【解析】选B。词义猜测题。根据第二段第一句可知,猫的伤很严重,没有治愈的希望,许多医生遇到这样的情况,通常会让动物死去,结合“But she couldn’t be so cruel. ”可知选B。put down指药死(衰老或有病的动物)。

  3. 【解析】选C。推理判断题。第二段提到了Kennon收养这只猫的原因:这只猫的明亮的眼睛和悲伤的脸征服了Kennon,她不忍心让这只猫死去;由此可推知选C。

  4. 【解析】选A。推理判断题。根据最后两段内容可知,这只猫陪伴在病人身边,给病人安慰和希望,从精神上给病人力量,因此选A。

  5. 【解析】选D。推理判断题。根据第一段“. . . there are some simple methods that can give you advantages. . . ”可知,答案为D。6. 【解析】选C。细节理解题。根据第二段“Specialist tutors are also likely to have a network of individuals. . . ”和“It’s always worth asking your fellow students. . . ”可知,答案为C。

  7. 【解析】选A。推理判断题。根据第三段“. . . they could point you in the right direction. . . ”和第四段“The problem. . . that they simply don’t know what they want to do. . . ”可知,答案为A。

  8. 【解析】选B。主旨大意题。本文作者给正在找第一份工作的年轻人提供了一些有益的建议,故答案为B。


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