江苏省高邮市界首中学高三英语一轮复习学案:《Unit 3 Protecting ourselves1》-查字典英语网
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江苏省高邮市界首中学高三英语一轮复习学案:《Unit 3 Protecting ourselves1》

发布时间:2017-01-17  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Period 1 Welcome to the Unit

  Learning aims(学习目标):1. To distinguish what things are good or bad for health.

  2. To discuss the four posters and learn from them.

  Important and difficult points(重点难点):How to participate in the discussion and express opinions.

  2. Enable Ss to discuss how to protect ourselves.

  Teaching methods:

  Cooperative learning, task-based learning

  Teaching aids:

  A multi-media computer, a blackboard, a tape-recorder

  Teaching procedures:


  1. Many people die or get ill every day for various reasons. Can you name some?


  2. Do you know some special days which have been chosen to remind people of the dangers of some bad things?

  Date Name

  21 March

  31 May

  5 June

  17 June

  26 June

  1 December


  Group work. Look at the following four posters. Let’s study them one by one and try to discuss some questions in groups of four.

  What is the poster about?




  What is the purpose of the picture being shown to people?



  What should we do or not do to stay safe from the dangers shown in the posters?






  Since we have known a lot about what things are good or bad for our health, now let’s have a further discussion about it.

  1. Why do you think people do things that are wrong and dangerous to their health and lives?



  2. What do you know about Aids?



  3. Can you think of some other bad habits that harm people’s health and lives?




  1. Write a short passage about Aids.

  2. Collect more information about Aids and prepare the Reading part.


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